Using a-framemin.js 1.3.0, a-sky with equirectangular pictures, and an oculus quest2, I get jerky (flickering) results on most of my pictures.
The problem is often at the bottom of the pano !
Center is OK !
I tried several image resolutions (4096x2048, 6080x3040, 8192x4096) -> same problem.
I tried picture resolution (72 dpi, 96 dpi) -> same problem
I tried different jpg compression rates (from 60% to 80 %) -> same problem
You can see some pictures HERE
a-frame or oculus q2 or something else might not like grass, roofs, lines.
The a-frame sphere is too small (rooms are wider than what is shown using my vr headset !)
I don't know what to check now. I would really appreciate any help.
I am studying a-frame a lot. Many webpages are outdated.
Note : I get a black screen on my computer when pressing the VR button.
Problem with 1920x1080 screen res.
Our developer has disappeared off the face of the planet and when our web server updated it's PHP version, formerly square images have cropped to landscape.
The section in question is the portfolio (screenshot attached) these were previously square but not display landscape despite the featured images still being a 1:1 ratio.
I'm familiar with Divi but this seems to be a custom built slider the developer has made and I'm just trying to figure out how I can make these images display as square again as we've sent countless requests to our developer to no avail
enter image description here
Would really appreciate a point in the right direction as I can get the containers to the size they should be but the image never fills them
for this class max-width: 1080px is there, so it is restricting the images to look like rectangle instead of square, and your images are not square
your images are of resolution 400 x 284, so it wont look like square. You can try images as background images in order to appear them as square.
I'm trying to print images that are roughly .5 inch x .5 inch in size (small enough to fit on a fingernail) but they come out very pixelated (on the computer screen they look fine). They end up looking like retro 8bit images ( which looks cool, but not my desired output.
I've seen others who print out nail decals and their images look very clear - near perfect. Is this just a matter of them having a better printer, or is there something i'm missing to do in process? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
What is the resolution of your file? It is likely that they are too small or the resolution is too low. Bigger images scaled down will always be your friend over small images scaled up.
"Pika" and "Pikachu" is custom images. How come they are so poor comparing to the "Downloads" tab bar item icon which is from the system? The images is png and a resolution about 25x25px. I have tried differents resolution but all give this poor view. Hope you guys can help - Thank you.
If you follow the Icon and Image Sizes Guidelines for the device you are building for the result should work as expected. In this case you would likely want to use 50x50 (#2x) image sizes if you are creating a UITabBar for the iPhone 5:
Using this the appropriate sized icons should yeild nice sharp icons when the project is built:
I'll get to the point - I have two screens:
32" TV - Landscape mode (regular) - res: 1920x1080
20" monitor - portrait mode (rotated 90 degrees) - res: 1650x1050
Note that in this formation the height of both screens is about the same (~4cm);
In case you've never heard of it - windows 8.1 now tries to scale windows so they will keep their objective size no matter what kind of size you have, by some calculation of the DPI.
Now my problem is that in my case - it's doing the exact opposite of what it should:
Windows 8.1 making the windows larger on the 32" screen - so the phenomena is just escalating.
Any idea how to solve it? or maybe another program that could manage to fix it?
I know how to cancel this option - but it would be really cool if it will work
Same problem here!
This seems to solve it:
In short: Right-click on desktop background, select "screen resolution"
Click the little blue link "make the text and other items larger or smaller"
Check box "let me choose one scaling level for all my displays"
Now you can also choose to have "smaller" scaling, which, for some reason is 100%, apply for all screens.
Hope this was helpful.
I'm building a page which is supposed to be full retina ready. I'm creating a retina version of all the small-medium images.
It looks good when you look at the 100x100 pixel version of a 50x50 image on devices with high density screens. But what if the image is much larger? Like a background image of a slider with 1700x600 pixel dimensions, should this get a retina version as well? The image's size is already much bigger than almost every mobile device's resolution. Would a 1700x600 or a 3400x1200 image look different on a 640x960 display?
Don't forget about retina enabled laptops, and iPads... In my experience most images you can save at a scale of about 150% the expected viewing size, and they still look great on a high density screen. You should play with compression quality as well, a lot of times you can lower the quality and still have an image that looks great because of the shear amount of extra pixels.
See this for an example of what I'm talking about: