How to prevent high memory consumption caused by a aql-query returning a large result set? - artifactory

In our artifactory-pro 7.38 instance I discovered very high memory usage that I haven't seen before in artifactory 6. Now I have a memory dump showing me a stack trace that reveals the cause of the memory consume. When using a certain aql-query to filter all artifacts by a date, the jdbc-resultset seems to become very large (+20 mio items). While there a probably options to limit the result, I wonder how can I protect the instance against such situation. Is there a way it generally limit the size of the resultset in terms of number of results? I read that there is at least support to pass a limit along with the aql-query but is there something that can be done on the server side, such as enforcing pagination?

In Artifactory version 7.41.x there has been an improvement to allow the system to kill long-running AQL queries exactly for this scenario, to avoid performance issues.
By default, the system will kill any queries that last more than 15 min. In case you want to change the default time for this you can add the following property to the file:
artifactory.aql.query.timeout.seconds - The query timeout for AQL, by default is 15mins (900 secs)
In addition, as you mentioned, it could be that the query can be improved. I recommend you to read this wiki page regarding Limits and Pagination.
I hope this clarifies and helps.


Neptune and Gremlin - wild CPU utilization

I'm seeing extremely high CPU utilization when making [what seems like] a fairly common ask to a graph database. In fact, the utilization is so large that Amazon Neptune seems to "tap out" when I execute multiple of the queries in rapid succession / simultaneously.
I've experimented with even the largest (db.r5d.24xlarge) instance, which costs $14k/ month (😅), and I still see the general behavior -- memory is fine, CPU utilization goes wild.
Further, the query isn't exactly quick (~5 seconds), so I'm kind of getting the worst of both worlds...
Can someone help me understand what I can do to address this / review my query? My hope was, just as a relational database can handle thousands of concurrent requests, Amazon Neptune could do similar.
I suspect I might be using .limit() in the wrong spot. That said, the results produced are correct. If the limit() is moved up before the .and(), I'm concerned I'd end up with suboptimal results, since -- due to the until() clauses -- it could just be paths that stopped w/o making it to the toPortId.
Update: I’m wondering if it might make sense to add a timeLimit() clause to the repeat() clause … anecdotally, after some testing, it seems like I’m paying a significant time penalty to rigorously verify that there are, in fact, no routes to certain places.
I'm new to Gremlin / Neptune / graph databases in general, so it's possible/likely that I'm either doing something wrong (or have something incorrectly configured) -or- I overestimated the ability of these tools to handle queries.
My use-case requires that I "qualify" (or disqualify) a large number of candidate destinations -- that is:
Starting at ORIGIN (fromPortId) are there / what are the paths to CANDIDATE (toPortId) for which the duration properties sums to less than LIMIT (travelTimeBudget)?
Offending Query
const result = await g.withSack(INITIAL_CHECKIN_PENALTY)
__.has('code', toPortId),
__.has('code', toPortId),
.order().by(__.sack(), order.asc)
.then(data => {
return data
.catch(error => {
console.log('ERROR', error);
return false
Database: Amazon Neptune (db.r5.large)
Querying from / runtime: AWS Lambda running Node.js
5,300 vertices (Port)
42,000 edges (HAS_VOYAGE_TO)
Data Model
Note: For this issue, I'm only executing the "upper plane" / top half.
To address the CPU discussion, perhaps a small explanation of the Neptune instance architecture will be beneficial. Each Neptune instance has a worker thread pool. The number of workers in the pool is twice the number of vCPU the instance has. That controls how many queries (maximum) can be running concurrently on a given instance. Each instance also has a query queue that will hold queries sent to the instance until a worker becomes available. For a somewhat complex query, against a small instance type (like the db.r5.large), seeing 20 to 30% CPU utilization is not unexpected. A significant portion of the instance memory is used to cache graph data locally in a most recently used fashion. The remaining memory is allocated to the worker threads for query execution. So larger instances have (a) more workers (b) more memory for caching graph data locally and (c) more memory for use during query execution.
Without having the data it's hard to attempt to modify your query and test it, but it may well be possible to optimize various parts of it to improve its overall efficiency.
As there are a lot of topics that we could discuss here, and I am more than happy to do that, it might be easiest, if you are able, to open an AWS support case and ask that the support engineer create a ticket and have it assigned to me. I will be happy to then get on the phone with you and we can spend some time discussing your use case if that would help.
If you are not able to open a support case, we can connect other ways. I'm easy to find on LinkedIn if you prefer to reach out that way.
I very much want to help you with this and your other questions, but I feel the most expeditious way might be for us to get on the phone.
I'm also happy to keep discussing here of course.

