Where to store css style sheet for sbt ScalaFX project - css

Does anyone know where in an sbt directory structure ScalaFX looks for CSS style sheets? I've tried putting them in the same directory as my ScalaFX app main file, in a resources directory, directly in src, and pretty much everywhere else - yet every time I get a message saying Resource "whatever path I'm using/style.css" not found.

In SBT project you put CSS stylesheets in src/main/resources
You can see an example project using CSS here https://github.com/scalafx/scalafx-ensemble
Assuming that your stylesheet is in src/main/resources/path/my.css you can load it like this
scene = new Scene {
stylesheets += this.getClass.getResource("/path/my.css").toExternalForm


How to find css file of scss file in angular project

I have created the angular project in VS Code using the following command.
ng new my-app --style=scss
by following this github link
Now every style sheet that is being created using angular-cli is with extension of .scss instead of .css
Now there is a requirement to check that how Sass is being converted to css because I am new to Sass. I am facing some issues in designing thus it would be nice for me to look at css file.
I have searched in those folder where scss file exists but there I couldn't find css file. Please help
Look at this picture, when I created the component using cli, it created .scss instead of css so I need to look for css file.
I've been able to find a way to view my compiled .scss files as a .css file.
Before I only saw the raw .scss files when inspecting from Chrome.
The trick was setting some flags in the angular.json file so it will tell webpack (what angular-cli uses to build the app) that I want the .scss files served as .css along with a sourcemap of the file:
"projects": {
"my-prject": { <-- or whatever your project is named
"architect": {
"configurations": {
"production": { // <-- production is default, you might be working w/ custom configurations [development, test, w/e]
"sourceMap": true, <-- will serve source maps w/ the file so you can view it in the browser easily
"extractCss": true, <-- actually serve the .css files and not the .scss files
Once that is updated, restart the dev server or rebuild your application
then you can go into chrome dev tools and look at find the styles.css file (or whatever you have the file name set to) and view it:
If you are working on local then:
local {
"sourceMap": true,
Sass in Angular 2 are always converted into Css in run time when you compile and build the project. However if you are using any other environment like Gulp tasks and watches, you can run 'sass --watch input.scss output.css'
As folks have already mentioned, the css is built at runtime. You can still set the result using inspect in chrome or firefox.
It's definitely a requirement to check the generated CSS when you find something wrong and Chrome Inspector can't help! So this is definitely a good question, which is why I'm here.
To summarize, #y_vyshnevska is right that "you may find your css inlined in script tags at the end of head", and he also gave an in-depth link: https://blog.angularindepth.com/this-is-how-angular-cli-webpack-delivers-your-css-styles-to-the-client-d4adf15c4975 on the topic. I put it here in case you neglect it.
It looks not possible to view compiled css files at a runtime.
However, you can do the following trick: angular applies components' styles using <style> attribute. Find the one you need in elements inspector (you can search there using ctrl (or cmd) + f.
After you've found the stylesheet you need, you'll see it's truncated. To see the entire content, click on the style element and select "Store as global variable". After that in console run
copy(Object.values(temp1.sheet.cssRules).map(r => r.cssText).join('\n'))
This will copy all css to your buffer

Bootstrap SASS in Visual Studio 2013 wrong font path

I have used bower to install bootstrap SASS files into my application.
I am using AngularJS and want to use my own directory structure instead of the default Content path defined by MVC.
So I have installed https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass and in my core SASS file I have imported the bootstrap SASS like this:
#import "../bower_components/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap";
everything loads in my application and the site is definitely using bootstrap, but whenever I try to use a glyphicon I just get a square instead of the icon. Looking in the console I can see that the path to the glyphicons is wrong. It is showing:
but it should be
Now I "could" edit the variables file and change this line:
// [converter] If $bootstrap-sass-asset-helper if used, provide path relative to the assets load path.
// [converter] This is because some asset helpers, such as Sprockets, do not work with file-relative paths.
$icon-font-path: if($bootstrap-sass-asset-helper, "bootstrap/", "../fonts/bootstrap/") !default;
to something like this:
// [converter] If $bootstrap-sass-asset-helper if used, provide path relative to the assets load path.
// [converter] This is because some asset helpers, such as Sprockets, do not work with file-relative paths.
$icon-font-path: "/assets/bootstrap-sass/assets/fonts";
but whenever someone loads my project from github and bower resolves bootstrap my changes to that file will be lost. I have noted in their documentation they talk about sprockets and mincer, but I have never used these so I have no idea what they are for.
My question is, can I change the font path without editing the SASS file directly?

How to handle CSS with meteor?

I am building a test app to learn how to organize multiple files with METEOR.
I have a head.html and inside I have the following link to my custom CSS:
<!-- Custom CSS -->
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/globals/style.css"/>
Very normal, Yet I have trouble to make that working.
Here is my app directory:
-app folder
I know it seems to be a very basic question but I can not figure it out.
Basically you have 2 ways of inserting CSS in a Meteor project :
Using the Meteor build tool to automatically concatenate and minify all your CSS files living in the client/ directory : in this case you don't need to import your stylesheets using a link tag in the head. This is perfect for vital CSS files that your app should load when started.
Example : put your CSS file under client/stylesheets/globals/style.css and that's it, no need to import it, it's automatically injected in your project by Meteor.
Using the classic way of importing stylesheets in a web application : you can put your CSS files inside the public/ directory and they will be served by your app server. In this case the Meteor build process will be skipped so files won't be concatenated together nor minified. Use this method when you want to lazy load big CSS files only needed in a subpart of your app (for example admin section styling).
Example : put your minified CSS file under public/stylesheets/admin/style.css, and use something like iron:router to load the CSS file when hitting the admin route.
Router.route("/admin", {
// onRun hooks executed only once
onRun: function(){
// create a link taf holding a reference to our publicly served CSS file
var link=$("<link>",{
rel: "stylesheet",
href: "/stylesheets/admin/style.css"
// append to the head tag

Changes to skin in SDK path not taking effect?

I'm using the SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin in my Window Application and I'm making changes to the skin in the SDK directory but none of my changes are taking effect.
I set the skin in my CSS like this:
backgroundAlpha: 1;
backgroundColor: #FFFFFF;
resizeAffordanceWidth: 6;
skinClass: ClassReference("spark.skins.spark.SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin");
Then I control + click on the skin name and it opens the file. I then change some of the styles and properties. I then run the application. None of my changes seem to make a difference.
UPDATE: I just typed random gibberish into the skin and no errors were thrown. So I know it's not using the changes.
I copied the skins out of the SDK directory and placed them into my project folder. I placed them the same package / folder path as they had in the SDK and copied the assets to the root of my project folder (same path again). This worked! I'm still curious to know if this is the way everyone else does it and why the changes to the skins in the SDK did not update with my changes. Here is a screenshot of my project src directory now:

MeegoTouch CSS Style Problem

I write a Meego App. But the CSS sytle not work normally. And I want to know how to get the CSS sytle works ? THX.
My Steps:
in .pro, add meegotouch lib
css file named style.css and I add a qrc file to reference the style.css
in Code, just load the css style.
at the first time, the style works, but it fail to change the style when I re-write some attributes in the CSS file.
And I have to re-name the css file(maybe style1.css) and re-add in the qrc file, it will get work.
Any solution or did I miss something??
It would help if you included more code.
The only thing that I can think of is the simple problem of not reloading the application (or at least re-running the method where you load the css file) after you change the css file.
But I still don't know what you're doing.
