I created a public telegram channel and created a public link for it. All was well for six months.
This morning I found out that the public link is not working. When I try to enter the channel using the link, it shows me that the name was not found.
In the settings, I noticed that my channel type has become private. I was surprised. I tried to change the channel type to public and there was no problem, I changed the channel type to public. Then there was the following problem - I could not return the previous name of the channel to him. When you try to give it the same name that was, it shows an error that the link is not correct. I had to name the channel by a different name.
My previous channel name is not taken and when I try to give it this name, it shows that the name is not correct.
I don't know what's going on. What could it be? I have not found a similar situation anywhere.
Same here. I found only one piece of information on the issue https://teleuz.info/telegram-removed-usernames/
It seems that Telegram carried out a cybersquatter massacre somewhere around August 20 2022 and the usernames are just blocked now. Hope they will become available for use later.
I am playing around with the Skyscanner API from their webpage in Postman (opens in a new tab, or in the Postman desktop app) and testing the endpoint for browsing flights. This is what the API says in their page:
And this is what I am trying - browsing for flights from Stockholm Arlanda Airport (ARN-sky) to Heathrow (LHR-sky), on the date 22nd July (around 4 days from now) for first leg, and 25th for return, but as you can see, I am not getting any result. The URL I am trying is this.
Any idea what am I doing wrong, and how to fix it?
Please, mind that you present an image regarding an endpoint to Browse Quotes, but you are trying to consume an endpoint to Browse Routes.
Assuming that you actually want to browse routes, I believe the problem may be this:
The endpoint is of the form:
GET /browseroutes/v1.0/{country}/{currency}/{locale}/{originPlace}/{destinationPlace}/{outboundPartialDate}/{inboundPartialDate}
You are writing a URL like:
So it seems that you are actually specifying:
originPlace = us
destinationPlace = ARN-sky
But I think you wanted to define:
originPlace = ARN-sky
destinationPlace = LHR-sky
To solve this, you may remove the /us member, thus writing: http://partners.api.skyscanner.net/apiservices/browseroutes/v1.0/FR/eur/en-US/ARN-sky/LHR-sky/2021-07-22/2021-07-25?apikey=api-key
(Please, replace the api-key value by an actual API key)
This URL already returns a valid 200 OK result :)
Let's say, I've joined TELEGRAM group...
I am just a typical member of GROUP (and thus, cant use any bots there.. ?) so, I am unable to find out the way, how to get GROUP ID.
New Update
Just Simply Forward a message from your channel to This Bot: (https://telegram.me/getidsbot)
1: Goto (https://web.telegram.org)
2: Goto your Gorup and Find your link of Gorup(https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=g154513121)
3: Copy That number after g and put a (-) Before That -154513121
4: Send Your Message to Gorup
bot.sendMessage(-154513121, "Hi")
I Tested Now and Work like a Charm
Try using TelegramBot#getChat():
bot.getChat("#channelusername").then(function(chat) {
// 'chat' is a Chat object
See API getChat() method and Chat object.
Hope that helps.
There is a unofficicl Plus Messenger client for Android users, and you can see ID in group/channel info.
Supergroup and Channel will looks like 1068773197, which is -1001068773197 for bots (with -100 prefix).
If you just want to obtain channel/user ID, forward message to #RawDataBot.
there are lots of ways to do so.
simplest one: download plus messenger which is a fork of telegram. it shows every channel's id in the about page of that channel.
thanks to #Sean:
Supergroup and Channel will looks like 1068773197, which is -1001068773197 for bots (with -100 prefix).
Above method works for channels, for groups you may use this method:
Just forward a single message from that chat to #RawDataBot. it will reply you with a json data containing chatid.
via code:
If you are a member of a group, you should receive updates from that group when ever there is any activity from that group. The updates will contain a chats list-element from which you can get a Channel which has the following relevant fields:
id: group_id,
title: "the_group_title",
username: "group_username"
As of my experience ,there are two popular libraries,
python-Telethon --->Telegram Client Library(uses api_id,api_hash)
python-Telegram-bot ---->Telegram Bot (uses api token)
There are lot of ways to get the user_id ,group_id,channel_id .
To get the these ids use Telethon client library
from telethon import TelegramClient,sync
api_id="xxx" #get from telegram website
api_hash="yyy" #get from telegram website
#To get the channel_id,group_id,user_id
for chat in client.get_dialogs():
print('name:{0} ids:{1} is_user:{2} is_channel{3} is_group:{4}'.format(chat.name,chat.id,chat.is_user,chat.is_channel,chat.is_group))
That is all about, it will print name and id of channel,group,user.
Also, it will check wheather the id is belong to channel or group or user
generally, Channel id starts with negrative(eg:-1001109500936) starts with (-100)
group id is normal and starts with negative
user id starts with positve
Another way is to use 'plus messanger app'
To see all the group,channel,user id
Another Simple Way,
destination_entity_name="Type User(may be bot) or group or channel name"
print(entity.stringify()) #All paratmeters
print(entity.id) #user(bot also considered as user) or group
That should be obtainable using tg-messenger-cli: https://github.com/vysheng/tg I haven't had time to try it out yet but friend has made some automated messages for his daughter. Should be quite versatile.
After hours spent, I was able to find the ID of GROUPS using CuteGram app.
Open group there, and click "COPY" icon, that opens a folder, and in the address you will see the ID.
