How do I gsub the complete time string behind # - r

(this is my first question, if i need to improve anything about it, pls let me know!)
I am analysing a large observational dataset. start and stop time of each observation have been indicated so that i was able to calculate the duration. But there is a note column which includes information on "pauses" / "breaks" or "out of sight" periods in which the animal was not seen. I would like to subtract those time periods from total duration.
My problem is, one column includes several notes, not only pauses ("HH:MM-HH:MM") but also info on certain events (xy happened "#HH:MM").
I only want to look at time periods in the format of HH:MM-HH:MM and i want to exclude all event times labeled "#HH:MM". I've managed to drop all words and be left with only numbers, so it looks like this
id <- c("3990", "3989", "3004")
timepoints <- c("#6:19,,7:16-7:23,7:25-7:43,#7:53,", "#6:19,,7:25-7:43,#7:53", "7:30-7:39,7:45-7:48,7:49-7:54")
df <- data.frame(id, timepoints)
tried several ways of grep or gsub trying to indicate, either which to keep, or which to leave out but i failed. The closest I got was r dropping "#HH" but keeping ":MM". for this I used
gsub("#([[:digit:]]|[_])*", "", df$timepoints)
, as found for a similar problem just with words here: remove all words that start with "#" from a string
The aim is to get (e.g.):
"7:16-7:23, 7:25-7:43"
"7:16-7:23", "7:25-7:43"
If possible separated by comma, or directly separated into different columns so i can extract the time and subtract it from my total observation time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

How about matching the strings you're interested in instead?
With base:
df$new_timepoints <- regmatches(df$timepoints, gregexpr("\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}-\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}", df$timepoints))
Output (with a list column):
id timepoints new_timepoints
1 3990 #6:19,,7:16-7:23,7:25-7:43,#7:53, 7:16-7:23, 7:25-7:43
2 3989 #6:19,,7:25-7:43,#7:53 7:25-7:43
3 3004 7:30-7:39,7:45-7:48,7:49-7:54 7:30-7:39, 7:45-7:48, 7:49-7:54
With tidyverse (in a long format for easy calculations!):
df |>
group_by(id) |>
mutate(new_timepoints = str_extract_all(timepoints, "\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}-\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}")) |>
unnest_longer(new_timepoints) |>
# A tibble: 6 × 3
id timepoints new_timepoints
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 3990 #6:19,,7:16-7:23,7:25-7:43,#7:53, 7:16-7:23
2 3990 #6:19,,7:16-7:23,7:25-7:43,#7:53, 7:25-7:43
3 3989 #6:19,,7:25-7:43,#7:53 7:25-7:43
4 3004 7:30-7:39,7:45-7:48,7:49-7:54 7:30-7:39
5 3004 7:30-7:39,7:45-7:48,7:49-7:54 7:45-7:48
6 3004 7:30-7:39,7:45-7:48,7:49-7:54 7:49-7:54

You can do something like this:
f <- function(x) {
lapply(x, \(s) {
s = strsplit(s,",")[[1]]
and then apply that function to the timepoints column
mutate(df %>% as_tibble(), timepoints = f(timepoints)) %>%
id timepoints
<chr> <chr>
1 3990 7:16-7:23
2 3990 7:25-7:43
3 3989 7:25-7:43
4 3004 7:30-7:39
5 3004 7:45-7:48
6 3004 7:49-7:54
You could also use unnest_wider() to get these as columns; for that I would adjust my f() to include the names of the timepoints:
f <- function(x) {
lapply(x, \(s) {
s = strsplit(s,",")[[1]]
s = s[grepl("^\\d",s)]
setNames(s, paste0("tp", 1:length(s)))
mutate(df %>% as_tibble(), timepoints = f(timepoints)) %>%
id tp1 tp2 tp3
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 3990 7:16-7:23 7:25-7:43 NA
2 3989 7:25-7:43 NA NA
3 3004 7:30-7:39 7:45-7:48 7:49-7:54

