fullCalender with Ajax does not scroll correctly - fullcalendar

I am using v5.11.3 version of fullcalender.io control. I am loading the resources and also the events using AJAX call.
It seems the scrollToTime does not work. I am trying to set scrollToTime to scroll to current time. The control does not scroll
Can someone please help?


Loading effect on asp.net postback

I having hard time implementing a YouTube Loading Effect in my asp.net page,
Im using the effect from here https://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/09/18/creative-loading-effects/
the effects just works perfect when I use it with Button Element, but when I try to implement it on Linkbutton, it does not work,
Can anyone help me with it, or if you have another suggestion for adding loading effect on Postback in modern and neat way just like the one provided in the above site, please provide me with full code (im pretty newbie)
Im using the linkbutton to load data from database to repeater
Thanks :)

ASP.Net progress on first page load

I am working on ASP.Net project and Ajax (UpdatePanels and UpdateProgess)
Everything works fine. When I click on a button in order to refresh a drop down list for example, I see progress image in UpdateProgress control.
But, what I have a problem for the first page loading:
I need to display the page content quickly and then feed all dropdowns from database with a progress image animation.
It is hard to do because the first page loading is slow because everything is done in page load.
Anyone have a solution to this?
There really isn't much you can do about first page load, because your code has not yet been compiled to be able to run, and show your progress dialog yet. It's a catch-22.
The best you can do is use a warmup tool to try and keep the app domain loaded.

ASP.NET: How can I show a loading image when my page performs stored procedure?

I have a page I'm working on and it works correctly in the sense that I press a button and it executes a stored procedure. The problem is the stored procedure takes awhile to complete, and I want the user to know that there is progress being made and that it's not stuck. So is there a good method to give the user some idea of the progress being made? I was going to just simply display an animated gif, but not sure how to do this. Or if there is a more preferred way to do this I'm all ears. Thanks!
Generally it is a bad idea to have a website command take time, but when you have to Microsoft have an Ajax library which works with ASP.Net - this includes a Progress bar control which can appear when you are doing a long task
The site for the ASP.Net Ajax can be found here; http://www.asp.net/ajax
The Ajax Control Toolkit which includes the progress indicator is here; http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/act.ashx
If you do an AJAX call you can use jQuery to show a loading graphic. See this post How to show loading spinner in jQuery?
Yes, you can definitely use an animated .gif to display to the user while the stored procedure is executing. You'll want to use ASP.NET AJAX to accomplish this, specifically using UpdatePanel and UpdateProgress controls.
View the following URL which guides you on implementing the UpdateProgress control: http://www.asp.net/AJAX/Documentation/Live/mref/T_System_Web_UI_UpdateProgress.aspx
The section on "Specifying the Content of the UpdateProgress Control" talks about using the ProgressTemplate to show an animated image that notifies the user of the progress on the page.

ASP.Net 4.0 , Update Panel.. causing flicker of whole webpage

I have made a web site, a chatting application,... On a webpage independent of Master page, i added a Ajax Update Panel, In the update panel i added a timer , a memo, and a hidden field,..
Its working but causing the whole webpage to flicker, that has made my approach ugly..
Please any programmer help me..
Thanks in advance
Can you post the related code segments? Without that, it is difficult to guess what the problem is.
Page flicker could be:
Page load firing twice in update
Timer firing when not intended
The list goes on...
If you are unable to post the code, I would troubleshoot by removing everything but the core functionality until you can get the flicker to stop then add pieces back in. That is really all I can offer you without the code.

ASP.NET, Showing Loading message while Postback

I have an ASP.NET page which has an asp.net button control in it. When the user clicks on the button, the page will do some calculations and then close itself, but when I click on the button during post back, the page shows a blank screen. I want to show a loading message instead of this. I used javascript to show a div which was hidden intitially and shown when the user clicks the button, but when the post back happens, the screen becomes blank. Any idea how to show the loading messsage in this scenario?
Thanks in advance.
Do you really need to avoid ASP.NET ajax or JQuery?
If so: move the heavy processing into an invisible IFRAME. Action your form to the invisible IFRAME, or use javascript to set the location of the IFRAME.
Your 'loading' javascript will display fine. When the form inside the IFRAME completes it just needs to output some javascript to tell the 'parent' to go to location or refresh.
If you use Ajax to post back to the form asynchronously, you can use the UpdateProgress control. Here is a link to an article explaining how to implement the functionality:
How to make a Gmail-like loading indicator with ASP.NET Ajax
Basically, you can't using just postbacks. The browser draws the screen white while waiting for a response from the server. That message you set to show when the user clicks a button was the correct approach (so good work).
But the browser drew the screen white, thinking "Oh boy I'm about to get a response!" and then waited for longer than you think is appropriate.
The only thing you could try would be, in the response, make the very first thing to stream to the browser some sort of loading message that the browser can display while loading the rest (like the gmail loading screen). But personally, I think you could spend your time doing some other development.
You could try other techniques with AJAX though.
