AppInsights see response to requests - azure-application-insights

Is there a way to see the response to a request in the logs generated through appinsights?
I’ve got several apis, and I can see the client making the calls when querying the requests table, I can see the status of the request but I can’t see what was sent back to the client.
Also when I click appinsights in my APIs it says
‘Set up app insights without changing code’
But above it, there’s a green tick saying ‘connected by Instrumentation code’
Does this mean it’s connected and working?

Does this mean it’s connected and working?
Yes, Application Insight connected to API.
Is there a way to see the response to a request in the logs generated through App insights?
If you want to see the response of your request/Custom Events or Custom Metrics, you need to use the Custom Telemetry in your API to get the response in Application insights.
Note: Make sure you can use it for testing purpose. In an application insight who ever have the access of your subscription of the specific resource they can view the telemetry data.
Custom Metrics in API


Application Insights shows GET calls while my code does not have any such calls being made

We have integrated Azure Application insights with our bot built using Azure bot framework using node.JS and typescript. Everything looks fine and we can see telemetry data flowing in.
In the failures section, we can see Operation name "GET /api/messages" showing repeated times - one failed call (405) and one success call (200).
But we have no GET operation being done on "/api/messages" in our code. We only have "POST" operations.
We are unable to understand why telemetry shows GET operation and one as failed and one as success.
Any help is appreciated.
The operation_SyntheticSource field of request telemetry is often used by microsoft / azure to indicate traffic that is generated by infrastructure or bots. Examples are health requests, keep alive traffic, spider bots.
There are options to filter out telemetry, so it is possible to filter out telemetry cause by synthetic traffic. See the docs.
Telemetry processors can be configured using DI.

How can I see logs of all calls made to the Firebase Realtime Database?

When I request data from Firebase, whatever language or location, I typically send a get request to a node, for instance:
Is it possible to view somewhere all the logs of the requests sent to Firebase? The reason I am asking is because I am trying to figure out my high costs for Firebase, as I don't see where the requests are made from.
There is no persistent log of such data, but you can use the database profiler to get a log of listens as they are happening.
Also see this recent blog post of someone using the profiler to troubleshoot a performance problem on their database.

Why isn't there a Voided date property in DocuSignEnvelopeInformation object?

I am using DocuSign REST API 3.0 to integrate with my app.
After a DocuSign envelope is voided, if I invoke EnvelopesApi.ListStatusChangesAsync for the envelope, I get back an EnvelopesInformation object, which shows both a VoidedDateTime and a VoidedReason property. This is exactly what I need to update my database but all the documentation tells me I should implement
a webhook to receive status updates instead of invoking the API, so I implemented the webhook.
However, when DocuSign invokes my webhook after I void an envelope, I get an DocuSignEnvelopeInformation object from DocuSign, which does not appear to have a VoidedDateTime or Voided property. There is a VoidedReason property, and there are properties for other status dates, such as Created and Sent. Why no Voided property?
What this means is that after the webhook is invoked (and updates my database with incomplete information), I still have to invoke the API to get the VoidedDateTime into my database. Did I just waste my time implementing the webhook? Or am I missing something?
You should explicitly select Envelope Voided Reason checkbox in your Custom Connect configuration. Once this property is selected then you will be able to know the reason why this envelope was Voided.
Webhook is a notification system, where it will notify your System with some data/metadata about the envelope, and if that data does not seem sufficient for your requirement then you need to use API to pull the rest of the data. If Webhook is not available then you need to do a Polling mechanism using some scheduler to keep polling DocuSign after certain interval which does not seem to be a good design and not very scalable. So Webhook design helps your system to know when to call DocuSign platform.
Please note, it seems you are using SOAP API, but I would recommend to implement a new API integration with DocuSign's Rest API as it will have latest features which might be missing from SOAP API.

Filter insights by server

I'm using application insights to get telemetry data off of my servers, but there is one server linked to my insights ID that i don't have access to, and it is giving me all sorts of bogus data. How do i filter out all of the telemetry from that server so that it doesn't appear alongside any of my other telemetry responses?
I know i can go into analytics and filter servers out there, but I'm talking about the main metrics page, the one that sends out alerts, shows a general overview of the servers, etc.
In short, there's no easy way to do it. you'd have to edit the filters on every part on every place in order to customize them, and pin those customized versions to dashboards and never look at the default experiences again.
How is there a server sending telemetry using your key you don't have access to? is it somewhere else where someone made a copy/paste error and somehow used your key?
i believe you can contact support and have them generate a new instrumentation key for that resource. then you'd update the places you do have under your control to use the new ikey, and the thing not under your control would still be using the old, now invalid key.

Cannot do POST in IBM BPM to web service

I'm new to IBM BPM and am trying to put together a process that sends a POST request to a RESTful web service using teamworks.HttpClient.
I am able to POST via Chrome's Advanced REST Client, so I know the server and service are accessible from my system.
When I try to do this via teamworks.HttpClient in Process Designer I get HTTP Status 405. I've only ever seen that when I screwed up and specified GET.
I have written Ajax calls in JavaScript to access this service. I have had to specify POST in the Ajax calls.
Is teamworks.HttpClient configured to be a GET or POST by default? If it does GET, how can I tell it to do a POST?
If I understood correctly what you did, your assumption is correct: teamworks.HttpClient fires a HTTP GET by default. As far as I know, there is no way of configuring it to send a POST request.
I would recommend writing your own Java Integration Service with a more capable web client, this will be really handy for the future anyways:
This resource includes writing your own REST Server, but at the bottom there is also a chapter about implementing a REST Client as a Java Integration Service.
