Elementor ruins page layout - css

I use Astra (latest version) and Elementor 3.64, tried to switch off every plugin, clear cache, restore CSS and change CSS setting to external file, nothing helps.
I have some products in my catalog, and those product posts that I have created previously seem to have no problem with CSS.
But when I create a new product, the page has no margins or paddings whatsoever. The most interesting thing is that when I start editing previous product posts, the margins and paddings also disappear there. That's why I try not to change other "healthy" posts with Elementor, because it ruins them.
I tried looking at the CSS code through F12, it shows that CSS codes for ast-separate-container and ast-woocommerce-container simply disappear and I have no clue why that happens. Other pages that I haven't opened with Elementor have these code lines with all margins and paddings. Somebody help?
Normal page: https://atomycatalog.kz/product/atomi-centella-nabor/
Ruined page:

Have you tried updating Elementor to version 3.7.0 before?
I've got news from some friends that there is a bug in version 3.7.0 which makes some layouts messy, they say downgrading still doesn't change anything.
The only way they fix the messy layouts problem is with restore the database if you have any backup for the version on date where you feel everything is still fine.
Elementor developer team will work hard to fix this bugs in the next update. I am sure of it
If this doesn't help you, come back and ask again:)


MS Edge wrong display a slideshow and a content below

I'm creating a simple site here: http://dev.bajan.sk/poplar/en/ubytovna-poplar
The problem is only in MS Edge, there is a slideshow above the page content. In each other browser, which I tried, the content is below the slider, but in Edge it seems, like the slideshow would by position:absolute, or fixed. I checked a custom CSS, but there's nothing to repair.
My problem is, that I use win7, so it's impossible to install the Edge. I was using only browserstack.com account, but the free halfhour passed away and it's also very very slowly. If someone could help, I would be thankful.
I solved the problem.
This site was not created by me from scratch. I only took a job after a graphic designer, who played on coder. He didn't upgrade the plugins, which means, the very old version of bootstrap (from year 2014) was linked to site. The Edge browser has a problem. Two clicks to update the plugins and everything work fine now.

Visual Composer for Wordpress CSS Revisions

I am creating a project for work using Visual Composer for WordPress. My co-worker was messing around while I was in the middle of making changes and updated the page with old CSS, removing everything I had done for the entire day.
I noticed that WordPress has a revisions link, but it seems to only change the layout and not the 'Custom CSS' that was added. Before I give up and redo the entire thing, is there any way to go back?

Roots Theme 6.4 Disappearing Homepage Content with decreasing screen size

Good Day,
I have noticed today that for some reason using WordPress 3.6.1 and Roots 6.4.0 that the homepage had blank content between the footer and the logo. However, it only happens on the homepage, works fine on any other page, and it has only happened recently.
You may check out the website: http://jsteinhi.com.
I ask that someone please check it out, and tell me if this a media query problem, CSS, PHP, or WordPress problem. I want to know, so I can avoid this happening again if it was a mistake I made that or changes to a post that caused this.
I thank you for your time and efforts.
Interestingly the problem lied with a "display: none" in my main stylesheet. Don't know why it was there under a media query, but it's now fixed.

Not all Wordpress pages are displaying menus correctly

I am having a specific issue with my wordpress site that I'm trying to resolve.
The site is at www.dontforgetthebubbles.com
As you will see the homepage looks fine.
But many posts are not displaying correctly. As an example:
The menu columns are all showing simultaneously (hover over 'Clinical' and compare this to the home page to see what I mean)
The 'toggle' button is not working (see http://www.dontforgetthebubbles.com/2013/07/intubating-with-stridor/ for an example of a post where it does work correctly).
I think the issues are related to more recent posts (and the older posts are ok) but it is affecting around 15 posts.
Could anyone suggest what my be causing this?
You must have a CSS or plugin causing conflict. I can see that you're loading many stylesheets. Probably have a lot of plugins? Try disabling them one by one, beginning with the most recently installed to narrow it down.
Check all the Javascript files. Looks like some are missing on the pages with the problems. For example, superfish.js or sprite.js. My guess is one of them handles the dynamic menu features with is why <ul class="sub-menu">...</ul> under Clinical doesn't have by default the display:none property unlike your home page.

Cufontext not hiding in IE after being replaced by cufon

This is my site: http://travel.web2c.eu
it is a wordpress installation and the theme is using cufon fonts.
The problem is that in the main page (which is in Greek) the cufontext is not hiding when replaced by cufon. So when the page loads I see every title twice.
This happens only in the main page. Inner pages although they use the same template as the main page are displaying correctly.
The error is displayed when i enable some plugins such as WP UI, GT tabs, sociable, sexybookmarks etc. I tried to avoid plugins that cause the problem, but almost 80% of wp plugins are causing this so I decided to search for a solution.
I posted the error at the theme support page but still no answer.
This is the link: http://support.ait-themes.com/discussion/4172/display-error-in-ie9-probably-with-the-fonts
You can see two screenshots, the first one is with most pluginis disabled, and the second one has GT Tabs enabled (it's the current state of the site).
I would be grateful if anyone could help.
Thanks in advance.
