Google-chat: Open dialog on Button Click - google-chat

I post simple message with cards_v2. I placed a Button with properties:
action: {
function = "myAction",
interaction = "OPEN_DIALOG"
When I click on button I receive event but no DialogEventType is provided.
I tried to reply with Dialog payload, but Google says bad response.
I used this:

Dialog buttons works only if I send a response on message. When I posted cards through API POST it doesn't work.
I can't say is this a bug of Feature.


How to click a button which is not a form submit button during a functional test

During a functional test i need to click a button to make an ajax request.
When browsing the symfony testing docs, i realized that you could whether click :
a Link
a form's submit button
My button has the following id = "js-scroll-down"
When i try this:
$btn = $crawler->filter('#js-scroll-down')->eq(0)->link();
$crawler = $client->click($btn);
I get the following error:
LogicException: Unable to navigate from a "button" tag.
The Client#click() expects only Link.
But you can execute script, e.g. $client->executeScript("document.querySelector('#js-scroll-down').click()");

Meteor: How to override verify email popup dialog which appears after clicking email verification link

I want to add some fields to popup dialog which appears when user click on verification email link sent to there email. Actually i want to extend the sign up process. So when user clicked on verify link i want to show some more fields like zip code and date of birth in popup and on clicking save those fields should save to user modal.
Any help will be highly appreciated. I am new to meteor.
I am using ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 for sign up process.
Some more details if needed !
With the following package, you can replace templates :
So you create your own template, then replace the default one :
Your dialog will be shown on every pages, you have to add the behaviour to make it visible when necessary
visible: function () {
return loginButtonsSession.get('justVerifiedEmail');
And manage click button event :{
'click #just-verified-dismiss-button': function () {
loginButtonsSession.set('justVerifiedEmail', false);
Ok, i found solution myself.
Here it is if some one else also looking for this.
We can override email popup dialog by overriding login_buttons_dialogs.html file in /meteor-accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 folder.

How to embed "Share on Facebook" button into Flex application?

I'm trying to duplicate the behaviour of the "Share on Facebook" button from Youtube. Basically, inside a Flex app I'll have a button and when I click it I want a popup that enables me to post something on the wall.
While it is possible to make a call to javascript to open the pop-up I want to be able to set the images and the text of my posting.
Do you know how I could set the images or text as a paramter to the sharer window?
Thank you!
This is fairly straightforward to do. Youtube uses the Facebook API which pops up a new window (Info on Facebook sharer API).
To do this in flex,
Create a button that onClick will call a javascript method,"fbLink", "");
In your HTML file (most likely index.template.html) add the JavaScript method, fbLink which does the following:
function fbLink(url) {
window.popup("" + url, {height:440, width:620, scrollbars:true})
Now when a user clicks on the button they will be sharing the link "" with facebook account.
as I understood you asking for some help in accessing js popup in html page of facebook share button, so you should use ExternalInterface in this casa and access needed DOM node using getElementById function in your js interface.
In other case I want propose you to read another one way
It seems that you want to have a button on the flash application and once clicked it opens the facebook page that shares the video/image that pertains to the clicked button. What you want to do is simply create a button that on click opens a new website to facebook using their share api which has the following format:
var facebookShare:String = "' + encodedVideoLink + '&t='+ encodedVideoText";
Where the u parameter stands for the link that you wish to share, and the t parameter stands for the title of the piece that you want to share, whether it be a picture or video.
You want to add an event listener on MouseEvent.CLICK that has as its callback function a method that handles the opening of the facebook page passing the facebookShare variable as shown above. To open another page on your browser you can use this AS3 Class called URLNavigator:
To sum it up, something along these lines would do:
var facebookShare:String = "' + encodedVideoLink + '&t='+ encodedVideoText";
facebookButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this._goToUrl(facebookShare));
private function _goToUrl(link:String):Function {
var window:String = "_blank",
feats = "",
thisOverlay:Object = this; // to not lose scope when returning a func
return function (e:MouseEvent):void {
trace("Opening link to:"+link);
try { URLNavigator.ChangePage(link, window, feats); }
catch (e:Error) { trace("error launching "+link+" in "+window+" with feature set "+feats); }
I hope that helps. If you have questions regarding the code please let me know.

How to impliment a jquery dialog window that acts as the windows message box?

I am implementing a jquery dialog which acts as the windows message dialog in want to build a dialog in jquery which should wait until the user send the confirmation and the code execution should stop unless until I click on the confirmation box with ok and cancel button.How I can implement this dialog. I am using the ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript in the code window in removed the default message confirmation window of want to build the same message window with jquery...
Is it possible?
Why can't you use "confirm" function that is part of javascript ?
Look on this example:
...script type="text/javascript"...
function confirmation() {
var answer = confirm("Leave")
if (answer){
alert("Bye bye!")
window.location = "";
alert("Thanks for sticking around!")
may be this example helps you.

How do I POST to a web page using Firebug?

How do I POST to a web page using Firebug?
You can send POST request to any page by opening console (e.g. in FireFox ctrl + shift + k) and typing simple JS:
var formPost = document.createElement('form');
formPost.method = 'POST';
formPost.action = ''; //or any location you want
AFAIK Firebug can't do this. However, there is a very useful Firefox extension, in the spirit of Firebug, called Tamper Data. This should be able to do what you want.
It allows you to monitor each request made by the browser, and you can turn on an option that allows you to look at, and edit, every single request before it gets sent.
Firefox 27 (maybe earlier versions too, never checked) has built-in developer tools to modify and resend requests. If you don't have Firebug installed, the console is available by pressing the F12 key. If Firebug is installed, press Ctrl+Shift+K instead.
I know this is an old question, but I recently stumbled upon the same problem and wanted to share the method I am using.
Assuming the web site you want to POST to has a form with method="POST" (a very likely scenario), you can use Firebug's JavaScript command line to programmatically submit a POST request. Just click the "Show Command Line" icon in Firebug and enter something like this in the narrow text box at the very bottom of the window:
Maybe this helps someone.
Another simple solution is to load any webpage that uses jQuery, and type up a $.post() in the console.
HTTP resource test is a firefox plugin that can do this.
Another powerful Firefox plugin to perform post request and some more features is the Hackbar.
To resend a POST already made, right click the POST request in the Net/XHR view and click "Resend".
Using Firebug 1.12.0:
Got here looking for a Firebug way of doing this. Then I realized that I could use Fiddler. This is the most powerful tool I know when it comes to debugging web requests.
Fiddler The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or
Click the Composer tab and write your request as desired - then click Execute.
NO NEED of plugins !!
Just drag any url in BOOKMARK BAR, then right click and EDIT, and insert javascript code:
javascript:var my_params=prompt("Enter your parameters","var1=aaaa&var2=bbbbb"); var Target_LINK=prompt("Enter destination", location.href); function post(path, params) { var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.setAttribute("action", path); for(var key in params) { if(params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", key); hiddenField.setAttribute("value", params[key]); form.appendChild(hiddenField); } } document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); } parsed_params={}; my_params.substr(1).split("&").forEach(function(item) {var s = item.split("="), k=s[0], v=s[1]; parsed_params[k] = v;}); post(Target_LINK, parsed_params); void(0);
then enter the target site-link, and click that button in BOOKMARK BAR! That's all!
( source: )
