What is this strange error from the Cures edition of the C-CDA validator - c-cda

Can't score my C-CDAs due to this error. BTW, This C-CDA passed certification.
Any help appreciated.
Schema Error 1: IllegalValueException: Value 'org.openhealthtools.mdht.uml.cda.consol.impl.ServiceDeliveryLocationImpl#78ef44c3 (nullFlavor: , classCode: )' is not legal. (http:///resource12621.xml, -1, -1) - at line number: Line number not available


libcurl function was given a bad argument CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value

While running the "PrepareAnnotationRefseq"  function from the customProDB package in R, I  ran into  a problem due to a compatibility issue of the curl version. I am currently using curl version 4.3.2.  The error report I got is:
PrepareAnnotationRefseq(genome='mm39',CDSfasta="geneseq.fasta",pepfasta="proteinseq.fasta", annotation_path, dbsnp = NULL, splice_matrix=FALSE, ClinVar=FALSE)
In curlSetOpt(..., .opts = .opts, curl = h, .encoding = .encoding) : Error setting the option for # 3 (status = 43) (enum = 81) (value = 0x55822c7f3b70): A libcurl function was given a bad argument CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value!
This could be a trivial problem for an expert in R, however with my current skill set I am unable to resolve this after looking for a solution on several forums and R groups. I would be very grateful if you could kindly shed some light on this issue. Perhaps a patch file that can fix the problem.
It's easy to read the manual. Why can't you do it?
If verify value is set to 1:
From 7.28.1 to 7.65.3: setting it to 1 made curl_easy_setopt() return an error and leaving the flag untouched.
Use 2.
When CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST is 2, that certificate must indicate that the server is the server to which you meant to connect, or the connection fails. Simply put, it means it has to have the same name in the certificate as is in the URL you operate against.
But why do you touch it? The default value for this option is 2 and is suitable for most cases of libcurl usage.

MariaDB SphinxSE not accepting weights parameter

If I try this query:
select * FROM sphinx.products where `query` = "test";
it works. But if I try to give it weights it returns an error:
select * FROM sphinx.products where `query` = "test;sort=extended:#weight DESC;weights=3,1,1,1";
Fails with error:
Error in query (1430): There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source.
Data source error: searchd error: invalid deprecated unordered_weight count 4 (expe
(Error reported by MariaDB gets truncated there, but I believe it says "expecting 0")
select * FROM sphinx.products where `query` = "test;sort=extended:#weight DESC";
Fails with error:
Error in query (1430): There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source.
Data source error: searchd error: index 'sku_products': sort-by attribute '#weight'
(Again, error returned by SphinxSearch gets truncated by MariaDB)
All the documentation I find about SphinxSE tells me to query the index this way, yet it does not work, but nobody in the Internet seem to have met this error since nobody is asking about this anywhere...
Am I doing something wrong?
Well, the option weights= didn't work, but it accepted fieldweights=sku,90,partnumber,30,barcode,20,name,10.
(I.e., fieldweights=<field1_name>,<field1_weight>,...)
Results came ordered by weight even without specifying sort=extended:#weight DESC, so I dodged both errors and got what I needed.
Hope this helps anyone in the same situation.

Unexpected input error when doing subtraction in R

i try to run:
x = (1 / 1 – 2)
And here is the message:
Error: unexpected input in "x=(1 / 1 �"
I have the same issue with these sign : <- and * and minus, none of them are recognised.
You might be confronted to the so-called "zero-width space" which is not interpreted as a space. Check this wiki page:
If the blanks you have in your code example are this kind of character, it will make an error like this:
Error: unexpected input in "x=(1 / 1"
as some comments point out, one must be careful when pasting code from websites.

How to suppress script display after PLSQL Error in SQL Developer (disable command/code output)

When i run PLSQL block with an error, SQL Developer repeats/duplicates the whole script before giving error details. This is very gruesome as i for long script, i end up scrolling down after each error.
I need to find a way to disable writing the whole script into the script console. I checked Preferences and help, but didn't spot anything related.
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
Error report -
ORA-06550: line 2, column 5:
PLS-00201: identifier 'XX' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 2, column 5:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
*Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
I can also confirm that sqlplus does not do this - it only shows single line containing the error.
I guess, you didn't understand my comment clearly.
I advised you doing something like this:
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Call stack:');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(CHR(10)||'Error stack:');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(CHR(10)||'Error backtrace:');

invalid procedure call or argument left

I am facing the following error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'
Invalid procedure call or argument: 'left'
/scheduler/App.asp, line 16
The line is:
point1 = left(point0,i-1)
This code works perfectly in another server, but now on another server it is showing this error. I can guess it has to do with system or IIS settings or may be something else but its nothing with code (as its works fine in another server).
If i is equal to zero then this will call Left() with -1 as the length parameter. This will result in an Invalid procedure call or argument error. Verify that i >= 0.
Just experienced this problem myself - a script running seamlessly for many months suddenly collapsed with this error. It seems that the scripting engine falls over itself for whatever reason and string functions cease being able to handle in-function calculations.
I appreciate it's been quite a while since this question was asked, but in case anyone encounters this in the future...
point1 = left(point0, i-1)
j = i-1
point1 = left(point0, j)
... and it will work.
Alternatively, simply re-boot the server (unfortunately, simply re-starting the WWW service won't fix it).