Gremlin console keeps returning "Connection to server is no longer active" error

I tried to run a Gremlin query adding a property to vertex through Gremlin console.
g.V().hasLabel("user").has("status", "valid").property(single, "type", "valid")
I constantly get this error:
org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.jsr223.console.RemoteException: Connection to server is no longer active
This error happens after query is running for one or two minutes.
I tried some simple queries like g.V().limit(10) and it works fine.
Since the affected vertex count is more than 4 million, not sure if it is failing due to timeout issue.
I also tried to split it into small batches:
g.V().hasLabel("user").has("status", "valid").hasNot("type").limit(200000).property(single, "type", "valid")
It succeeded for first few batches and started failing again.
Is there any recommendations for updating millions of vertices?
The precise approach you take may vary depending on the backend graph database and storage you are using as well as the capacity of the hardware being used.
The capacity of the hardware where Gremlin Server is running in terms of number of CPUs and most importantly, memory, will also be a factor as will the setting of the query timeout value.
To do this in Gremlin, if you had a way to identify distinct ranges of vertices easily you could split this up into multiple threads each doing batches of updates. If the example you show is representative of your actual need then that is likely not possible in this case.
Likewise some graph databases provide a bulk load capability that is often a good way to do large batch updates but probably not an option here as you need to do essentially a conditional update based on looking at the current presence (or not) of a property.
Without more information about your data model and hardware etc. the best answer is probably to do two things:
Use smaller limits. Maybe try 5K or even just 1K at first and work up from there until you find a reliable sweet spot.
Increase the query timeout settings.
You may need to experiment to find the sweet spot for your environment as the capacity of the hardware will definitely play a role in situations like this as well as how you write your query.

MariaDB performance according to CPU Cache

I want to build a MariaDB server.
I am researching DB performance according to CPU specification before server purchase.
Are there any benefits to gaining as CPU Cache changes from 8MB to 12MB?
Is it a good option to purchase a large CPU Cache?
Don't pay extra for more cores. MariaDB essentially uses part of only one core for each active connection.
Don't pay extra for faster CPU or anything else to do with the CPU. If you do become CPU-bound, then come back here for help with optimizing your query; it is usually as simple as adding a composite index or reformulating a query.
Throwing hardware at something is a one-time partial fix and of low benefit -- a few percent: like 2% or, rarely, 20%.
Reformulation or indexing can (depending on the situation) give you 2x or 20x or even 200x.
More RAM up to a point is beneficial. Make a crude estimate of dataset size. Let us know that value, plus some clue of what type of app.
SSD instead of HDD is rather standard, but that may give noticeable benefit.

Can you sacrifice performance to get concurrency in Sqlite on a NFS?

I need to write a client/server app stored on a network file system. I am quite aware that this is a no-no, but was wondering if I could sacrifice performance (Hermes: "And this time I mean really slash.") to prevent data corruption.
I'm thinking something along the lines of:
Create a separate file in the system everytime a write is called (I'm willing do it for every connection if necessary)
Store the file name as the current millisecond timestamp
Check to see if the file with that time or earlier exists
If the same one exists wait a random time between 0 to 10 ms, and try again.
While file is the earliest timestamp, do work, delete file lock, otherwise wait 10ms and try again.
If a file persists for more than a minute, log as an error, stop until it is determined that the data is not corrupted by a person.
The problem I see is trying to maintain the previous state if something locks up. Or choosing to ignore it, if the state change was actually successful.
Is there a better way of doing this, that doesn't involve not doing it this way? Or has anyone written one of these with a lot less problems than the Sqlite FAQ warns about? Will these mitigations even factor in to preventing data corruption?
A couple of notes:
This must exist on an NSF, the why is not important because it is not my decision to make (it doesn't look like I was clear enough on that point).
The number of readers/writers on the system will be between 5 and 10 all reading and writing at the same time, but rarely on the same record.
There will only be clients and a shared memory space, there is no way to put a server on there, or use a server based RDMS, if there was, obviously I would do it in a New York minute.
The amount of data will initially start off at about 70 MB (plain text, uncompressed), it will grown continuous from there at a reasonable, but not tremendous rate.
I will accept an answer of "No, you can't gain reasonably guaranteed concurrency on an NFS by sacrificing performance" if it contains a detailed and reasonable explanation of why.
Yes, there is a better way. Don't use NFS to do this.
If you are willing to create a new file every time something changes, I expect that you have a small amount of data and/or very infrequent changes. If the data is small, why use SQLite at all? Why not just have files with node names and timestamps?
I think it would help if you described the real problem you are trying to solve a bit more. For example if you have many readers and one writer, there are other approaches.
What do you mean by "concurrency"? Do you actually mean "multiple readers/multiple writers", or can you get by with "multiple readers/one writer with limited latency"? sql server 2005 timeout issue

