I have an API that returns a parent with their nested children, and an API that updates an individual child (with no parent reference). Currently the UI that displays the parent and children doesn't update when adding/updating/deleting the children.
How should I invalidate the RTK Query cache for the parent? Or how should I update the parent cache with new data?
I think the answer will be to add a parentId into each Child, but are there alternatives that I'm missing? Should I restructure my API to return a parent with a list of child IDs and get the children individually by ID?
interface Child {
id: number
name: string
lastUpdated: Date
interface Parent {
id: number
name: string
children: Child[]
// RTK Query API
export const myEnhancedApi = api.enhanceEndpoints({
endpoints: {
parentGetById: {
providesTags: (parent) => [
type: "Parent" as const,
id: parent.id
({ id }) => ({
type: "Child" as const,
childGetById: {
providesTags: ({ id }) => [
type: "Child" as const,
childUpdate: {
// TODO: How do I update or invalidate the parentGetById cache?
invalidatesTags: (result, error, arg) => [
type: "Child" as const,
id: arg.child.id,
async onQueryStarted(
{ child },
{ dispatch, queryFulfilled }
) {
const updateCache = (newData: Child) => dispatch(
{ id: child.id },
(draft) => {
Object.assign(draft, newData)
const optimisticPatch = updateCache(child)
try {
const updatedChild = await queryFulfilled // API returns the updated Child object
} catch {
I build an applicant with Redux RTK with createEntity
Two issue that I couldn't found it on the docs
CreateEntity is only return {ids: [], entities: []}? Is possible that return eg: totalPage from the response also?
Cache page only work on the hardcode initialState in createSlice if the pageQuery is same.
First question:
Getting the response from server was
users: [{id: 1}, ...]
totalPage: 100
I'd like to send totalPage to auto generated hook also.
export const usersAdapter = createEntityAdapter({})
export const initialState = usersAdapter.getInitialState()
export const usersApiSlice = apiSlice.injectEndpoints({
endpoints: (builder) => ({
getUsers: builder.query({
query: (args) => {
return {
url: '/api/users',
method: 'GET',
params: { page: 1, limit: 10 }
validateStatus: (response, result) => {
return response.status === 200 && !result.isError
transformResponse: (responseData) => {
const loadedUsers = responseData?.users.map((user) => user)
console.log("responseData: ", responseData) // <----- return { users: [], totalPage: 100 }. Could we set this totalPage value into Adapter?
return usersAdapter.setAll(initialState, loadedUsers)
providesTags: (result, error, arg) => {
if (result?.ids) {
return [
{ type: "User", id: "LIST" },
...result.ids.map((id) => ({ type: "User", id })),
} else return [{ type: "User", id: "LIST" }]
Use the hook in component
const { data } = useGetUsersQuery("page=1&limit=10");
console.log(data) // { ids: [], entity: [{}, {}] };
// expected return { ids: [], entity: [{}, {}], totalPage: 100}
Second question:
Store the page query in createSlice. The edit page will be remain same after refresh if the page query value same as initialState value.
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit"
const userReducer = createSlice({
name: "user",
initialState: {
query: `page=1&limit=10`,
reducers: {
setUserPageQuery: (state, action) => {
const query = action.payload
state.query = query
Page url Flow:
localhost:3000/users > localhost:3000/users/4 > refresh -> data will remain after refresh browser. (query "page=1&limit10" same as createSlice initialState value )
localhost:3000/users > localhost:3000/users/15 > refresh -> data state will gone after refresh browser. (query "page=2&limit10" different from createSlice initialState value )
Appreciate all the reply :)
I have stitched two schemas together and run on localhost to query it. But the query returns null for the data in the second schema and I am not sure why.
I have the following code to stitch to remote schemas together and run a localhost graphql server to serve it. It should add the linked data from the second schema under cmsMetaData in the main Product data. But cmsMetaData is null.