Setting the data with the package data.table
id <- c("3990", "3989", "3004")
timepoints <- c("#6:19,,7:16-7:23,7:25-7:43,#7:53,", "#6:19,,7:25-7:43,#7:53", "7:30-7:39,7:45-7:48,7:49-7:54")
df <- data.table(id, timepoints)
Note that I saved it as a data.table
Splitting the timepoints by comma and storing the value in the new_time column.
df[,new_time:=strsplit(timepoints, ",")]
Removing the string values that has #
df[,new_time:=sapply(new_time, function(x) return(x[!grepl("[#]", x)]))]
Since the timepoints column has multiple commas in a row empty string("") exists I remove them
df[,new_time:=sapply(new_time, function(x) return(x[!stringi::stri_isempty(x)]))]
Now the new_time column looks like this
[1] "7:16-7:23" "7:25-7:43"
[1] "7:25-7:43"
[1] "7:30-7:39" "7:45-7:48" "7:49-7:54"
If you want to have the new_time column to have whole strings
df[,new_time:=sapply(new_time, paste, collapse=", ")]
[1] "7:16-7:23, 7:25-7:43" "7:25-7:43" "7:30-7:39, 7:45-7:48, 7:49-7:54"

1) list Split by comma and then grep out the components with a dash. No packages are used. This gives a list of character vectors as the timepoints column.
df2 <- df
df2$timepoints <- lapply(strsplit(df$timepoints, ","),
grep, pattern = "-", value = TRUE)
## id timepoints
## 1 3990 7:16-7:23, 7:25-7:43
## 2 3989 7:25-7:43
## 3 3004 7:30-7:39, 7:45-7:48, 7:49-7:54
## 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 2 variables:
## $ id : chr "3990" "3989" "3004"
## $ timepoints:List of 3
## ..$ : chr "7:16-7:23" "7:25-7:43"
## ..$ : chr "7:25-7:43"
## ..$ : chr "7:30-7:39" "7:45-7:48" "7:49-7:54"
2) character If you want a comma separated character string in each row add this:
transform(df2, timepoints = sapply(timepoints, paste, collapse = ","))
## id timepoints
## 1 3990 7:16-7:23,7:25-7:43
## 2 3989 7:25-7:43
## 3 3004 7:30-7:39,7:45-7:48,7:49-7:54
3) long form or if you prefer long form use this:
long <- with(df2, stack(setNames(timepoints, id))[2:1])
names(long) <- names(df2)
## id timepoints
## 1 3990 7:16-7:23
## 2 3990 7:25-7:43
## 3 3989 7:25-7:43
## 4 3004 7:30-7:39
## 5 3004 7:45-7:48
## 6 3004 7:49-7:54
4) wide form or a wide form matrix:
nr <- nrow(long)
L <- transform(long, seq = ave(1:nr, id, FUN = seq_along))
tapply(L$timepoints, L[c("id", "seq")], c)
## seq
## id 1 2 3
## 3990 "7:16-7:23" "7:25-7:43" NA
## 3989 "7:25-7:43" NA NA
## 3004 "7:30-7:39" "7:45-7:48" "7:49-7:54"


Is there a reason RowSums(df[grep wouldn't work accurately?

I used
df$Total.P.n <- rowSums(df[grep('p.n', names(df), = FALSE)])
to sum count values from any column name containing p.n, but the values it produced are way off. The columns are counts of certain combinations of language types in a language corpus. I want to get a summary of all times p.n. was used within other combinations, but am struggling. It seems like perhaps it is counting other occurences like e.sp.NR in my variable names, but shouldn't take care of that? I've also tried tidyverse and dplyr solutions to no avail.
Here's example of df structure:
and what I need:
Update after update(new column names) of OP:
The code is like:
df$Total.P.n <- rowSums(df[grep('p.n', names(df), = FALSE)])
df$p.d.e.sp.SR <- rowSums(df[,2:3]!=0)
ID. do.p.n.NP do.p.n.SE. p.d.e.sp.SR Total.P.n
1 1510 4 6 2 10
2 1515 2 0 1 2
First answer:
The argument pattern you are searching for e.g. p.n does not exist in df. Therefore I think you mean pn: Then your code works as expectect:
df$Total.P.n <- rowSums(df[grep('pn', names(df), = FALSE)])
ID. p.d.e.sp.SR Total.P.n
1 1510 4 6 0 10
2 1515 2 0 1 2
If we can use dplyr, I would suggest using a tidy-select function / selection helper like matches. And please mind that your regex is likely wrong. If we need to match literal dots . , we need to escape the metacharacter with a double backslash. The appropriate regex would be n\\.p.
df <- tibble(`ID.` = c(1510, 1515), `do.p.n.NP` = c(4,2), `do.p.n.SE.` = c(6,0), `p.d.e.sp.SR` = c(0,1))
df %>%
mutate(Total.P.n = rowSums(across(matches('p\\.n'))))
# A tibble: 2 × 5
ID. do.p.n.NP do.p.n.SE. p.d.e.sp.SR Total.P.n
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1510 4 6 0 10
2 1515 2 0 1 2

