JavaFX EditCommit on Boolean TableCells - javafx

I develop a JavaFX application containing a table. The related data model has a number of fields of type BooleanProperty. What I am after is I need to distinguish between the setup when the tables' setItems() is called and when the model is altered by the user, in order to track whether the data needs to be saved at a later point in time. I understand that there is no setOnEditCommit() for checkboxes in tables. Therefore I tried a few things. The simplest one was
metronomColumn.setCellValueFactory(p -> {
return p.getValue().withMetronomProperty();
metronomColumn.setCellFactory( tc -> new CheckBoxTableCell<>());
but hasUnsavedChanges=true; is called also on setItems(). So I tried to move it from the CellValueFactory to the CellFactory
metronomColumn.setCellValueFactory(p -> p.getValue().withMetronomProperty());
metronomColumn.setCellFactory( tc -> {
CheckBoxTableCell<Exercise, Boolean> cbCell = new CheckBoxTableCell<>();
cbCell.setSelectedStateCallback(i -> {
return exerciseTable.getItems().get(i).withMetronomProperty();
return cbCell;
but here hasUnsavedChanges=true; is also called on setItems(). Hence I tried the following which doesn't work at all, since the listener is never called
metronomColumn.setCellValueFactory(p -> p.getValue().withMetronomProperty());
metronomColumn.setCellFactory( tc -> {
CheckBoxTableCell cbCell = new CheckBoxTableCell<>();
cbCell.selectedProperty().addListener((ov, oldVal, newVal) -> {
return cbCell;
How can I seperate changes from the setItems() setup and user triggered once?
Thank you in advance.

Don't use the table at all for this: just listen to the data.
Create your list with an extractor. Then changes to any of the properties will fire an event on the list:
ObservableList<Exercise> tableItems = FXCollections.observableArrayList(
e -> new Observable[] {e.withMetronomProperty()});
tableItems.addListener((ListChangeListener.Change<? extends Exercise> change) ->
hasUnsavedChanges = true);
You can create the extractor with as many properties as you need:
ObservableList<Exercise> tableItems = FXCollections.observableArrayList(
e -> new Observable[] {e.withMetronomProperty(), e.someOtherProperty()});


Reorder and Move NSTableView Row with NSPasteboard

I have an NSTableView where I can drag and drop table rows to reorder them. This works by setting a drag type in my view controller:
#IBOutlet weak var tableView: NSTableView!
let dragType = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType(rawValue: "myapp.task")
override func viewDidLoad() {
...and then implementing the reordering with these table delegate methods:
//Start drag
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, pasteboardWriterForRow row: Int) -> NSPasteboardWriting? {
let item = NSPasteboardItem()
item.setString(String(row), forType: dragType)
return item
//Verify proposed drop
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo, proposedRow row: Int, proposedDropOperation dropOperation: NSTableView.DropOperation) -> NSDragOperation {
if dropOperation == .above {
return .move
return []
//Accept drop of one or multiple rows
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo, row: Int, dropOperation: NSTableView.DropOperation) -> Bool {
var oldIndexes = [Int]()
info.enumerateDraggingItems(options: [], for: tableView, classes: [NSPasteboardItem.self], searchOptions: [:]) { dragItem, _, _ in
if let str = (dragItem.item as! NSPasteboardItem).string(forType: self.dragType), let index = Int(str) {
//Do a bunch of logic to reorder the table rows...
Now, in addition to reordering my table rows, I want to be able to drag a row and drop it somewhere else in my app--sort of like moving the row to a different place.
I have a custom NSView set up as the drag destination for this, and I can drag a table row and the custom view reacts appropriately with a table row dragged over it:
class MyCustomView: NSView{
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
let taskDragType = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType(rawValue: "myapp.task")
override func draggingEntered(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> NSDragOperation {
override func draggingExited(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo?) {
But the part I'm unclear on is how to get the table row, and its associated object set as a property on the NSTableCellView, when the drop occurs:
//This is another method in MyCustomView
override func performDragOperation(_ draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool {
guard let items = draggingInfo.draggingPasteboard.pasteboardItems else{ return false }
for item in items{
print(item) //<-- NSPasteboardItem
let index = item.propertyList(forType: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType(rawValue: "myapp.task"))
print(index) //<-- Index of the table row
//How can I also get the task object associated with the row?
I can get the index of the row, but what I need is the entire object from the row's data source so I can take action on the object it represents. My suspicion is that I need to change how I'm using pasteboardWriterForRow to put my object on the pasteboard, but I'm unsure how to do that.
How can I pass both the row index and the object to the pasteboard?
Soon after posting this, I decided to try something crazy, and it turns out I found a way to make this a lot simpler. It seems that NSPasteboard is really only necessary if you need to get stuff into and out of your app. Since I am just moving something from one part of my app to another, I can use the drag and drop delegate methods as events and handle the data myself.
First, I set up a global array for adding dragged task objects:
var draggedTasks = [Task]()
Whenever a task is dragged from my NSTableView, I add them to the array in the aforementioned delegate method where dragging starts:
//Start drag
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, pasteboardWriterForRow row: Int) -> NSPasteboardWriting? {
//Queue tasks for moving to phases or projects
//Queue row for reordering
let item = NSPasteboardItem()
item.setString(String(row), forType: dragType)
return item
Then where I accept the drop in MyCustomView, I take action on the draggedTasks array:
//Save dropped tasks
override func performDragOperation(_ draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool {
//Do stuff to draggedTasks based on the context of where they are dropped
return true
This is much simpler than going down the NSPasteboard route. 🙂

