Qt 6.3.1 does not have the serialport module. How can I solve this problem?
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
"Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects" is not installed
I'm using QtCreator.
I have the following error. I'm using Pyside 6 and Qt 6.3.1 and Python 3.10
I tried to reinstall the whole qt maintenance tool and still nothing.
Can You guys help me?
You should install this module separately from Maintenance Tool.
I am trying to build my Qt application and I'm getting the following linking error:
/opt/Qt5.12.2/5.12.2/gcc_64/lib/libQt5WebEngineCore.so: undefined reference to 'dbus_bus_register#LIBDBUS_1_3'
/opt/Qt5.12.2/5.12.2/gcc_64/lib/libQt5WebEngineCore.so: undefined reference to 'dbus_watch_get_data#LIBDBUS_1_3'
etc etc
I am using Qt 5.12.2 on Ubuntu 14.04 which I know is a mismatch. If there's any workaround or a fix please let me know all my options.
Starting from Qt 5.12 Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty is not supported anymore: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-72507
Qt 5.11 is working fine.
Prior to Qt 5.4, I could add the QtScript module to my build by adding
QT += script
to my .pro file. However when I tried to build a project with Qt 5.4, 'script' is flagged as a unknown module by qmake.
I can see the QtScript shared object in my library folder.
I cannot find any reference to this in any Qt 5.4 release notes.
It turns out this problem with this is a defect in the RedHat EPEL repository packaging of Qt 5.4 for RedHat EL 6. The qt5-qtscript package apparently does not register itself with the system, so qmake does not recognize the 'script' keyword (QT += script).
I solved this problem by installing the 5.4.1 libraries from the Qt website (qt.io). RHEL 6.4 has a problem with the installation of QtCreator from the qt.io online installer, because the gcc is pre-4.7.3 and the QtCreator complains about the libstdc++ version, but apart from QtCreator, the Qt 5.4.1 libraries installed fine.
So I am using qt-creator from the epel repository, (supported by the Qt 5.4 libs from epel) and building my programs against Qt 5.4.1 libs from qt.io installed in a separate place, (my build Kit uses those libs), and everything works for me now.
Once I figure out what the qt5-qtscript package is doing wrongly, I will submit a patch to fix that, but it might be a while before I get to that task.
I am beginner with Qt.
I installed Qt creator in Windows 7.
When I write Qt += phonon in project.pro, I meet with this error:
error: Unknown module(s) in QT: phonon
Can someone help me?
On Windows you should compile phonon module by yourself, it required directx sdk.
You can read about building phonon in this article
I got the following error when I try building Qt Creator from source.
user#host:/usr/share/qtcreator/qtcreator_build$ qmake -version
QMake version 2.01a
Using Qt version 4.8.2 in /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.2/lib
user#host:/usr/share/qtcreator/qtcreator_build$ sudo qmake ../qtcreator_fromSrc/qtcreator.pro
Project MESSAGE: Cannot build Qt Creator with Qt version 4.6.2.
Project ERROR: Use at least Qt 4.7.4.
As shown, the Qt library in use above is 4.8.2, which should be qualifying ver 4.7.2. It's installed from source. How can I let the qtcreator installer recognize the right qt version?
My workaround was to copy the source of Qt Creator to the area that doesn't require super user permission. HTH.