Any recommendations for rendering tables serverless with {rmarkdown}? I need to do this so I can push the rendered HTML to a Confluence page with the help of {conflr}.
When I render something like the below in an RMD file and then try to send to Confluence using conflr:::confl_create_post_from_Rmd_addin(), I get this error:
output file:
Error: Functions that produce HTML output found in document targeting commonmark-yaml_metadata_block output.
Please change the output type of this document to HTML. Alternatively, you can allow
HTML output in non-HTML formats by adding this option to the YAML front-matter of
your rmarkdown file:
always_allow_html: true
Note however that the HTML output will not be visible in non-HTML formats.
After adding the suggested flag, the table still does not render.
If I try to run it locally without pushing to Confluence using DT:renderDT(..., server = FALSE), I get a warning This R Markdown document contains Shiny content, but was rendered to a static file. Shiny content in the document may not appear, and will not be interactive. In addition, the filter = "top" renders the text box at top of each column to filter column contents, but when you enter text nothing happens.
title: "serverless_dt"
author: "Matt Wood"
date: "2022-08-17"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# %>% DT::renderDT(server = FALSE)
Thanks for any help!
The problem is that DataTables(DT) library is a htmlwidgets thing which isn't supported by conflr.
You can use only static content with the chunk option screenshot.force = TRUE
Have tried styling MS Word document from the markdown but I don't seem to get it write. What could I not be doing right? Below is the code
title: "Test Document"
author: "Moses Otieno"
date: "05/04/2021"
reference_docx: referent-doc.docx
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see <>.
## Test
This is the test
Referent Document
Resulting document
In a nutshell, make a template using an already knitted document containing your content and different types of headers etc.
I had a similar problem that was fixed by knitting my document and saving the resulting word(.docx) as "template". I now had a good working file with lots of content examples.
Next, I went into this file and manually changed the styles using "styles" in the Home tab. Open up this feature in your new "template" document by using the little down arrow on the bottom right-hand corner. Click on the various paragraphs and headers in your document to see what they refer to (the style will jump about on the dropdown menu) and make your changes. Save again. Now when you want to knit a new document, it will hopefully apply your changes.
Be aware that you might get caught out by the "Body Text" and "First Paragraph", so you might need to change both of these separately.
reference_docx: template.docx
In the YAML part of your project, you have to change your referent.docx into "referent-doc.docx", surrounded by quotation marks (" "):
reference_docx: "referent-doc.docx"
# quoted with quotation marks, and here located in the same folder
P.S. Be sure to produce a good reference_doc: You need to start from a .docx file which is produced by markdown (e.g., using the knit button), in order to get a few titles, texts, figs and tables into a .docx. Then edit the styles; margin, etc. from Microsoft Word, and save it to a .docx file.
I've been trying to solve some HTML knitting issues. My HTML does not currently allow me to use HTML in the code, and thus I am unable to create tabsets.
However, while trying to solve that issue a new issue occured: My HTML output adds a clickable # behind each # Header.
I use the basic Rmarkdown format:
title: "Try"
output: html_document
/```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see <>.
When you click the **Knit** button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:
## Including Plots
And then the output shows me this:
Anyway have any idea how to solve this?
This is a new feature introduced in the current development version of rmarkdown. See the NEWS file for more info. To disable this feature, you may use:
anchor_sections: false
I'm struggling with what to Google to start solving this one. It might be a Windows question and not an R question but I could do with some help.
I am using rmarkdown::render to generate html reports. I have a master.Rmd which calls some child_docs. I use the argument output_file = to name the html document. This works fine and I can successfully generate documents called my_report1.html. When I open the html document in my browser (both Chrome and FireFox) the browser tab is labelled as
In the past the tab label used to be my_report1.html. I want to fix this because I regularly have multiple reports open and navigating between the tabs to find which report I want is now painful.
Any thoughts on what to check?
toc: true
toc_float: true
lot: 1
chunk_output_type: console
Chunk setup:
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
## GLobal chunk options
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)
Update: I think this is to do with the YAML title:. I'm going to open a new question with a better example.
I managed to cobble together a work around for this. The tab name in a browser comes from the title declared in the YAML even if you supply a file name to output_file in rmarkdown::render. I wanted to set my title dynamically and this can be done with using the methods described here, example:
output: html_document
title_var <- "Sample Title"
title: `r title_var`
However, I needed an extra work around to suppress the title because I didn't actually want it to make a title. This can be done by using the following css (top of doc or separate file):
display: none;
I am working within RStudio 1.1.383 using rmarkdown. I am trying to render to Latex a string that is created within a knitr chunk so that it appears as latex code within the document.
