Invalid operands 'int' and 'Object' in operator '-'. Godot 3.5 - 2d

I'm trying to make an rpg game with turn-based combat. My code needed to have a slight randomness to the damage, and I'm getting this error: Invalid operands 'int' and 'Object' in operator '-'. e stands for enemy in this code
func _on_FIGHT_pressed(): #is connected to a button
var damage =
damage.randi_range(pattacks[0][1], pattacks[0][2]) #uses your-only-attacks's min and max damage
ehp -= damage #subtracts your damage from the enemy's hp
Before I was using the pseudo-random rand_range bult in method, but then you'd press a button and the same damage would come out the second time you get into a fight.
I am in fact using godot 3.5 release

Notice that damage is a RandomNumberGenerator. It says so here:
var damage =
You probably want the result of randi_range (it returns):
ehp -= damage.randi_range(pattacks[0][1], pattacks[0][2])


Weird result for packed number multiplication in an enhancement

I am missing a part to solve my problem.
If I do this operation :
DATA: lv_test TYPE ty_p2.
lv_test = '100.00' * '3.00'.
I got this result in a program (specific program) on debugger view :
this is the actual result I expect.
I got this result in a program (enhancement of a standard) on debugger view :
it's not the right result it's as if it were 100*3000 and it doesn't take into account the comma of the right hand operator of the multiplication.
How do you explain this ?
Is there an instruction which applies to the context of the ABAP session and which can modify the interpretation of the packed number during a multiplication? Or do you know where it comes from?
Thanks !
Fixed point arithmetic is not checked for the program.
When you are in change mode in SE38 (or SE80), use MenĂ¼ Goto => Attributes
A popup comes up the checkbox for "Fixed point arithmetic" has to be checked (bottom-right corner of the popup window):
Using F1 Help on the field gives detailed explanation:

Is this use of character string pointers safe?

While implementing a string utility function, I came across a couple of character pointer expressions that I think may be unsafe. I googled, searched on SO, read my Fortran 95 language guide (Gehrke 1996) as well as various excerpts on display in Google books. However, I could not find any sources discussing this particular usage.
Both ifort and gfortran compile the following program without warning:
PROGRAM test_pointer
CHARACTER(LEN=100), TARGET :: string = "A string variable"
CHARACTER(LEN=0), TARGET :: empty = ""
ptr => NULL()
IF(ptr == "") PRINT *, 'Nullified pointer is equal to ""'
ptr => string(-2:-3)
IF(ptr == "") PRINT *, 'ptr equals "", but the (empty) sub string was out of bounds.'
ptr => empty(1:0)
IF(ptr == "") PRINT *, 'ptr equals "", it was not possible to specify subarray within bonds'
The output of the program is:
Nullified pointer is equal to ""
ptr equals "", but the (empty) sub string was out of bounds.
ptr equals "", it was not possible to specify subarray within bonds
So apparently, the evaluations of the pointer make sense to the compiler and the outcome is what you would expect. Can somebody explain why the above code did not result in at least one segmentation fault? Does the standard really allow out-of-bounds substrings? What about the use of a nullified character pointer?
edit : After reading Vladimir F's answer, I realized that I forgot to activate runtime checking. The nullified pointer actually does trigger a run time error.
Why they do not result in a segfault? Dereferencing a nullified pointer is not conforming to the standard (in C terms it is undefined behaviour). The standard does not say what a non-conforming program should do. The standard only applies to programs which conform to it! Anything can happen for non-conforming programs!
I get this (sunf90):
Attempting to use an unassociated POINTER 'PTR'
Location: line 8 column 6 of 'charptr.f90'
and with another compiler (ifort):
forrtl: severe (408): fort: (7): Attempt to use pointer PTR when it is not associated with a target
Image PC Routine Line Source
a.out 0000000000402EB8 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 0000000000402DE6 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007FA0AE123A15 Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 0000000000402CD9 Unknown Unknown Unknown
For the other two accesses, you are not accessing anything, you are creating a substring of length 0, there is no need to access the character variable, the result is just an empty string.
Specifically, the Fortran standard (F2008: says this about creating a substring:
Both the starting point and the ending point shall be within the
range 1, 2, ..., n unless the starting point exceeds the ending
point, in which case the substring has length zero.
For this reason the first part is not standard conforming, but the other ones are.

How to read pointer variable value in Turbo Pascal?

