Run command with `system2(..., wait = FALSE)` in R and kill it later - r

Assume I want to start a local server from R, access it some times for calculations and kill it again at the end. So:
## start the server
system2("sleep", "100", wait = FALSE)
## do some work
# Here I want to kill the process started at the beginning
This should be cross platform, as it is part of a package (Mac, Linux, Windows, ...).
How can I achieve this in R?
The command I have to run is a java jar,
system2("java", "... plantuml.jar ...")

Use the processx package.
proc <- processx::process$new("sleep", c("100"))
# PROCESS 'sleep', running, pid 431792.
### ... pause ...
# PROCESS 'sleep', running, pid 431792.
# [1] TRUE
# PROCESS 'sleep', finished.
# [1] 2
The finished output is just an indication that the process has exited, not whether it was successful or erred. Use the exit status, where 0 indicates a good exit.
proc <- processx::process$new("sleep", c("1"))
# PROCESS 'sleep', finished.
# [1] 0
FYI, base R's system and system2 work fine when you don't need to easily kill it and don't have any embedded spaces in the command or its arguments. system2 appears like it should be better at embedded spaces (since it accepts a vector of arguments), but under the hood all it's doing is
command <- paste(c(shQuote(command), env, args), collapse = " ")
and then
rval <- .Internal(system(command, flag, f, stdout, stderr, timeout))
which does nothing to protect the arguments.
You said "do some work", which suggests that you need to pass something to/from it periodically. processx does support writing to the standard input of the background process, as well as capturing its output. Its documentation at is rich with great examples on this, including one-time calls for output or a callback function.


Simultaneously save and print R system call output?

Within my R script I am calling a shell script. I would like to both print the output to the console in real time and save the output for debugging. For example:
prints to console in real time,
out <- system("", intern = TRUE)
saves the output to a variable for debugging,
(out <- system("", intern = TRUE))
will only print the contents of out after the script has finished. Is there any way to both print to console in real time and store the output as a variable?
Since R is waiting for this to complete anyway, generally to see the stdout in real time, you need to poll the process for output. (One can/should also poll for stderr, depending.)
Here's a quick example using processx.
First, I'll create a slow-output shell script; replace this with the real reason you're calling system. I've named this
for i in `seq 1 5` ; do
sleep 3
echo 'hello world: '$i
Now let's (1) start a process in the background, then (2) poll its output every second.
proc <- processx::process$new("bash", c("-c", "./"), stdout = "|")
output <- character(0)
while (proc$is_alive()) {
now <- Sys.time()
tmstmp <- sprintf("# [%s]", format(now, format = "%T"))
thisout <- proc$read_output_lines()
if (length(thisout)) {
output <- c(output, thisout)
message(tmstmp, " New output!\n", paste("#>", thisout))
} else message(tmstmp)
# [13:09:29]
# [13:09:30]
# [13:09:31]
# [13:09:32]New output!
#> hello world: 1
# [13:09:33]
# [13:09:34]
# [13:09:35]New output!
#> hello world: 2
# [13:09:36]
# [13:09:37]
# [13:09:38]New output!
#> hello world: 3
# [13:09:39]
# [13:09:40]
# [13:09:41]New output!
#> hello world: 4
# [13:09:42]
# [13:09:43]
# [13:09:44]New output!
#> hello world: 5
And its output is stored:
# [1] "hello world: 1" "hello world: 2" "hello world: 3" "hello world: 4" "hello world: 5"
Ways that this can be extended:
Add/store a timestamp with each message, so you know when it came in. The accuracy and utility of this depends on how frequently you want R to poll the process stdout pipe, and really how much you need this information.
Run the process in the background, and even poll for it in the background cycles. I use the later package and set up a self-recurring function that polls, appends, and re-submits itself into the later process queue. The benefit of this is that you can continue to use R; the drawback is that if you're running long code, then you will not see output until your current code exits and lets R breathe and do something idly. (To understand this bullet, one really must play with the later package, a bit beyond this answer.)
Depending on your intentions, it might be more appropriate for the output to go to a file and "permanently" store it there instead of relying on the R process to keep tabs. There are disadvantages to this, in that now you need to manage polling a file for changes, and R isn't making that easy (it does not have, for instance, direct/easy access to inotify, so now it gets even more complicated).

