Firebase: Get users for linked to a specific tenant - firebase

We're using our auth backend for multiple customers. The idea would be to create a tenant for every customer account. For user management purposes, I need to display a list of all available users in the front end.
As I can't just display all available users, I'm looking for a way on how to retrieve a specific group of users.
getUsers() ( doesn't help, as there is no UserIdentifier for custom claims (which would be a way to differentiate between accounts).
Another idea (as mentioned) would be to create a tenant for every account, and map the users that belong to this account. But it seems like there's no method to get all users for a tenant as well.
Of course I could just store user data in firestore as well, but I'm curious if there's a different way.
Thanks in advance for your help!

The documentation for Google Cloud Identity Platform seems to indicate that it is possible to get a list of the users for a specific tenant by calling listUsers on an auth instance that is initialized for that specific tenant with:
const tenantAuth = admin admin.auth().tenantManager().authForTenant('TENANT-ID');
tenantAuth.listUsers(1000, nextPageToken)
.then((listUsersResult) => {


Is possible to get userID or currentUser subcollection in Firestore with Cloud Functions? [duplicate]

I'm trying to get the UID of the user authenticated by firebase web sdk, in the cloud function. The cloud function is triggered by onWrite event of cloud firestore.
This function is triggered when the logged in user is creating/updating items to the cafe. The authentication is handled by Firebase Auth. The security rules enable write only for logged in users. So this event could be tied to a user.
export const cfun = functions.firestore.document('cafes/{cafeId}/items/{itemId}').onWrite(async event => {
// trying to get the uid here
There are examples in the docs that deals with the userId, but in all those cases the userId is part of the document path. But in this model the user is not part of the path, as a cafe could have multiple owners and so could be manipulated by many users. So adding userId to the path is not an option.
It looks like a common case for serverless architecture.
Update: Functions triggered by firestore doesn't have event.auth populated. Looking for suggestions on modelling the following requirement.
In the data-model, I've got cafes and owners. Each cafe could be owned by many owners and a cafe could be transferred to some-other owner at a later stage. So the cafes are modelled as /cafes/{cafeId} and everything that belongs to the cafe as /cafes/{cafeId}/items/{itemId} etc.
We also need to query cafes based on different params, if modelled below users it becomes difficult. For these reasons the cafe cannot be modelled as /users/{userId}/cafes/{cafeId}.
As far as security rules are concerned, I could control write access using get(<>) to determine who gets write access to cafes. There is no problem with the security.
I feel that the execution context should provide all available information and let the developers handle it appropriate for their use case. And for serverless apps userId is a must.
If event.auth is not provided in the function, then this restriction will force items that does not belong to users to be modelled /users/{userId}/<item_name>/{itemId} just for the sake of accessing the userId in the cloud functions. This doesn't feel natural.
Also right now there is no way to figure if the cloud function is triggered because of the changes performed in the console. The event.auth info that is available for firebase database triggered functions will be perfect to handle all cases.
Any suggestions regarding how to remodel this case is appreciated as well.
Thanks in advance,
I have been facing a similar issue. In Firebase, it was easy - you simply took the data from event.auth. I would assume this is simply a feature not implemented yet while we are in the beta phase of Firestore. Adding the user id to the path does not work as you previously mentioned as it will constantly be changing depending on the user making the update.
My scenario is that I want to create a "lastUpdatedBy" field in the object being updated. If we were to allow the client to send in a lastUpdatedBy field in the payload, this could be abused by a rogue client (i.e. someone with a authenticated account) trying to impersonate someone else. Therefore in Firebase we relied on a cloud function to populate this field on data change events.
My workaround is to allow the client to insert the "lastUpdatedBy" field but additionally use the Firestore rules to validate that the userId in the payload matches that of the logged in user - otherwise deny the write request.
Something like:
match /collectionA/{docId} {
allow update: if == request.auth.uid;
Until Google/Firestore guys add the "auth" object to the cloud function I don't see any other workaround but would love to hear differently.
Since Cloud Functions 1.0 you can get the UID like this
exports.dbCreate = functions.database.ref('/path').onCreate((snap, context) => {
const uid = context.auth.uid;
const authVar = context.auth;
Here is a nice post from the FB team for all CF1.0 changes:
The data of context.auth can be found here:

(Flutter) How to get other users' info from Firebase

1. The Context of the Problem
In my app, I'm creating a screen where the user could see other people's ranks. For that, inevitably, I'm going to need other users' names, profile pictures, etc. So, is there a way of querying that info through Firebase's authentication API? Or, for example, would I have to save that kind of data in a separate collection when the user logs in for the first time — doesn't sound like a good security practice to me.
2. How I think it would look like
I imagine the workflow would look a bit like this:
// ...
for (String userEmail in listOfUserEmailsInRanking){
UserInfo userData = FirebaseAuth.instance.getUserData(
email: userEmail
userDisplayName = userData.displayName;
userPhoto = userData.photoUrl;
// ...
My idea is that there should be some API following the example of displayName and photoUrl, which are both properties available from the FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser() method.
It is not possible to use the Firebase Authentication client API to allow a user to query for other users. If you want to expose user account data to other users, you should write some code to write the required user data to a database, and query the database instead.
If you have concerns about security, and you're using a Firebase data (Realtime Database or Firestore) then look into using security rules to determine who can read and write its data.
Your second option can be implemented without compromising security. If you really intend to share some user data (which I suppose is not sensitive) you can create a shared separate collection of just that data and link it to the owner through some ID which you also keep in a private collection of that owner's properties.

