Combining 3 barplots in a single column - r

I have generated 3 bar plots using barplot() function. Now I need to combine these 3 plots in a single column and get another new plot. I have used cowplot to do so however it showed warning message
In as_grob.default(plot) :Cannot convert object of class matrixarray
into a grob.
I know it is easier with ggplot. But I find it hard to write this code in ggplot. Can someone please give me a solution? I am not an expert but I tried my best but could not find a solution. My code:
k <- readr::read.csv("maxcor_r_p.csv", TRUE, ",")
cols <- c("azure3", "#003f5c")[(k$p < 0.05) + 1]
maxi <- barplot(
names.arg = k$parameter,
ylab = "Correlation coefficient",
col = cols,
main = expression("T"[max]),
las = 2
l <- readr::read.csv("meancor_r_p.csv", TRUE, ",")
cols <- c("azure3", "#27e52a")[(l$p < 0.05) + 1]
meany <- barplot(
names.arg = l$parameter,
ylab = "Correlation coefficient",
col = cols,
main = expression("T"[mean]),
las = 2
m <- readr::read.csv("precipcor_r_p.csv", TRUE, ",")
cols <- c("azure3", "#27bac6")[(m$p < 0.05) + 1]
preci <- barplot(
names.arg = m$parameter,
ylab = "Correlation coefficient",
col = cols,
main = expression("Precipitation"),
las = 2
maxi, meany, preci,
ncol = 1, align = "v", axis = 1
screenshot of my 1 csv file

The reason that cowplot is giving you the conversion error is because it is expecting a ggplot object, so you'd have to rewrite your code in ggplot if you wanted to use cowplot.
You should be able to combine the plots you've created by using the function par(mfrow = c(A, B). par() is a function for setting graphical parameters, and mfrow is a vector, with the first argument (A) referring to the number of rows you want in the graphic you are creating and the second argument (B) referring to the number of columns you want.
If you want the plots to be displayed in a single column, you could do the following:
# specify a graphic with three rows and one column
par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
# first plot
maxi <-
names.arg = k$parameter,
ylab = "Correlation coefficient",
col = cols,
main = expression("T"[max]),
las = 2
# second plot
meany <-
names.arg = l$parameter,
ylab = "Correlation coefficient",
col = cols,
main = expression("T"[mean]),
las = 2
# third plot
preci <-
names.arg = m$parameter,
ylab = "Correlation coefficient",
col = cols,
main = expression("Precipitation"),
las = 2
# reset parameters to default
If you wanted them to be displayed in a single row instead, you would just change your par() function to:
# specify a graphic with one row and three columns
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))


adding all possible connections between dots in r plot

I have data-frame DOTS with following columns: DOT, X, Y. There are 10 dots.
I want to display all possible connections: (a) between dots 1,2,3,4,5; (b) 5,6,7; and (c) between 7,8,9,10?
# what I tried so far
plot(DOTS$X, DOTS$Y, main= "DOTS", xlab= "X", ylab= "Y",
col= "blue", pch = 19, cex = 1, lty = "solid", lwd = 2)
text(DOTS$X, DOTS$Y, labels=DOTS$Dot, cex= 0.7, pos = 3)
# the last line displays connection from 1 to 2 to 3 etc only
Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
I make a dataset first :
x <- runif(10, 0, 10)
y <- runif(10, 0, 10)
df <- data.frame(dot = LETTERS[1:10], x = x, y = y)
I think it's flexible to create a custom function and use combn() to generate all possible combinations of two dots. And then connect them with segments() respectively. In the custom function below, you can put any dots set and arguments e.g. col, lwd... etc.
plot(df$x, df$y)
text(df$x, df$y, labels = df$dot, pos = 3) <- function(index, ...){
comb <- combn(index, 2)
start <- comb[1, ] # starting points
end <- comb[2, ] # end points
segments(df$x[start], df$y[start], df$x[end], df$y[end], ...)
}, col = 2), col = 3), col = 4)

How to show row and column names in biclust heatmap?

