Is it safe to use hard coded password inside Cloudflare worker code? - cloudflare-workers

Is it safe to use hard coded passwords inside Cloudflare worker code?
Is there a risk that hacker/end user could somehow get access to this pwd or myUrl secret url?
async function handleRequest(request) {
const init = {
headers: {
"pwd": "xyz123"}
const response = await fetch(myURL, init);

You should use secret environment variables for this:
Cloudflare will not reveal your code to third parties, so hard-coded secrets are not necessarily a problem. However, using secret environment variables will add extra protections, such as making sure that if an attacker were to compromise your Cloudflare account (e.g. if they guessed your password), they cannot easily download the secret through the API (whereas they could easily download your worker code). Additionally, certain Cloudflare employees who work on Cloudflare Workers may be able to view your code if needed to debug a problem in the system, but no Cloudflare employee is permitted to look at your secret environment variables.


Getting storage item without CORS configured

I fetched an item from my Firebase storage bucket via this technique (generally):
const url = await'my/ref').getDownloadURL();
const filename = 'filename.ext';
const a = document.getElementById('link');
a.href = url; = filename;;
I did it the above way prior to trying the example from the docs:
storageRef.child('images/stars.jpg').getDownloadURL().then(function(url) {
// `url` is the download URL for 'images/stars.jpg'
// This can be downloaded directly:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onload = function(event) {
var blob = xhr.response;
};'GET', url);
When trying it this way, I hit the CORS error. After adding the CORS config to my bucket, it then worked as expected. However, I cannot determine why I was able to successfully fetch it via the first technique prior to configuring CORS.
I tested it again by removing the GET method from my CORS config and uploading the config file again via gsutil. I was still able to successfully obtain the file via the first technique described above.
If this is possible to do without configuring CORS, how can I prevent it to restrict access? Odds are no one will be able to figure out the required ref to build the link, anyways, because the actual ref has multiple unique IDs that will be all but impossible to figure out. This is mainly a question out of curiosity.
I cannot determine why I was able to successfully fetch it via the first technique prior to configuring CORS.
Because same-origin policy doesn't apply when the Javascript can't access the data. In your first example, the JS tweaks the document and the document accesses the data. In the second example, the JS accesses the cross-origin data, and the absence of CORS prevents such access.
If this is possible to do without configuring CORS, how can I prevent it to restrict access?
CORS isn't designed to restrict access. (Wait, what?) CORS is designed to permit access that would otherwise be assumed to be something the user would not want -- for scripts on one page to have access to data from another origin, including, potentially, handing over use of the user's credentials to scripts on the current page when accessing the foreign site. CORS allows site B to tell the browser that it expects to be contacted by scripts from site A, and therefore such access should not be unexpected or assumed unauthorized. It has no impact on requests that don't fall under the same origin policy.
The solution -- and I apologize if I am stating the patently obvious -- is that getDownloadUrl() should not be able to fetch a usable URL for the object, if the object should not in fact be accessible. You can't trust code running on the browser, so whatever credentials are in play here should not be able to be used in this way, if the object is not intended to be accessible... otherwise you have a misconfiguration that is allowing access that should not be allowed.

Turn off mailgun in development enviroment

I'm constantly tinkering with my app and pushing updates live. Unfortunately, I often forget that I've stopped mailgun process.env.MAIL_URL while making changes to the app in the local devlopment environment, so when I push the update live I also stop emails from sending in the production environment. Is there a way to move the process.env.MAIL_URL to a settings-prod.js or something, so I stop making this mistake. I currently have a settings-prod.js and a settings-dev.js for public and private settings, but I think this is for keys.
Curent method
Path: server/server.js
Meteor.startup(function(options, user) {
//load email server - to send email
process.env.MAIL_URL = "mailgun en";
This is the exact use case for environment settings, in particular what you should automatically have set to process.env instead of setting it yourself at Meteor.startup.
Typically you have 2 different setting files (1 for your dev, 1 for your prod), possibly with different Mailgun links, or you could more simply use a flag (e.g. "sendEmails" = false or read "NODE_ENV" property). Just be aware that some hosting services convert all values to string (hence "sendEmails" = false becomes "sendEmails" = "false" and is truthy...).