How do I delete a string that's not a row or column

I'm working in R and I have a file where there is a string in the first row of the .csv, a blank row, and then my date.
I tried to remove this by doing:
df <- df[-c(1,2), ]
Instead of removing this string and the empty row, it removes the first two rows of the data. This indicates to me that R is disregarding this as part of my dataset.
I would like to remove it, but lack the vocabulary as to what this data is so that I can figure out how to remove it. I don't want to remove anything that might indicate important information like:
# A tibble: 0 x 5
# ... with 5 variables: row <int>, col <int>, expected <chr>,
# actual <chr>, file <chr>
So my assumption is to not delete the header.
Here is the output when I type head(df):
# A tibble: 6 x 2
`Category: All categories` ...2
<chr> <chr>
2 Month st: (United States)
3 2004-01 25
4 2004-02 21
5 2004-03 20
6 2004-04 24
Here is the file, if that helps. It is output from Google Trends.
Thank you, I'm new at this, but really trying to learn it. :)
Your use of -c(0,1) suggests that you believe R's indexing to be 0-based (similar to python and C); it is not, R's indexing is 1-based.
Most (all?) CSV-reading functions have a skip= argument:
head(read.csv("2004_present_st.csv", skip=2))
# Month st...United.States.
# 1 2004-01 25
# 2 2004-02 21
# 3 2004-03 20
# 4 2004-04 24
# 5 2004-05 24
# 6 2004-06 24
### all verified to work similarly
readr::read_csv("2004_present_st.csv", skip=2)
data.table::fread("2004_present_st.csv", skip=2)
In case you've already read in the data and need to repair it, though ...
df <- read.csv("2004_present_st.csv")
nms <- unlist(df[2,])
df <- df[-(1:2),]
names(df) <- nms
df[] <- lapply(df, type.convert, = TRUE)
# Month st: (United States)
# 3 2004-01 25
# 4 2004-02 21
# 5 2004-03 20
# 6 2004-04 24
# 7 2004-05 24
# 8 2004-06 24
# 'data.frame': 217 obs. of 2 variables:
# $ Month : chr "2004-01" "2004-02" "2004-03" "2004-04" ...
# $ st: (United States): int 25 21 20 24 24 24 23 21 20 23 ...
Notes on this cleanup:
I used -(1:2) instead of -c(1,2), mostly the same.
df[] <- lapply(df, ...) is a way to iterate a function over all columns and return them into place, preserving the class of "data.frame" for the df object. Had we done df <- lapply(df, ...) instead, df would now be a list;, ...)) would work, but I think df[] <- lapply(df, ...) looks/works better.
When you read in the data the first time, it's likely that due to the data in the top couple of rows, some or all of the columns might be misconstrued as strings. type.convert is used by read.csv (and other places) to try to convert strings into integers and numbers; prevents strings from being converted to factors, feel free to omit this if you prefer.

