Exporting NDWI values with Dates as CSV from Google Earth Engine - google-earth-engine

my goal is to create a csv file from the data that is chosen between dates. This was the code that I used for creating the NDWI values. I want to export that data with date so that I can create a graph from time series of NDWI - date. But I could not found how, any help is appreciated, thanks.
var startDate = '2018-07-01';
var endDate = '2018-07-31';
var sentinelImageCollection = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2')
.filterDate(startDate, endDate);
print("Number of images = ", sentinelImageCollection.size());
// We select the image with the smallest cloudy pixel percentage
var sentinelImage = sentinelImageCollection.sort('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE')
print("Sentinel image taken at = ", sentinelImage.date());
// Visualize using RGB
Map.addLayer(sentinelImage, {min: 0.0, max: 2000, bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2']}, 'RGB');
// Visualize using NDWI
var ndwi = sentinelImage.normalizedDifference(['B3', 'B8']).rename('NDWI');
Map.addLayer(ndwi, {palette: ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue']}, 'NDWI');
// Calculate the area of our region of interest
var aoiArea = ee.Image.pixelArea().divide(1e6).reduceRegion({
reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(),
geometry: areaOfInterest,
scale: 10,
print('AOI area (km2):', aoiArea);
// Create NDWI mask
var ndwiThreshold = ndwi.gte(0.0);
var ndwiMask = ndwiThreshold.updateMask(ndwiThreshold);
Map.addLayer(ndwiThreshold, {palette:['black','white']}, 'NDWI Binary Mask');
Map.addLayer(ndwiMask, {palette:['blue']}, 'NDWI Mask');
// We can now calculate the masked areas pixel area
var ndwiPixelArea = ee.Image.pixelArea().addBands(ndwiMask.select('NDWI')).divide(1e6).reduceRegion({
reducer: ee.Reducer.sum().group(1),
geometry: areaOfInterest,
scale: 10,
bestEffort: true
var list = ee.List(ee.Dictionary(ndwiPixelArea).get('groups'));
var group0 = ee.Dictionary(list.get(0));
var ndwiWaterArea = ee.Number(group0.get('sum')).float();
print("Water area (km2):", ndwiWaterArea);


GeometryConstructors.Polygon: LinearRing requires at least 3 points

I am trying to run the following code to extract the change map using the Land Trendr algorithm in Google Earth Engine. Everything seems to be running fine when I use a point as my area of interest, but once I try to use a polygon as my aoi file it throws me an error. I am attaching my code here :
// define collection parameters
var startYear = 1985;
var endYear = 2017;
var startDay = '06-20';
var endDay = '09-20';
//var aoi = ee.Geometry.Point(-122.8848, 43.7929);
var coords = ([70.9361058400289,28.387332974875402],
var aoi = ee.Geometry.Polygon(coords);
var index = 'NBR';
var maskThese = ['cloud', 'shadow', 'snow', 'water'];
// define landtrendr parameters
var runParams = {
maxSegments: 6,
spikeThreshold: 0.9,
vertexCountOvershoot: 3,
preventOneYearRecovery: true,
recoveryThreshold: 0.25,
pvalThreshold: 0.05,
bestModelProportion: 0.75,
minObservationsNeeded: 6
// define change parameters
var changeParams = {
delta: 'loss',
sort: 'greatest',
year: {checked:false, start:2000, end:2010},
mag: {checked:true, value:200, operator: '\>', dsnr:false},
dur: {checked:true, value:4, operator: '\<'},
preval: {checked:true, value:300, operator: '\>'},
mmu: {checked:true, value:11},
// load the LandTrendr.js module
var ltgee = require('users/emaprlab/public:Modules/LandTrendr.js');
// add index to changeParams object
changeParams.index = index;
// run landtrendr
var lt = ltgee.runLT(startYear, endYear, startDay, endDay, aoi, index, [], runParams, maskThese);
// get the change map layers
var changeImg = ltgee.getChangeMap(lt, changeParams);
// set visualization dictionaries
var palette = ['#9400D3', '#4B0082', '#0000FF', '#00FF00', '#FFFF00', '#FF7F00', '#FF0000'];
var yodVizParms = {
min: startYear,
max: endYear,
palette: palette
var magVizParms = {
min: 200,
max: 800,
palette: palette
// display the change attribute map - note that there are other layers - print changeImg to console to see
Map.centerObject(aoi, 11);
Map.addLayer(changeImg.select(['mag']), magVizParms, 'Magnitude of Change');
Map.addLayer(changeImg.select(['yod']), yodVizParms, 'Year of Detection');
// export change data to google drive
var region = aoi.buffer(1000).bounds();
var exportImg = changeImg.clip(region).unmask(0).short();
{image: exportImg,description: 'lt-gee_disturbance_map',
folder: 'lt-gee_disturbance_map',
fileNamePrefix: 'lt-gee_disturbance_map',
region: region,
scale: 30,
crs: 'EPSG:5070',
maxPixels: 1e13});
It is throwing an error: Line 75: GeometryConstructors.Polygon: LinearRing requires at least 3 points. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. Thank you for your help.