I have drawn heatmap in biclust package using the following code, but I couldn't find any option for adding row and column names.
resplaid <- biclust(BicatYeast, BCBimax(), verbose = FALSE)
heatmapBC(x = BicatYeast, bicResult = resplaid)
How can I draw them?
Here a solution. Looking at the heatmapBC function you see that axes as set as FALSE by default!
You will be able to put your labels both in the rows and columns of your heatmap by using the axis command.
I've used a subsetted version of BicatYeast data for making plots clearer
d <- as.matrix(BicatYeast)[1:30, 1:20]; d
resplaid <- biclust(d, BCBimax())
par(mar=c(10, 6, 2, 2) + 0.1)
heatmapBC(x = d, bicResult = resplaid, axes = F, xlab = "", ylab = "")
axis(1, at=1:dim(d)[2], labels = colnames(d), las=2)
axis(2, at=1:dim(d)[1], labels = rownames(d), las=2)

How to plot a table of values and corresponding colors in R? The dreaded heat map [duplicate]

I am trying to create a data table whose cells are different colors based on the value in the cell. I can achieve this with the function addtable2plot from the plotrix package. The addtable2plot function lays a table on an already existing plot. The problem with that solution is that I don't want a plot, just the table.
I've also looked at the heatmap functions. The problem there is that some of the values in my table are character, and the heatmap functions, from what I can tell, only accept numeric matrices. Also, I want my column names to be at the top of the table, not the bottom, and that doesn't seem to be an option.
Here's the example code for addtable2plot. If I could get just the table, filling the whole screen, that would be great.
barp(testdf,main="Test addtable2plot",ylab="Value",
# show most of the options including the christmas tree colors
vlines=TRUE,title="The table",bg=abg)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A heatmap alternative:
# need data as matrix
mm <- as.matrix(testdf, ncol = 3)
heatmap.2(x = mm, Rowv = FALSE, Colv = FALSE, dendrogram = "none",
cellnote = mm, notecol = "black", notecex = 2,
trace = "none", key = FALSE, margins = c(7, 11))
In heatmap.2 the side of the plot the axis is to be drawn on is hard-coded. But if you type "heatmap.2" at the console and copy the output to an editor, you can search for axis(1, where the 1 is the side argument (two hits). You can then change from a 1 (axis below plot) to a 3 (axis above the plot). Assign the updated function to a new name, e.g. heatmap.3, and run it as above.
An addtable2plot alternative
# while plotrix is loaded anyway:
# set colors with color.scale
# need data as matrix*
mm <- as.matrix(testdf, ncol = 3)
cols <- color.scale(mm, extremes = c("red", "yellow"))
par(mar = c(0.5, 1, 2, 0.5))
# create empty plot
plot(1:10, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "n")
# add table
addtable2plot(x = 1, y = 1, table = testdf,
bty = "o", display.rownames = TRUE,
hlines = TRUE, vlines = TRUE,
bg = cols,
xjust = 2, yjust = 1, cex = 3)
# *According to `?color.scale`, `x` can be a data frame.
# However, when I tried with `testdf`, I got "Error in `[.data.frame`(x, segindex) : undefined columns selected".
A color2D.matplot alternative
par(mar = c(0.5, 8, 3.5, 0.5))
show.values = TRUE,
axes = FALSE,
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
vcex = 2,
vcol = "black",
extremes = c("red", "yellow"))
axis(3, at = seq_len(ncol(testdf)) - 0.5,
labels = names(testdf), tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 2)
axis(2, at = seq_len(nrow(testdf)) -0.5,
labels = rev(rownames(testdf)), tick = FALSE, las = 1, cex.axis = 2)
After this little exercise, I tend to agree with #Drew Steen that LaTeX alternatives may be investigated as well. For example, check here and here.
You can hack something with grid and gtable,
palette(c(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Pastel1"),
RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Pastel2")))
gtable_add_grobs <- gtable_add_grob # alias
d <- head(iris, 3)
nc <- ncol(d)
nr <- nrow(d)
extended_matrix <- cbind(c("", rownames(d)), rbind(colnames(d), as.matrix(d)))
## text for each cell
all_grobs <- matrix(lapply(extended_matrix, textGrob), ncol=ncol(d) + 1)
## define the fill background of cells
fill <- lapply(seq_len(nc*nr), function(ii)
## some calculations of cell sizes
row_heights <- function(m){, apply(m, 1, function(l)
max(, lapply(l, grobHeight)))))
col_widths <- function(m){, apply(m, 2, function(l)
max(, lapply(l, grobWidth)))))
## place labels in a gtable
g <- gtable_matrix("table", grobs=all_grobs,
widths=col_widths(all_grobs) + unit(4,"mm"),
heights=row_heights(all_grobs) + unit(4,"mm"))
## add the background
g <- gtable_add_grobs(g, fill, t=rep(seq(2, nr+1), each=nc),
l=rep(seq(2, nc+1), nr), z=0,name="fill")
## draw
Sort of a hacky solution based on ggplot2. I don't totally understand how you actually want to map your colors, since in your example the colors in the table are not mapped to the rownames of testdf, but here I've mapped the colors to the value (converted to a factor).
testdf$color <- rownames(testdf)
dfm <- melt(testdf, id.vars="color")
p <- ggplot(dfm, aes(x=variable, y=color, label=value, fill=as.factor(value))) +
geom_text(colour="black") +
You can change what variable the values are mapped to using fill=, and you can change the mapping using scale_fill_manual(values=[a vector of values].
That said, I'd be curious to see a solution that produces an actual table, rather than a plot masquerading as a table. Possibly using Sweave and LaTeX tables?

