How can I change my environment names in AWS Amplify? - aws-amplify

See screenshot. I can't find an option to rename these (e.g. to Prod and Test). Fyi, I do manual zip file uploads so only have access to the Amplify Console (no CLI).


Can I regenerate the amplify file team-provider-info.json?

I have an amplify react app with resources pushed to cloud. Unfortunately, when I went to commit I removed the team-provider-info.json without backing it up. I have every other file that originated with amplify in my local project. Can I regenerate team-provider-info.json without starting over? There is no information about that process here:
There is 2 ways you can generate (that I am aware of).
Firstly you need to view the stack within the cloudformation dashboard of AWS console.
Click the root stack of the environment you need to fix, then click the outputs tab.
This will list you a whole bunch of values to fill the cloudformation vales within the team provider json file.
You can either:
1. Regen the file by running this script in your terminal Or
2. Copy and paste the values into an existing team-provider-info.json file, however for the environment that needs fixing.
Sample outputs tab in cloudformation dashboard
You can simple copy amplify project without team-provider-info.json in an other local directory and execute amplify push in this directory. After login with the same aws account you can choose what Application to clone from the clouds. This will rename your amplify folder to amplify-tmp and generate fresh amplify folder with team-provider-info.json for the choosen Application. You can copy team-provider-info.json in the original project dir or work with new one.

Accessing files from Google cloud storage in RStudio

I have been trying to create connection between the Google cloud storage and RStudio server(The one I spinned up in Google cloud), so that I can access the files in R to run sum analysis on.
I have found three different ways to do it on the web, but I don't see many clarity around these ways so far.
Access the file by using the public URL specific to the file [This is not an option for me]
Mount the Google cloud storage as a disc in RStudio server and access it like any other files in the server [ I saw someone post about this method but could not find on any guides or materials that shows how it's done]
Using the googleCloudStorageR package to get full access to the Cloud Storage bucket.
The step 3 looks like the pretty standard way to do it. But I get following error when I try to hit the gcs_auth() command
Error in gar_auto_auth(required_scopes, new_user = new_user, no_auto =
no_auto, : Cannot authenticate -
options(googleAuthR.scopes.selected) needs to be set to
include or or
The guide on how to connect using this is found on
but it says it requires a service-auth.json file to set the environment variables and all other keys and secret keys, but do not really specify on what these really are.
If someone could help me know how this is actually setup, or point me to a nice guide on setting the environment up, I would be very much grateful.
Thank you.
Before using any services by google cloud you have to attach your card.
So, I am assuming that you have created the account, after creating the account go to Console ,if you have not created Project then Create Project, then click on sidebar find APIs & Services > Credentials.
1)Create Service Account Keys save this File in json you can only download it once.
2)OAuth 2.0 client ID give the name of the app and select type as web application and download the json file.
Now For Storage go to Sidebar Find Storage and click on it.
Create Bucket and give the name of Bucket.
I have added the single image in bucket, you can also add for the code purpose.
lets look how to download this image from storage for other things you can follow the link that you have given.
First create environment file as .Renviron so it automatically catches the json file and save it in a working directory.
In .Renviron file add those two downloaded json files like this
#R part
gcs_auth() # for authentication
#set the scope
gar_set_client(scopes = c("",
gcs_get_bucket("you_bucket_name") #name of the bucket that you have created
gcs_global_bucket("you_bucket_name") #set it as global bucket
gcs_get_global_bucket() #check if your bucket is set as global,you should get your bucket name
objects <- gcs_list_objects() # data from the bucket as list
gcs_get_object(objects$name[[1]], saveToDisk = "abc.jpeg") #save the data
**Note :**if you dont get json file loaded restart the session using .rs.restartR()
and check the using
#it should show the files
You probably want the FUSE adaptor - this will allow you to mount your GCS bucket as a directory on your Server.
Install gcsfuse on the R server.
create a mnt directory.
run gcsfuse your-bucket /path/to/mnt
Be aware though that RW performance isnt great vis FUSE
Full documentation