How do I solve the 0 element problem in Google Earth Engine?

I used the .combine command to convert two image collections into a two-band image collection (in the last line) to use in a function in the next step. This command is executed but writes 0 elements in the console. Where does this problem come from?
code link: https://code.earthengine.google.com/ed0992093ff830d926c7dd14403477c6
var ndvi = function(img){
var bands = img.select(['B2','B3','B4','B8']).multiply(0.0001)
var index = bands.normalizedDifference(['B8','B4']).rename('NDVI_S2');
return index
var S2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR')
var START = '2018-10-24';
var END = '2019-06-30';
var DATES = [ '2018-12-19', '2018-12-29', '2019-01-23', '2019-02-12', '2019-03-04',
'2019-03-19', '2019-04-08', '2019-04-13', '2019-05-13', '2019-05-18', '2019-05-23',
'2019-05-28', '2019-06-02', '2019-06-07', '2019-06-12', '2019-06-17', '2019-06-22',
var addTime = function(x) {
return x.set('Date', ee.Date(x.get('system:time_start')).format("YYYY-MM-dd"))};
var Sentinel = ee.ImageCollection(S2)
.filter(ee.Filter.date(START, END))
var PMODIS =
var MODProjection = PMODIS.projection();
print('MODIS projection:', MODProjection);
var Viz = {min: 0, max: 1, palette: ['be6c44','ca3a3a','e4ae0c','565c04','819536']};
var S2_resampled = Sentinel.map(function(img){
var S2Mean = img
// Force the next reprojection to aggregate instead of resampling.
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
maxPixels: 2146
// Request the data at the scale and projection of the Sentinel image.
crs: MODProjection
return S2Mean
var M_ndvi = function(img){
var bands =
var index=bands
return index
var MOD = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD43A4')
var MODIS = ee.ImageCollection(MOD)
.filter(ee.Filter.date(START, END))
var S2_and_MOD = S2_resampled.combine(MODIS, false);
var Diff = S2_and_MOD.map(function(img){
var clip = img.clip(geometry);
var Diffe = clip.expression('NDVI_S2 - NDVI_MOD',
{'NDVI_S2':clip.select('NDVI_S2') ,
return Diffe
.copyProperties(img,['system:time_start','system:time_end']); });
ee.Image.combine() uses the system:ID property to join the 2 images. See the documentation here. Since your images do not match, the resulting collection has no images.
A solution that should fit your needs utilizes the ee.Join.inner() to take advantage of the Date property that you have created to join the 2 image collections. A similar question was answered here.
Using inner join, I was able to accomplish what appeared to be your goal of finding the difference in NDVI between the S2 and MODIS collections. The full working script can be found here: https://code.earthengine.google.com/dc45df1b7cf83723d53e9f7917975e2d
// Function - Calculate S2 NDVI
var ndvi = function(img){
var bands = img.select(['B2','B3','B4','B8']).multiply(0.0001)
var index = bands.normalizedDifference(['B8','B4']).rename('NDVI_S2');
return index
// Get S2 NDVI images
var S2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR')
print('S2 NDVI ImageCollection',S2);
// Set Date Parameters
var START = '2018-10-24';
var END = '2019-06-30';
// Create Date List
var DATES = [ '2018-12-19', '2018-12-29', '2019-01-23', '2019-02-12', '2019-03-04',
'2019-03-19', '2019-04-08', '2019-04-13', '2019-05-13', '2019-05-18', '2019-05-23',
'2019-05-28', '2019-06-02', '2019-06-07', '2019-06-12', '2019-06-17', '2019-06-22',
// Function - Add 'Date' field to image
var addTime = function(x) {
return x.set('Date', ee.Date(x.get('system:time_start')).format("YYYY-MM-dd"))};
// Run addTime on S2 ImageCollection
var Sentinel = ee.ImageCollection(S2)
.filter(ee.Filter.date(START, END))
print('Date Added S2', Sentinel);
// Get MODIS Projection
var PMODIS = ee.Image('MODIS/006/MCD43A4/2018_12_19').select('Nadir_Reflectance_Band4');
var MODProjection = PMODIS.projection();
print('MODIS projection:', MODProjection);
// Set Visualization Parameters
var Viz = {min: 0, max: 1, palette: ['be6c44','ca3a3a','e4ae0c','565c04','819536']};
// Reproject S2 images to MODIS projection
var S2_resampled = Sentinel.map(function(img){
var S2Mean = img
// Force the next reprojection to aggregate instead of resampling.
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
maxPixels: 2146
// Request the data at the scale and projection of the Sentinel image.
crs: MODProjection
return S2Mean
// Function - Calculate MODIS NDVI
var M_ndvi = function(img){
var bands = img.select(['Nadir_Reflectance_Band1','Nadir_Reflectance_Band5']).multiply(0.0001)
var index = bands.normalizedDifference(['Nadir_Reflectance_Band1','Nadir_Reflectance_Band5']).rename('NDVI_MOD');
return index
// Get MODIS NDVI Images
var MOD = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD43A4')
// Run addTime on MODIS ImageCollection
var MODIS = ee.ImageCollection(MOD)
.filter(ee.Filter.date(START, END))
// Combine MODIS and S2 Image Collections using Date
// Specify the join type
var join_type = ee.Join.inner();
// Set the join parameter
var filter = ee.Filter.equals({
leftField: 'Date',
rightField: 'Date'
// Execute the join
var inner_join = ee.ImageCollection(join_type.apply(MODIS,S2_resampled,filter));
// Flatten joined images into a single image with 2 bands
var S2_and_MOD = inner_join.map(function(feature) {
return ee.Image.cat(feature.get('primary'), feature.get('secondary'));
print('Combined S2 and MODIS Collection:',S2_and_MOD);
// Calculate the difference between S2 and MODIS NDVI values
var Diff = S2_and_MOD.map(function(img){
var clip = img.clip(geometry);
var Diffe = clip.expression('NDVI_S2 - NDVI_MOD',
{'NDVI_S2':clip.select('NDVI_S2') , 'NDVI_MOD':clip.select('NDVI_MOD')}).rename('Diff');
return Diffe
.copyProperties(img,['system:time_start','system:time_end']); });
print('NDVI Difference Collection',Diff);

" image.select(bands).sampleRegions is not a function error. what must i do?

I am trying to conduct a lulc classification on google earth engine using landsat5 data for 2000, but every time it is showing me the error:
image.select(bands).sampleRegions is not a function
var shp = ee.FeatureCollection(mws)
Map.addLayer(shp, {}, 'My Polygon')
var pol = ee.FeatureCollection(poly2000)
Map.addLayer(pol, {} )
//landcover for 2000//
var dataset = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_TOA")
.filterDate('2000-01-01', '2000-01-31')
.map(function(image){return image.clip(mws)});
var trueColor432 = dataset.select(['B4', 'B3', 'B2']);
var trueColor432Vis = {};
Map.addLayer(trueColor432, trueColor432Vis, 'True Color (432)');
var image = trueColor432;
// merging sample points together
var landcover = forest.merge(water).merge(clearing).merge(built_up);
// selecting bands
var bands= ['B2','B3','B4'];
//sampling the input imagery to get a featurecollection of a training data
var training = image.select(bands).sampleRegions({
collection: landcover,
properties: ['landcover'],
scale: 30
//training the classifier
var classifier= ee.Classifier.svm().train({
features: training,
classProperty : 'landcover',
inputProperties: bands
//classifying the input imagery
var classified= image.select(bands).classify(classifier);
sampleRegions samples the pixels of an image: https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/apidocs/ee-image-sampleregions
Maybe adding .toBands() works?
var training = image.toBands().select(bands).sampleRegions({
collection: landcover,
properties: ['landcover'],
scale: 30

Google Earth Engine: Flatten a one-band ImageCollection into a multi-band single Image

