elipzMode prop in Text component(Styled Component) not working as intended - css

Requrement(intended output)*
(All lines should be aligned -
1 st line should be align to others
as below)
Bailees Co...e Shake : 1
Bailees Co...e Shake : 2
Bailees Co...e Shake : 3


Jupyter notebook with detachable, floating and draggable widget?

Using Jupyter Notebook (v. 6.0.0) via Anaconda (Navigator v. 1.9.7) on Windows 10. Consider a situation where I have a ipywidgets slider on top, then a whole lotta text in between, then a graph on the botton that responds to the slider. Here is an image of such a webpage in Firefox, zoomed out so that it can be shown in full:
Clearly, this is difficult to use - and what I would prefer in this case, is to "detach" the widget that contains the slider, and drag it down to approx where the graph is, then manipulate the slider; in that case, I also would not have to use the webpage rendering zoomed out. Then when done manipulating, I'd like to click a button, and have the widget reattached to where it was.
However, I am not sure, how could I implement this in Jupyter notebook with ipywidgets? The only thing close to this I've found is [Question] Maintain position of floating widget when browser tab is closed · Issue #2520 · jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets, which seems to imply that intervention in JavaScript is needed.
Here is the code to recreate the screenshot (there is already a "Detach" button in the widget containing the slider, except it does nothing else but change its text):
Cell 1 - Python 3:
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import numpy as np
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout
from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import Markdown as md
inSlider = widgets.FloatSlider(
output2 = widgets.Output()
def on_detButton_click(b):
if b.description == "Detach": b.description = "Attach"
else: b.description = "Detach"
detButton = widgets.Button(description="Detach")
myctlwidget = widgets.VBox([widgets.HBox([inSlider, detButton]), output2])
Cell 2 is Markdown - pasted at end of this post;
Cell 3 - Python 3:
fig = go.FigureWidget( layout=go.Layout() )
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0,10], y=[0,10],
name='Test plot'))
# set range to prevent autoranging when slider sets a new value
fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, 11])
def update_graph(change):
with fig.batch_update():
curval = inSlider.value
fig.data[0].y=[0, curval]
inSlider.observe(update_graph, names="value")
Cell 2 - Markdown (note two spaces at end of each first line, to introduce a line break)
Test paragraph 0
Some text 0, 0.... some text 0
Test paragraph 1
Some text 1, 1.... some text 1
Test paragraph 2
Some text 2, 2.... some text 2
Test paragraph 3
Some text 3, 3.... some text 3
Test paragraph 4
Some text 4, 4.... some text 4
Test paragraph 5
Some text 5, 5.... some text 5
Test paragraph 6
Some text 6, 6.... some text 6
Test paragraph 7
Some text 7, 7.... some text 7
Test paragraph 8
Some text 8, 8.... some text 8
Test paragraph 9
Some text 9, 9.... some text 9
Test paragraph 10
Some text 10, 10.... some text 10
Test paragraph 11
Some text 11, 11.... some text 11
Test paragraph 12
Some text 12, 12.... some text 12
Test paragraph 13
Some text 13, 13.... some text 13
Test paragraph 14
Some text 14, 14.... some text 14
Test paragraph 15
Some text 15, 15.... some text 15
Test paragraph 16
Some text 16, 16.... some text 16
Test paragraph 17
Some text 17, 17.... some text 17
Test paragraph 18
Some text 18, 18.... some text 18
Test paragraph 19
Some text 19, 19.... some text 19
Test paragraph 20
Some text 20, 20.... some text 20
Test paragraph 21
Some text 21, 21.... some text 21
Test paragraph 22
Some text 22, 22.... some text 22
Test paragraph 23
Some text 23, 23.... some text 23
Test paragraph 24
Some text 24, 24.... some text 24
Test paragraph 25
Some text 25, 25.... some text 25
Test paragraph 26
Some text 26, 26.... some text 26
Test paragraph 27
Some text 27, 27.... some text 27
Test paragraph 28
Some text 28, 28.... some text 28
Test paragraph 29
Some text 29, 29.... some text 29
Test paragraph 30
Some text 30, 30.... some text 30
Ok, I think I got it working - thankfully, this version of Jupyter notebook automatically loads jquery-ui, so I can use .draggable() ...
Note that:
Having the whole background div as draggable, means that the whole element will be dragged even when you just want to move the slider head - so must use a drag handle instead (to allow for proper usage of the slider itself)
The detached/draggable element typically goes over other elements (as desired), except when in a cell which has a plotly diagram - once draggable element is released here (regardless if it happens over the plotly diagram itself, or other ipywidgets that may be present in the same cell output), the element cannot be clicked to be dragged anymore! (however, it can be click/dragged if the handle ends up in the two thin right and left borders)
If anyone comes up with a solution for the (second) problem, I'd love to hear it.
In the meantime, the workaround is to place a plain Markdown cell, below the cell output that contains the plotly diagram, which will then be able to properly "host" the dragged slider element. Here is how the fix looks like in this case (the little "(h)" is the handle):
Here is my fix:
Cell 1 - Python 3:
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import numpy as np
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout
from IPython.display import display, Javascript
from IPython.display import Markdown as md
inSlider = widgets.FloatSlider(
output2 = widgets.Output()
def on_detButton_click(b):
if b.description == "Detach":
b.description = "Attach"
# must wrap in display() - Javascript() call on its own does not effectuate!
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15193640/jquery-ui-draggable-reset-to-original-position
# NOTE: in spite of zIndex manipulation: do NOT place dragged widget over textarea (it will lose focus),
# also, it will be under a plot.ly diagram regardless!
var $dragwidget = $("div.myctlwidget").parent();
'originalLeft': $dragwidget.css('left'),
'originalTop': $dragwidget.css('top'),
'originalZindex': $dragwidget.css('z-index')
$dragwidget.css({ 'z-index': 5000});
$dragwidget.draggable({ disabled: false, handle: "div.myctlhandle" });
b.description = "Detach"
var $dragwidget = $("div.myctlwidget").parent();
$dragwidget.draggable({ disabled: true });
'left': $dragwidget.data('originalLeft'),
'top': $dragwidget.data('originalTop'),
'z-index': $dragwidget.data('originalZindex'),
detButton = widgets.Button(description="Detach")
# NB: Button still is visually clickable, even when disabled :(
handleButton = widgets.Label("(h)", _dom_classes = ['myctlhandle'])
myctlwidget = widgets.VBox([widgets.HBox([inSlider, detButton, handleButton])], _dom_classes = ['myctlwidget'])
#myctlwidget._dom_classes = ['myctlwidget'] # nowork; only added as argument to VBox _dom_classes works!
Cell 3 - Python 3:
fig = go.FigureWidget( layout=go.Layout() )
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0,10], y=[0,10],
name='Test plot'))
# set range to prevent autoranging
fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, 11])
def update_graph(change):
with fig.batch_update():
curval = inSlider.value
fig.data[0].y=[0, curval]
inSlider.observe(update_graph, names="value")
#spacer = widgets.VBox([widgets.Text(": :"), widgets.Label(": :")]) # nope
display(md("Markdown here does NOT work as spacer!\n\n... does NOT work as spacer!"))