Detect When A Node is Visible in a Scene

I am trying to find a way to detect (or receive notification) that a Node has been added to a Scene and is visible.
I am creating Node objects off the main JavaFx thread and add them to the Stage and Scene using Platform.runLater(). However I would like the Node object to receive notification that is has been added to the Scene and is visible, for example I wish to trigger an animation to start.
I can't seem to find any property or method to add a listener to capture such an event. Any suggestions?
The third-party JavaFX library ReactFX has a mechanism for this, and this exact use case is cited in the blog. In short, you can do
Val<Boolean> showing = Val.flatMap(node.sceneProperty(), Scene::windowProperty)
and then of course
showing.addListener((obs, wasShowing, isNowShowing) -> {
if (isNowShowing) {
// node is showing
} else {
// node is not showing
The standard library has a version of this, but it is very badly written. (It is not typesafe, has no compile-time checking that the properties exist, and also pipes a lot of unnecessary warnings to standard error if any of the properties in the "chain" are null, even though the API docs indicate this is a supported use case.) If you want to do this with the standard JavaFX library, you can do
BooleanBinding showing = Bindings.selectBoolean(node.sceneProperty(), "window", "showing");
and then use the binding the same way as above.
Finally, you could do all this by hand, but it gets a bit ugly to manage the listeners properly:
BooleanProperty showing = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
ChangeListener<Window> windowListener = (obs, oldWindow, newWindow) -> {
if (newWindow != null) {
} else {
ChangeListener sceneListener = (obs, oldScene, newScene) -> {
if (oldScene != null) {
if (newScene == null) {
} else {
if (newScene.getWindow() == null) {
} else {
if (node.getScene() == null) {
} else {
if (node.getScene().getWindow() == null) {
} else {
You can add a listener to the children property of container node into which you are adding the new node.
grid.getChildren().addListener((ListChangeListener<? super Node>) change -> {
change.getList().get(0) returns the first node that is added to grid object.
After James's comment, I have looked up and yes, it is possible to do it from node's perspective as well. You can listen to parentProeprty's changes on the node. Following snippet shows the way to do it.
Button b = new Button("Test");
b.parentProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
System.out.println("added to a container " + newValue);