Extracting corresponding other values in mutate when group_by is applied

I have a data frame with patient data and measurements of different variables over time.
The data frame looks a bit like this but more lab-values variables:
df <- data.frame(id=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2),
> df2
id time labvalue1 labvalue2
1 1 0 4.04 NA
2 1 3 NA 63.8
3 1 7 2.93 62.8
4 1 35 NA 61.2
5 2 0 NA 78.1
6 2 7 3.78 NA
7 2 14 3.66 77.6
8 2 28 NA 75.3
9 2 42 2.54 NA
I want to calculate for each patient (with unique ID) the decrease or slope per day for the first and last measurement. To compare the slopes between patients. Time is in days. So, eventually I want a new variable, e.g. diff_labvalues - for each value, that gives me for labvalue1:
For patient 1: (2.93-4.04)/ (7-0) and for patient 2: (2.54-3.78)/(42-7) (for now ignoring the measurements in between, just last-first); etc for labvalue2, and so forth.
So far I have used dplyr, created the first1 and last1 functions, because first() and last() did not work with the NA values.
Thereafter, I have grouped_by 'id', used mutate_all (because there are more lab-values in the original df) calculated the difference between the last1() and first1() lab-values for that patient.
But cannot find HOW to extract the values of the corresponding time values (the delta-time value) which I need to calculate the slope of the decline.
Eventually I want something like this (last line):
first1 <- function(x) {
last1 <- function(x) {
df2 = df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate_all(funs(diff=(last1(.)-first1(.)) / #it works until here
(time[position of last1(.)]-time[position of first1(.)]))) #something like this
Not sure if tidyverse even has a solution for this, so any help would be appreciated. :)
We can try
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
filter(! %>%
summarise(diff_labs = (last(labs) - first(labs))/(last(time) - first(time)))
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# id diff_labs
# <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 -0.15857143
#2 2 -0.03542857
> (2.93-4.04)/ (7-0)
#[1] -0.1585714
> (2.54-3.78)/(42-7)
#[1] -0.03542857
Or another option is data.table
setDT(df)[!, .(diff_labs = (labs[.N] - labs[1])/(time[.N] - time[1])) , id]
# id diff_labs
#1: 1 -0.15857143
#2: 2 -0.03542857

