What is the best practice for firebase resending sendEmailVerification()? - firebase

My auth flow:
Firebase sendEmailVerification() needs an already authenticated user to work as the first arg.
My auth flow at the moment works like this.
Signing up the user with email and password signUpWithEmailAndPassword()
Now the firebase auth object contains the currentUser
Sending a verification mail to the just signed up user sendEmailVerification()
Logging him out and redirecting him to /email-verification where he can send the verification mail again.
Now the problem. When the user now wants to request to send the email verification again I have three options for what I know.
Store email and password in state before logging him out -> and then logging him in again on sendAgain and logging him out afterward. Would that be a security concern?
Let him logged in the whole time. Which doesn't feel too good as he wouldn't be able to log himself out again as he officially isn't signed in till he verifies his email.
Force him to input his email and password again every time he wants to send the verification mail again, which feels redundant and old school.

If you require that the user verifies their email address in order to sign in, consider using the email link provider of Firebase Authentication.
Let him logged in the whole time. Which doesn't feel too good as he wouldn't be able to log himself out again as he officially isn't signed in till he verifies his email.
This logic may apply to your application, but it is simply not how the email+password provider in Firebase Authentication works. When the user enters the correct credentials, they are signed in to Firebase Authentication. If your app requires them to have verified their email address before they can use it, that's the exact check I'd recommend implementing.
So if you want to continue using the email+password provider, reframe the statement to:
In order to use the app, the user needs to sign in with their credentials and verify their email address.
You can then implement that in these two steps:
Ask them to sign in if they're not signed in already.
Then if the account doesn't have a verified email address, ask them to find the email and click the link - and give them to option to send another verification email.


Firebase Authentication Provider for a User changed automatically to E-Mail. How to change back?

In a Firebase project, I have activated multiple sign-in methods (e-mail, Google, and Microsoft), which all work fine. I also have it activated to only allow one account per e-mail address.
The problem arises when a user successfully signs in via Google or Microsoft, then signs out and then signs in via e-mail, using the same e-mail address as before using Google or Microsoft. Then his account type changes to e-Mail and it seems like a no way back.
Is there a way to change user account types from e-mail back to Microsoft or Google?
Your code must have different functions written for different signin's. When the user first logs in, store his login method on firestore. You can get this from the signin function triggered or simply by the button user clicked. Then during each login add a check that if user exists and user's current signin method is not the same as the one stored on firestore, notify the user to use the correct one.
Or you can let the user signin using whatever they please but ultimately in your code, the function which is triggered will tell you the current signin method and you'd have the first/previous method stored. So you can do stuff accordingly.
What you are writing in question seams not how it works. When you sign in using Google provider your email is verified automatly and if you try to sign in using same email authentication will throw error that account with that email allredy exists.
If you created first account using email and password and didn't verify your email addres then if you sign in using google provider with same email address in it, email and password provider will gone because of was not verified and you wont be able to login using email end password unless you will setup a new password for this email.
If email was verified and you sign in using google provider with same email address. This provider will be added to providers array and you will be able to login using email and password and google provider.
To add multiple providers to your accaunt you can use linkWithPopup() function. If you created accound with diferent email address and want to be able to log in on this account with provider who has diferent email address for example.

Is it Possible? sending email verification before a record is created in firebase authentication? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Verify a user's email address before confirming registration, with Flutter and Firebase
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
Is it Possible? can I send email verification before I create a user with email and password in Firebase authentication using flutter?
I wanted to know this because if I register the entered mail and then if I send email verification, then if the email account is not valid(i.e the email format is correct, but it is not present in google database to send link to email), then it would simply create a record in Firebase authentication which is a loss of storage, so I would like to know.
Thank you
There are two providers for signing in with email to Firebase:
Through Email+password. There is no way to require the user to verify their email address before they can sign in with this provider. You can of course prevent users without a verified email address from using the app, and accessing the data.
Through Email link. Here the user gets an email with a sign-in link, so their email address is implicitly verified as part of signing in.
If you want to require the user to verify their email address before they can sign in, it might be best to have them sign in through an email link.
In addition to #Frank's answer, when a user signs up you can send verification email to them. You can always check if the user has verified their email in your app by checking the isEmailVerified property as well as in security rules.
Talking of database storage, you can run a scheduled cloud function every midnight to delete data of users who have not verified their email.
You can refer to this answer for a detailed explanation on periodically deleting unverified users.

Make sure a user verified their email before signing them in

I'm in the middle of adding firebase email/password sign in inside a React app. Specifically, it's an e-commerce site, and users will be signed in anonymously before they create an account (for things like cart data).
Here's the ideal user flow:
User registers by providing an email and password
User is not signed in immediately and instead gets a verification email
If a user tries signing in before verifying their email, they cannot sign in
User then clicks on the verification link and can sign in
I'm having issues with #3 because it appears like the only way to check if an email is verified is by calling:
const { user } = await firebase
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
if (user?.emailVerified) //let them enter the dashboard
However, this process signs in the user even if the email is not verified. That destroys the data on the anonymous account. And merging the two accounts isn't possible because the user thinks they are not signed in (hence it could cause UX issues if the accounts are already merged).
Any ideas?
If you're using the email+password provider, there is no way to prevent the user from signing in without a verified email address. You can of course keep them from using your app and accessing data, but you can't keep them from signing in.
If you want to ensure the user can only sign in after their email address has been verified, consider using the email link provider. You can then later allow them to set a password on the same account, either through the Admin SDK, or by creating a email+password account and linking that with the email link account. Also see the documentation on differentiating email/password from email link for some of the nuances here.

Firebase recover password transforms account type

we are building an angular 5 app with Firebase.
We allow users to login with email+password or google account and we don't allow to have multiple accounts related to the same email address.
We built a form to allow users to ask for a Password Reset Email if they forgot their email password credentials and works perfectly if the user has an email+password account.
The problem arises when the reset email is asked for a google account. We'd expect for firebase to throw an error, not allowing to send the email, but the email is sent and if the user proceeds resetting the email the account is transformed from google type to an email+password.
Is there a way to prevent this behaviour ?
There is no way to prevent this. When a user resets their password, they are making a conscious decision to do so. Firebase is providing a way to recover an email account, in case it was hijacked. In the process all providers are unlinked and a password is set on the account.
You have a way to check if the email is associated with google provider or not. Checkout the fetchSignInMethodsForEmail and fetchProvidersForEmail APIs. These APIs would return the array of sign in methods or providers associated with an email.

When do I verify the email before creating a subscription with stripe?

I know stripe doesn't have anything to do with verifying emails.
I have a form on my website where I collect a new user's email, password and cc info.
As of now I do not verfiy the user's email. I simply create the user in my system and create the strip user and subscription after I get the card token with stripe.js.
I want to verify the email address, but I am not sure at what point in the process to do it. I don't think it makes sense to charge the customer and start the subscription and then verify the email address.
Should I wait and start the stripe subscription when the customer verifies the email address? It seems like this is one of the most common scenario's online. Is their a best practice for this scenario?
Again, I am not asking technically how to verify the email address (I use firebase auth), I just want to know when I should and how it should fit into my onboarding flow.
You can after Firebase Auth account creation, check if the emailVerified is true. If not, send an email verification and pass a continueUrl to continue the subscription process, instructing the user to check their email to continue the subscription process. This is a common process for many subscriptions that require email verification.
You can learn more about passing continueUrl via email verifications:
You can build your own custom landing page where you continue the subscription using the following instructions: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/custom-email-handler
Make sure you check email_verified in the idToken after ID token verification to confirm verification, server side.