I want to use supervised classification to classify a pattern that has a clear temporal pattern. For example, identifying stands of deciduous trees in a coniferous forest. NDVI would change overtime in the deciduous stands in a regular pattern that should be easily detectable. I assume there's an easy method to flatten the temporal dataset into a single image so that the bands in that image can be used in a classification algorithm. Maybe using .map(....)?
Here's some code to build the answer from:
var startDate = '2016-05-01';
var endDate = '2016-09-01';
var lng = -122.3424; var lat = 37.9344; //SF
var region = ee.Geometry.Point(lng, lat);
//Image Import
var l8 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA')
// NDVI temporal
var ndvi = l8.map(function(image) {
var ndvi = image.normalizedDifference(['B5', 'B4']).rename("NDVI");
return ndvi;
Map.addLayer(ndvi,{},"NDVI Temporal"); // 8 images with 1 band
//NDVI FLATTENED??????? I want 1 image with 8 bands. The below code doesn't work...
var ndviFlat = ee.Image().addBands(ndvi.map(function(image){
var temp = image.select("NDVI");
return temp;
From there, I will pass ndviFlat to .sampleRegions, which only works with Images not ImageCollections:
//Classification Model:
var points = ee.FeatureCollection([trainingPointsPos,trainingPointsNeg]).flatten();
var training = ndviFlat.sampleRegions({
collection: points,
properties: ['class'],
scale: 30
var trained = ee.Classifier.randomForest(20).train(training, 'class', bands);
classified = regLayers.select(bands).classify(trained);
Here's one way:
var startDate = '2016-05-01';
var endDate = '2016-09-01';
var lng = -122.3424;
var lat = 37.9344; //SF
var region = ee.Geometry.Point(lng, lat);
//Image Import
var l8 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA')
.filterDate(startDate, endDate);
var empty = ee.Image();
// NDVI temporal
var ndvi = ee.Image(l8.iterate(function(image, previous) {
var name = ee.String('NDVI_').cat(image.id());
var ndvi = image.normalizedDifference(['B5', 'B4']).rename(name);
return ee.Image(previous).addBands(ndvi);
}, empty));
// Remove the annoying non-band
ndvi = ndvi.select(ndvi.bandNames().remove('constant'));
Map.centerObject(region, 13);
Map.addLayer(ndvi, {}, 'ndvi');

Dealing with MODIS equator gaps in GEE

I am trying to run a time series analysis for a Lake in Africa. Since my area of interest is at the equator it is affected by gaps every few days where the sensor has not covered the full area (see Figure below). An example is given in the code below for the 2nd October 2015, where only the edge of the lake is included in the MODIS path. If i include this image in my time series then the average across the AOI for that day is incorrect. So, I am looking for a way to filter the imageCollection to exclude dates when the full Area of Interest was not covered.
//Import image
var image = ee.Image('MOD09GA/MOD09GA_005_2015_10_02');
//Area of interest
var AOI = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Polygon(
[[[35.48583984375, 2.1967272417616712],
[36.97998046875, 2.1967272417616712],
[37.1337890625, 4.631179340411012],
[35.3759765625, 4.653079918274051]]]);
// True Colour Composite
var visParams = {bands: ['sur_refl_b01', 'sur_refl_b04', 'sur_refl_b03']};
//Add to map
Map.addLayer(image, visParams, '2ndOct2015');
Image of MODIS daily path with gaps at equator:
Thank you!
You could do something like this:
var mod09 = ee.ImageCollection("MODIS/006/MOD09GA");
var image = ee.Image('MOD09GA/MOD09GA_005_2015_10_02');
var visParams = {bands: ['sur_refl_b01', 'sur_refl_b04', 'sur_refl_b03']};
Map.addLayer(image, visParams, '2ndOct2015');
//Area of interest
var AOI = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Polygon(
[[[35.48583984375, 2.1967272417616712],
[36.97998046875, 2.1967272417616712],
[37.1337890625, 4.631179340411012],
[35.3759765625, 4.653079918274051]]]);
var count = image.select('sur_refl_b01').unmask().reduceRegion({
reducer: 'count',
geometry: AOI,
scale: image.select('sur_refl_b01').projection().nominalScale(),
var counter = function(image) {
return image.set(image.select('sur_refl_b01').unmask().reduceRegion({
reducer: ee.Reducer.count(),
geometry: AOI,
scale: image.select('sur_refl_b01').projection().nominalScale(),
var filteredCollection = mod09
.filterDate('2016-01-01', '2016-12-31')
// You probably want to add some delta here.
.filter(ee.Filter.gte('sur_refl_b01', count.get('sur_refl_b01')));
This seems to work, which i adapted from a thread on GEE help forum.
////// MODIS COLLECTION ////////
var ci = ee.ImageCollection('MOD09GA').filterDate('2015-10-01', '2016 08-05');
// Function to exclude MODIS swath gaps
function filterEmpty(imageCollection, polygon) {
var scale = 500
return imageCollection.map(function(i) {
return i.set('first_value', i.select(0)
.reduceRegion({reducer: ee.Reducer.firstNonNull(), geometry: polygon, scale: scale})
}).filter(ee.Filter.eq('first_value', 1))
var c = filterEmpty(ci, Turkana);