Invite your bot to your group
and use ur bot to text /myid
then use the GetUpdates api, you shall have your group ID
I'm trying to get the a list of current hotel prices but I can't get my API Key to work. I've had it for a couple days so I know it isn't too new. I even tried the example in the docs (after fixing the dates):
While it worked for the demo key it wouldn't work for mine. I also tried it on the ec2 micro I'm using for testing with Python and get a response with u'{"errors":["ApiKey invalid"]}':
SKY_SCAN_URL = "http://partners.api.skyscanner.net/apiservices/hotels/liveprices/v2/"
sky_key = get_sky_scan_key()
def get_hotels(request):
entityid = request.GET['entityid']
checkindate = date_formatter(request.GET['start'])
checkoutdate = date_formatter(request.GET['end'])
rooms = request.GET['rooms']
guests = request.GET['guests']
FINAL_SKY_URL = "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/?apiKey=%s" % (
SKY_SCAN_URL, 'US', 'USD', 'en-US', entityid, checkindate, checkoutdate, guests, rooms, sky_key)
sky_response = requests.get(FINAL_SKY_URL)
This function outputs a get request with a URL like this:
Any advice on what the possible issue could be would be awesome, thanks!
To be more specific I'm looking for reasons why my API Key is invalid. I'm not familiar with skyscan and while I've added an app from the skyscanner dashboard by clicking the travel api and copied the key into my project and directly into a valid url my key is showing as bad. Are there any additional steps or things that I need to take into account?
I don't know about how you're creating the URL but it seems like it shouldn't be built that way. (most likely due to their misleading documentation)
Should be:
Your code should be something like:
SKY_SCAN_URL = "http://partners.api.skyscanner.net/apiservices/hotels/liveprices/v3/"
FINAL_URL = "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/?apiKey=%s" % (SKY_SCAN_URL, market, currency, locale, entityid, checkindate, checkoutdate, guests, rooms, apiKey)
sky_response = requests.get(FINAL_URL)
I also suggest you do some tests here.
From their help site as of 17 days ago -
"Our Hotels API is currently being reworked, and access is not available at present. Apologies for any inconvenience, when the new API is ready for use we will update the Skyscanner for Business site, so please check back there for updates."
Unclear when this changes.
Since April 2017, skyScanner started re-working their Hotels API, thus stopping all ongoing API calls to LIVE Pricing APIs:
Hotels and Flights Cached Pricing and Browse services still working, though I am not sure if it is enough for your business case.
It seems that Skyscanner has updated their Hotels API recently and the documentation can be found here: https://skyscanner.github.io/slate/#hotels-live-prices
It seems that youtube are now using ID's for their channels instead of names (part of the V3 api)
However it seems that the embedded iframe playlist player cannot handle these channel ID's
example channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpAOGs57EWRvOPXQhnYHpow
then ID is UCpAOGs57EWRvOPXQhnYHpow
Now try to load this
Can anyone shine a light on this issue ? Or is there some hidden username ?
I also placed this question at the gdata-issues website http://code.google.com/p/gdata-issues/issues/detail?id=6463
The issue here is that a channel is not a playlist; channels can have multiple playlists, yet the listType parameter is designed to look for an actual playlist info object. The documented way around this is to use the data API and call the channel endpoint, looking at the contentDetails part:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=contentDetails&id=UCuo5NTU3pmtPejmlzjCgwdw&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
The result will give you all of the feeds associated with that channel that you can choose from:
"contentDetails": {
"relatedPlaylists": {
"uploads": "UUuo5NTU3pmtPejmlzjCgwdw"
If available (sometimes with oAuth), there could also be "watch later" lists, "likes" lists, etc.
This may seem like a lot of overhead. In the short term, though, it can be noted that the different feeds are programmatically named; so, for example, if my user channel begins with UC and then a long string, that UC stands for 'user channel' -- and the uploads feed would begin with 'UU' (user uploads) and then have the rest of the same long string. (you'd also have 'LL' for the likes list, 'WL' for the watch later list, 'HL' for the history list, 'FL' for the favorites list, etc. This is NOT documented, and so there's no guarantee that such a naming convention will perpetuate. But at least for now, you could change your ID string from beginning with UC to beginning with UU, like this:
And it embeds nicely.
Just to inform on current state of things -- the change suggested by jlmcdonald doesn't work anymore, but you can still get a proper embed link via videoseries (with the same UC to UU change). I.o.w. link like
works as of at the moment of writing this.
I'm in a situation in which i need to be able to create a topics using self created bot. My forum has a special category and user, which can create a topics in that category.
Technology i'm using to create that bot is ruby + mechanize gem but it's not important right now. That bot works in a following way:
Sign in as previously mentioned user:
visit - /ucp.php?mode=login
fill the sign-in form using user credentials
if, after submiting a form, there is a sign-out link somewhere on the page, threat this whole process as "successfull"
Create a topic
visit - /posting.php?mode=post&f=21
fill subject field with desired subject
fill message field with desired message
submit a form using Submit button
And now, while first point works just great, the second one behaves in a strange way. After submiting a form, there is no error message or anything like that, i'm just getting redirected to /viewforum.php?f=21 (log's says that it's 302 Moved Temporarily status) page and the topic is not there.
Can anyone tell me what such behaviour means? Is there any security mechanism i don't know about? Please also note that the new topic form has form_token and creation_time fields filled correctly while form is beeing submited.
Thanks in advance for any clues.
According to this thread: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11713867/552936, user is treated as a bot if he sends a form without any delay (and it end's up with a 302 redirect). I can't find any info on google what's the exact delay, carck3r says that it's 8 seconds but for me, it was 2 seconds.