Blinking color sequence in Angular

I have a task to create 4 blinking divs in an Angular project. The colors come from an API in an array with 16 elements and each element is an array with 4 elements (string).
Pattern1["Color1", "Color2", "Color3", "Color4"],
Pattern2["Color1", "Color2", "Color3", "Color4"],
Pattern16["Color1", "Color2", "Color3", "Color4"],
Color1 is for the first div, Color2 is for the second div and so on.
The sequence of 16 must change per 1 second and after the last element (Pattern16) the sequence should start over: Pattern1 -> Pattern2 -> ... -> Pattern16 -> Pattern1 -> ... .
How should this problem be solved in Angular?
Use an Observable to do the timing stuff. If we can to it for one div then others can be repeated.
Observable.interval(1000) //emit every 1 sec with values = 0 then 1 them 2 ..
.map(value=>ColorPaterns[value%16][0]) // 0 for 1st color
// set 1st div color here

autoIt3 how to select n-th matched control?

When using autoIt to get Window's Text and the WinGetText matches multiple controls (e.g. with the same Class SciCalc in this case), the WinGetText will concatenate the text of all the controls. How can I get the Text of the n-th (say 3rd 'MR') control?
Local $output = WinGetText("[CLASS:SciCalc]", "")
Something like this
ControlGetText("[CLASS:SciCalc]","","[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]")
Use AutoIt Window Info to find the Advanced mode details on the wanted control.

Resizing shelf icons to fit its space

I have created two shelf buttons and icons but in the image attachment I have put up, you can see that the yellow icon seems to be working correctly but as for the blue icon, it is sticking to the top-left hand corner of its 'space'
The initial sizing I have created for the yellow icon is 32 x 32 pixels while the blue one is 20 x 20 pixels
Both shelf attributes are pretty much the same but I am unable to get the blue icon to either match in size or have it be in the center.
Thus are there any other ways in which I can resize it, have it in a reasonable sizing like the yellow one without creating another new image to 32 x 32 pixels?
// -------- 32 x 32 pixels --------
-enableCommandRepeat 0
-enable 1
-width 34
-height 34
-manage 1
-visible 1
-label "Yellow Icon"
-image "icon_yellow.png"
-style "iconOnly"
// -------- 20 x 20 pixels --------
-enableCommandRepeat 0
-enable 1
-width 34
-height 34
-manage 1
-visible 1
-label "Blue Icon"
-image1 "icon_blue.png"
-style "iconOnly"
You need to remove -label flag and add -scaleIcon and iconAndTextHorizontal style.
Tested on the 2016 version.
// -------- 20 x 20 pixels --------
-enableCommandRepeat 0
-enable 1
-width 34
-height 34
-manage 1
-visible 1
-image1 "icon_blue.png"
-scaleIcon // scale
-style "iconAndTextHorizontal"// need for scale

tcl/tk scrollbar not working

i am given a frame and i try to put a scrollable canvas into it.
everything seems to work fine and i get scrollbar but they dont seem to work.
scrollbar does expand and contract when i resize window and does move when i click on its bottom or top.
for frame .f and canvas .f.c
my yview output changes when i try to scroll
.f.c yview
.08 .35
.f.c yview
.38 .62
.f.c yview
.75 1
i am not sure what have i missed here?
frame .f
canvas .f.c
put few labels
place them
scrollbar .f.ysb -orient vertical -command ".f.c yview"
.f.c configure -yscrollcommand ".f.ysb set" -scrollregion [list -1000 -1000 1000 1000]
grid .f.c -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew
grid .f.ysb -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns
grid columnconfigure .f 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure .f 0 -weight 1
