No category selection possible in the product tab element - wordpress

I am trying to get into the woodmart wordpress theme and create Products ajax tab on the home page . However, now I want the grid to display different products from certain categories.
In the field “Categories or tags” I enter the name of the category, but only “No Results found” appears. The spelling is correct and I don’t see any other error.
Is there a solution for this?


Wordpress Menü Backend Categories in hierarchical list

I have a lot of categories in WooCommerce. Some of them I want to link directly in the menu on Wordpress.
Backend -> Design -> Menus -> Add menu items
If I am here now and want to add a menu entry, and search for product categories, for example, "clothing", I now get a lot of output, cause that are all called the same.
If I look at one of the entries with the developer console, I see there in the hidden field name="menu-item[-4][menu-item-url]" a url. From the url I can then see which sub-sub category it is.
Is there, besides renaming the categories or developer console, an easier way to output them grouped there? Shortcode or similar.

How to filter categories by tag filter properly?

I use category pages for my Wordpress website, where the posts assigned to the respective category are listed as usual. I now want to give visitors the ability to filter the list of posts within a category by tags (for example they shall be able to show only posts with the tag "shirts" within the clothing-category).
This works great with /?tag=example added to the category URL. The problem: If a tag is specified here that does not exist or if no article has this specific tag, the specific category page will be displayed, just without any posts - not a good user experience.
Instead I want to display the text "No articles exist in this category for this tag".
How can I achieve this?

How to change display of variable products on Woocommerce archive-product page

I am using the Storefront theme (downloaded a few days ago so newest version) and I want to do something quite simple:
on the archive-product page I want to display the product name of a list of variable products (all shoes) , along with two custom fields that I attached to the product post type.
All goes well with simple products. I can edit that which is shown through my theme-child folder/woocommerce/loop/price.php.
My issue appears as soon as I turn a product into a variable product. When I do that, the custom fields disappear, and all I see beneath the product is a button that says "select option"
I have been looking for hours to find the correct template/hook to fix this but I just cant find it...
I have no idea where to look :( Hope ome

Woocommerce How to make multiple product pages?

I am new to Woocommerce.
I need to make product list pages for Windows, Android, and Accessories.
I already organized them by categories and made setting to display by "categories and subcategories."
However, in Shop page, still the products are showing.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this?
Also, how to make multiple category product pages?
For example, windows products page only need to show Windows products. And Android products page only need to show Android products.
WooCommerce has default product category template and it has a default slug named 'product-category'.
So you can show different products by using the link likes:
There are also some plugins that provide shortcodes/elements, so you can insert the shortcode or element on your page to show products for specific cateogry.
For example, if you are using WooCommerce with Visual Composer, there is a Product Categories element.
So you can insert the element with specific category setting on your page.
First you should delete the shop page and make a page what you want to name. Also make a category with the same name. Then use this short code [products limit="8" columns="4" category="hoodies, tshirts" cat_operator="AND"] . In the place of hoodie and tshirt you specify your own category's slug name and that's it. And paste it in the page short code box. Now the page will only show one specific category product in a single page. You can also change products limit and number of products in a row.

can i embed a single product into another page on wordpress so that it has the add to cart and variable options?

I have a single product with variables but I need it to show on a user profile page. I can easily put a sidebar in with best products or popular products but that means it needs another click to get to the product page. So I need the product displayed on a certain page with all the variables showing and add to cart also showing.