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-micro';
import { ApolloServerPluginInlineTraceDisabled, ApolloServerPluginLandingPageLocalDefault } from "apollo-server-core";
import { stitchSchemas } from '#graphql-tools/stitch';
import { delegateToSchema } from '#graphql-tools/delegate';
import { RenameTypes, RenameRootFields } from '#graphql-tools/wrap';
import createRemoteSchema from '../../utils/createRemoteExecutor';
// Configuration for Next.js API Routes
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false,
// Export as a Next.js API Route
export default async (req, res) => {
// Setup subschema configurations
const productsSubschema = await createRemoteSchema({
url: 'https://schema1.com/graphql/'
const cmsSubschema = await createRemoteSchema({
url: 'https://schema2.com/graphql/',
transforms: [
new RenameRootFields(
(operationName, fieldName, fieldConfig) => `strapi_${fieldName}`,
new RenameTypes((name) => `Strapi_${name}`),
// Build the combined schema and set up the extended schema and resolver
const schema = stitchSchemas({
subschemas: [productsSubschema, cmsSubschema],
typeDefs: `
extend type Product {
cmsMetaData: Strapi_Product
resolvers: {
Product: {
cmsMetaData: {
selectionSet: `{ id }`,
resolve(product, args, context, info) {
// Get the data for the extended type from the subschema for Strapi
return delegateToSchema({
schema: cmsSubschema,
operation: 'query',
fieldName: 'strapi_product',
args: { where: { SaleorID: product.id } },
// Set up the GraphQL server
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
plugins: [
ApolloServerPluginLandingPageLocalDefault({ embed: true }),
await apolloServer.start();
const apolloServerHandler = apolloServer.createHandler({
path: '/api/graphql',
// Return the GraphQL endpoint
return apolloServerHandler(req, res);
utils/createRemoteExecutor.js is:
import { introspectSchema, wrapSchema } from '#graphql-tools/wrap';
import { print } from 'graphql';
// Builds a remote schema executor function,
// customize any way that you need (auth, headers, etc).
// Expects to recieve an object with "document" and "variable" params,
// and asynchronously returns a JSON response from the remote.
export default async function createRemoteSchema({ url, ...filters }) {
const executor = async ({ document, variables }) => {
const query = print(document);
const fetchResult = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
// We can also do Authentication here
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables }),
return fetchResult.json();
return wrapSchema({
schema: await introspectSchema(executor),
The query is:
products(first: 100, channel: "default-channel")
In my api.tsx, which I generate using codegen.yaml, Product contains cmsMetaData as follows, which is of type Strapi_Product:
export type Product = Node & ObjectWithMetadata & {
__typename?: 'Product';
cmsMetaData?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Strapi_Product>>>;
Strapi_Product is as follows which contains Title, SaleorID etc.:
export type Strapi_Product = {
__typename?: 'Strapi_Product';
SaleorID?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
Title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
createdAt?: Maybe<Scalars['Strapi_DateTime']>;
publishedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['Strapi_DateTime']>;
updatedAt?: Maybe<Scalars['Strapi_DateTime']>;
But the date in GraphQL shows null for cmsMetaData as null:
"data": {
"products": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "UHJvZHVjdDoxMjc=",
"name": "52-00 Base Plate",
"cmsMetaData": null
"node": {
"id": "UHJvZHVjdDoxMjg=",
"name": "52-01HD Weigh Module",
"cmsMetaData": null
Your problem seems related to this github issue. Most of your code looks totally fine, so I guess it fetches the schema correctly. The cmsMetaData field is null because it did not find anything matching objects using the selection criteria. This unwanted behavior is in the transformation and/or the resolver.
A good starting point for debugging would be to remove the RenameRootFields mutation. Furthermore, this example looks like your use case, it is an excellent step-by-step guide.
I also rebuild your example from an example I found on the internet. You most probably have a typo in one of the field names, that caused a null value for me. Make sure A equals B in the code below. I am guessing the initial fieldName is "Product", so after the transformation, this does not equal "strapi_product" and returns a null value.
const cmsSubschema = await createRemoteSchema({
url: 'https://schema2.com/graphql/',
transforms: [
new RenameRootFields(
(_, fieldName) => `strapi_${fieldName}`,), // A
new RenameTypes((name) => `Strapi_${name}`),
// Build the combined schema and set up the extended schema and resolver
const schema = stitchSchemas({
subschemas: [productsSubschema, cmsSubschema],
typeDefs: `
extend type Product {
cmsMetaData: Strapi_Product
resolvers: {
Product: {
cmsMetaData: {
selectionSet: `{ id }`,
resolve(product, args, context, info) {
// Get the data for the extended type from the subschema for Strapi
return delegateToSchema({
schema: cmsSubschema,
operation: 'query',
fieldName: 'strapi_product', // B
args: { where: { SaleorID: product.id } },
I am writing a chat app with the following data model:
using the following approach:
actions: {
bindMessages: firestoreAction(({ state, bindFirestoreRef }) => {
// return the promise returned by `bindFirestoreRef`
return bindFirestoreRef(
then I access the messages store.state from my vue components like this:
computed: {
Messages() {
return this.$store.state.messages;
according to the vuexfire docs.
I was able to get the data of the whole collection (reactively) but I want the **messages array ** of a specific document assuming I know the document id. How do I do so?
