Telegram API. inputNotifyChats - telegram

Please tell me, how to use this method of the telegram api.
There is no information on how to use it anywhere, but the method exists.


Is it possible to get all my chat ids in telegram bot api?

I'm writing a bot that will send the same message for many people I've ever communicated in telegram. So I need to get all my old chat_id's.
All I found is just to store chat_id when I receive a new message as here Retrieve all chat ids using Telegram bot
But it doesn't fit me. If is it possible, please tell me, I'd really apreciate it!
It's not possible, as there is no such method listed in the Bot API Docs.

Can a telegram bot change a supergroup from private into public?

I've been using python-telegram-bot and I want my telegram bot to change supergroup's type from public into private, but I'm not able to find any api about this. Can anyone tell me is it possible to make a telegram bot to change supergroup's type?
Not at all.
This is not related to your programming language. This is because Telegram Bot API doesn't support your desired operation.
Nope, you can't
You only can subscribe to group change checking migrate_from_chat_id and migrate_to_chat_id in messages inside channel. Unfortunately you can't init such changes from bot, only observation possible and could be handled with fields mentioned above.

Automate setcommands in Telegram

Is it possible to automate the setcommands command?
Instead of going to Botfather. Is there any way to doing from my code using Telegram API or anything else?
Telegram Bot API currently doesn't support interacting with other bots. If you really need adding commands to your bot programmatically, go through Telegram API (Don't confuse it with Bot API. This API is used for creating telegram clients, not bots) and contact #BotFather.
However, doing that doesn't seem reasonable. Instead, there might be a simpler approach so you don't need to add commands to your bot programmatically.

find out who watched my telegram Avatar

Recently, There are new robots that claim to be able to tell who has seen your profile photo but most of them are fake.
I want to know is it actually possible to write that bot? Directly by using bot api or indirectly like creating a channel for bot ...
This is not possible in Telegram, those bots just provide fake data.
You can't even know who views your channel post via either Client API, Bot API, or unofficial APIs.
I think all of these robots are fake and for ads. actually it's not useful that a robot tell who seen your profile photo. I think it is impossible.

Telegram: How to add another(existing) bot to bot_father?

How can I add another existing bot to my BothFather in telegram?
I have my own bot and I can see it in BotFather and now I am asked to manage another bot (which I have its security key).
But I could not see this bot in my BotFather(obviously, because I did not create it) and I could not find any way to add this second bot into my BotFather in order to change its info or default commands list.
If I understand correctly, you have a bot that you created yourself with #BotFather and you can manage its commands, info etc. by talking to BotFather.
Then you have been asked to manage another bot created by someone else and you have been given its token.
Let me tell you that you cannot change the info of the Bot created by someone else. i.e. you don't have the ownership of the Bot.
Bot Ownership transfer is a feature that Telegram Support said will consider in future.
As far as making the bot work, by using the API Token you can go through their Bot API Documentation.
With Bot API 5.0, it's now possible to Transfer the bot ownership.
