.Net Core Hangfire RecurringJob Start Time - .net-core

How can I customize recurring job start time. I can make it to run every 15 munites. When it will run for the first time I want it to start at 21:00 and run every 15 minutes.
Thanks in advance for the answers.


Automated R script through Task Scheduler not running complete script

I have an R script that I've set up to automatically update every week using Task Scheduler. The R script is supposed to pull out about 10 extracts from Google Analytics, however when I run the script through task scheduler it only extracts 4 and then seemingly stops. If I run it manually in RStudio it runs all the way through with no errors. Does anyone know why it might stop in Task Scheduler?

Significance of 'Timing stopped at:' in R studio

I was trying to run a code completely in R studio, and it was taking time. After 10 hours I interrupted and it is showing Timing stopped at: 1.43 0.69 1.644e+04 ,
What is the meaning of this line? how I can understand how much the task completed before interruption ?

Schedule the execution every day of a PDF report

I need to schedule the execution every day of a PDF report, I managed to schedule the execution of a job.
Thanks in advance.
I managed to do it, using Pentaho data integration and the Windows Task Scheduler.
If someone needs to do it, tell me.
You can use 'Start' object in 'Job' and double click to set schedule times.
your transform :
start -> get_transform -> end
if you want use windows scheduler use pentaho kettle or carte and start in windows scheduler .

R script while windows system is locked

I need to know what will happen if I am running an R script which takes typically say 30 to 45 minutes to execute and during that time my windows 7 system gets locked. Will it effect the R script execution in any way? or will I have the complete and accurate R script execution if I unlock my system after say 2 or 3 hours or just after the R script execution time.

Where can I deploy R script and schedule to run it in a timely manner?

I have a small R script. Typically, 15-20 lines of code. This script replies to random people on Twitter. Everything is working fine when I run the code. Now, I want to auto-run this after fixed intervals of time. So, I made a .bat the file of the R script and schedule the task in the windows scheduler to run after every 15 mins. This works fine as well and the way I expect it to work. Now, the problem is the scheduler works only when my system is working. Once I shut down my system, the scheduler also stops working and the script does not execute.
I want a server (not sure if this is the right word), where I can host the R file or .bat file and where I can schedule the script to execute after every X mins. I need a server (??) because I want this to be active 24 X 7.
I have tried deploying it on shinyapps.io but somehow it doesn't work. Have gone through this as well, with no help. Any help would be appreciated.
