Easy way to stack vectors of vectors in Julia - vector

I would like a way to programmatically "deconstruct" a vector of variable-length vectors in Julia. I do not care about the resulting vector's order.
For example, suppose that my vector of vectors is A = [[1], [2,3], [4,5,6]]. I can deconstruct A by writing vcat(A[1], A[2], A[3]), which returns [1,2,3,4,5,6]. However, if the length of A is large, then this approach becomes cumbersome. Is there a better, more scalable way to obtain the same result?

Try Iterators.flatten:
julia> collect(Iterators.flatten(A))
6-element Vector{Int64}:
(This yields a lazy representation hence I collected this before showing the output)

While I would second Przemyslaw's answer for any situation where you can get away with using a lazy representation, maybe a more direct answer to your question is:
julia> vcat(A...)
6-element Vector{Int64}:
whenever you feel the need to type out all elements of a collection as function arguments, splatting ... is your friend.
Splatting can however negatively impact performance, so it is generally recommended to use reduce, which has a specialisation for vcat:
julia> reduce(vcat, A)
6-element Vector{Int64}:


Is there a way to swap columns in O(1) in Julia?

I picked up Julia to do some numerical analysis stuff and was trying to implement a full pivot LU decomposition (as in, trying to get an LU decomposition that is as stable as possible). I thought that the best way of doing so was finding the maximum value for each column and then resorting the columns in descending order of their maximum values.
Is there a way of avoiding swapping every element of two columns and instead doing something like changing two references/pointers?
Following up on #longemen3000's answer, you can use views to swap columns. For example:
julia> A = reshape(1:12, 3, 4)
3×4 reshape(::UnitRange{Int64}, 3, 4) with eltype Int64:
1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
3 6 9 12
julia> V = view(A, :, [3,2,4,1])
3×4 view(reshape(::UnitRange{Int64}, 3, 4), :, [3, 2, 4, 1]) with eltype Int64:
7 4 10 1
8 5 11 2
9 6 12 3
That said, whether this is a good strategy depends on access patterns. If you'll use elements of V once or a few times, this view strategy is a good one. In contrast, if you access elements of V many times, you may be better off making a copy or moving values in-place, since that's a price you pay once whereas here you pay an indirection cost every time you access a value.
Just for "completeness", in case you actually want to swap columns in-place,
function swapcols!(X::AbstractMatrix, i::Integer, j::Integer)
#inbounds for k = 1:size(X,1)
X[k,i], X[k,j] = X[k,j], X[k,i]
is simple and fast.
In fact, in an individual benchmark for small matrices this is even faster than the view approach mentioned in the other answers (views aren't always free):
julia> A = rand(1:10,4,4);
julia> #btime view($A, :, $([3,2,1,4]));
31.919 ns (3 allocations: 112 bytes)
julia> #btime swapcols!($A, 1,3);
8.107 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
in julia there is the #view macro, that allows you to create an array that is just a reference to another array, for example:
A = [1 2;3 4]
Aview = #view A[:,1] #view of the first column
Aview[1,1] = 10
julia> A
2×2 Array{Int64,2}:
10 2
3 4
with that said, when working with concrete number types (Float64,Int64,etc), julia uses contiguous blocks of memory with the direct representation of the number type. that is, a julia array of numbers is not an array of pointers were each element of an array is a pointer to a value. if the values of an array can be represented by a concrete binary representation (an array of structs, for example) then an array of pointers is used.
I'm not a computer science expert, but i observed that is better to have your data tightly packed that using a lot of pointers when doing number crunching.
Another different case is Sparse Arrays. the basic julia representation of an sparse array is an array of indices and an array of values. here you can simply swap the indices instead of copying the values

Julia: Set index at NTuple

Let's say I have an NTuple with 4 entries of Int64 uninitiallized. How do I set the value of each index separately?
I tried the setindex function of base but it didn't work. Any idea?
T = NTuple{4,Int64}
setindex(T,9,2) # set T(2) to 9
You probably meant NTuple{4, Int64} not Ntuple{4, Int64}.
NTuple is a compact way of representing the type tuples having elements of a single type (not actual values but their types; the thing that might be confusing here is that NTuple{4, Int64} is also technically a value that you can bind to a variable, but this is not what you probably want to do given your question).
You can check this by looking up help on it. In your case it represents a type for a tuple of length 4 and all elements of type Int64. For example (1,2,3,4) is such a tuple. You can check it by writing (1,2,3,4) isa NTuple{4, Int64} which will evaluate to true.
Now if you ask why a tuple like (1,2,3,4) does not support setindex! the reason is that tuples are immutable in Julia, see https://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/types/#Tuple-Types-1. This means that you have to assign a value to each field of a tuple upon its construction and it cannot be mutated.
If you want a mutable container you should probably consider using a vector instead of a tuple. For example:
julia> x = Vector{Int}(undef, 4)
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> x[2] = 9
julia> x
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