We am getting time outs in our application. We are using sql server 2005 as the DB.
The queries run very fast in the query analyser . However when we check the time through the profiler it shows a time that is many times more than what we get in query analyser.
(paramter sinffing is not the cause)
Any help is much appreciated
We are on a SAN
Cleared the counters. The new counters are
ASYNC_NETWORK_IO 540 9812 375 78
WRITELOG 70 1828 328 0
The timeout happens only on a particular SP which a particular set of params. if we change the params and access the app it works fine. We ran the profiler and found that the SP batchcompleted statement comes up in the profiler after the timeout happens on side. If we restart the server everything works fine
if we remove the plan from the cache the app works fine. However we have taken into consideration parameter sniffing in the sp. what else could be the reason
If I was to take a guess, I would assume that the background database load from the webserver is elevating locks and causing the whole thing to slow down. Then you take a large-ish query and run it and that causes lock (and resource) contension.
I see this ALL THE TIME with companies complaining of performance problems with their client-server applications when going from one SQL server to a cluster. In the web-world, we get those issues much earlier.
The solution (most times) to lock issues with one of the following:
* Refactor your queries to work better (storing SCOPE_IDENTITY instead of calling it 5 times for example)
* Use the NO LOCK statement everywhere it makes sense.
Also, try viewing the server with the new 2008 SQL Management Studio 'Activity Monitor'. You can find it by right-clicking on your server and selecting 'Activity Monitor'.
Go to the Processes section and look at how many processes are 'waiting'. Your wait time should be near-0. If you see alot of stuff under 'Wait Type', post a screen shot and I can give you an idea of what the next step is.
Go to the Resource Waits section and see what the numbers look like there. Your waiters should always be near-0.
And 'Recent Expensive Queries' is awesome to look at to find out what you can do to improve your general performance.
Edit #2:
How much slower is it? Your SAN seems to be taking up about 10 seconds worth, but if you are talking 20 seconds vs. 360 seconds, then that would not be relevent, and there is no waits for locks, so I guess I am drawing a blank. If the differene is between 1 second and 10 seconds then it seems to be network related.
Run the following script to create this stored proc:
CREATE PROC [dbo].[dba_SearchCachedPlans]
#StringToSearchFor VARCHAR(255)
Purpose: Inspects cached plans for a given string.
Parameters: #StringToSearchFor - string to search for e.g. '%<MissingIndexes>%'.
Revision History:
03/06/2008 Initial version
Example Usage:
1. exec dba_SearchCachedPlans '%<MissingIndexes>%'
2. exec dba_SearchCachedPlans '%<ColumnsWithNoStatistics>%'
3. exec dba_SearchCachedPlans '%<TableScan%'
4. exec dba_SearchCachedPlans '%CREATE PROC%MessageWrite%'
-- Do not lock anything, and do not get held up by any locks.
DB_NAME(st.dbid) AS [DatabaseName],
cp.usecounts AS [Plan usage],
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) qp
WHERE CAST(qp.query_plan AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) LIKE #StringToSearchFor
ORDER BY cp.usecounts DESC
Then execute:
exec dba_SearchCachedPlans '%<MissingIndexes>%'
And see if you are missing any recommended indexes.
When SQL server creates a plan it saves it, along with any recommended indexes. Just click on the query_plan column text to show you the graph. On the top there will be recommended indexes you should implement.
I don't have the answer for you, because I'm not a guru. But I do remember reading on some SQL blogs recently that SQL 2008 has some extra things you can add to the query/stored procedure so it calculates things differently. I think one thing you could try searching for is called 'hints'. Also, how SQL uses the current 'statistics' makes a difference too. Look that up. And how the execution plan is only generated for the first run--if that plan doesn't work with different parameter values because there would be a vast difference in what would be searched/returned, it can present this behavior I think.
Sorry I can't be more helpful. I'm just getting my feet wet with SQL Server performance at this level. I bet if you asked someone like Brent Ozar he could point you in the right direction.
I've had this exact same issue a couple of times before. It seemed to happen to me when a particular user was on the site when it was deployed. When that user would run certain stored procedures with their ID it would timeout. When others would run it, or I would run it from the DB, it would run in no time. We had our DBA's watch everything they could and they never had an answer. In the end, everything was fixed whenever I re-deployed the site and the user was not already logged in.
I've had similar issues and with my case it had to do with the SP recompiling. Specifically it was my use of temp tables vs table variables.