bindings : count number of true booleanproperty in an observable list

i have this TableView of tasks that has a column of checkboxes. i've managed to extract the column values using stream().map(). i want to count the true values in that list.
ObservableList<BooleanProperty> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList(tasksTable.getItems().stream().map(t -> t.completedProperty()).collect(Collectors.toList()));
and another integer property
SimpleIntegerProperty count = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0);
i want this count value to be updated to the total number of true values in the list. how can i do this. i tried binding it like this
IntegerBinding count = Bindings.createIntegerBinding(() -> {
return (int) -> done.get()).count();
}, list);
and added a listener to monitor for changes.
count.addListener((o, oldValue, newValue) -> {
System.out.println('value changed ' + newValue);
but its not working... nothing gets printed when i click on any checkbox...
You binding doesn't update, if the BooleanPropertys in the list change, only when the list itself is modified. You can specify conditions that trigger update changes using the correct observableArrayList method.
// update triggers every time a BooleanProperty in the list is changed
ObservableList<BooleanProperty> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList((Callback<BooleanProperty, Observable[]>) e -> new Observable[] {e});
list.add(new SimpleBooleanProperty(false));
IntegerBinding trueNum = Bindings.createIntegerBinding(() -> (int) -> b).count(), list);
trueNum.addListener((a, b, c) -> {
list.add(new SimpleBooleanProperty(false));
list.add(new SimpleBooleanProperty(true));
The output is
This has the drawback of reevaluating the whole list every time one of the properties changes or the list is modified. You can do this more efficiently, if you use a ListChangeListener and register change listeners to all of the properties contained in the list:
ObservableList<BooleanProperty> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
SimpleIntegerProperty count = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
ChangeListener<Boolean> changeListener = (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
// increment or decrement if value was changed to true or false respecively
count.set(count.get()+ (newValue ? 1 : -1));
// get initial value and register change listeners to elements of list
int currentCount = 0;
for (BooleanProperty p : list) {
if (p.get()) {
list.addListener((ListChangeListener.Change<? extends BooleanProperty> c) -> {
int modification = 0;
while ( {
// remove listeners from all properties removed in change
// and calculate update of value
for (BooleanProperty p : c.getRemoved()) {
if (p.getValue()) {
// add listeners from all properties added in change
// and calculate update of value
for (BooleanProperty p : c.getAddedSubList()) {
if (p.getValue()) {
// update count
Your lambda is called only once. You specify dependency list but uses tasksTable.getItems() In lambda-extractor you should use only values you specify as dependencies.
Also take a look at EasyBind library.

WF 4 Rehosted Designer - get foreach InArgument Value

After reading this article:
I have defined the ForEachFactory as follows:
public class ForEachFactory<T> : IActivityTemplateFactory
public Activity Create(DependencyObject target)
return new ForEach<T>
DisplayName = "ForEachFromFactory",
Body = new ActivityAction<T>
Argument = new DelegateInArgument<T>("item")
All works well but is it possible to check how that DelegeateInArgument in my case named "item" changes its value ?
So if i have defined an array in the variables section and initialized with
{1, 2, 3} i need a way to check how the "item" takes value 1, 2 and then 3.
To be more accurate, i've added this pic, with a breakpoint on the WriteLine activity inside the foreach. When the execution will stop there, is there a way to find out what the value of item is ?
Possible solution in my case:
After struggling a bit more i found one interesting thing:
Adding one of my custom activities in the Body of the ForEach, i am able to get the value of the item like this :
So, my activity derives from : CodeActivity
Inside the protected override String[] Execute(CodeActivityContext context) i am doing this job.To be honest, this solves the thing somehow, but it is doable only in my custom activities. If i would put a WriteLine there for example, i would not be able to retrieve that value.
you can access the DelegeateInArgument of a ForEach activity by inspecting the ModelItem trees parent and checking for DelegeateInArgument's. If you need a specific code example to achieve this I may need a some time to code the example. As it has been a long time since I did this, see my question i asked over on msdn
So basically where your break point is, you can access the variable values as these are defined with n the scope of your activity as 'variables'. However the 'item' variable is actually only accessible from the parent loop activity. So you have to get the model item of the current executing activity and then traverse up the tree to find the parent containing the desired DelegateInArgument.
Can you flesh out exactly what you want to achieve? Is it that when your debugging the workflow in the re-hosted designer you want to display the variable values to the user as they change in the UI?
Edit - added tracking example
So as your wanting to display the variable values during execution of the workflow we need to use tracking to achieve this. In the example your using the author has already implemented some basic tracking. So to achieve the extended variable tracking you want you will need to alter the tracking profile.
Firstly amend the WorkflowDesignerHost.xaml.cs file alter the RunWorkflow method to define the SimulatorTrackingParticipant as below.
SimulatorTrackingParticipant simTracker = new SimulatorTrackingParticipant()
TrackingProfile = new TrackingProfile()
Name = "CustomTrackingProfile",
Queries =
new CustomTrackingQuery()
Name = all,
ActivityName = all
new WorkflowInstanceQuery()
**States = {all },**
new ActivityStateQuery()
// Subscribe for track records from all activities for all states
ActivityName = all,
States = { all },
**Arguments = {all},**
// Extract workflow variables and arguments as a part of the activity tracking record
// VariableName = "*" allows for extraction of all variables in the scope
// of the activity
Variables =
{ all }
This will now correctly capture all workflow instance states rather than just Started/Completed. You will also capture all Arguments on each activity that records tracking data rather than just the variables. This is important because the 'variable' were interested in is actually (as discussed earlier) a DelegateInArgument.
So once we have changed the tracking profile we also need to change the SimulatorTrackingParticipant.cs to extract the additional data we are now tracking.
If you change the OnTrackingRecordReceived method to include the following sections these will capture variable data and also Argument data during execution.
protected void OnTrackingRecordReceived(TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout)
String.Format("Tracking Record Received: {0} with timeout: {1} seconds.", record, timeout.TotalSeconds)
if (TrackingRecordReceived != null)
ActivityStateRecord activityStateRecord = record as ActivityStateRecord;
if (activityStateRecord != null)
IDictionary<string, object> variables = activityStateRecord.Variables;
StringBuilder vars = new StringBuilder();
if (variables.Count > 0)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> variable in variables)
"\t\tName: {0} Value: {1}", variable.Key, variable.Value));
if (activityStateRecord != null)
IDictionary<string, object> arguments = activityStateRecord.Arguments;
StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder();
if (arguments.Count > 0)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> argument in arguments)
"\t\tName: {0} Value: {1}", argument.Key, argument.Value));
//bubble up the args to the UI for the user to see!
if((activityStateRecord != null) && (!activityStateRecord.Activity.TypeName.Contains("System.Activities.Expressions")))
if (ActivityIdToWorkflowElementMap.ContainsKey(activityStateRecord.Activity.Id))
TrackingRecordReceived(this, new TrackingEventArgs(
TrackingRecordReceived(this, new TrackingEventArgs(record, timeout,null));
Hope this helps!