Cron jobs with firebase - Google Cloud IO error

I just recently set up Firebase functions. After making a simple helloWorld function work, I wanted to set up a cron job following this Google blog tutorial.
I always get an error at this step:
gcloud app deploy app.yaml \ cron.yaml
I get following error message:
C:\Users\vreee\Firebase\functions-cron\appengine>gcloud app deploy app.yaml \
WARNING: Automatic app detection is deprecated and will soon be removed. As
an alternative, create an app.yaml file yourself using the directions at (App Engine Flexible Environment) or (App
Engine Standard Environment) under the tab for your language.
Deployment to Google App Engine requires an app.yaml file. This
command will run `gcloud beta app gen-config` to generate an app.yaml
file for you in the current directory (if the current directory does
not contain an App Engine service, please answer "no").
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? y
This looks like a Python app. If so, please enter the command to run
the app in production (enter nothing if it's not a python app): :
Writing [app.yaml] to [C:\].
ERROR: gcloud crashed (IOError): [Errno 13] Permission denied:
If you would like to report this issue, please run the following command:
gcloud feedback
To check gcloud for common problems, please run the following command:
gcloud info --run-diagnostics
Anyone know how to solve this? I searched and set myself with my email address (not a service account) as the owner, so the permission should be there. I just notice that it tried to create an app.yaml file directly under C:\\ instead of the functions-cron folder containing an app.yaml and the cron.yaml file.
Would really appreciate the help!! For additional information, I am using windows..
It seems indeed that the Cloud SDK is trying to create an app.yaml file, which means there was no app.yaml file in your folder C:\Users\vreee\Firebase\functions-cron\appengine. As per the tutorial you linked, both app.yaml and cron.yaml files should be in that directory when you run the deploy command.
So your options are:
If you have already deployed an app and your app.yaml file hasn't changed (i.e it already declares the endpoint for your cron job), you can run the following command from your \functions-cron\appengine folder to upload the cron.yaml file only: gcloud app deploy cron.yaml.
Otherwise, you need to have both files within the same folder and run the command gcloud app deploy app.yaml cron.yaml.
In order for any Google App Engine deployment to work, a configuration file named "App.yaml" is necessary. There is an article in the official documentation about the possible parameters and configurations.
This issue doesn't looks like related to permissions to write in the cloud, but rather permissions to write in your local machine C:. My advice would be that you create the file before the deployment so gcloud doesn't need to be granted admin permissions to write in your local machine.