So far I have experimented with the 'results=' options in the chunk header and find that results='asis' enables it to be rendered once the document is knitted, but I have not been able to find a way to enable the result to be rendered using the preview feature that allows you to run a single chunk and see the results within the .Rmd editor.
Any help on this matter would be appreciated.
A minimal example is included below that should be copied into a .Rmd file before rendering.
Thanks in advance,
title: "Minimal Example"
output: html_document
str <- "$$\\alpha \\cdot \\beta = \\delta$$"
# this doesn't show in the preview 'run chunk feature'
cat(str, "\n")
# neither does this
With one R markdown file, I would like to create different possible output pdf documents, where the output file name should be defined within the document. Is there any way to convince markdown to manipulate the output filename in such a way? Ideally I would like to pass the filename by an r chunk.
You can keep the simplicity of using the RStudio Knit button and reproducibility of a YAML header by using the undocumented knit hook to redefine what the button does (default function called is rmarkdown::render). The output_file parameter of the render function specifies the file name, so by setting it you override the standard behaviour of using the same prefix as the input filename.
e.g. to always output a file called myfile.pdf
knit: (function(inputFile, encoding) { rmarkdown::render(inputFile, encoding = encoding, output_file = file.path(dirname(inputFile), 'myfile.pdf')) })
The function can be an anonymous one-liner as well as imported from a package, as seen here with slidify.
You can set your own YAML headers (I don't know if this is generally advised anyway), accessible under rmarkdown::metadata$newheader but they don't seem available from within this sort of function as far as I can see.
As for passing file name in from an R chunk... if you're referring to code chunks below the YAML header, from my experience I don't think that's possible(?). Headers can contain inline R commands (single backtick-enclosed, starting with r), but seemingly not for this hook function.
Rmarkdown GitHub repo issue — output format-specific output_file
Blog post I wrote following this question [invalid link, domain for sale as of 20210216] / corresponding GitHub wiki notes
This is pretty much what I do:
output_file = paste('report.', Sys.Date(),
'.pdf', sep=''))
I have three scripts - one pulls the data and process it, second created charts & tables for report. Third one creates report based on markdown file. Code you see above is the part of the third script
I played around with the Knitr-hook without fully understanding how it works and ran into an ugly workaround. The below coding seems to do the trick.
Would be nice if somebody can either explain why it works and/or if it can written less ugly.
For now I lost the shiny input screen but believe this can even be added later. The good thing is that the R-Studio Knit button can still be used.
Please note that the subtitle and the file name are both: This Works! even with space and exclamation mark. The file is saved as This Works!.pdf
The filename and subtitle are set by assigning the text to the object pSubTitle.
Note that the params are still in the YAML but are not resulting in a shiny popup screen as they are assigned in the Knitr-hook
input: text
label: Sub Title
value: 'my_Sub_Title_and_File_Name'
title : "Parameterized_Title_and_output_file"
subtitle : "`r params$sub_title`"
keep_tex: false
knit: (
function(inputFile, encoding) {
pSubTitle <- 'This Works!'
input = inputFile,
encoding = encoding,
params = list(sub_title = pSubTitle),
output_file = pSubTitle) })
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
This is an R Markdown document. ....
My current solution for this and similar questions is through 2 scripts:
Script1: "" file with flexible yaml header, similar to Floris Padt's. This header allows you to generate flexible pdf files with specified title, dates, and other features if you change the params. However, it could not specify flexible pdf names when you render it.
feature_input: "XXXA"
date: "08/18/2022"
title: "`Test For `r params$feature_input``"
author: "You Name"
date: "`r params$date`"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown and data process
#Get parameter from yaml head
input_para <- params$feature_input
Script2: "YYY.R", which specify params in file, and specify pdf file names by output_file when rendering.
featureNames <- c("aaa", "bbb", "ccc")
setwd("path to")
for (currentFeature in featureNames) {
params = list(feature_input = currentFeature,
date = Sys.Date()),
You could update featureNames in yyy.R file, and run yyy.R to get the most flexible use of your file.
This solution allows you to:
update yaml header parameters,
apply updated yaml parameters in your .md code chunk,
and save your pdf with specific and flexible names.