Table cell larger than page Report-lab - report

I am using reportlab 3.6.11 with python 3.9. I've defined a table. The problem I am having is sometimes the vertical size of a single cell exceeds the vertical space of the page. I such case the reportlab crashes with this error
"Flowable <Table#0x140F309E880 4 rows x 11 cols(tallest row 1302)>
with cell(0,0) containing 'root/G2S'(546.416 x 2496), tallest cell
1302.0 points, too large on page 7 in frame 'normal'(439.27559055118115 x 685.8897637795277*) of template 'Later'"
Is there a way reportlab splits the cell that is larger than the page
Would appreciate any pointers.


Can I connect and collapse multiple cells together in a ipython notebook?

So, I have a ipython notebook consisting of several 100 cells.
A couple of consecutive cells logically belong to one particular functionality or milestone of the notebook.
These logical divisions are separated by a cell containing a heading (in markdown).
I can collapse individual cells.
Is it possible to collapse multiple cells together , such that only the header cell is visible and when I uncollapse it, I see all the cells under that header?
For visualization
Cell 1 : Heading 1
Cell 2 : functionality x
Cell 3 : functionality y
Cell 4 : Heading 2
Cell 5 : functionality A
Cell 6 : functionality B
I want to connect cell 2, cell 3 to cell 1 and cell 5, cell 6 to cell 4.
So that when I collapse it. It looks like this :
Cell 1 : Heading 1
Cell 4 : Heading 2
Currently, I am achieving this by collapsing each and every individual cell under a heading which is soon becoming tiresome.
I am looking for any plug in , script , anything that can help me achieve this.
Yes, JupyterLab 3.1 supports collapsing multiple cells at once. There is a small arrow that shows up when hovering over markdown cells with headings:
Alternatively, you could turn on syncCollapseState (Advanced Settings Editor -> Table of Contents) and use the Table of Contents to collapse multiple cells at once, as demonstrated in the documentation, here.
Though I need to warn you that this functionality is brand new and there are some rough edges (for example, moving cells may behave strange for now), though improvements are being worked on!

Vaadin Grid Column Re-Order (Vaadin 14 / Flow)

I'm using Vaadin grid and have two grids which are more or less configured the same. One has a header row configured. I retrieve it by prependHeaderRow() method.
On both of the grids I enable column reordering by setting setColumnReorderingAllowed(true).
On both I'm then able to drag columns. BUT the one without header row lets me reorder the columns (see fig 1) and the other one prevents me from reordering by indicating all columns in grey-ish while dragging the column (fig 2).
Figure 1
Figure 2
Has somebody any idea why Vaadin grid is preventing my from re-ordering while header row is prepended? And if yes how I can get around it?
Kind regards

Repeat Frame Query Returns Null and the objects inside the frame are not displayed

I have a repeated frame which has 10 fields inside it.Whenever the query fetches 0 rows, the repeated frame does not display any field.
I want the frame to display atleast the fields without any values
How to do it in Oracle reports.Any leads would be of much help
Thanks in Advance
If I understood you correctly, you want to display labels, even though there aren't any values to be displayed.
If that's so, move labels out of the repeating frame, but within its parent group frame. For example: if repeating frame's name is R_1, then labels should be part of M_1 which is parent of R_1.
-M_1 frame ----------------------------------------
ID Name Address ... --> labels
-R_1 frame ---------------------------------------
ID_field Name_field Address_field ... --> fields within the repeating frame
In order to do that:
set flex off, otherwise you'll "resize" all objects as you'll be moving labels around
resize repeating frame so that there's enough space above it, but still within the parent group frame
set confine off, so that you could move labels out (up, actually) of the repeating frame
Once you're done, you'll probably want to set both flex and confine back ON.

adjusting row height in phpexcel

I've just been trying unsuccessfully to get phpexcel (PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007) to automatically adjust row height based on content, when that content contains newline characters. At the moment, only the final line is visible. I've tried setting the row height to -1 for the row in question and the whole column i.e.
but it makes no difference. Help appreciated. Cheers

What is the Maximum Limit of Display Column in Obout Grid Control?

My Problem related to Obout Grid is that I have to display more than 250 Column in grid.
& i am getting error
If i display around 100 columns its running well & display all records. Can any one tell what is limit of records that we can display in Grid
Hello I got Solution,
This is a limitation of the standard Unit class:
"The Unit class can represent values only between -32768 and 32767."
So you need to make sure that the sum of all the columns' widths is smaller than 32767.
The default width of a Column is 175px, so if you auto generate the columns you will be able to use up to 187 columns.
If the columns are auto generated, you can reduce the width of the columns using the ColumnsCreated event:
If the columns are manually defined using the Columns collection simply set a smaller width for some of them.
reference from blog:
