Using Renv behind a proxy without password in plaintext - r

I'm working on R projects behind a proxy server, which is why I use the keyring library to store my proxy credentials and to authenticate on the proxy manually whenever it is required. This way, I don't need to write HTTPS_PROXY=http://usr:pw#proxy:port somewhere in plaintext - neither in global environments nor project wise. Of course, on runtime, Sys.env does contain this string but at least only for the session.
So far so good. Now I need to use virtual environments because of some package version mismatches in my projects. For that I created renv:init(). After closing and reopining the package, Rstudio seems to freeze during loading the package. I guess renv somehow tries to reach the packages (some are on cran, some are on local gitlab), which cannot work as the proxy is not set.
When I create a .Renviron including the proxy settings with my username and password, everything works fine.
Do you know a way to prevent renv to try to connect to the package sources at project start? Or do you think the problem lays somewhere else?

My best guess is that renv is trying to make a request to the active package repositories on startup, as part of its attempt to verify that the lockfile + library are in sync. If that's the case, you could disable this via:
in your .Renviron. See for more details.
Alternatively, you could tell renv to load your credentials earlier on in a couple ways, e.g.
Try adding the initialization work to either your project .Rprofile or (with RENV_CONFIG_USER_PROFILE = TRUE) your user ~/.Rprofile;
Try adding the initialization code to a file located at renv/settings.R, which renv will source relatively early on during load.


Maintain different versions of R package for open source contribution

Packrat is often recommended as the virtual environment for R, but it doesn't fully meet my need of contributing to R open source. Packrat's "virtual environment" is stored directly in the project directory, requiring me to modify the .gitignore to ignore them when I make a pull request to the open source upstream.
In contrast, something like conda stores the virtual environment somewhere else, leaving no trace in the project codebase itself.
So how do R open source contributors deal manage dependencies during package development? Ideally the solution would work well with devtools and Rstudio.
There is nothing wrong in having Packrat in .gitignore.
You can use .git/info/exclude file thus avoiding touching the .gitignore.

R package with code that only runs once (per installation)

I'd like to create an R package that, upon installation, displays contact information for the maintainer and ask the user for permission to count them in our list of installations. It would also be acceptable to have the code run the first time the user calls one of our functions, instead of immediately on installation. Either way, this message should only appear once ever (unless the user reinstalls / updates the package).
What I've considered:
I know how to include a dataset for internal use, but I don't know how to change that data permanently.
We could set an environment variable / app setting, but I don't know if there's a way to make that persist after the end of the session.
Using an external service / server would be excessively heavyweight, and wouldn't allow users who don't want to be tracked to turn off the message.
Is there a good way to do this?
This can run more than once but only within a limited time window so perhaps it is good enough.
Add this code to your package and it will issue the message any time the package is loaded within 7 days of installation and thereafter it will not issue the message again until the package is updated.
It works by comparing the time the install files were created to the current time. It does not require write permissions to any directory, only read, so it should work generally.
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
ctime <-, libname))$ctime
if (difftime(Sys.time(), ctime, unit = "day") < 7)
packageStartupMessage("This msg will go away one week after installing this package")
You may have to bite the bullet and store state information across sessions to show it once and only once.
Some packages which may help:
settings which retrieves user configuration settings
config which retrieves configuration information
httr which access config info
registry which offers a registry
pkgconfig offers private configuration.
but I am not sure which one reads and writes. Maybe the last one fits the bill.
Edit: Turns out that even pkgconfig does not persist values across sessions. I have solved this problem with company-local code when I had control over directories or databases to write. For public and portable code it is a little harder. I still think there is a package out there that stores user-level config on all major OSs but I cannot for now remember the name.
Edit 2: With a nod to Gabor Csardi to refresh my memory, the rappdirs solves the problem of portably supplying a config location per-user (with other tricks too, a port of a corresponding Python library). Combine this with a simple cvs or rds file to store when (at all) you last showed the message and you can now show it once and exactly once. Not even again after a package upgrade.
The following code allows you to create a file in the package library:
activate_file = paste(system.file('extdata', package = 'your_package'), 'activated.txt', sep = '/')
Now you can check in .onLoad whether or not the activated.txt file exists. The first time you show the message, and then you create activated.txt, and in the next time the package is used the onload function sees the file and can skip the message.
Persistent over sessions.
Platform independent way that ensures the user has write privileges to create the file.
Reinstall/upgrade wipes the activated file, thus showing the message again.
If this is not acceptable, you could try and find a persistent location, e.g. in the home drive to do this (e.g. ~/.your_package/activated.txt). Then the challenge is to make this platform independent. Maybe look at path.expand(~) to get the current users home drive, not sure if this works on Windows.

Should I be worried about 3rd-party packages accessing my settings.json?

I just saw a package that, in order to run properly, asks you to put something in the public section of settings.json. That made me wonder if the rest of the information there (sometimes sensible, like AWS keys) is accessible as well.
So, should I be worried about this or does Meteor hides this information from packages?
Any package you install from any package manager including NPM, Ruby Gems, and the Meteor package server can run arbitrary code on your computer as your user, including using the fs module to read and write files, accessing the network to send and receive data, etc.
In fact, you place the same trust in the developer whenever you install an application from the internet - almost any application on your computer could read your settings.json file, for example Dropbox, Chrome, etc.
Therefore, there is no way to completely secure the settings.json file from package code. The only way to be sure that packages are safe is to use only community-approved packages or read the source code of the packages you are using.

Changing Git protocol for RStudio project already under version control in Windows

I love using RStudio for it's built-in integration with version control systems. However with RStudio on Windows is there a way to change the Git protocol from http to ssh or vice versa for a project already under version control without first having to delete and recreate the project?
I might be missing something, but I originally cloned my repo using http which I subsequently found to be a massive pain because every time I want to push project changes to GitHub I have to re-enter my username and password. So I removed the project from version control(Project -> Project Option -> Git/SVN -> Version Control System: none) and then tried to re-add version control hoping to use ssh but it will only allow you to go back to the original protocol you selected when creating the project in the first place.
The only way I have found to change protocol it is to delete the project and then create a new project from GitHub using the correct ssh parameters. I'd really like to be able to change projects version control protocol from http to ssh without deleting and re-cloning first.
Is this possible?
Check out git config and the whole configuration stuff. You can configure several remotes to make the "distributed" aspect of git work.
You can try just copying the whole repository (or just .git/config, keep a copy!) and check what happens with your specific case when you change the configuration. It depends on lots of things that aren't under git's control, like firewall configurations en route, and the configuration on the other end.

Disable sun signed jars verification

I'm getting a lot of troubles trying to publish a .war package containing a Web Start application with commons-configuration-1.3.jar in the build path (
I have already tried to clean the javaws cache, reinstall the application, even reinstalling java (1.6.0_24).
This is a stretch of my NetBeans IDE 6.8 (Build 200912041610) output while creating a JNLP application:
The signer certificate will expire within six months.
Signing JAR: D:\Java\workspace\OTP\DeskOTP\atual\build\cluster\modules\ext\commons-configuration-1.3.jar to D:\Java\workspace\OTP\DeskOTP\atual\build\jnlp\app\br-com-petrobras-ep-gedig-gedigdesktoplibrary\ext-commons-configuration-1.3.jar as jnlp
However, when trying to run I got a JARSigningException for this jar.
So, I decide to solve this disabling this verification. I believe I can decide and tell jvm not to verify my jars (my responsibility).
Is there anyway to tell jvm or javaws to NEVER verify non signed jars?
As a first reaction, I'd say to try java -noverify -jar your_file.jar.
However, this will only work for local jarfiles. It will not work from a web source, which is what is sounds like you're trying to do. Is that right?
You can always download the jar from the web, manually remove the signature sections on the manifest and it should work. If the jar happens to be dynamically downloaded from the web as #Riking mentioned in the other reply, then you might be able to get around by proxying the URL to a different server.
Now, if you have access to the deployment build status and is having trouble with expired signatures on artifacts, one alternative might be to re-sign the jar using your company's (Petrobras?) signing certificates. That will allow you to work around expired issues, provided that the build knows it's supposed to pull your version of the artifact instead of the original commons-configuration.
