cefsharp v55.0.0 fail to drag Pegman on the google map - cefsharp

I use cefsharp winform version is v55.0.0 on 86 bit machines,this version
fail to drag Pegman on the google map, how to slove this problem?
(but when I use version v51.0.0, it sucess to drag Pegman on the google map ),
the code differ between 2 version
(v55.0.0) 1: Cef.Initialize(settings, false, browserProcessHandler: null);
(v51.0.0) 2: Cef.Initialize(settings, shutdownOnProcessExit: false, performDependencyCheck: false);


How to customize one of the standard Google Maps API map types

There are 2 options for base map in Earth Engine: Map (default) and Satellite. I would like to have Satellite as default base map when I press ctrl + enter (or click run button). I know that I can switch between the 2 options by clicking on the desired one, but I would like to make this automatic.
I tried:
mapTypeId: "SATELLITE"
This almost does what I want expect that all labels and countries / administrative boundaries are turned off. How can I have both the satellite base map and these features?
I checked this, but I can't figure out how to achieve what I want.
Does this help:

A-Frame Daydream control?

Just started playing with A-Frame and I can see vive-controls and oculus-touch-controls but nothing for google daydream.
I've looked at the component repo and don't see anything that looks like it'll do the job. The closest thing to now investigate would be the Gamepad API, but I'm amazed I can't find anything.
I've got a Pixel XL & daydream and would like to incorporate the controller rather than just head tracking and gaze based control. Can someone point me in the right direction please.
UPDATE - I've got the Daydream controller working for clicks! Running the 360-image-gallery(https://aframe.io/examples/showcase/360-image-gallery/) accepts clicks from the Daydream controller. I guess maybe it had timed out on my previous attempts or I hadn't paired it properly! I'll keep playing!
Working on setting up a Daydream remote in an Aframe project. There are no components for the daydream remote yet, but I'm hoping to complete one soon – and it sounds like they are gonna mainline support in an upcoming Aframe release.
But you can hand roll support no problem.
First, there are a few things you'll need to do in preparation:
Download Chrome Beta 56 on your Pixel:https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/beta.html
Open Chrome Beta, navigate to chrome://flags and enable the WebVR and Gamepad flags.
Now, you will be able to launch experiences that are built with Aframe v0.4 or higher in true WebVR. You'll get prompted with the usual Daydream screens (place your phone in the headset, and connect the remote.) If you are connecting to a local development environment, you'll see a secure connection warning but this, while annoying, won't stop you from working.
Second, now that you are running true WebVR, you need to leverage the Gamepad API to get information from your daydream remote. Lets start by just logging that it is connected.
window.addEventListener('gamepadconnected', function(evt) {
console.log("Gamepad connected at index %d: %s. %d buttons, %d axes.",
e.gamepad.index, e.gamepad.id,
e.gamepad.buttons.length, e.gamepad.axes.length);
Third, now that you are logging a connection, you will need to setup an update loop to get the current state of the Gamepad. You can do this with requestAnimationFrame. Follow the tutorial here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Gamepad_API/Using_the_Gamepad_API
Once I've published a basic dayframe-remote component, I'll post a link here. Hope this helps get you started!
EDIT: Looks like the suggestion below works great. Just pass "Daydream Controller" as the id for tracked controls: tracked-controls="id: Daydream Controller".
Here is a sample Daydream controller output. At the moment, only the trackpad button appears to be exposed – not the app or home buttons.
axes: [0, 1],
buttons: [{
pressed: false,
touched: false,
value: 0
connected: true,
displayId: 16,
hand: "left",
id: "Daydream Controller",
index: 0,
mapping: "",
pose: {
angularAcceleration: null,
angularVelocity: [0, 0, 0],
hasOrientation: true,
hasPosition: false,
linearAcceleration: [0,0,0],
orientation: [0,0,0,1],
position: null
timestamp: 1234567890123
Something for you to try...
the way the current A-Frame 0.4.0 support in tracked-controls should work:
if you specify that it should only match an ID value of empty string '' then it should match any gamepad with a pose... so you can try something like
<a-entity tracked-controls="id:"></a-entity>
and see if that gets events etc.?
A-Frame master branch now contains a daydream controller component: https://aframe.io/docs/master/components/daydream-controls.html

What is the difference between geoXml library and KML Layer for rendering KML files?

