Polymorphic Procedure (Same Procedure, different owner, differente dblink) - plsql

I have an unusual DB environment for one of various applications I have to support. Instead of having three DB instances (Development, Homologation and Production), each one with the same owner (TRANSBI), I have three owners in the same DB instances, each one named after the environment (TRANSBI_DEV, TRANSBI_HMLG and TRANSBI)
I have a procedure, update_portal, in each of this owners and this procedure, depending of the owner, have to access a different dblink.
I'm thinking of a way to unify my codebase, creating some type of polymorphic procedure which can identify his owner and use the correct dblink.


Migrating all the Kusto database principals to a different database on a different Kusto cluster

I have a database D1 on the cluster C1 and I have a bunch of (maybe 100) principals defined on D1. Now assume that I also have another database D2 on the cluster C2. Also I am admin on both the databases. Is there any way I can just script out all my service principals and execute that script in one shot against D2 and thus achieve migration of all the principals? If not, is there any other way of achieving this, other than explicitly granting permission to each one of the principals against the database D2? (that will be like executing a hundred commands)
There's no current way of exporting/importing database-level principals from one database to another.
One option for you to consider is writing a simple app/script (using Kusto's API) that:
Lists all principals using .show database ['database_name'] principals
Generates a list of .add database ['database_name'] <role> (<principal>) commands based on 1. (or a single command per role, were is a comma-separated list of principals)
Runs all commands from 2.

How to create data base link in oracle11g

How to create data base link in oracle 11 g to Access Tables.
You seem to have copied the example in the documentation without really understanding it.
The USING 'local' part of the statement is creating a link to 'the local database', where local is the service name of a database. (The example is a bit confusing, to be fair).
When the link is used it tries to interpret local as a service name, appending the current database's domain, as the docs say:
USING 'connect string'
Specify the service name of a remote database. If you specify only the
database name, then Oracle Database implicitly appends the database
domain to the connect string to create a complete service name.
Therefore, if the database domain of the remote database is different
from that of the current database, then you must specify the complete
service name.
If you're trying to create a link back into the same database - which would be a bit odd but I've seen it done in place of grant access across schemas, and that seems to be what the example is hinting at - then you can replace 'local' in the USING clause with the service name of your current database (e.g. USING 'orcl', or whatever).
You can also use a TNS alias; if your tnsnames.ora has an entry for SOME_DB which points to the SID or service name of another database, you can have USING'some_db'`. You should be able to use any connect string I think; certainly Easy Connect is allowed. There's more in the net services admin guide.

How does one use the "create database" statement for Oracle express 11g?

According to one of my posts (below) it seems that there is no such thing as a database in Oracle. What we call database in MySQL and MS-SQL is called schema in Oracle.
If that is the case, then why do the oracle docs mention the create database statement ?
For the record, I am using Oracle 11g and oracle SQL Developer GUI tool.
How to create a small and simple database using Oracle 11 g and SQL Developer?
The create database statement from oracle docs is given below. If there is no database concept, then how did this command come into the picture ?
CREATE DATABASE [ database ]
| database_logging_clauses
| tablespace_clauses
| set_time_zone_clause
}... ;
There is concept of a "database" in Oracle. What the term "database" means in Oracle terms is different than what the term means in MySQL or SQL Server.
Since you are using the express edition, Oracle automatically runs the CREATE DATABASE statement as part of the installation process. You can only have 1 express edition database on a single machine. If you are installing a different edition, you can choose whether to have the installer create a database as part of the installation process or whether to do that manually via the CREATE DATABASE statement later. If you are just learning Oracle, you're much better off letting Oracle create the database for you at installation time-- you can only create the database via command-line tools (not SQL Developer) and it is rare that someone just starting out would need to tweak the database settings in a way that the installer didn't prmopt you for.
In Oracle, a "database" is a set of data files that includes the data files for the SYS and SYSTEM schemas which contain all the Oracle data dictionary tables, the data files for the TEMP tablespace where sorts and other temporary operations occur, and the data files for whatever schemas you want to create. In SQL Server and other RDBMSs, these would be separate "databases". In SQL Server, you have a master database, a tempdb database, additional database for different products (i.e. msdb for the SQL Server Agent), and then additional user-defined databases. In Oracle, these would all be separate schemas in a larger container that Oracle refers to as a "database".
Occasionally, a DBA will want to run multiple Oracle databases on the same server-- most commonly when there are different packaged applications that have different requirements about database versions or parameters. If you want to run application A that requires an 11.2 database and application B that doesn't support 11.2 yet, you would need to have two different databases on the server. The DBA could create a separate database and a separate instance but that doubles the memory requirements, doubles the number of background processes required to run the database, and generally makes things less scalable. It's necessary if you really want to run different versions of the database simultaneously but it's not ideal.
The person who answered your original question is correct. The DDL (Data Definition Language) above prepares a space for schemas, which is analogous to MySQL's 'database'. The above statement defines characteristics of the schemas, such as timezone, MBs of space for tables, encoding characterset, root account, etc. You would then issue DDL statements such as those in your other post to create schemas, which define what each user can see.