JavaFX8: How to create listener for selection of row in Tableview?

I currently have two tableviews in one screen, which results in both TableViews have rows which the user can select.
Now I want only one row to be selected at the same time (doesn't matter which TableView it is selected from). I was thinking about some kind of listener which deselects the other row when a row is selected. This is my initial setup:
Step 1
Search for a way to bind a method to the selection of a row (there is not something like tableview.setOnRowSelected(method))
Step 2
Create the method which acts like a kind of listener: when a row is selected, deselect the other row (I know how to do this part)
Class1 selectedObject1 = (Class1)tableview1.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
Class2 selectedObject2 = (Class2)tableview2.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if(selectedObject1 != null && selectedObject2 != null) {
So, step one is the problem. I was thinking of an observable list on which a listener can be created, and then add the selected row to the list. When this happens, the listener can call the method.
Anyone any clue how to make this?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The selectedItem in the selection model is an observable property, so you should be able to achieve this with:
tableview1.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((obs, oldSelection, newSelection) -> {
if (newSelection != null) {
tableview2.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((obs, oldSelection, newSelection) -> {
if (newSelection != null) {
My solution would be creating custom cell factory for table and set it for each table columns.
Callback<TableColumn<..., ...>, TableCell<..., ...>> value = param -> {
TextFieldTableCell cell = new TextFieldTableCell<>();
cell.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, event -> {
//your code
return cell;
I use it for deleting the chosen row.
public void ButtonClicked()
ObservableList<Names> row , allRows;
allRows = table.getItems();
row = table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems();
This question helped me but during experiment in javafx and jfoenix this also works for me.
deleteSingle.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, (e) -> {
StringProperty selectedItem = table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().getValue().link1;
System.out.println("That is selected item : "+selectedItem);
if (selectedItem.equals(null)) {
System.out.println(" No item selected");
} else {
System.out.println("Index to be deleted:" + selectedItem.getValue());
//Here was my database data retrieving and selectd
// item deleted and then table refresh
In case you need not only the row, but the x|y position of the table cell, do this:
new ChangeListener<TablePosition>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends TablePosition> observable,
TablePosition oldPos, TablePosition pos) {
int row = pos.getRow();
int column = pos.getColumn();
String selectedValue = "";
if (table.getItems().size() > row
&& table.getItems().get(row).size() > column) {
selectedValue = table.getItems().get(row).get(column);
In this example, I am using a "classic" TableView with List<String> as column model. And, of course, that label is just an example from my code.
