Disabling nextcord button - button

As title says, I'm trying to find a way how to disable the button for the person, who already interacted with it.
Like when it reaches 5 interactions, it turns green. I had checked the GitHub official Nextcord repository and found the counter.py file, which includes the changing button color after the number of interactions. But I still need to find a way how to disable it for user who already interacted. Thanks for any help!

Simply set the disabled property to True and edit the message with the new view.
If using the decorator in a View class it would look like this
button.disabled = True
await interaction.response.edit_message(view=self)


How can I change the font of the Time4J CalendarPicker in JavaFX?

Is there a way to change the font of Time4J CalenderPicker in css-style?
I needed a Persian DatePicker in my program so i used Time4J CalenderPicker.
using this code i could change only the font of cells:
CalendarPicker<PersianCalendar> MyDatePicker = CalendarPicker.persianWithSystemDefaults();
(cell, column, row, model, date) -> {
cell.setStyle("-fx-font-family: MyFont;");
I tried this code but nothing changed:
MyDatePicker.setStyle("-fx-font-family: MyFont;");
But i want to change the font of hole CalendarPicker.
In order to apply the changes, you need to use the following code and set new css styles for calender picker and applying the customizations.
private CalendarPicker<PersianCalendar> MyDatePicker = CalendarPicker.persianWithSystemDefaults();
The following gif, demonstrates my customizations.
The calendar picker itself is only the combination of a text editor and a popup button (bundled in a HBox). However, the calendar view is another component which pops up if users press the button. And this component whose font you wish to change is not yet publicly accessible (with the exception of the cells via a special customizer).
I agree that this should be more flexible. Therefore I have opened a new issue to track this request for enhancement.
Feel free to fork Time4J and do your experiments and submit a pull request on time4j-github. Actually I am busy with other things but can look deeper then.

adding new menu in Select (All,Inverted Selection) in Alfresco Share

I am newbie to the Alfresco.Now my requirement is how to add new menu[All(All pages)] in Select. wherever user perform search function lets say 250 results have found & user selects All in page 1 & its selecting only current page results and not selecting entire 250 records & then user goes page by page can edit the properties for the entire 250 records.in the new functionality if user selects [All(All pages)] then all records should be selected & edit the properties for 250 records at one go.So I want to add new menu with All(All pages) & change the existing menu current labels as All(Current Page).How to achieve this functionality and what files need to changed.How should i know that which files are currently used?Is there any debugger can be used to know the files?
Alfresco Version
My guess, is that if you go through this previous version of Jeff Potts' Tutorial you will be able to figure this out by yourself.
Simplest option is to edit label of that particular action in out of box property file.
You can find it under
This entry
Change label here and it will be reflected.
NOTE: It is not best way to implement this. Ideally you need to override property file and change label
The issue here is that only the items shown on the page have been loaded. This means that the metadata for the items not shown on the page won't be available. The metadata of each node is used to evaluate it's applicability to any action. If the node is locked or has had its permissions changed then it won't be possible to edit it. This is why "all" only means all items on the current page of data.

Qt installer framework hide or disable buttons

I want to hide or freeze the back button on a page ( to be more specific, License Agreement Page). I tried editing control.qs with few methods but it doesn't seem to work. Following is one of them
Controller.prototype.LicenseAgreementPageCallback = function()
var widget = gui.currentPageWidget();
if (widget != null)
widget.BackButton.setVisible(false) ;
I'm facing a similar problem trying to keep hide the Next button in the Target Directory page under certain conditions.
But your case may be easier:
1) You should use a global boolean variable set to true when you enter the License Agreement page.
2) When you enter the previous page test the value of this global: if true then force a click on the next page (gui.click(buttons.NextButton);).
Yes, it's a dirty workaround ;)
I think you could try what I've proposed here: Qt installer framework: remove radio buttons from uninstaller. Even if it wasn't accepted, that what I used in my installer, so I'm pretty confident it's working!
For the wizard BackButton specifically, it automatically disables itself if there are no pages before the current page a la the Introduction page.
From QtScript this can be accomplished by removing any dynamic pages before the current page with installer.removeWizardPage and disabling all default pages before the current page with installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.Introduction, false).

onclick message handling on a webpage button

I have a button on a webpage that has the following added programmatically to its “Attributes” property.
btnDeleteNode.Attributes.Add("onclick", "if(confirm('delete this node?')){}else{return false}");
This works fine but now I need to check to see if the user has selected a node in a tree before asking if they want to delete it. If a node isn’t selected I need to tell the user to select one. My question is, can I do this using the above method (I don’t know java script) or should I use a different approach ?
You can set a flag (using javascript) on selection of any node and check the flag here.
You can use a flag or use from Asp Validators

How to change the state in Adobe Flex, using ActionScript?

I`m really new to Flex and ActionScript so please be patient with me.
I want to implement this script: tinyurl.com/yafqrqb
...that is doing this "magic" : tinyurl.com/y9qg32r
...but I want to tweak it a little on InfoWindowTabbedComponent. To be more precisely I`m trying to insert links in that tabs, and when you click one the state will change.
You can see my custom InfoWindowTabbedComponent at the end of the post As you can see, right now I have 2 functions that open url`s.
What I`m trying to do is to change this:
var adobeURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.microsoft.com" );
navigateToURL(adobeURL, "_self");
Into something that change the current state.
Can you please help me?
Here`s my custom InfoWindowTabbedComponent: http://pastebin.com/f387bc3b9
I'm not sure I understand what you want to do. If you just want to set the selected Tab, instead of calling navigateToURL() set myTabNavigator.selectedIndex (or selectedChild)
If you really want to change the state, each component has a currentState property, but then you would have to define the states first (via the tag)
And if you really want to navigateToURL() you could navigate to javascript:somefunction() and then set the application state via ExternalInterface, but that would be horribly circumstantial.
