I am executing a main.sql file having 2 sub sql files inside main.sql file as createtable1.sql and createtable2.sql. when i am executing using liquibase getting error as invalid format
--liquibase formatted SQL
--changeset dev:1 runOnChange:true splitStatements:true stripComments:false runAlways:false labels:new-label context:example-context
--comment: For main SQL file
I am getting an error after copying database files to new server. I copied all of the server files as well. Windows 10 Pro. MariaDB 10.3.10-MariaDB
The Error:
SQL Error (1049): Unknown database ‘unnamed’
I finally figured it out.
I copied ONLY the database folder I needed. (EG: mysql\data\DATABASE)
I copied ibdata1 file ONLY
Using a SQL style approach to Liquibase changesets (which is our codestyle, we don't use XML) I am trying to load an CSV file using the following SQL changeset
-- changeset user:insert-prices-data-temp-table
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'foo/src/main/resources/liquibase/changelogs/2021/prices.csv'
INTO TABLE prices_temp
When deploying the WAR file to Wildfly the following exception
foo/src/resources/liquibase/changelogs/2021/prices.csv (No such file
or directory) 2021-09-22T20:52:18.581085123Z at
java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
2021-09-22T20:52:18.581087214Z at
2021-09-22T20:52:18.581089768Z at
2021-09-22T20:52:18.581092029Z at
2021-09-22T20:52:18.581094150Z at
The Master Change log file references the 2021 directory with the SQL and CSV file existing in the same directory.
<includeAll path="liquibase/changelogs/2021/" filter="xml" errorIfMissingOrEmpty="true" />
I have tried the following other paths but they all still yield a FileNotFoundException
(Absolute path) /home/xxxx/Work/foo-service/foo/src/main/resources/liquibase/changelogs/2021/prices.csv
Liquibase Version: 3.5.1
Wildfly Jboss Version : 21
I have checked the CSV file is present in the WAR file
Any ideas how to fix this?
The problem is that you are trying to use some mysql function LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE which doesn't know about your classpath. It's trying to look at your filesystem and such path doesn't exists. Even if you provide something like yourapp.jar!liquibase/changelogs/2021/prices.csv it won't be able to read that file. You will need to pull prices.csv out of your application to filesystem and point mysql function to that location.
Or you can use liquibase's loadData if that helps.
I am trying to load the Northwind.Sqlite3.create.sql hosted on https://github.com/jpwhite3/northwind-SQLite3 into SQLite3 on Ubuntu.
I have tried using: sqlite3 Northwind.Sqlite3.create.sql to import the database.
However when I try to view the data using SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS; I get an error saying Error: file is not a database
Any suggestions as to how to open the database file and use it?
That's just a text file full of DDL statements, not a sqlite3 database. You'd have to import it into a database with something like
sqlite3 mydatabase.db < Northwind.Sqlite3.create.sql
I have pl/sql statement something like mentioned below, which executes successfully in oracle sql developer but same when am trying to execute through control M database task (execution type :- Embedded Query) am getting error "Invalid SQL statements"
SQL statements :-
create a query file named plsql_query.ql then use it to execute from controlM as command line job.
Sqlcmd -E -server\instance_name -Q "EXEC plsql_query.ql"
I have roughly 14 million records that I am attempting to export from a Teradata table to file using a fast export connection object.
There is no size limit for fast export files on our Linux system, and there is 1.2 TB of available space in the target directory.
The session fails, and gives the following errors:
READER_2_1_1 FEXP_87011 Process [16022] exited with status [12]
SDKS_38200 Partition-level [SOURCE_TABLE_NAME]: Plug-in #305400 failed in deinit()
I googled the error message, and found this post:
I followed the recommendations in the port to delete the .out file in the temp directory, delete the files that were partially filled in the target directory, and drop the error table and delete the log file. This did not fix the issue and the session still fails with the same error messages.
Try to use TPT Export plug-in instead. Also you can try to execute this FastExport using bteq scripts directly on your unix environment.