I have the following code in Object Oriented Turbo Pascal (an example). And also, some questions for you guys, who have the knowledge of Turbo Pascal - because I can't find any answers.
type PMyNumber =^TMyNumber;
TMyNumber = object(TObject)
constructor Init(x,y:real);
Question #1
I see code like new(PMyNumber,Init(-4,0)) - is it some type of an object constructor ?
Question #2
someVariable := PMyNumber(MyColl[myIndex]^.At(j))^.Number1
I try to view the value of the MyColl[myIndex]^.At(j). To do so, I open the Evaluate/modyfy window, but after click on Evaluate button, the I get the following error - what's wrong ?
moreover (I don't think the ) char is needed here:
Question #3
how to read the pointer variable value ?
Yes, Init() is the name of the constructor.
You cannot evaluate a function call (At() is a member function of TMyNumber inherited from TObject).
If mean how to interpret the Pascal pointer notation: a leading '$' means hexadecimal value. The first value ($888F) is the segment and the second value ($8) is the offset within the segment. (Assuming you understanding the concept segments in a 16-environment.) If you mean how to read the value of a pointer at runtime: Use seg() to get the segment and ofs() to get the offset, like seg(MyColl[myindex]) and ofs(MyColl[myindex]).

Fortran Unhandled Exception (msvcr100d.dll)

I'm getting this unhandled exception when I exit my program:
Unhandled exception at 0x102fe274 (msvcr100d.dll) in Parameters.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000005.
The debugger stops in a module called crtdll.c on this line:
onexitbegin_new = (_PVFV *) DecodePointer(__onexitbegin);
The top line on the call stack reads:
msvcr100d.dll!__clean_type_info_names_internal(__type_info_node * p_type_info_root_node=0x04a6506c) Line 359 + 0x3 bytes C++
The program then remains in memory until I close down the IDE.
I'm more used to developing with managed languages so I expect I'm doing something wrong with my code maintenance. The code itself reads a memory mapped file and assoiciates it with pointers:
USE, INTRINSIC :: iso_c_binding
USE, INTRINSIC :: iso_fortran_env
INTEGER(HANDLE) file_mapping_handle
INTEGER(LPVOID) memory_location
TYPE(C_PTR) memory_location_cptr
INTEGER memory_size
CHARACTER(5) :: map_name
TYPE(C_PTR) :: cdata
integer :: n = 3
integer(4), POINTER :: A, C
real(8), POINTER :: B
integer(4) :: A
real(8) :: B
integer(4) :: C
memory_size = 100000
map_name = 'myMMF'
file_map = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
+ 0,
+ memory_size,
+ map_name // C_NULL_CHAR )
memory_location = MapViewOfFile(file_map,
+ 0, 0, 0 )
cdata = TRANSFER(memory_location, memory_location_cptr)
call c_f_pointer(cdata, STRUCT_PTR, [n])
Am I supposed to deallocate the c-pointers when I'm finished with them? I looked into that but can't see how I do it in Fortran...
Thanks for any help!
The nature of the access violation (during runtime library cleanup) suggests that your program is corrupting memory in some way. There are a number of programming errors that can lead to that - and the error or errors responsible could be anywhere in your program. The usual "compile and run with all diagnostic and debugging options enabled" approach may help identify these.
That said, there is a programming error in the code example shown. The C_F_POINTER procedure from the ISO_C_BINDING intrinsic module can operate on either scalar or array Fortran pointers (the second argument). If the Fortran pointer is a scalar then the third "shape" argument must not be present (it must be present if the Fortran pointer is an array).
Your code breaks this requirement - the Fortran pointer STRUCT_PTR in your code is a scalar, but yet you provide the third shape argument (as [n]). It is quite plausible that this error will result in memory corruption - typically the implementation of C_F_POINTER would try and populate a descriptor in memory for the Fortran pointer, and the descriptor for a pointer to an array may be very different from a pointer to a scalar.
Subsequent references to STRUCT_PTR may further the corruption.
While it is not required by the standard to diagnose this situation, I am a little surprised that the compiler does not issue a diagnostic (assuming you example code is what you actually are compiling). If you reported this to your compiler's vendor (Intel, presumably given IFWIN etc) I suspect they would regard it as a deficiency in their compiler.
To release the memory associated with the file mapping you use the UnmapViewOfFile and CloseHandle API's. To use these you should "store" (your program needs to remember in some way) the base address (memory_location, which can also be obtained by calling C_LOC on STRUCT_PTR once the problem above is fixed) returned by MapViewOfFile, and the handle to the mapping (file_map) returned by CreateFileMapping; respectively.
I've only ever done this with Cray Pointers: not with the ISO bindings and I know it does work with Cray Pointers.
What you don't say is whether this is happening the first time or second time the routine is being called. If it is called more than once, then there is a problem in the coding in that Create/OpenFileMapping should only be called once to get a handle.
You don't need to deallocate memory because the memory is not yours to deallocate: you need to call UnmapViewOfFile(memory_location). After you have called this, memory_location, memory_location_cptr and possibly cdata are no longer valid.
The way this works is with two or more programs:
One program calls CreateFileMapping, the others calls OpenFileMapping to obtain a handle to the data. This only needs to be called once at the start of the program: not every time you need to access the file. Multiple calls to Create/OpenFileMapping without a corresponding close can cause crashes.
They then call MapViewOfFile to map the file into memory. Note that only one program can do this at a time. When the program is finished with the memory file, it calls UnmapViewOfFile. The other program can now get to the file. There is a blocking mechanism. If you do not call UnmapViewOfFile, other programs using MapViewOfFile will be blocked.
When all is done, call close on the handle created by Create/OpenFileMapping.