Firebase real-time database (Get other user info based on UID) with REST

I have an app created with Firebase real-time database and I've created a few users, all with REST methods found here:
I can get the user info for the current user, but I would like to have a REST endpoint to fetch all the users (UID, email, displayPhoto, name, etc) or at least a user by UID. I haven't found this method in the link above.
I know that there is an SDK to do that (, but I would like to do this with REST since the full app is using REST.
Does anybody know if this is possible and has the rest endpoint?
Thank you!
There is no public REST API to get a list of all users. The reason for this is that getting a list of users is considered a sensitive operation, and allowing that from client-side code would be risky.
The common way to implement your use-case is to build your own endpoint, either on a server you already control, or with Cloud Functions. There you can use the Admin SDK to get the list of users, and then return that to your caller. Make sure to limit what data you return and to properly secure that endpoint though, as otherwise you'll be putting your user's information at risk.

Firebase Auth - list of users by Custom Claims

We're using Custom Claims in Firebase Auth to manage access in Firebase and allow custom UI experience.
We're now working on the User Admin part and we can't find a way to retrieve users by the custom claims.
For example, a user belongs to an organisation and have different access level - admin or user.
We need to allow the organisation's admin to see all their organisation's users.
We'd like to avoid using a separate database to manage organisation users to not double up the data.
Is it possible?
Can we retrieve all Auth users while filtering them by specific Custom Claim?
There is no built-in API to get a list of all users that have a specific claim.
There is an API to get a list of all users in the Admin SDK. So you could use that and then filter the users that have the claim you're looking for.
But performance of this will not be spectacular. So if listing all users with a specific claim is a common use-case for your app, you'll want to reconsider your concern about using an additional place to store the data. Duplicating data to achieve (well performing) use-cases is quite common in NoSQL.

Firestore - Cloud Functions - Get uid

I'm trying to get the UID of the user authenticated by firebase web sdk, in the cloud function. The cloud function is triggered by onWrite event of cloud firestore.
This function is triggered when the logged in user is creating/updating items to the cafe. The authentication is handled by Firebase Auth. The security rules enable write only for logged in users. So this event could be tied to a user.
export const cfun = functions.firestore.document('cafes/{cafeId}/items/{itemId}').onWrite(async event => {
// trying to get the uid here
There are examples in the docs that deals with the userId, but in all those cases the userId is part of the document path. But in this model the user is not part of the path, as a cafe could have multiple owners and so could be manipulated by many users. So adding userId to the path is not an option.
It looks like a common case for serverless architecture.
Update: Functions triggered by firestore doesn't have event.auth populated. Looking for suggestions on modelling the following requirement.
In the data-model, I've got cafes and owners. Each cafe could be owned by many owners and a cafe could be transferred to some-other owner at a later stage. So the cafes are modelled as /cafes/{cafeId} and everything that belongs to the cafe as /cafes/{cafeId}/items/{itemId} etc.
We also need to query cafes based on different params, if modelled below users it becomes difficult. For these reasons the cafe cannot be modelled as /users/{userId}/cafes/{cafeId}.
As far as security rules are concerned, I could control write access using get(<>) to determine who gets write access to cafes. There is no problem with the security.
I feel that the execution context should provide all available information and let the developers handle it appropriate for their use case. And for serverless apps userId is a must.
If event.auth is not provided in the function, then this restriction will force items that does not belong to users to be modelled /users/{userId}/<item_name>/{itemId} just for the sake of accessing the userId in the cloud functions. This doesn't feel natural.
Also right now there is no way to figure if the cloud function is triggered because of the changes performed in the console. The event.auth info that is available for firebase database triggered functions will be perfect to handle all cases.
Any suggestions regarding how to remodel this case is appreciated as well.
Thanks in advance,
I have been facing a similar issue. In Firebase, it was easy - you simply took the data from event.auth. I would assume this is simply a feature not implemented yet while we are in the beta phase of Firestore. Adding the user id to the path does not work as you previously mentioned as it will constantly be changing depending on the user making the update.
My scenario is that I want to create a "lastUpdatedBy" field in the object being updated. If we were to allow the client to send in a lastUpdatedBy field in the payload, this could be abused by a rogue client (i.e. someone with a authenticated account) trying to impersonate someone else. Therefore in Firebase we relied on a cloud function to populate this field on data change events.
My workaround is to allow the client to insert the "lastUpdatedBy" field but additionally use the Firestore rules to validate that the userId in the payload matches that of the logged in user - otherwise deny the write request.
Something like:
match /collectionA/{docId} {
allow update: if == request.auth.uid;
Until Google/Firestore guys add the "auth" object to the cloud function I don't see any other workaround but would love to hear differently.
Since Cloud Functions 1.0 you can get the UID like this
exports.dbCreate = functions.database.ref('/path').onCreate((snap, context) => {
const uid = context.auth.uid;
const authVar = context.auth;
Here is a nice post from the FB team for all CF1.0 changes:
The data of context.auth can be found here:
