Recursive parent/child combination eliminates all other data - xquery

I am relatively new to xQuery and don't use it very often, and I have what's likely a relatively simple question that I just don't know the answer to. How do you apply a function recursively when you have to compare against a parent/child combination rather than a single element in a for loop?
I have a set of data where I have several parent/child element sets with #xml:id attributes
<parent #xml:id="p.1">
<child #xml:id="c.1">
<child #xml:id="c.2">
<parent #xml:id ="p.2">
<child #xml:id="c.1">
I need to be able to add an attribute to a specific child of a specific parent, like so
<parent #xml:id="p.1">
<child #xml:id="c.1">
<child #xml:id="c.2" active="yes">
<parent #xml:id ="p.2">
<child #xml:id="c.1">
In looking at what's already been done the functx library function add-attributes will do this
declare function functx:add-attributes
( $elements as element()* ,
$attrNames as xs:QName* ,
$attrValues as xs:anyAtomicType* ) as element()? {
for $element in $elements
return element { node-name($element)}
{ for $attrName at $seq in $attrNames
return if ($element/#*[node-name(.) = $attrName])
then ()
else attribute {$attrName}
$element/node() }
} ;
but when I apply this to my data(as $body) via the let statement let $bodynew := functx:add-attributes($body//parent[#xml:id='p.1']/child[#xml:id='c.2'], xs:QName('active'), 'yes')
I only get the following:
<child #xml:id="c.2" active="yes">
I understand why I'm only getting the single child element back, but I'm not sure how to return all of the XML, with the change made by the function, when I'm checking against a parent/child combination as I am here since I can't just apply the function to a single element in a for loop. Any help that could be given would be great.

In BaseX
copy $d1 := document {
<parent xml:id="p.1">
<child xml:id="c.1">
<child xml:id="c.2">
<parent xml:id ="p.2">
<child xml:id="c.1">
modify insert node attribute { 'active' } { 'yes' } into $d1//parent[#xml:id='p.1']/child[#xml:id='c.2']
return $d1
works to return e.g.
<parent xml:id="p.1">
<child xml:id="c.1">
<child active="yes" xml:id="c.2">
<parent xml:id="p.2">
<child xml:id="c.1">
I haven't been able to identify whether eXist-db supports that or something similar.
In pure, recursive XQuery 3.1 you can use
declare namespace output = "";
declare option output:method 'xml';
declare option output:indent 'yes';
declare function local:add-attributes($root as node(), $elements as element()*, $attributes as attribute()*) as node()
typeswitch ($root)
case document-node()
return document {
$root ! node() ! local:add-attributes(., $elements, $attributes)
case element()
if ($root intersect $elements)
then element { node-name($root) } { $root/#*, $attributes, $root ! node() ! local:add-attributes(., $elements, $attributes) }
else element { node-name($root) } { $root/#*, $root ! node() ! local:add-attributes(., $elements, $attributes) }
case text() return $root
case comment() return $root
case processing-instruction() return $root
default return error(QName("", "unknown node"))
local:add-attributes(/, //parent/child[#xml:id = 'c.2'], attribute { 'active' } { 'yes' })

A working and tested example of recursive processing of nodes in eXist-db.
Tested on the current develop HEAD (v6.1.0-SNAPSHOT) but should also work in earlier versions.
xquery version "3.1";
declare function local:set-active-by-id ($node, $id) {
element { node-name($node) } {
if ($node/#xml:id = $id)
then attribute active { "yes" }
else (),
$node/node() ! local:set-active-by-id(., $id)
let $data :=
<parent xml:id="p.1">
<child xml:id="c.1">
<child xml:id="c.2">
<parent xml:id ="p.2">
<child xml:id="c.1">
return local:set-active-by-id($data, "c.2")
NOTE: Since an xml:id attribute must be unique within an XML-document, there is really no need to check for the parent if the id is known.

I got it working, but man is it an ugly solution.
The update/modify et al. functions don't seem to be available to in-memory nodes in eXist-db. It throws an error when I try to use them. Likewise, Martin's much more elegant solution above doesn't work (or at least I haven't been able to get it to do so). What I ended up doing is writing a function that finds each instance of child with the appropriate xml:id, then checks to see if it has the correct parent. This does work, but I'm sure it's inefficient as all get out and needs optimization. If it turns out I'm wrong and the copy function will handle in-memory nodes in eXist then I suggest you go with something akin to what Martin has.
Anyway, here is the function.
declare function local:activeChange($element as element(), $parentAttr as xs:string, $childAttr as xs:string)
element {node-name($element)}
for $item in $element/node()
if ($item instance of element())
then if ($item/self::child[#xml:id=$childAttr])
then if ($item/parent::parent[#xml:id=$parentAttr])
then local:copy(functx:add-attributes($item, xs:QName('active'), 'yes'))
else local:activeChange($item, $parentAttr,$childAttr)
else local:activeChange($item, $parentAttr,$childAttr)
else $item


Remove a leaf node based on attribute value

I have this leaf structure and I Want to remove leafs that have attribute:d value="true".
<leaf name="abc">
<attribute:a value="1"/>
<attribute:b value="2"/>
<attribute:c value="3"/>
<attribute:d value="true"/>
<leaf name="xyz">
Here is the case I have written,
if(string(node-name($node)) = "leaf" )
let $flag :=
for $child in $node/node()
if(name($child) eq "d" and $child/#value eq "true")
return "true"
return "false"
if (contains ($flag,"true"))
for $child in $node/node()
return my:filterfun($child)
} {
for $child in $node/node()
return my:filterfun($child )
I am having trouble putting up it right,getting errors. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
It seems like
outer_element ! <outer_element>
* except leaf[attribute:d/#value = 'true']
should do.

Sorting a tree with xquery by local-name

I want the below XML
Sorted as such
I am using local-name as order by.
I believe I will need to call function recursively.
I believe I will need to recreate the element using element constructor.
I do not care about attributes at this time.
let $child-elements := $elements/*
if ($child-elements) then
myfunctx:sort($child-elements, $current-element)
element { xs:Qname ($local-name)} , {$current-element, $result) ???
declare function local:sort($container){
element {$container/name()} {
for $child in $container/*
order by $child/local-name()
return local:sort($child)
let $doc := <doc>
return local:sort($doc)

Using dynamic css in angular6 components

I'm using two different components A: sea.component.ts and B:sun.component.ts both call a child component in these child I have to load a different css if is called by sea or sun component. Is possible to pass css url as an input in child component as:
<child [css]="sun_css"></child>
<child [css]="sun_css"></child>
There could be a way maybe but here's a suggestion: Both of your component calls the same child component, so you can take advantage of it by using an id on the parent div, like this:
Here's an example:
<parent id="iAmSeaParent">
<parent id="iAmSunParent">
In your style.css
#iAmSeaParent childClassOrIdOrTag {
background: yellow;
#iAmSunParent childClassOrIdOrTag {
background: yellow;

return whole element using except() using xquery

Currently I'm doing some xquery like following.
XML document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dog name="ada">
<dog name="bob">
<cat name="cathy">
<cat name="dione">
Expected output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dog name="ada">
<dog name="bob">
<cat name="cathy">
My code looks like:
{ for $a in distinct-values(//animal/*/color)
return <color>{$a}</color>
{ for $b in //animal/*[color=$a]
where $b//color="black"
return $b/* except $b/color
and the output was good but it does not include the parent tag (e.g. <dog name="ada"> </dog>).
Besides, I had also tried something like return $b except $b/color and the output this time included parent tag however it also included the "color" on the child tag. Any idea?
In normal XQuery you cannot just return a part of a node. You either return the entire node, with all its children/descendants, or you select some of the children/descendants and return those nodes entirely.
What you can do instead is to create a new node with the same name as the old one with element {node-name(...)} {...} and then copy the children you want from the old node to the new one.
Something like:
{ for $a in distinct-values(//animal/*/color)
return (
for $b in //animal/*[color=$a]
return element {node-name($b)} {$b / #*, $b/node() except $b/color }
(With the XQuery Update extension you could also remove the nodes you do not want instead copying them)

calling a function to process its own result a certain number of times

I have a query which attaches unique references to elements in #xml:ids. It works as it should, but how can I avoid the kludgy repetition of the function local:add-references()?
xquery version "3.0";
declare namespace tei="";
declare function local:change-attributes($node as node(), $new-name as xs:string, $new-content as item(), $action as xs:string, $target-element-names as xs:string+, $target-attribute-names as xs:string+) as node()+ {
if ($node instance of element())
element {node-name($node)}
if ($action = 'attach-attribute-to-element' and name($node) = $target-element-names)
then ($node/#*, attribute {$new-name} {$new-content})
for $child in $node/node()
return $child
else $node
declare function local:add-references($element as element()) as element() {
element {node-name($element)}
for $child in $element/node()
if ($child instance of element() and $child/../#xml:id)
if (not($child/#xml:id))
let $local-name := local-name($child)
let $preceding-siblings := $child/preceding-sibling::element()
let $preceding-siblings := count($preceding-siblings[local-name(.) eq $local-name])
let $following-siblings := $child/following-sibling::element()
let $following-siblings := count($following-siblings[local-name(.) eq $local-name])
let $seq-no :=
if ($preceding-siblings = 0 and $following-siblings = 0)
then ''
else $preceding-siblings + 1
let $id-value := concat($child/../#xml:id, '-', $local-name, if ($seq-no) then '-' else '', $seq-no)
local:change-attributes($child, 'xml:id', $id-value, 'attach-attribute-to-element', ('body', 'quote', 'titlePage','text','p','div','front','head','titlePart'), '')
else local:add-references($child)
if ($child instance of element())
then local:add-references($child)
else $child
let $doc :=
<TEI xmlns="">
<text xml:id="hamlet">
return local:add-references(local:add-references(local:add-references(local:add-references(local:add-references($doc)))))
There must be some way to call a function recursively, wrapping it up in itself a certain number of times, using the depth of the document.
The problem is that a certain depth of elements has to wait until their parent elements have been given #xml:ids before they can get their own (the top level has to be seeded with an #xml:id).
This is probably not the best solution, but you might just test if applying the function still changes anything, and cancel otherwise:
declare function local:add-references-recursively($now as element()) as element() {
let $next := local:add-references($now)
if (deep-equal($now, $next))
then $now
else local:add-references-recursively($next)
And call using
