I am trying to get milliseconds with the Lua date time
This is how I am getting os time.
time = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
which returns me the date and time as 2022-08-15 08:30:40 I also want to add milliseconds(00 to 999) with it like the expected output is 2022-08-15 08:30:40.786
I tried to find it but had no success even here at Lua date time page there is no info about this https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
It is impossible to get sub-second time resolution by using os.date.
os.date internally invokes C function strftime which does not have fractional seconds data field in the data structure it's working with.
I load a dataset from excel
In the file there is a separate date column as Posixct
I also have a time column that in R gets loaded as a date time. To bring it back as time I do........
However it turns into a character. This is where i think the problem lies
str(STOP_DATA$`Stop Frisk Time`)
I would think this part resolves the situation
df$merge_date_time<-as.POSIXct(paste(df$Datecol, df$TimeCol), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
The date and time is then combined. What i want to do now is reference a timestamp column that is a Poxict data type.
I would like to then find the time difference between them
df$TIME_SINCE <- difftime(df$Timestamp, df$merge_date_time, tz="UTC", units = "mins" )
but I end up with weird numbers that don't make sense. My guess its the Character data type for time. Does anyone know how to solve this?
I ended up finding out that this works
df$date_time<-paste(df$date, format(as.POSIXct(df$time), '%T'))
I removed the portion below from the script as it changed the file into a character.
I accepted the obscure POSIXT default with the proper time and odd dates (1899-12-31) and what the script did was replace 1899-12-31 with the proper correstponding df$date column.
My demand is really so silly, so basically I need to go back in time 24 hours in a timestamp column in Hive.
So far, I have tried two different ways but it's not going thru:
recordDate, --original date
cast(date_sub(cast(recorddate as timestamp),1) as timestamp), -- going one day behind without hour
cast((cast(cast(recorddate as timestamp) AS bigint)-1*3600) as timestamp) -- crazy year
from mtmbuckets.servpro_agents_events limit 10;
My output looks:
I appreciate the support you can give me.
There is not straight forward function in hive .
1 Create UDF to do so .
Convert date in no of second and do you calculation( -24 *60*60) sec then change back int to data.
use from_unixtime and unix_timestamp to achieve below code.
select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(recorddate) - 86400)
from mtmbuckets.servpro_agen ts_events limit 10;;
Convert time string with given pattern to Unix time stamp (in seconds) The result of this function is in seconds.
Converts time string in format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss to Unix timestamp (in seconds), using the default timezone and the default locale, return 0 if fail: unix_timestamp('2009-03-20 11:30:01') = 1237573801
I've found a couple of existing StackoverFlow questions on this but nothing very definite.
I have a local datetime. I want this in UTC. my local datetime does not have a 'Z' at the end or any offset information.
I first tried:
moment(mylocaldatetime).toISOString() #works fine because this method always returns time in UTC
But for consistency with other code I didn't want to use to ISOString() so I did this:
This seems to work fine. If the browser running this code is in UTC + 1 I get a datetime one hour less than mylocaldatetime (with an offset string if I specify that in the format). I.e. it has treated mylocaldatetime as a local time, taken account of my current time zone, and given me my local time as UTC.
However. This appears to contradict the moment.js docs which are pretty clear that:
If you want to parse or display a moment in UTC, you can use moment.utc() instead of moment(). - Notice the 'parse'.
Moment normally interprets input times as local times (or UTC times if moment.utc() is used).
If these doc comments were true this line:
should treat mylocaldatetime as if it were utc and then output this datetime in utc - no difference. No conversion. But that is not what I get.
Maybe what this line moment(mylocaldatetime).utc().format() is saying is:
create a moment object in local mode with mylocaldatetime. Then put the moment object into utc mode. So now when we format for display we output as utc. IF this is the case I think the docs could be made clearer.
I'm working on extracting a date from a variable: "curIndex."
Here's what the code looks likes
show(txntime1 <- timestamp(mktdata[curIndex+1L])[,1])
show(txntime <- strftime(txntime1, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS6'))
And the output is this:
"##------ Tue Mar 08 14:31:58 2016 ------##"
I'm working within ruleOrderProc of the quantstrat package.
The order time needs to be POSIXlt for the order book. Does anyone know what to do with this funky date format that I'm getting?
If so, thanks!
When all else fails, read the documentation. ;-) ?timestamp says:
The timestamp function writes a timestamp (or other message)
into the history and echos it to the console. On platforms that
do not support a history mechanism only the console message is
You probably meant to call time or index. Also, the time needs to be POSIXct for the order book, not POSIXlt.
I have a scenario where i need to convert a Datefield(joindate) to currentcompany timezone date. And then i need to compare this with anotherdate(startdate). If the difference is more than 365 days i need to give an warning. Can someone help me in this.
Thanks in advance.
You can apply a timezone to an utcdatetime via DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset
The company timezone can be retrieved by calling DateTimeUtil::getCompanyTimeZone
Afterwards calculate the difference by calling DateTimeUtil::getDifference, which returns the difference in seconds so you have to compare that with the seconds per year.
To avoid inserting a 'magic' number, use the constants in the macro library TimeConstants.
If Datefield(joindate) is of type date and not utcDateTime then DateTimeUtil::newDateTime() should be used to convert it to utcDateTime:
utcDateTime joinDateTime = DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(joindate, 0,
DateTimeUtil::getDifference() can be used to get the number of seconds between the utcDateTime values.
If both Datefield(joindate) and anotherdate(startdate) are of type date and not utcDateType then no conversion is required at all, and you can check whether the difference is more than 365 as follows:
if (joindate - startdate > 365) {}
If the above assumptions are wrong, see DAXaholic's answer.