I need http port forward proxy server golang - http

I need http port forward proxy server golang
Be able to provide Rest http api
Kind of like
PortForward Traffic Forwarding
Please tell me the program that can be used directly.


Why can HTTP/HTTPS proxy and Socks proxy work on one single port?

Many proxy soft provides multiple protocol over one port.
Is there any byte (above or in TCP/UDP package) reserved to mark which protocol client is using?
As I know, HTTP protocol is just carried by TCP's data segment, and there is no any other mark.
So how proxy software tell the protocol when received a request?
(By guessing the first one or two bytes received? It doesn't sounds a good idea)
What's the difference between HTTP proxy and HTTPS proxy?
Here are my guesses
"HTTP proxy" only means a service that can provide proxy for HTTP protocol, And a "HTTPS proxy" can provides service for HTTPS protocol? (means the only difference is whether they can deal HTTP CONNECT method) So the HTTPS proxy is just a functionally enhanced HTTP proxy
HTTPS proxy offers extra security layer between client and proxy server? (to protect the HTTP CONNECT method headers?) So the communication process is quite different between HTTP proxy and HTTPS
proxy, and both HTTP proxy and HTTPS proxy can service HTTP/HTTPS protocol ?
Is there any byte (above or in TCP/UDP package) reserved to mark which protocol client is using?
It is not a single byte, but a HTTP request is clearly distinguishable from a SOCKS request, as a look at the respective standards (RFC 7230, RFC 1928) would show. It isn't the case that all protocols can be easily distinguished, but it is true for SOCKS and HTTP.
What's the difference between HTTP proxy and HTTPS proxy?
A HTTPS proxy is a HTTP proxy used for https:// requests. This is done by using the CONNECT method to create a tunnel through the proxy to the final server and then doing end-to-end HTTPS (TLS+HTTP) inside this tunnel.
... Or HTTPS proxy offers extra security layer between client and proxy server?
This exists too, but it is usually called "HTTP proxy over TLS", "HTTP proxy over HTTPS", "encrypted proxy connection" or similar, but not "HTTPS proxy".

Network traffic forwarding over grpc port

I have a requirement where I need to forward all the request from different sources to another network by grpc.
Request Server<-> Grpc Client <-> Internet <-> Grpc Server <-> Resource Server.
Request server and grpc client on same network.
Resource server and grpc server are on same network .
How to do I forward request server request to port that is sending data to grpc server ?
MY grpc server and client are in java so using grpc-java interface.
It sounds like you want a grpc-java-based proxy. "Grpc Client" in your diagram could be any HTTP/2 proxy. But you could use grpc-java to implement it.
I made an example generic proxy a while back. It does not need any information about the methods it is proxying. You basically just create a new outbound RPC for each inbound RPC and plug the inputs of one to the outputs of the other and vise versa.

Proxy server - Who queries DNS server?

Let us suppose that on my machine it is configured a proxy server.
Let now suppose that I want to visit www.sitename.com, what happens?
In particular, I send an HTTP GET www.sitename.com request to the proxy server and it queries his own dns or, on the contrary, I query my dns and then I send an HTTP GET IPfromDNS to the proxy server?
With a HTTP proxy you send the URL to the proxy and the DNS lookup is done by the proxy. With a SOCKS4 proxy the client need to do the DNS lookup itself since this kind of proxy can only forward to IP addresses. SOCKS5 instead allows you again to forward by name so that the DNS lookup is done by the proxy.

Can I send carbon/graphite data to a url on port 80?

I work in an environment where ports are closed and difficult to get open.
I was thinking of sending my graphite data to localhost/graphitein rather than port 2003 and have nginx do the mapping.
Is there any reason not to do this?
According to the Wikipedia (bold is mine):
Nginx [...] can also act as a reverse proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS,
SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols, as well as a load balancer and an
HTTP cache.
I don't think you can use Nginx as a reverse proxy for the Graphite protocol.
Perhaps you can use an SSH Tunnel?
This tool could be a solution https://github.com/obfuscurity/backstop "Backstop is a simple endpoint for submitting metrics to Graphite. It accepts JSON data via HTTP POST and proxies the data to one or more Carbon/Graphite listeners."

Connect to external HTTP server from Netty

I need some help with understanding how to write HTTP router, which recognizes HTTP header as routing criteria. I found the link https://github.com/cgbystrom/netty-tools/blob/master/src/main/java/se/cgbystrom/netty/http/router/RouterHandler.java which seems to do the routing itself. But now it is not clear, how to
connect to another HTTP server
send HTTP request
wait for HTTP response
forward the HTTP response to client
can somebody please give me some explanations?
the example of proxy server in Netty, essentially what I wanted
