problem deploying dotnet cloud function GCP - .net-core

I have a .NET Core 3.1 cloud function (zipped source code on Cloud Storage Bucket), last time I successfully deployed it a month ago. Now I did a minor code change, zipped the source code and wanted to deploy a new version of it I get the following error:
Deployment failure: Build failed: Failed to run /bin/build: runtimeconfig.json does not exist; Error ID: 6b309792
It's really weird, I also tried to deploy the same source code that worked before and got the same error... What's the reason and how to fix it?
I forgot to mention that this function consists of a few projects in the following structure:
To let GCP understand the structure I used GOOGLE_BUILDABLE="./my-function"

After some experimentation I changed var GOOGLE_BUILDABLE to just "my-function" and that fixed the problem. Still strange that it used to work fine with "./my-function"


When I update vuejs3 to v3.2.40 why am I getting the error "An index signature parameter type must be either string or number"?

I am trying to simply upgrade the version of vue3 we are running at work from v3.2.31 to v3.2.40. However, when I do, I am now getting an error in the runtime-dom.d.ts
Below is a screen shot from the file with vue v3.2.31 installed.
Once I've run the "npm update vue --save" command, the file looks like this (v3.2.40)...
...and VS 2022 throws the following error when trying to build...
If I delete the line from my local copy of runtime-dom.d.ts, all works as before. My problem comes when deploying the solution to the development environment etc. The npm install step puts a version of the runtime-dom.d.ts that does still have this line.
I'd like to fix this without having to resort to hacking the runtime-dom.d.ts file if at all possible.
Many thanks in advance.

Deno 500 error from installing dependencies

I'm trying to run my first deno script which is pretty much from the denoDB docs, it just tries to connect to a database with a SQLite3 connector (I'm on a Macbook pro so it should be installed):
import { Database, SQLite3Connector } from '';
const connector = new SQLite3Connector({
filepath: './db.sqlite',
export const db = new Database(connector);
I'm running deno run api/db.ts and I get this error after a few successful downloads:
error: Import '' failed: 500 Internal Server Error
I've deleted my /Users/<me>/Library/Caches/deno/deps/https and reran the script a few times but I still can't get past this. In my browser trying to follow the URL does give me an error. What is going on here? There's not much code and I imagine it's not broken for everybody. What do I need to do to get this script to run without issues?
EDIT: it seems to be a library error
This is an error caused by a nested depedency, from a project that is not maintained.
See this for more info: []
The point is is now
A way to fix this is to fork and update depedencies.
Another thing, if you're not using deno deploy, you can just use this as a replacement for your denodb:
Just note that this script is no more maintained either, but it will fix your problem
I just made a dirty quick fix for deno deploy use this as a depedency isntead of denodb:
Again, i may not maintain this script forever.
The best thing that can happen is an update from these libs maintainers

RedundantNameQualifier error when Running Resharper CLI inspect tool

I'm using Resharper inspect CLI tool for static code analysis(JetBrains.ReSharper.CommandLineTools.2018.3.1\InspectCode.exe) on a dotnet core 2.1 console application I've created. Within the solution, there is a separate project which is just a package used in the console app.
Layout is as follows:
When I run the inspectCode.exe as follows:
JetBrains.ReSharper.CommandLineTools.2018.3.1\InspectCode.exe "AI.DL.Backup\AI.DL.Backup.csproj" /o:"CodeInspection_20222.xml" /profile:"AI.DL.Backup.sln.DotSettings"
I get the following issue:
Output xml report has the following:
<IssueType WikiUrl="" Severity="WARNING" Description="Redundant name qualifier" CategoryId="CodeRedundancy" Category="Redundancies in Code" Id="RedundantNameQualifier"/>
<Issue Message="Qualifier is redundant" Line="5" Offset="146-154" File="AI.DL.Backup\src\AI.DL.Backup\Startup.cs" TypeId="RedundantNameQualifier"/>
The problem seems to be that it cannot find the dll project referenced and is throwing code analysis error (code HAS been built already, so bin/obj folders exist with relevant dlls/packages required).
Ling 5 (as specified) is just the using statement for the separate package, which it cannot resolve and is deeming to be redundant.
using AI.DL.DocumentManagement;
using AI.DL.DocumentManagement.Stores;
Going by the generated XML report, I can see that it can't find the namespace within the separate package. Why would this be? Anyone seen this before?
I was able to work around this issue when I repointed the "inspect.exe" to my solution file instead of individual project!

Pintos - UserProg all tests fail is_kernel_vaddr()

I am doing the Pintos project on the side to learn more about operating systems. I had tons of devops trouble at first with it not running well on an 18.04 Ubuntu droplet. I am now running it on the VirtualBox image that UCCS tells students to download for pintos.
I finished project 1 and started to map out my solution to project 2. Following the instructions to create a file I ran
pintos-mkdisk filesys.dsk --filesys-size=2
pintos -- -f -q
but am getting error
Kernel PANIC at ../../threads/vaddr.h:87 in vtop(): assertion
`is_kernel_vaddr (vaddr)' failed.
I then tried running make check (all the tests). They are all failing for the same reason.
Am I missing something? Is there something I need to implement to fix this? I reread the instructions and didnt see anything?
Would appreciate help!
I had a similar problem. My code for Project 1 ran fine, but I could not format the filesystem for Project 2.
The failure for me came from the following call chain:
thread_init() -> ... -> thread_schedule_tail() -> process_activate() -> pagedir_activate() -> vtop()
The problem is that init_page_dir is still NULL when pagedir_activate() is called. init_page_dir should have been initialized in paging_init() but this is called after thread_init().
The root cause was that my scheduler was being called too early, i.e. before the call to thread_start(). The reason for my problem was that I had built in a call to thread_yield() upon completion of every call to lock_release() which makes sense from a priority donation standpoint. Unfortunately, locks are used prior to the scheduler being ready! To fix this, I installed a flag called threading_started that bails in the first line of my thread_block() and thread_yield() functions if thread_start() has not yet been called.
Good luck!

Shiny App Error: /v1/applications/ 400 - Validation Error Execution halted

Hi I'm having a million problems trying to publish my app to
Firstly, I have Rtools 3.2 installed in my computer and set to the Path, but it is not recognized in the registry. Nevermind, this code should fix it:
install.Rtools(choose_version = FALSE, check = TRUE, use_GUI = TRUE,
page_with_download_url = ", keep_install_file=TRUE")
Next, to deploy my app to my account:
shinyapps::setAccountInfo(name='xxxx', token='xxxxxxxxxx', secret='xxxxxxxx')
Then my app starts running in a browser, and I click publish to my shiny account. However, when the app is being deployed, it shows the following error:
Preparing to deploy application...Error: /v1/applications/ 400 - Validation Error
Execution halted
Any ideas what the problems may be? Thank you.
I had the same error returned. In my case the problem was the name of the app itself. Deployed apps must have names at least 4 characters long with no spaces.
Setting an application name solved this problem for me. My application directory contained a space.
deployApp(appName = "myapp")
I had the same problem, however, my app name was fine and even adding 'appName =' did not help. Just a side note that this issue came up because I changed the name of my folder in effort to change the name of my app in
The only thing that worked for me is publishing through the "Publish" button of Rstudio on upper right. I would recommend publishing using that instead of command. You can select files you do not want to publish within the App folder and you can publish the app under a different name then your local name.
I also had similar errors and the issue was resolved after I changed the name of the directory that holds the "app.R" file from only 3 characters to more than 4 characters.