Find numeric placement of letters

Looking to find the numeric placement of letters in a random letter vector using a function equivalent to foo.
myletters = ["a","c","b","d","z"]
# [1,3,2,4,26]
Edit: If you're looking for the numeric distance from 'a', here's one solution:
julia> Int.(first.(["a","c","b","d","z"])) - Int('a') + 1
5-element Array{Int64,1}:
It will gracefully handle unicode (those simply are later code points and thus will have larger values) and longer strings (by only looking at the first character). Capitals, numbers, and some symbols will appear as negative numbers since their code points come before a.
Previous answer: I think you're looking for sortperm. It gives you a vector of indices that, if you index back into the original array with it, will put it in sorted order.
julia> sortperm(["a","c","b","d"])
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
I came up with the somewhat convoluted solution:
[reshape((1:26)[myletters[i] .== string.('a':'z')],1)[1] for i=1:length(myletters)]
Or using map
map(x -> reshape((1:26)[x .== string.('a':'z')],1)[1], myletters)

Julia: short syntax for creating (1,n) array

In Matlab I can write:
to get an array (1,n). For n=2, I get:
0 1 2
How to do the same in Julia? The purpose is to get the same type of array (1,3).
I know I can write [0 1 2], but I want something general like in Matlab.
In julia, the colon operator (in this context, anyway) returns a UnitRange object. This is an iterable object; that means you can use it with a for loop, or you can collect all its contents, etc. If you collect its contents, what you get here is a Vector.
If what you're after is explicitly a RowVector, then you can collect the contents of the UnitRange, and reshape the resulting vector accordingly (which in this case can be done via a simple transpose operation).
julia> collect(1:3).'
1×3 RowVector{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}:
1 2 3
The .' transpose operator is also defined for UnitRange arguments:
julia> (1:3).'
1×3 RowVector{Int64,UnitRange{Int64}}:
1 2 3
However, note the difference in the resulting type; if you apply .' again, you get a UnitRange object back again.
If you don't particularly like having a "RowVector" object, and want a straightforward array, use that in an Array constructor:
julia> Array((1:3).')
1×3 Array{Int64,2}:
1 2 3
(above as of latest julia 0.7 dev version)

What is the best way to form inner products?

I was delighted to learn that Julia allows a beautifully succinct way to form inner products:
julia> x = [1;0]; y = [0;1];
julia> x'y
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
This alternative to dot(x,y) is nice, but it can lead to surprises:
julia> #printf "Inner product = %f\n" x'y
Inner product = ERROR: type: non-boolean (Array{Bool,1}) used in boolean context
julia> #printf "Inner product = %f\n" dot(x,y)
Inner product = 0.000000
So while i'd like to write x'y, it seems best to avoid it, since otherwise I need to be conscious of pitfalls related to scalars versus 1-by-1 matrices.
But I'm new to Julia, and probably I'm not thinking in the right way. Do others use this succinct alternative to dot, and if so, when is it safe to do so?
There is a conceptual problem here. When you do
julia> x = [1;0]; y = [0;1];
julia> x'y
That is actually turned into a matrix * vector product with dimensions of 2x1 and 1 respectively, resulting in a 1x1 matrix. Other languages, such as MATLAB, don't distinguish between a 1x1 matrix and a scalar quantity, but Julia does for a variety of reasons. It is thus never safe to use it as alternative to the "true" inner product function dot, which is defined to return a scalar output.
Now, if you aren't a fan of the dots, you can consider sum(x.*y) of sum(x'y). Also keep in mind that column and row vectors are different: in fact, there is no such thing as a row vector in Julia, more that there is a 1xN matrix. So you get things like
julia> x = [ 1 2 3 ]
1x3 Array{Int64,2}:
1 2 3
julia> y = [ 3 2 1]
1x3 Array{Int64,2}:
3 2 1
julia> dot(x,y)
ERROR: `dot` has no method matching dot(::Array{Int64,2}, ::Array{Int64,2})
You might have used a 2d row vector where a 1d column vector was required.
Note the difference between 1d column vector [1,2,3] and 2d row vector [1 2 3].
You can convert to a column vector with the vec() function.
The error message suggestion is dot(vec(x),vec(y), but sum(x.*y) also works in this case and is shorter.
julia> sum(x.*y)
julia> dot(vec(x),vec(y))
Now, you can write x⋅y instead of dot(x,y).
To write the ⋅ symbol, type \cdot followed by the TAB key.
If the first argument is complex, it is conjugated.
Now, dot() and ⋅ also work for matrices.
Since version 1.0, you need
using LinearAlgebra
before you use the dot product function or operator.