address representation in ada

I have pasted a code below which is in Ada language.I need some clarification on some implementations.
C : character;
Char : character;
type Myarr_Type is array (character range 'A'..'K') of character;
Myarr : Myarr_Type := ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K');
Next_Address := Myarr'address --'
Last_Address := Next_Address + Storage_Offset'(40); --'
return P2 + Storage_Offset'(4); --'
Last_Address := Next_Address + Storage_Offset'(4); --'
Now my doubt is 1) what does P2 + Storage_Offset'(4) actually mean.Does that mean that its returning the address of the next element in the array which is 'B'.Storage_Offset'(4) in Ada --does this mean 4 bits or 4 bytes of memory. 2) If i assume that Last_Address points to last element of the array which is 'K', how does the arithmentic Storage_Offset'(40) satisfies the actual implementation?
Please get back to me if u need any more clarifications.
Please assume that the function does not exist.
As a matter of fact,i have some ada file and my job is to convert them to C files.Since i am a beginner in ada,i faced a lot of issues with that.Please pardon in case of any confusion
Storage_Offset is a special integeral type in package System.Storage_Elements that can be added to objects of type System.Address. What exactly the units of Address and Storage_Offset are is implementation defined, but probably just about every implementation in existence uses bytes. So Next_Address + Storage_Offset'(4) means "the address four bytes past whatever Next_Address refers to."
You talked a bit about Ada porting. In 99% of cases, that is a very stupid idea (the %1 being when you need to port to a platform that has no Ada compiler). I'd say the same thing no matter what language you are porting. It's a fool's game. The best outcome you can hope for when porting code is that after a ton of effort it works as well as it did before. With coding the best case never happens.
Ada can interface to C just fine, so it would be far smarter to keep unchanged code in Ada and only "port" stuff you need to change.
If you come across any tasking code, protected types, or custom streams you will be in a world of hurt. Those things don't really have easy C analogs.
If your bosses really have a boner for C or something, I'd suggest looking into Sofcheck's AdaMagic, which provides a service to transform Ada code to ANSI C. Back in the day (two owners prior) they used to claim that it produced maintainable C code. Either way, it will probably be far cheaper than having an inexperienced (in Ada) developer try to do it all by hand.
my_func(int P1,int P2)
return P2 + Storage_Offset'(4);
Well, this is a C function whose body is written in Ada. There is no "+" operator taking an Integer and a Storage_Offset; perhaps you're looking for
function "+"(Left : Address; Right : Storage_Offset)
return Address;
and perhaps you meant to call my_func(something, Next_Address)?
In that case, the expression will return the address of whatever is 4 Storage_Elements, ie bytes, after Myarr('A').
Myarr_Type is an array of Character, which with any normal compiler on any common architecture is going to be a standard 8-bit byte. So Myarr_Type objects will be 11 bytes long, not 44, and Myarr('A')'Address + 4 will be the address of Myarr('E').
If you want the address of the last element of Myarr, try
Myarr (Myarr'Last)'Address