The following should do the trick:
state: {
// ...
doc: null
mutations: vuexfireMutations,
getters: {
// ...
actions: {
bindDoc: firestoreAction(({ bindFirestoreRef }) => {
return bindFirestoreRef('doc', db.collection('groupchats').doc('MI3...'))
You can make it dynamic as follows:
// ...
export default {
created() {
this.$store.dispatch('bindDoc', { id: '........' }); // Pass the desired docId, e.g. MI3...
// ...
Vuex store:
state: {
// ...
doc: null
mutations: vuexfireMutations,
getters: {
// ...
actions: {
bindDoc: firestoreAction(({ bindFirestoreRef }, payload) => {
return bindFirestoreRef('doc', db.collection('groupchats').doc(payload.id));
On a List module, I created a bulk action button to generate PDF by calling a custom action.
The problem is <Datagrid> checkboxes are not unselected once the action is executed.
Here is my custom action:
export const print = (resource, ids, data) => ({
payload: {
id: ids.length === 1 ? ids[0] : ids,
meta: {
resource: resource,
fetch: PRINT,
onFailure: {
notification: {
body: 'ra.notification.http_error',
level: 'warning',
And here is my button:
class PrintBulkButton extends React.Component {
handleClick = () => {
const { basePath, options, print, resource, selectedIds } = this.props;
print(resource, selectedIds, options, basePath);
render() {
return (
<Button {...sanitizeRestProps(this.props)} onClick={this.handleClick}>
I'm using react-admin 2.3.0, but it wasn't working with previous versions either.
I think the checkboxes are not unchecked because the service I call doesn't update data.
Am I right?
Do I have to call another service or action to uncheck them, or am I missing something?
You can add this onSuccess side effect parameter unselectAll: true that we should document (please open an issue for it):
export const print = (resource, ids, data) => ({
payload: {
id: ids.length === 1 ? ids[0] : ids,
meta: {
resource: resource,
fetch: PRINT,
onSuccess: {
unselectAll: true,
onFailure: {
notification: {
body: 'ra.notification.http_error',
level: 'warning',
I'm trying to publish the newly added post, but the fields author and voteCount which are custom fields and reference another type were not being publish so that I got undefined on those fields.
My schema:
type Post {
id: ID!
title: String!
content: String
voteCount: Int!
author: User!
votes: [Vote!]!
createdAt: Date!
updatedAt: Date!
type Subscription {
Post(filter: PostSubscriptionFilter): PostSubscriptionPayload
input PostSubscriptionFilter {
mutation_in: [_ModelMutationType!]
type PostSubscriptionPayload {
mutation: _ModelMutationType!
node: Post
enum _ModelMutationType {
Mutation: {
addPost: async (
{ title, content },
{ ValidationError, models: { Post }, user },
) => {
if (!user) {
throw new ValidationError('unauthorized');
const post = new Post({
author: user.id,
await post.save();
pubsub.publish('Post', { Post: { mutation: 'CREATED', node: post } });
return post;
Subscription: {
Post: {
subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator('Post'),
Post: {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
id: root => root.id || root._id,
author: async ({ author }, data, { dataLoaders: { userLoader } }) => {
const postAuthor = await userLoader.load(author);
return postAuthor;
voteCount: async ({ _id }, data, { models: { Vote } }) => {
const voteCount = await Vote.find({ post: _id }).count();
return voteCount || 0;
votes: async ({ _id }, data, { models: { Vote } }) => {
const postVotes = await Vote.find({ post: _id });
return postVotes || [];
And the subscription in React client:
componentWillMount() {
subscribeToNewPosts() {
document: gql`
subscription {
Post(filter: { mutation_in: [CREATED] }) {
node {
updateQuery: (previous, { subscriptionData }) => {
// const result = Object.assign({}, previous, {
// allPosts: [subscriptionData.data.Post.node, ...previous.allPosts],
// });
// return result;
return previous;
The field voteCount is undefined:
While using queries or mutations, it get published normally, what should I do? Thank you.
The error you're seeing doesn't necessarily mean that voteCount is null -- rather it means you're trying to destructure an undefined value instead of an object. The path tells you this error occurred while attempting to resolve voteCount. You utilize destructuring within your resolve function in two places -- once with the root object and again with context. There should be a root object with you to work with, so I imagine the issue is with context.
When you set up context for a typical GraphQL server, you do so by utilizing middleware (like graphqlExpress) to essentially inject it into the request you're making. When you use subscriptions, everything is done over websockets, so the middleware is never hit and your context is therefore null.
To get around this, I think you'll need to inject the same context into your subscriptions -- you can see an example of how to do that here.