How to make the "ylim" of two plots to be exactly the same in R

I have a function called TPN. When you run this function, it produces two plots (see picture below). The bottom-row plot samples from the top-row plot.
I'm wondering how I could fix the ylim of the bottom-row plot to be always (i.e., regardless of the input values) the same as ylim of the top-row plot?
R code is provided below the picture (Run the entire block of code).
############## Input Values #################
TPN = function( each.sub.pop.n = 150,
sub.pop.means = 20:10,
predict.range = 10:0, = .75,
n.sample = 2 ) {
par( mar = c(2, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1) )
m = matrix( c(1, 2), nrow = 2, ncol = 1 ); layout(m)
Vec.rnorm <- Vectorize(function(n, mean, sd) rnorm(n, mean, sd), 'mean')
y <- c( Vec.rnorm(each.sub.pop.n, sub.pop.means, )
x <- rep(predict.range, each = each.sub.pop.n)
plot(x, y) ## Plot #1
sample <- lapply(split(y, x), function(z) sample(z, n.sample, replace = TRUE))
sample <- data.frame(y = unlist(sample),
x = as.numeric(rep(names(sample), each = n.sample)))
plot(sample$x, sample$y) ## Plot # 2
You can get the ylim using par("yaxp")[1:2]. So, you can change the second plot code to have its ylim as the first plot's:
plot(sample$x, sample$y, ylim = par("yaxp")[1:2]) ## Plot # 2
or as mentioned in the comments, you can simply set the ylim for both plots to be range of both data-sets and add that to both plots:
ylim = range(c(y, sample$y))
Another option: Produce the same plot again but with type = "n" and then filling the points with points(). For example, change your plot 2 to
plot(x, y, type = "n")
points(sample$x, sample$y)
A benefit of this approach is that everything in the plot will be exactly the same, not just the y-axis (which may or may not matter for your function).