Making multiple named data frames with loop

In the process of learning. Didn't ask my first question well, so I'm trying again and doing my best to be more clear.
I'm trying to create a series of data frames for a reproducible question for my larger issue. I would like to make 4 data frames, each named differently by the year. Eventually I will merge these four data frames to explain where I am encountering my issue.
Here is the most recent solution. This runs, but instead creates a list of four data frames without any frames in the global directory.
datafrom <- list()
years <- c(2006,2008,2010,2012)
for (i in 1:length(years)) {
UniqueID <- 1:10 # <- Not all numeric - Kept as character vector
Name <- LETTERS[seq( from = 1, to = 10 )]
Entity_Type <- factor("This","That")
Data1 <- rnorm(10)
Data2 <- rnorm(10)
Data3 <- rnorm(10)
Data4 <- rnorm(10)
Year <- years[i]
datafrom[[i]] <- data.frame(UniqueID, Name, Entity_Type, Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Year)
I would like 4 separate data frames, each named datafrom2006, datafrom2008, etc.
Many thanks in advance for your patience with my learning.
I'll demonstrate a few (of many) techniques here, and I'll call them (1) brute force, (2) list-based, and (3) single long-form data.frame.
I'll add to the example the use of a function that you want to apply to each data.frame. Though contrived, it helps makes the point:
## some constants used throughout
years <- c(2006, 2008, 2010, 2012)
n <- 10
myfunc <- function(x) {
interestingPart <- x[ , grepl('^Data', colnames(x)) ]
sapply(interestingPart, mean)
Brute Force
Yes, you can create multiple like-named and same-structure data.frames from a loop, though it is typically frowned upon by many experienced (R?) programmers:
for (yr in years) {
tmpdf <- data.frame(UniqueID=as.character(1:n),
Entity_Type=factor(c('this', 'that')),
assign(sprintf('datafrom%s', yr), tmpdf)
rm(yr, tmpdf)
## [1] "datafrom2006" "datafrom2008" "datafrom2010" "datafrom2012" "myfunc"
## [6] "n" "years"
head(datafrom2006, n=2)
## UniqueID Name Entity_Type Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Year
## 1 1 A this 1.3709584 1.3048697 -0.3066386 0.4554501 2006
## 2 2 B that -0.5646982 2.2866454 -1.7813084 0.7048373 2006
In order to see the results for each data.frame, one would typically (though not always) do something like this:
## Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
## 0.5472968 -0.1634567 -0.1780795 -0.3639041
## Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
## -0.02021535 0.01839391 0.53907680 -0.21787537
## Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
## 0.25110630 -0.08719458 0.22924781 -0.19857243
## Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
## -0.7949660 0.2102418 -0.2022066 -0.2458678
datafrom <- sapply(as.character(years), function(yr) {
Entity_Type=factor(c('this', 'that')),
}, simplify=FALSE)
## List of 4
## $ 2006:'data.frame': 10 obs. of 8 variables:
## ..$ UniqueID : Factor w/ 10 levels "1","10","2","3",..: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2
## ..$ Name : Factor w/ 10 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## ..$ Entity_Type: Factor w/ 2 levels "that","this": 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
## ..$ Data1 : num [1:10] 1.371 -0.565 0.363 0.633 0.404 ...
## ..$ Data2 : num [1:10] 1.305 2.287 -1.389 -0.279 -0.133 ...
## ..$ Data3 : num [1:10] -0.307 -1.781 -0.172 1.215 1.895 ...
## ..$ Data4 : num [1:10] 0.455 0.705 1.035 -0.609 0.505 ...
## ..$ Year : Factor w/ 1 level "2006": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## $ 2008:'data.frame': 10 obs. of 8 variables:
## ..$ UniqueID : Factor w/ 10 levels "1","10","2","3",..: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2
#### ...snip...
head(datafrom[[1]], n=2)
## UniqueID Name Entity_Type Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Year
## 1 1 A this 1.3709584 1.3048697 -0.3066386 0.4554501 2006
## 2 2 B that -0.5646982 2.2866454 -1.7813084 0.7048373 2006
head(datafrom[['2008']], n=2)
## UniqueID Name Entity_Type Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Year
## 1 1 A this 0.2059986 0.32192527 -0.3672346 -1.04311894 2008
## 2 2 B that -0.3610573 -0.78383894 0.1852306 -0.09018639 2008
However, with this you can test your function performance with just one:
and then run the function on all of them very simply:
lapply(datafrom, myfunc)
## $`2006`
## Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
## 0.5472968 -0.1634567 -0.1780795 -0.3639041
## $`2008`
## Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
## -0.02021535 0.01839391 0.53907680 -0.21787537
## $`2010`
## Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
## 0.25110630 -0.08719458 0.22924781 -0.19857243
## $`2012`
## Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4
## -0.7949660 0.2102418 -0.2022066 -0.2458678
Long-form Data
If instead you keep all of the data in the same data.frame, using your already-defined column of Year, you can still segment it for exploring individual years:
longdf <-'', datafrom)
rownames(longdf) <- NULL
## UniqueID Name Entity_Type Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Year
## 1 1 A this 1.3709584 1.3048697 -0.3066386 0.45545012 2006
## 11 1 A this 0.2059986 0.3219253 -0.3672346 -1.04311894 2008
## 21 1 A this 1.5127070 1.3921164 1.2009654 -0.02509255 2010
## 31 1 A this -1.4936251 0.5676206 -0.0861073 -0.04069848 2012
Simple subsets:
subset(longdf, Year == 2006), though subset has its goods and others.
by(longdf, longdf$Year, myfunc)
If using library(dplyr), try longdf %>% filter(Year == 2010) %>% myfunc()
(Side note: when trying to plot aggregate data, it's often easier when the data is in this form, especially when using ggplot2-like layering and aesthetics.)
Rationale Against "Brute Force"
In answer to your comment question, when making different variables with the same structure, it is easy to deduce that you will be doing the same thing to each of them, in turn or immediately-consecutively. In general programming principle, many try to generalize what they do so that it if it can be done once, it can be done an arbitrary number of times without (heavily) adjusting the code. For instance, compare what was necessary in applying myfunc in the two examples above.
Further, if you later want to aggregate the results from your calls to myfunc, it is more laborious in the "brute force" example (as you must capture each return and combine manually), whereas the other two techniques can use simpler summarizing functions (e.g., another lapply, or perhaps Reduce or Filter).