R parallel package parSapply(): cannot print message [duplicate]

I found if there are more than one print function during the parallel computation, only the last on will display on the console. So I set outfile option and hope I can get the result of every print. Here is the R code:
cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "SOCK",outfile="log.txt")
abc <<- 123
clusterApplyLB(cl, 1:6,
But I just get three records:
starting worker for localhost:11888
Type: EXEC
Type: EXEC
[1] "index: 3"
[1] "before: 123"
[1] "after: 2"
Type: EXEC
[1] "index: 6"
[1] "before: 2"
[1] "after: 6"
Type: DONE
It looks like you're only getting the output from one worker in log.txt. I've often wondered if that could happen, because when you specify outfile="log.txt", each of the workers will open log.txt for appending and then call sink. Here is the code that is executed by the worker processes when outfile is not an empty string:
## all the workers log to the same file.
outcon <- file(outfile, open = "a")
sink(outcon, type = "message")
This makes me nervous because I'm not certain what might happen with all of the workers opening the same file for appending at the same time. It may be OS or file system dependent, and it might explain why you're only getting the output from one worker.
For this reason, I tend to use outfile="", in which case this code isn't executed, allowing the output operations to happen normally without redirecting them with the sink function. However, on Windows, you won't see the output if you're using Rgui, so use Rterm instead.
There shouldn't be a problem with multiple print statements in a task, but if you didn't set outfile, you shouldn't see any output since all output is redirected to /dev/null in that case.

Speed up API calls in R

I am querying Freebase to get the genre information for some 10000 movies.
After reading How to optimise scraping with getURL() in R, I tried to execute the requests in parallel. However, I failed - see below. Besides parallelization, I also read that httr might be a better alternative to RCurl.
My questions are:
Is it possible to speed up the API calls by using
a) a parallel version of the loop below (using a WINDOWS machine)?
b) alternatives to getURL such as GET in the httr-package?
df <- data.frame(film=c("Terminator", "Die Hard", "Philadelphia", "A Perfect World", "The Parade", "ParaNorman", "Passengers", "Pink Cadillac", "Pleasantville", "Police Academy", "The Polar Express", "Platoon"), genre=NA)
f_query_freebase <- function(film.title){
request <- paste0("",
"filter=", paste0("(all alias{full}:", "\"", film.title, "\"", " type:\"/film/film\")"),
temp <- getURL(URLencode(request), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
data <- fromJSON(temp, simplifyVector=FALSE)
genre <- paste(sapply(data$result[[1]]$output$`/film/film/genre`[[1]], function(x){as.character(x$name)}), collapse=" | ")
# Non-parallel version
# ----------------------------------
for (i in df$film){
df$genre[which(df$film==i)] <- f_query_freebase(i)
# Parallel version - Does not work
# ----------------------------------
# Set up parallel computing
foreach(i=df$film) %dopar% {
df$genre[which(df$film==i)] <- f_query_freebase(i)
# --> I get the following error: "Error in { : task 1 failed", further saying that it cannot find the function "getURL".
This doesn't achieve parallel requests within a single R session, however, it's something I've used to achieve >1 simultaneous requests (e.g. in parallel) across multiple R sessions, so it may be useful.
At a high level
You'll want to break the process into a few parts:
Get a list of the URLs/API calls you need to make and store as a csv/text file
Use the code below as a template for starting multiple R processes and dividing the work among them
Note: this happened to run on windows, so I used powershell. On mac this could be written in bash.
Powershell/bash script
Use a single powershell script to start off multiple instances R processes (here we divide the work between 3 processes):
e.g. save a plain text file with .ps1 file extension, you can double click on it to run it, or schedule it with task scheduler/cron:
start powershell { cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop; Rscript extract.R 1; TIMEOUT 20000 }
start powershell { cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop; Rscript extract.R 2; TIMEOUT 20000 }
start powershell { cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop; Rscript extract.R 3; TIMEOUT 20000 }
What's it doing? It will:
Go the the Desktop, start a script it finds called extract.R, and provide an argument to the R script (1, 2, and 3).
The R processes
Each R process can look like this
# Get command line argument
arguments <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
process_number <- as.numeric(arguments[1])
api_calls <- read.csv("api_calls.csv")
# work out which API calls each R script should make (e.g.
indicies <- seq(process_number, nrow(api_calls), 3)
api_calls_for_this_process_only <- api_calls[indicies, ] # this subsets for 1/3 of the API calls
# (the other two processes will take care of the remaining calls)
# Now, make API calls as usual using rvest/jsonlite or whatever you use for that