I have been rendering KML files in the google maps by the geoXML library by the following way.
var geoXml = new geoXML3.parser({
map : map,
singleInfoWindow : true
I came to know by the following way we could render KML files in the google maps.
var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer({
url: 'http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ggeoxml/cta.kml'
These two approach made me to ask following, (If it is stupid, I will update it in appropriate way)
Which is faster to render KML Files in google maps and why ?
Which is providing good support for handling events (mouse click, Key press, etc.)
Which is providing best support to validate the KML file which is being rendered from Server.
geoXML3 was created when maps API v3 did not have native KML support yet. It makes use of other API v3 objects like google.maps.Polygon, of which you can use all it event possibilities.
google.maps.KmlLayer support of events is limited. (only mouse click). There is also a limit of number of KML files which can be displayed on a map: https://developers.google.com/kml/documentation/mapsSupport
the native KML support is probably the most easy one to implement. geoXML3 however gives more possibilities.
both do the same job to validate the KML file

Google Maps API v3 Google Earth API integration - load Earth view on load

I'm using the google-maps-utility-library-v3 to incorporate a Google Earth API view to a Google Maps API v3 implementation. Those Google Maps API v3 / Earth API utilities have been written by user jlivni as far as I can tell, the availability of which code has helped me greatly thus far.
(very rough working prototype of my implementation is here)
The problem I have is that I want to default (on page load) to the Google Earth view, rather than (as in the prototype above) one of the Maps API v3 standard views.
I have looked at lines 81, 131 and 133 of the (uncompiled?) googleearth.js at the above link (under src) and tried the following when setting the Maps API options within my JourneyImmersionInitialiseMapLoadGPXAnimate.js ...
var myOptions = {
zoom: 18,
center: arr_lat_lon[currentTrk][currentTrkseg][0],
scaleControl: true,
tilt: 45,
mapTypeId: earthMapType,
overviewMapControl: true,
overviewMapControlOptions: {
opened: true
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), myOptions);
... but get ...
ReferenceError: earthMapType is not defined
Additionally I've tried ...
mapTypeId: GoogleEarth.earthMapType,
... which results in a grey map canvas with no map type options on the top right. Once I've selected the Earth view from the page I can then change between the standard Earth API map types at the console in Firebug using ...
... or ...
... but again, use of earthMapType or GoogleEarth.earthMapType in place of the last element results in an error at the Firebug console, this time ...
Error: Error calling method on NPObject!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
(as I'm a newbie I can't provide more than two links in this post but wanted to add that I have looked at stackoverflow.com/questions/3039250/google-earth-integrated-with-google-maps-api-v3)
This library doesn't have a public method to switch programmatically, and if you try to do it before all the setup is in place, it will fail. Ideally there would be a callback after instantiating your GoogleEarth object, but lacking that you can hack around the issue by using the private showEarth_() method on the uncompiled JS.
Noting you have to wait an arbitrary amount of time before the plugin is ready, something like this should generally do the trick:
googleEarth = new GoogleEarth(map);
This is all pretty hackish, so please file a feature request on the issue tracker to add in a supported method for switching to the Earth type programmatically.

this.grid_ is undefined with MarkerManager and Google Maps v3

I am updating a maps page to v3 and I am getting the following error from markermanager.js
this.grid_ is undefined - var grid = this.grid_[z]; which is on line 529
This is caused by the following code
I am creating a lot of markers and most of them are added no problem however there are a few that throw this error. On first glance all of the maker objects appear similar enough to make it work.
Any thoughts?
You may also get this error if you add markers to the manager using an array, if you set a max zoom level that's not appropriate.
where 6 is the minzoom and 20 is the maxzoom.
The maxzoom level used to be 17, but you can now zoom in to 20+ in some urban areas.
It turns out that this error occurs when you try to add markers to markerManager before it is loaded. To avoid this error you have to add an event listener after the markerManager is created like so...
google.maps.event.addListener(markerManager, 'loaded', function() {
//add ajax call or any other code here