Separate dev and prod Firebase environment

I am considering using Firebase as MBaaS, however I couldn't find any reliable solution to the following problem:
I would like to set up two separate Firebase environments, one for development and one for production, but I don't want to do a manual copy of features (eg. remote configuration setup, notification rules, etc.) between the development and production environment.
Is there any tool or method I can rely on? Setting up remote configuration or notification rules from scratch can be a daunting task and too risky.
Any suggestions? Is there a better approach than having two separate environments?
Before you post another answer to the question which explains how to set up separate Firebase accounts: it is not the question, read it again. The question is: how to TRANSFER changes between separate dev and prod accounts or any better solution than manually copy between them.
If you are using firebase-tools there is a command firebase use which lets you set up which project you are using for firebase deploy
firebase use --add will bring up a list of your projects, select one and it will ask you for an alias. From there you can firebase use alias and firebase deploy will push to that project.
In my personal use, I have my-app and my-app-dev as projects in the Firebase console.
As everyone has pointed out - you need more than one project/database.
But to answer your question regarding the need to be able to copy settings/data etc from development to production. I had the exact same need. A few months in development and testing, I didn't want to manually copy the data.
My result was to backup the data to a storage bucket, and then restore it from there into the other database. It's a pretty crude way to do it - and I did a whole database backup/restore - but you might be able to look in that direction for a more controlled way. I haven't used it - it's very new - but this might be a solution: NPM Module firestore-export-import
Edit: Firestore backup/export/import info here Cloud Firestore Exporting and Importing Data
If you're using Firebase RTDB, and not Firestore - this documentation might help:
Firebase Automated Backups
You will need to set the permissions correctly to allow your production database access to the same storage bucket as your development.
Good luck.
I'm not currently using Firebase, but considering it like yourself. Looks like the way to go is to create a completely separate project on the console. There was a blogpost up recommending this on the old Firebase site, looks to be removed now though.
Also this discussion recommending same:!msg/firebase-talk/L7ajIJoHPcA/7dsNUTDlyRYJ
The way I did it:
I had 2 projects on firebase- one for DEV other for PROD
Locally my app also had 2 branches - one named DEV, the other named PROD
In my DEV branch I always have JSON file of DEV firebase project & likewise for PROD
This way I am not required to maintain my JSONs.
You will need to manage different build types
Follow this
First, create a new project at Firebase console, name id as YOURAPPNAME-DEV
Click "Add android app" button and create a new app. Name it com.yourapp.debug, for example. New google-services.json file will
be downloaded automatically
Under your project src directory create new directory with name "debug" and copy new google-services.json file here
In your module level build.gradle add this
debug {
applicationIdSuffix ".debug"
Now when you build a debug build google-services.json from "debug" folder will be used and when you will build in release mode google-services.json from module root directory will be considered.
I'm updating this answer based on information I just found.
Step 1
In, create your multiple environments (i.e.; dev, staging, prod)
Step 2
a. Move to the directly you want to be your default (i.e.; dev)
b. Run firebase deploy
c. Once deployed, run firebase use --add
d. An option will come up to select from the different projects you currently have.
Scroll to the project you want to add: mysite-staging, and select it.
e. You'll then be asked for an alias for that project. Enter staging.
Run items a-e again for prod and dev, so that each environment will have an alias
Know which environment you're in
Run firebase use
default (mysite-dev)
* dev (mysite-dev)
staging (mysite-staging)
prod (mysite-dev)
(one of the environments will have an asterisk to the left of it. That's the one you're currently in. It will also be highlighted in blue)
Switch between environments
Run firebase use staging or firebase use prod to move between them.
Once you're in the environment you want, run firebase deploy and your project will deploy there.
Here's a couple helpful links...
CLI Reference
Deploying to multiple environments
Hope this helps.
We chose to fire up instances of the new Firebase emulator on a local dev server for Test and UAT, leaving GCP out of the picture altogether. It's designed exactly for this use-case.
This blogpost describes a very simple approach with a debug and release build type.
In a nutshell:
Create a new App on Firebase for each build type using different application id suffix.
Configure your Android project with the latest JSON file.
Using applicationIdSuffix, change the Application Id to match the different Apps on Firebase depending on the build type.
=> see the blogpost for a detailed description.
If you want to use different build flavors, read this extensive blogpost from the official firebase blog. It contains a lot of valuable information.
Hope that helps!
To solve this for my situation I created three Firebase projects, each with the same Android project (i.e. same applicationId without using the applicationIdSuffix suggested by others). This resulted in three google-services.json files which I stored in my Continuous Integration (CI) server as custom environment variables. For each stage of the build (dev/staging/prod), I used the corresponding google-services.json file.
For the Firebase project associated with dev, in its Android project, I added the debug SHA certificate fingerprint. But for staging and prod I just have CI sign the APK.
Here is a stripped-down .gitlab-ci.yml that worked for this setup:
# This is a Gitlab Continuous Integration (CI) Pipeline definition
# Environment variables:
# - variables prefixed CI_ are Gitlab predefined environment variables (
# - variables prefixed GNDR_CI are Gitlab custom environment variables (
# We have three Firebase projects (dev, staging, prod) where the same package name is used across all of them but the
# debug signing certificate is only provided for the dev one (later if there are other developers, they can have their
# own Firebase project that's equivalent to the dev one). The staging and prod Firebase projects use real certificate
# signing so we don't need to enter a Debug signing certificate for them. We don't check the google-services.json into
# the repository. Instead it's provided at build time either on the developer's machine or by the Gitlab CI server
# which injects it via custom environment variables. That way the google-services.json can reside in the default
# location, the projects's app directory. The .gitlab-ci.yml is configured to copy the dev, staging, and prod equivalents
# of the google-servies.json file into that default location.
# References:
- stg_build_dev