how to write out log during parallel computation? how to debug parallel computation?

I found if there are more than one print function during the parallel computation, only the last on will display on the console. So I set outfile option and hope I can get the result of every print. Here is the R code:
cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "SOCK",outfile="log.txt")
abc <<- 123
clusterApplyLB(cl, 1:6,
But I just get three records:
starting worker for localhost:11888
Type: EXEC
Type: EXEC
[1] "index: 3"
[1] "before: 123"
[1] "after: 2"
Type: EXEC
[1] "index: 6"
[1] "before: 2"
[1] "after: 6"
Type: DONE
It looks like you're only getting the output from one worker in log.txt. I've often wondered if that could happen, because when you specify outfile="log.txt", each of the workers will open log.txt for appending and then call sink. Here is the code that is executed by the worker processes when outfile is not an empty string:
## all the workers log to the same file.
outcon <- file(outfile, open = "a")
sink(outcon, type = "message")
This makes me nervous because I'm not certain what might happen with all of the workers opening the same file for appending at the same time. It may be OS or file system dependent, and it might explain why you're only getting the output from one worker.
For this reason, I tend to use outfile="", in which case this code isn't executed, allowing the output operations to happen normally without redirecting them with the sink function. However, on Windows, you won't see the output if you're using Rgui, so use Rterm instead.
There shouldn't be a problem with multiple print statements in a task, but if you didn't set outfile, you shouldn't see any output since all output is redirected to /dev/null in that case.

Kill a calculation programme after user defined time in R

Say my executable is c:\my irectory\myfile.exe and my R script calls on this executeable with system(myfile.exe)
The R script gives parameters to the executable programme which uses them to do numerical calculations. From the ouput of the executable, the R script then tests whether the parameters are good ore not. If they are not good, the parameters are changed and the executable rerun with updated parameters.
Now, as this executable carries out mathematical calculations and solutions may converge only slowly I wish to be able to kill the executable once it has takes to long to carry out the calculations (say 5 seconds)
How do I do this time dependant kill?
My question is a little related to this one: (time non dependant kill)
how to run an executable file and then later kill or terminate the same process with R in Windows
You can add code to your R function which issued the executable call:
setTimeLimit(elapse=5, trans=T)
This will kill the calling function, returning control to the parent environment (which could well be a function as well). Then use the examples in the question you linked to for further work.
Alternatively, set up a loop which examines Sys.time and if the expected update to the parameter set has not taken place after 5 seconds, break the loop and issue the system kill command to terminate myfile.exe .
There might possibly be nicer ways but it is a solution.
The assumption here is, that myfile.exe successfully does its calculation within 5 seconds
try.wtl <- function(timeout = 5)
y <- evalWithTimeout(system(myfile.exe), timeout = timeout, onTimeout= "warning")
if(inherits(y, "try-error")) NA else y
case 1 (myfile.exe is closed after successfull calculation)
g <- try.wtl(5)
case 2 (myfile.exe is not closed after successfull calculation)
g <- try.wtl(0.1)
MSDOS taskkill required for case 2 to recommence from the beginnging
if (class(g) == "NULL") {system('taskkill /im "myfile.exe" /f',show.output.on.console = FALSE)}
PS: inspiration came from Time out an R command via something like try()
