Did anyone had experience with creating a slider with following feature?
User can drag slider itself and scrollbar will move accordingly
User can drag scrollbar and slider will move accordingly
I'm developing a website. I have a button that I want to be fixed in the right-bottom corner. The problem is, in mobile browsers, it gets covered by the navigation bar:
The bar sometimes hides while user is scrolling. Can reappear again.
This happens both on Android/Chrome and iOs/Safari.
Is there an elegant way to script the element so it would always be displayed in full and stuck just in the corner of the shown part of the website?
I think the mobile browsers does hides the bar when it is scrolling down and shows it when you scroll up.
Maybe move the location of the button when scrolling up with JS or something.
I have a website and I want to have a button right next to mobile menu button when the browser size is reduced. See the image below for better illustration
Please help
I have a fixed tab bar and the problem is when you scroll down the site and click the mobile menu icon you have to scroll back up to see the navigation.
Does any one have a solution to this or an idea how to solve this?
I'm developing a website and on its home page I have some sliders.
When I use these sliders I used to get horizontal scroll. I managed to fix that using overflow-x:hidden; at the css for the body element.
My problem is that When I click and drag the page to the right the scrollbar doesn't appear, but the user have the same effect as if he was using the scrollbar.
I received the html/css from a third part front-end developer and I'd prefer not to have to modify his css much.
Would you have any tips to fix this behavior without having to do further changes in the html/css structure?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I am developing a website in asp.net; and on this page is the collapsable panel control installed from ajax. My question is, when i open the panel (in which there is a few labels) the scroll bar appears on the side of the page, and the page shifts. This looks unclean. I was wondering if there is a way to prevent the scrollbar from appearing.
Thanks in advance!
If you are talking about disabling the browser scroll bar you can add overflow-y: hidden to your html element in css.
Caution - this will disable scrolling on the website.
If you want to prevent from appearing and disappearing a scrollbar you can just enable it to be always there.
html {overflow-y:scroll}
It should help with the effect of moving site to the left or right depending on scrollbar appearance. Hope it helps.