- stg_build_staging
- stg_build_prod
stage: stg_build_dev
image: jangrewe/gitlab-ci-android
key: ${CI_PROJECT_ID}-android
- .gradle/
- cp ${GNDR_CI_GOOGLE_SERVICES_JSON_DEV_FILE} app/google-services.json
- ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug
- app/build/outputs/apk/
stage: stg_build_staging
image: jangrewe/gitlab-ci-android
key: ${CI_PROJECT_ID}-android
- .gradle/
dependencies: []
- cp ${GNDR_CI_GOOGLE_SERVICES_JSON_STAGING_FILE} app/google-services.json
- ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug
- app/build/outputs/apk/
stage: stg_build_prod
image: jangrewe/gitlab-ci-android
key: ${CI_PROJECT_ID}-android
- .gradle/
dependencies: []
- cp ${GNDR_CI_GOOGLE_SERVICES_JSON_PROD_FILE} app/google-services.json
# base64 --input ~/Desktop/gendr.keystore --output ~/Desktop/keystore_base64_encoded.txt
# Then the contents of keystore_base64_encoded.txt were copied and pasted as a Gitlab custom environment variable
# For more info see
- cat ${GNDR_CI_KEYSTORE_FILE_BASE64_ENCODED} | base64 --decode > gendr.keystore
- ./gradlew :app:assembleRelease$(pwd)/gendr.keystore${GNDR_CI_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD}
- app/build/outputs/apk/
I'm happy with this solution because it doesn't rely on build.gradle tricks which I believe are too opaque and thus hard to maintain. For example, when I tried the approaches using applicationIdSuffix and different buildTypes I found that I couldn't get instrumented tests to run or even compile when I tried to switch build types using testBuildType. Android seemed to give special properties to the debug buildType which I couldn't inspect to understand.
Virtuously, CI scrips though are quite transparent and easy to maintain, in my experience. Indeed, the approach I've described worked: When I ran each of the APKs generated by CI on an emulator, the Firebase console's "Run your app to verify installation" step went from
Checking if the app has communicated with our servers. You may need to uninstall and reinstall your app.
Congratulations, you've successfully added Firebase to your app!
for all three apps as I started them one by one in an emulator.
Firebase has a page on this which goes through how to set it up for dev and prod
Set environment configuration for your project To store environment
data, you can use the firebase functions:config:set command in the
Firebase CLI. Each key can be namespaced using periods to group
related configuration together. Keep in mind that only lowercase
characters are accepted in keys; uppercase characters are not allowed.
For instance, to store the Client ID and API key for "Some Service",
you might run:
firebase functions:config:set someservice.key="THE API KEY""THE CLIENT ID"
Retrieve current environment configuration To inspect what's currently
stored in environment config for your project, you can use firebase
functions:config:get. It will output JSON something like this:
"someservice": {
"key":"THE API KEY",
Create the Tow project with Dev and production Environment on the firebase
Download the json file from thre
and setup the SDK as per : Or for Crashlytics:
First, place the respective google_services.json for each buildType in the following locations:
Note: Root app/google_services.json This file should be there according to the build variants copy the json code in the root json file
Now, let’s whip up some gradle tasks in your: app’s build.gradle to automate moving the appropriate google_services.json to app/google_services.json
copy this in the app/Gradle file
task switchToDebug(type: Copy) {
description = 'Switches to DEBUG google-services.json'
from "src/debug"
include "google-services.json"
into "."
task switchToRelease(type: Copy) {
description = 'Switches to RELEASE google-services.json'
from "src/release"
include "google-services.json"
into "."
Great — but having to manually run these tasks before you build your app is cumbersome. We would want the appropriate copy task above run sometime before: assembleDebug or :assembleRelease is run. Let’s see what happens when :assembleRelease is run: copy this one in the /gradlew file
Zaks-MBP:my_awesome_application zak$ ./gradlew assembleRelease
Parallel execution is an incubating feature.
.... (other tasks)
Notice the :app:processReleaseGoogleServices task. This task is responsible for processing the root google_services.json file. We want the correct google_services.json to be processed, so we must run our copy task immediately beforehand.
Add this to your build.gradle. Note the afterEvaluate enclosing.
copy this in the app/Gradle file
afterEvaluate {
processDebugGoogleServices.dependsOn switchToDebug
processReleaseGoogleServices.dependsOn switchToRelease
Now, anytime :app:processReleaseGoogleServices is called, our newly defined :app:switchToRelease will be called beforehand. Same logic for the debug buildType. You can run :app:assembleRelease and the release version google_services.json will be automatically copied to your app module’s root folder.
The way we are doing it is by creating different json key files for different environments. We have used service account feature as recommended by google and have one development file and another for production

Use a different setParameters.xml file?

So I've got my deploy working on a build and I've set up my build to create a deployment package and execute the package on the target server. Great so far.
Now however the application is expanding and I need to have different configurations per machine (account names and such like),
Can I specify what the file name of "setParameters.xml" for example to "Server1.SetParameters.xml" or similar ?
I've got it copying the files over the SetParameters.xml before each deploy for now but is seems in-elegant and should a file get locked for what ever the reason it would deploy the wrong settings to the wrong server.
Since you are using the WPP-generated deploy.cmd file, the simplest choice is to set %_DeploySetParametersFile% to a full path to your setParmeters file before you execute the deploy script.
SET _DeploySetParametersFile=c:\full\path\to\setParmaeters.xml
call Website.deploy.cmd
Alternatively, if you want to use msdeploy directly, you can specify -setParamFile:c:\full\path\to\setParmaeters.xml. For more information, see Web Deploy Operation Settings
