Transferring/emailing files created by Quarto - r

When I would create a html document in RMarkdown, the file transfer/email process was straightforward; I would simply transfer/email the resulting html file.
However, when I try to do the same with a Quarto document, I do not get all of the functionality in the transferred file. For example, my Quarto document includes tabs using the ::: {.panel-tabset} option. When I open the transferred html document, the panel-tabsets are not displayed properly.
I believe that this is because Quarto also produces files in a separate directory. However, I trying to programmatically email the html document out to a distribution, and sendmailR is not letting me attach this directory.
Furthermore, my distribution list are NOT technical folks. I am not looking to have to tell them to save these files and then open the html; I was hoping to just attach the html file like I did with RMarkdown and have them natively open it just like an regular attachment.
What is the best way to transfer/email Quarto produced html documents?

Someone directed me to use the html: self-contained in the YAML header.
Based on that, I found this post which states what to do.
By putting the following in my YAML header, the resultant html file is self-contained:
self-contained: true


With R Markdown or Quarto can I embed a comment in HTML output?

I would like to add "hidden" text (the GitHub repo and code file name) to a report that is rendered to HTML with R Markdown (or Quarto). Is there an easy way to save some text information so it will show up when I inspect a document in a browser but the text will not show for the casual consumer of the web page?
With Quarto (and similar for R Markdown):
format: html
This is some text.
<!-- This will be displayed in the page source code but not in the output. -->

Post-processing R Markdown-generated html files

Is there a way to automatically apply some post-processing to html files generated from R Markdown?
For example, if we use MathJax to render LaTeX code (primarily in RStudio), the resulting html file includes src= links to load MathJax from a CDN. The problem is, we also need to be able to display these files on internal network without internet access, and those links need to be replaced to point to a local copy of MathJax.
It would be convenient if there was some hook that I could use to do that after the html file is generated, but I haven't been able to find any.
If your post processing is specifically about MathJax, you might consider setting your output yaml to the following which will download local copies of libraries such as MathJax and link to them.
self_contained: FALSE
mathjax: local

Linking to other pages on Simple R markdown website

I'm developing a Simple R Markdown Website, and want to include a few links to other .Rmd generated HTML pages on the home page.
Simply, I want to open up "detailed-desc.html" which is rendered from "detailed-desc.Rmd", on clicking a text element on the "index.Rmd" file. I'm not sure how this can be done.
If all your .Rmd files and their rendered HTML results are in the same directory, then you can use the regular markdown syntax and reference the HTML files for links.
[Detailed Description](detailed-desc.html)
Detailed Description
With a more complicated site folder structure, it is just
[Detailed Description](./path/to/your/folder/detailed-desc.html)
Detailed Description

How do I host an interactive (shiny) knitr/rmarkdown doc on GitHub Pages?

I have an .rmd file containing working code for a Shiny interactive knitr/rmarkdown doc. I want this doc to run via GitHub pages.
How do I do this? (Can someone walk me through the steps clearly and fully).
I understand I have to create a gh-pages branch and upload the files there. However, I don't understand what to do with my .rmd file. Do I simply just resave it as an .html file? Or does an html file have to contain something in addition to the rmd file?
Please help explain this to me -- I've spent all day trying to figure this out, but I can;t get anything to work right :(.
Prior effort: I tried following the lead given by this, but the best I can get is a screen full of block text. No formatting, code or images show up. Just the whole document's text.

Insert image url into rmarkdown latex template

is there perhaps a way to insert an image url into a rmarkdown template latex file that produces a pdf?
I am using Rstudio, and I am trying to edit the default latex file which it calls, to add a url figure into the title.
Ideally I want the figure to be called from the url, and not created in the folder, as e.g. discussed here.
Any ideas how this could be achieved?