SQL Server load balancing optimizing Hits or Optimize the query

When we developers write data access code what should we really worry about if the application should scale well and handle the load / Hits.
Given this simple problem , how would you solve it in scalable manner.
1.ProjectResource is a Class ( Encapsulating resources assigned to a Project)
2.Each resource assigned to Project is User Class
3.Each User in the Project also has ReportingHead and ProjectManager who are also instance of User
4.Finally there is a Project class containing project details
Legend of classes used
Table Diagram
Class Diagram
ResourceId : String / Guid
Project : Project
User : User
ReportingHead : User
ProjectManager : User
All the user information is stored in the User table
All the Project information is stored in the project table
Here's the Problem
When the application requests for Resource In a Project operations below are followed
First Get the Records for the Project
Get the UserId , make the request(using Users DAL) to get the user instance
Get the ProjectId, make the request(using Projects DAL) to get the project information
Finally assign Users and Project to instance of ProjectResource
clearly you can see 3 Db Calls are made here for populating single ProjectResource but the concerns and who manages the objects are clearly defined. This is the way i have planned to , since there is also connection pooling available in Sql Server & ADO.net
There is also another way where all the details are retrieved in single hit using Table Inner Joins and then Populating.
Which way should i really be taking and Why?
.NET 2.0,ASP.net 2.0,C#,Sql Server 2005,DB on same machine hosting application.
For best performance and scalability, you should minimize the number of round-trips to the DB. To prove that to yourself, just run some benchmarks; it becomes clear very quickly.
One approach to a single round-trip is to use joins. Another is to return multiple result sets. The latter can be helpful in eliminating possible duplicate data.

some basic oracle concepts

In our new application we have to use the oracle as the db,and we use mysql/sqlserver before,when I come to oracle I am confused by its concepts,for exmaple,the table space,the object,the schema table,index, procedure, database link,...:(
And the schema is closed to the user,I can not make it.
Since when we use the mysql,I just know that one database contain as many tables,and contain as many users,user have different authentication for different table.
But in oracle,everything is different.
Anyone can tell me some basic concepts of oracle,and some quick start docs?
Oracle has specific meanings for commonly-used terms, and you're right, it is confusing. I'll build a hierarchy of terms from the bottom up:
Database - In Oracle, the database is the collection of files that make up your overall collection of data. To get a handle on what Oracle means, picture the database management system (dbms) in a non-running state. All those files are your "database."
Instance - When you start the Oracle software, all those files become active, things get loaded into memory, and there's an entity to which you can connect. Many people would use the term "database" to describe a running dbms, but, once everything is up-and-running, Oracle calls it an, "instance."
Tablespace - A abstraction that allows you to think about a chunk of storage without worrying about the physical details. When you create a user, you ask Oracle to put that user's data in a specific tablespace. Oracle manages storage via the tablespace metaphor.
Data file - The physical files that actually store the data. Data files are grouped into tablespaces. If you use all the storage you have allocated to a user, or group of users, you add data files (or make the existing files bigger) to the tablespace they're configured to use.
User - An abstraction that encapsulates the privileges, authentication information, and default storage areas for an account that can log on to an Oracle instance.
Schema - The tables, indices, constraints, triggers, etc. that are owned by a particular user. There is a one-to-one correspondence between users and schemas. The schema has the same name as the user. The difference between the two is that the user concept is all about account information, while the schema concept deals with logical database objects.
This is a very simplified list of terms. There are different states of "running" for an Oracle instance, for example, and it's easy to get into very nuanced discussions of what things mean. Here's a practical exercise that will let you put your hands on these things, and will make the distinctions clearer:
Start an already-created Oracle instance. This step will transform a group of files, or as Oracle would say, a database, into a running Oracle instance.
Create a tablespace with the CREATE TABLESPACE command. You'll have to specify some data files to put into the tablespace, as well as some storage parameters.
Create a user with the CREATE USER command. You'll see that the items you have to specify have to do with passwords, privileges, quotas, and the like. Specify that the user's data be stored in the tablespace you created in step 2.
Connect to the Oracle using the credentials you created with the new user from step 3. Type, "SELECT * FROM CAT". Nothing should come back yet. Your user has a schema, but it's empty.
Run a CREATE TABLE command. INSERT some data into the table. The schema now contains some objects.
table spaces: these are basically
storage definitions. when defining a
table or index, etc., you can specify
storage options simply by putting
your table in a specific table_space
table, index, procedure: these are pretty much the same
user, schema: explained well before
database link: you can join table A in instance A and table B in instance B using a - database link between the two instances (while logged in on of them)
object: has properties (like a columns in a table) and methods that operate on those poperties (pretty much like in OO design); these are not widely used
A few links:
Start page for 11g rel 2 docs http://www.oracle.com/pls/db112/homepage
Database concepts, Table of contents http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e16508/toc.htm
