a small question. I'm trying to get the values for the network indicies (fl_wp_mod, fl_wp_den) stored in seperate variables after running the function. I tried this but I'm able to get it.
Any idea why?
Sorry, I'm new to lapply and R in general.
cluster_modularity = function(graph_object){
fl_wp_ig <- graph_from_incidence_matrix(graph_object)
fl_wp_cw <- cluster_walktrap(fl_wp_ig)
fl_wp_mod <- modularity(fl_wp_cw)
fl_den <- edge_density(fl_wp_ig, loops = FALSE)
return(c(fl_wp_mod, fl_den))
Mod = lapply(fl_wp_n, cluster_modularity[1]) #fl_wp_n is the raw data
Den = lapply(fl_wp_n, cluster_modularity[2]) #Both these lines are giving me errors
Using sapply is more convenient here.
ans <- sapply(fl_wp_n, cluster_modularity)
Mod <- ans[1, ]
Den <- ans[2, ]
I am new to R and have difficulties using "if" and "for-loop". sorry if it is duplicated.
as you can see a chuck of a code below, I try to create 100 lm models and save when the R is more than 0.7.
However, the code saved all 100 lm models.
I suspect the statement (!is.na(lm.cv.r[i]) < 0.60) is wrong but I cannot figure it out.
# lets use USArrests data as an example
df.norm <- USArrests
lm.cv.mse <- NULL
lm.cv.r <- NULL
k <- 100
for(i in 1:k){
index.cv <- sample(1:nrow(df.norm),round(0.8*nrow(df.norm)))
df.cv.train <- df.norm[index.cv, ]
df.cv.test <- df.norm[-index.cv, ]
lm.cv <- glm(Rape~., data = df.cv.train)
lm.cv.predicted <- predict(lm.cv, df.cv.test)
lm.cv.mse[i] <- sum((df.cv.test$target - lm.cv.predicted)^2)/nrow(df.cv.test)
lm.cv.r[i] <- as.numeric(round(cor(lm.cv.predicted, df.cv.test$target, method = "pearson"), digits = 3))
if (!is.na(lm.cv.r[i]) > 0.70){
saveRDS(lm.cv, file = paste("lm.cv", lm.cv.r[i], ".rds", sep = ''))
I'm not familiarized with lm, so I will assume your code is working and the problem is as you said the if statement.
Try this out:
if ((lm.cv.r[i]>0.7) & (is.na(lm.cv.r[i])==FALSE)){
saveRDS(lm.cv, file = paste("lm.cv", lm.cv.r[i], ".rds", sep = ''))
So in your code
(!is.na(lm.cv.r[i]) > 0.70)
take a look at the !is.na(lm.cv.r[i]). Assuming that lm.cv.r[i] is a value or a set of values, then applying !is.na will return a value of TRUE since lm.cv.r[i] is not a na value. So you are dealing with this condition: " if TRUE > 0.7 ", which in fact returns TRUEsince 0.7 is less than 1.
In conclusion, you are saving every element since every if is TRUE.
I am trying something pretty simple, want to run a bunch of regressions parallelly. When I use the following data generator (PART 1), The parallel part does not work and give the error listed below
p <- 20; rho<-0.7;
cdc<- diag(p)
for( i in 1:(p-1) ){ for( j in (i+1):p ){
cdc[i,j] <- cdc[j,i] <- rho^abs(i-j)
my.data <- mvrnorm(n=100, mu = rep(0, p), Sigma = cdc)
The following Parallel Part does work but if I generate the data as PART 2
# PART 2
I configured the function that I want to run parallelly... as
p1 <- nrow(cov(my.data));store.beta<-matrix(0,p1,length(obj))
for (itration in obj) {
colnames(my_df)[itration] <- "y"
my.model<-bas.lm(y ~ ., data= my_df, alpha=3,
prior="ZS-null", force.heredity = FALSE, pivot = TRUE)
cf<-coef(my.model, estimator="MPM")
store.beta[ -itration, count]<- betas
So I write the following way of running parlapply
no_cores <- detectCores(logical = TRUE)
cl <- makeCluster(myclusternumber)
p1 <- ncol(my.data)
obj<-splitIndices(p1, myclusternumber)
clusterEvalQ(cl, {
newresult<-parallel::parLapply(cl,obj,fun = parallel_fun,my.data)
But whenever am doing PART 1 I get the following error
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
7 nodes produced errors; first error: object 'my_df' not found
But this should not happen, the data frame should be created, I have no idea why this is happening. Any help is appreciated.
Posting this as one possible workaround, see if it works:
p1 <- nrow(cov(my.data));store.beta<-matrix(0,p1,length(obj))
for (itration in obj) {
colnames(my_df)[itration] <- "y"
my_df <<- my_df
my.model<-bas.lm(y ~ ., data= my_df, alpha=3,
prior="ZS-null", force.heredity = FALSE, pivot = TRUE)
cf<-BAS:::coef.bas(my.model, estimator="MPM")
store.beta[ -itration, count]<- betas
The issue seems to be with BAS:::coef.bas function, that calls eval in order to get my_df and fails to do that when called in parallel. The "hack" here is to force my_df out to the parent environment by calling my_df <<- my_df.