Conditional coloring of cells in table

I am trying to create a data table whose cells are different colors based on the value in the cell. I can achieve this with the function addtable2plot from the plotrix package. The addtable2plot function lays a table on an already existing plot. The problem with that solution is that I don't want a plot, just the table.
I've also looked at the heatmap functions. The problem there is that some of the values in my table are character, and the heatmap functions, from what I can tell, only accept numeric matrices. Also, I want my column names to be at the top of the table, not the bottom, and that doesn't seem to be an option.
Here's the example code for addtable2plot. If I could get just the table, filling the whole screen, that would be great.
barp(testdf,main="Test addtable2plot",ylab="Value",
# show most of the options including the christmas tree colors
vlines=TRUE,title="The table",bg=abg)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A heatmap alternative:
# need data as matrix
mm <- as.matrix(testdf, ncol = 3)
heatmap.2(x = mm, Rowv = FALSE, Colv = FALSE, dendrogram = "none",
cellnote = mm, notecol = "black", notecex = 2,
trace = "none", key = FALSE, margins = c(7, 11))
In heatmap.2 the side of the plot the axis is to be drawn on is hard-coded. But if you type "heatmap.2" at the console and copy the output to an editor, you can search for axis(1, where the 1 is the side argument (two hits). You can then change from a 1 (axis below plot) to a 3 (axis above the plot). Assign the updated function to a new name, e.g. heatmap.3, and run it as above.
An addtable2plot alternative
# while plotrix is loaded anyway:
# set colors with color.scale
# need data as matrix*
mm <- as.matrix(testdf, ncol = 3)
cols <- color.scale(mm, extremes = c("red", "yellow"))
par(mar = c(0.5, 1, 2, 0.5))
# create empty plot
plot(1:10, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "n")
# add table
addtable2plot(x = 1, y = 1, table = testdf,
bty = "o", display.rownames = TRUE,
hlines = TRUE, vlines = TRUE,
bg = cols,
xjust = 2, yjust = 1, cex = 3)
# *According to `?color.scale`, `x` can be a data frame.
# However, when I tried with `testdf`, I got "Error in `[.data.frame`(x, segindex) : undefined columns selected".
A color2D.matplot alternative
par(mar = c(0.5, 8, 3.5, 0.5))
show.values = TRUE,
axes = FALSE,
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
vcex = 2,
vcol = "black",
extremes = c("red", "yellow"))
axis(3, at = seq_len(ncol(testdf)) - 0.5,
labels = names(testdf), tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 2)
axis(2, at = seq_len(nrow(testdf)) -0.5,
labels = rev(rownames(testdf)), tick = FALSE, las = 1, cex.axis = 2)
After this little exercise, I tend to agree with #Drew Steen that LaTeX alternatives may be investigated as well. For example, check here and here.
You can hack something with grid and gtable,
palette(c(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Pastel1"),
RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Pastel2")))
gtable_add_grobs <- gtable_add_grob # alias
d <- head(iris, 3)
nc <- ncol(d)
nr <- nrow(d)
extended_matrix <- cbind(c("", rownames(d)), rbind(colnames(d), as.matrix(d)))
## text for each cell
all_grobs <- matrix(lapply(extended_matrix, textGrob), ncol=ncol(d) + 1)
## define the fill background of cells
fill <- lapply(seq_len(nc*nr), function(ii)
## some calculations of cell sizes
row_heights <- function(m){, apply(m, 1, function(l)
max(, lapply(l, grobHeight)))))
col_widths <- function(m){, apply(m, 2, function(l)
max(, lapply(l, grobWidth)))))
## place labels in a gtable
g <- gtable_matrix("table", grobs=all_grobs,
widths=col_widths(all_grobs) + unit(4,"mm"),
heights=row_heights(all_grobs) + unit(4,"mm"))
## add the background
g <- gtable_add_grobs(g, fill, t=rep(seq(2, nr+1), each=nc),
l=rep(seq(2, nc+1), nr), z=0,name="fill")
## draw
Sort of a hacky solution based on ggplot2. I don't totally understand how you actually want to map your colors, since in your example the colors in the table are not mapped to the rownames of testdf, but here I've mapped the colors to the value (converted to a factor).
testdf$color <- rownames(testdf)
dfm <- melt(testdf, id.vars="color")
p <- ggplot(dfm, aes(x=variable, y=color, label=value, fill=as.factor(value))) +
geom_text(colour="black") +
You can change what variable the values are mapped to using fill=, and you can change the mapping using scale_fill_manual(values=[a vector of values].
That said, I'd be curious to see a solution that produces an actual table, rather than a plot masquerading as a table. Possibly using Sweave and LaTeX tables?