Is there a way stop table from sorting in R

Problem setup: Creating a function to take multiple CSV files selected by ID column and combine into 1 csv, then create an output of number of observations by ID.
complete("specdata", 30:25) ##notice descending order of IDs requested
## id nobs
## 1 30 932
## 2 29 711
## 3 28 475
## 4 27 338
## 5 26 586
## 6 25 463
I get:
> complete("specdata", 30:25)
id nobs
1 25 463
2 26 586
3 27 338
4 28 475
5 29 711
6 30 932
Which is "wrong" because it has been sorted by id.
The CSV file I read from does have the data in descending order. My snippet:
And as near as I can tell, the third line is where sorting occurs. I broke out the expression and it happens in the table() call. I've not found any option or parameter I can pass to make something like sort=FALSE. You'd think...
Anyway. Any help appreciated!
So, the problem is in the output of table, which are sorted by default. For example:
> r = sample(5,15,replace = T)
> r
[1] 1 4 1 1 3 5 3 2 1 4 2 4 2 4 4
> table(r)
1 2 3 4 5
4 3 2 5 1
If you want to take the order of first appearance, you are going to get your hands a little bit dirty by recoding the table function:
unique_r = unique(r)
table_r = rbind(label=unique_r, count=sapply(unique_r,function(x)sum(r==x)))
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
label 1 4 3 5 2
count 4 5 2 1 3
One way to get around this is...don't use table. Here's an example where I create three one-line data sets from your data. Then I read them in with a descending sequence, with read.table and it seems to be okay.
The real big thing here is that multiple data sets should be placed in a list upon being read into R. You'll get the exact order of data sets you want that way, among other benefits.
Once you've read them into R the way you want them, it's much easier to order them at the very end. Ordering of rows (for me) is usually the very last step.
> dat <- read.table(h=T, text = "id nobs
1 25 463
2 26 586
3 27 338
4 28 475
5 29 711
6 30 932")
Write three one-line files:
> write.table(dat[3,], "dat3.csv", row.names = FALSE)
> write.table(dat[2,], "dat2.csv", row.names = FALSE)
> write.table(dat[1,], "dat1.csv", row.names = FALSE)
Read them in using a 3:1 order:
>, lapply(3:1, function(x){
read.table(paste0("dat", x, ".csv"), header = TRUE)
# id nobs
# 1 27 338
# 2 26 586
# 3 25 463
Then, if we change 3:1 to 1:3 the rows "comply" with our request
>, lapply(1:3, function(x){
read.table(paste0("dat", x, ".csv"), header = TRUE)
# id nobs
# 1 25 463
# 2 26 586
# 3 27 338
And just for fun
> fun <- function(z){, lapply(z, function(x){
read.table(paste0("dat", x, ".csv"), header = TRUE) }))
> fun(c(2, 3, 1))
# id nobs
# 1 26 586
# 2 27 338
# 3 25 463
You may try something like this:
t1 <- c(5,3,1,3,5,5,5) ##result in ascending order
# t1 Freq
#1 1 1
#2 3 2
#3 5 4
t1 <- factor(t1), rep(-1, length(t1)),sum)))
# Var1 Freq
#1 5 4
#2 3 2
#3 1 1
In your case you are complaining about the actions of the table function with a single argument returning the items with the names in ascending order and you wnat them in descending order. You could have simply used the rev() function around the table call.
xTab3< rev( table( dfTable$ID[ccTab] ) ),)
(I'm not sure what that last comma is doing in there.) The sort order in the original would not be expected to determine the order of a table operation. Generally R will return results with discrete labels sorted in alpha (ascending) order unless the levels of a factor item have been specified differently. That's one of those R-specific rules that may be difficult to intuit. The other R-specific rule that may be difficult to grasp (although not really a problem here) is that arguments are often expected to be in the form of R-lists.
It's probably wise to think about R-table objects at this point (and what happens with the call. table-objects are actually R-matrices, so the feature that you wanted to sort by was actually the rownames of that table object and are of class character:
r = sample(5,15,replace = T)
#2 3 4 5
#5 3 2 5
#[1] "2" "3" "4" "5"
'data.frame': 4 obs. of 2 variables:
$ r : Factor w/ 4 levels "2","3","4","5": 1 2 3 4
$ Freq: int 5 3 2 5
I just wanna share this homework I've done
complete <- function(directory, id=1:332){
files <- dir(directory, full.names = TRUE)
data <- lapply(files, read.csv)
specdata <-, data)
cleandata <- specdata[!$sulfate) & !$nitrate),]
targetdata <- data.frame(Date=numeric(0), sulfate=numeric(0), nitrate=numeric(0), ID=numeric(0))
result<-data.frame(id=numeric(0), nobs=numeric(0))
for(i in id){
targetdata <- cleandata[cleandata$ID == i, ]
result <- rbind(result, data.frame(table(targetdata$ID)))
names(result) <- c("id","nobs")
A simple solution that no one has proposed yet is combining table() with unique() function. The unique() function does the behaviour that you are looking (listing unique IDs in order of appearance).
In your case it would be something like this:
x<-dfTable$ID[ccTab] #unique IDs
xTab3<[unique(x)],) #here you sort the "table()" result in order of appearance