There should be a better way to do this, but <<- might be the fastest one. In general, <<- may cause unwanted behaviour, especially when used in loops. Assigning unique variable name before exporting (and don't forgetting to remove after use) is one way to tackle them.
i'm performing Anova testing for my current datasets that has multiple columns which i am trying to loop to make things easier but it seems to me that i am always facing the same error called "variable lengths differ"
here is my code for the loop:
for(i in 5:125){
WL<- colnames(NB[i])
model <- lm(WL ~ Treatment , data = NB)
aovNB <- rbind(aovNB,anova(model))
and i'm wondering if it is possible that way to store the column names into WL variable which i can use to read the multiple columns i have.
thanks if anyone could solve it. i'm using base R.
Use reformulate/as.formula to create formula from strings. Also instead of rbinding the datasets in a loop store them in a list.
cols <- colnames(NB)[5:125]
result <- vector('list', length(cols))
for(i in seq_along(cols)){
model <- lm(reformulate('Treatment', cols[i]) , data = NB)
result[[i]] <- anova(model)
If needed you can combine them using result <- do.call(rbind, result)
We may do this with paste
cols <- colnames(NB)[5:125]
result <- vector('list', length(cols))
for(i in seq_along(cols)) {
result[[i]] <- anova(lm(as.formula(paste(cols[i], '~ Treatment')), data = NB))
I found the following piece of code here at stackoverflow:
columnFunction <- function (x) {
column.D <- dlgList(names(x), multiple = T, title = "Spalten auswaehlen")$res
if (!length((column.D))) {
cat("No column selected\n")
} else {
cat("The following columns are choosen:\n")
x <- x[,!names(x) %in% column.D]
df <- columnFunction(df)
So i wanted to use it for my own proposes, but it did not work out as planned.
What i try to archive is to use it in a for loop or with lapply to use it with multiple data.frames. Amongst others I tried:
d.frame1 <- iris
d.frame2 <- cars
l.frames <- c("d.frame1","d.frame2")
for (b in l.frames){
but it yields the following error message:
Error in dlgList(names(x), multiple = T, title = "Spalten auswaehlen")$res :
$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Well, what i need additionally is that I can loop though that function so that i can iterate through different data.frames.
Last but not least I would need something like:
for (xyz in l.frames){
xyz <- columnFunction(xyz)
to automate the saving step.
Does anyone have any idea how i could loop though that function or how i could change the function so that it performs all those steps and is loopable.
I`m quite new to R so perhaps Im missing something obvious.
lapply was designed for this task:
l.frames <- list(d.frame1, d.frame2)
l.frames <- lapply(l.frames, columnFunction)
If you insist on using a for loop:
for (i in seq_along(l.frames)) l.frames[[i]] <- columnFunction(l.frames[[i]])
uniq <- unique(file[,12])
for(i in 1:length(uniq)) {
dat <- subset(file, file[,12] == uniq[i])
names <- paste("Sample_filtered_on_", uniq[i], sep="")
qq.chisq(-2*log(as.numeric(dat[,10])), df = 2, main = names, pvals = T,
file[,12] is an integer so I convert it to a factor when I'm trying to run it with by instead of a for loop as follows:
by(file, as.factor(file[,12]), function(x) { qq.chisq(-2*log(as.numeric(x[,10])), df = 2, main = paste("Sample_filtered_on_", file[1,12], sep=""), pvals = T, sub=subtitle) } )
It works fine to sort the data frame by this (now a factor) column. My problem is that for the plot title, I want to label it with the correct index from that column. This is easy to do in the for loop by uniq[i]. How do I do this in a by function?
Hope this makes sense.
A more vectorized (== cooler?) version would pull the common operations out of the loop and let R do the book-keeping about unique factor levels.
dat <- split(-2 * log(as.numeric(file[,10])), file[,12])
names(dat) <- paste0("IoOPanos_filtered_on_pc_", names(dat))
(paste0 is a convenience function for the common use case where normally one would use paste with the argument sep=""). The for loop is entirely appropriate when you're running it for its side effects (plotting pretty pictures) rather than trying to capture values for further computation; it's definitely un-cool to use T instead of TRUE, while seq_along(dat) means that your code won't produce unexpected results when length(dat) == 0.
for(i in seq_along(dat)) {
vals <- dat[[i]]
nm <- names(dat)[[i]]
qq.chisq(val, main = nm, df = 2, pvals = TRUE, sub=subtitle)
If you did want to capture values, the basic observation is that your function takes 2 arguments that vary. So by or tapply or sapply or ... are not appropriate; each of these assume that just a single argument is varying. Instead, use mapply or the comparable Map
Map(qq.chisq, dat, main=names(dat),
MoreArgs=list(df=2, pvals=TRUE, sub=subtitle))