Meteor.user() on iron-router server side

How can check, on server side route, if user is logged?
I would add check on 'before', but Metor.user() don't work here.
thanks in advance.
p.s. I have found How to get Meteor.user() to return on the server side?, but not work on iron-router
I'm afraid that this is not possible. I guess that the problem comes from the fact that you're trying to connect to the server with two different protocols - both literally and in logically - so there is no obvious way to relate this two actions.
There is, however, a pretty simple solution that may suit your needs. You'll need to develop a simple system of privileges tokens, or secret keys, or whatever you call them. First, create a server method
var Secrets = new Meteor.Collection("secrets"); // only on server!!!
getSecretKey: function () {
if (!this.userId)
// check if the user has privileges
throw Meteor.Error(403);
return Secrets.insert({_id:, user: this.userId});
Then, you can now use it on the client to get the secretKey which attach to your AJAX request (or something), either within the HTTP header or in the URL itself. Fear not!
They will all be encrypted if you're using HTTPS.
On the server side you can now retrieve the secretKey from the incoming request and check if it is present in the Secrets collection. You'll know then if the user is granted certain privileges or not.
Also you may want to remove your secret keys from the collection after some time for safety reasons.
If what you're looking to do is to authenticate the Meteor.user making the request, I'm currently doing this within the context of IronRouter.route(). The request must be made with a valid user ID and auth token in the header. I call this function from within Router.route(), which then gives me access to this.user:
Verify the request is being made by an actively logged in user
#context: IronRouter.Router.route()
authenticate = ->
# Get the auth info from header
userId = this.request.headers['x-user-id']
loginToken = this.request.headers['x-auth-token']
# Get the user from the database
if userId and loginToken
user = Meteor.users.findOne {'_id': userId, 'services.resume.loginTokens.token': loginToken}
# Return an error if the login token does not match any belonging to the user
if not user this, {success: false, message: "You must be logged in to do this."}, 401
# Attach the user to the context so they can be accessed at this.user within route
this.user = user
Respond to an HTTP request
#context: IronRouter.Router.route()
respond = (body, statusCode=200, headers={'Content-Type':'text/json'}) ->
this.response.writeHead statusCode, headers
This code was heavily inspired by RestStop and RestStop2. It's part of a meteor package for writing REST APIs in Meteor 0.9.0+ (built on top of Iron Router). You can check out the complete source code here:

Inner auth() seems to adhere to outer auth() rules

In our application we use Firebase's custom login functionality to store some metadata in user's auth token.
Later we send this token to one of our web applications to perform a task on behalf of the user using a new admin token to disable security rules. The idea is that a particular location is not writable by authenticated users directly, but data could be written in that location after some server side calculations and validations are done.
Here's a sample code of what I'm trying to do:
var testRef = new Firebase(firebaseApp + 'test');
testRef.auth(userFirebaseAuthToken, function(error, result) {
if (!error) {
var userId = result.auth.userId;
// perform validations and calculations
var tokenGenerator = new FirebaseTokenGenerator(firebaseSecret);
var token = tokenGenerator.createToken({admin: true});
var protectedRef = new Firebase(firebaseApp + '/protected/');
protectedRef.auth(token, function(error) {
if (!error) {
protectedRef.child('foo').push({id: userId});
But I get this error:
FIREBASE WARNING: set at /protected/foo/-Ityb1F6_G9ZrGCvMtX- failed: permission_denied
When desired behavior is to be able to write in that location using an admin token.
I understand that this might not be a Firebase issue, but some JavaScript good/bad parts, but what I need to do is to write in some protected location on behalf of a user which even though is not authorized to write in that location, but needs to be authenticated.
Based on what I've seen from my test units and from experience, I don't think that new Firebase actually gives you an independent connection to the data. That is to say, these are both connected to the same Firebase instance internally (I think):
var refA = new Firebase('...');
var refB = new Firebase('...');
So if you want to re-auth, I'm pretty sure you need to call unauth first, which will probably affect your testRef instance as well.
If you truly need to have multiple instances opened to the database with different auth at the same time, then you'll have to look at node-fibers or some other worker pool model, which will allow separate connections.
However, give some thought to this; you are probably overthinking your approach. If you are writing on behalf of a user who doesn't have permissions, then you probably don't actually need to be authenticated as that user.
I've written an entire app with secure Firebase components that are consumed by a third-party app, and then written back to privileged paths and then read by users, and haven't yet run into a condition where the server would need to demote its permissions to do this.
That's not meant to presume I know your use case, just to give you some encouragement to keep things simple, because trying to juggle authentication will not be simple.
My approach is to treat the Firebase security rules as a last defense--like my firewall--rather than part of the programming algorithm used by privileged processes.

Is Forms Authentication Hash machine dependent?

I'm planning to use this piece of code in my app
string strUserInputtedHashedPassword = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(tbPassword.Text, "sha1");
if(strUserInputtedHashedPassword == GetUsersHashedPasswordUsingUserName(tbUserName.Text))
// sign-in successful
// sign-in failed
Is the Hashing machine dependent... In the sense, If I create some users in my development machine in my development DB... Once I post both DB and Application to production environment with the user table, will the password for the users be same...
Hope I made my question clearly... Otherwise, please let me know..
The hash is encoded and decoded using the machineKey in the machine.config, if you want the key to work against all tiers, make sure the keys in the machine.config files match.
This is basically the same problem you encounter with a web farm serving requests and validating each other's cookies...same solution.
