How to investigate errors in Firebase Remote Config API? - firebase

I see errors for the Firebase Remote Config API in the Google Cloud Console > API/Service Details metrics.
Looking at "Traffic by response code" I see that a specific API key is causing HTTP code 400 responses from the API for the method:
I'm not able to reproduce this issue locally so how can I find out more about these errors in the Google Cloud Console?
What I've checked so far:
The credential that is causing the errors is restricted to the correct package name and SHA-1 hash (hash taken from Google Play Console > App Integrity)
It's apparently not hitting a quota limit from looking at the quote graph
From the client side logs I only see the exception: The client had an error while calling the backend!

This is a standard error message used in the Remote Config SDK for a client error (ex: a connection timeout, SSL issue, etc.). I suggest that you double check your implementation. You could also use the Android network debugger to simulate the network calls, so it could create a handling mechanism to ensure that the actual device has a proper connectivity on doing the fetch.
You may also refer to the Stackoverflow post and the GitHub Link.

Google Developer Support pointed me to a known bug in the Firebase Remote Config library which has been fixed recently. Upgrading the library indeed fixed the issue.


android-security. - Leaked GCP API KEY

We are getting this error message when publishing app update:
Your app contains exposed Google Cloud Platform (GCP) API keys. Please see this Google Help Centre article for details.
I can follow the instructions and restrict the API Key for Android App by entering package name and SHA-1 certificate fingerprint, but my question is will this somehow affect Google Sign In as the app is available to production.
Like for instance any issues through logging in or something ?
Still haven't tried to perform the instructions due to concerns that it might prevent Google Sign In from working

AWS DataStore not working with API Key configuration

Getting this warning Data won't be synchronized. No GraphQL endpoint configured. Did you forget Amplify.configure(awsconfig)? which I assume is the reason my data isn't being synced to the cloud and is only working locally while testing my application.
I have read many of the pasts posts about this issue and have followed all the steps such as configuring the endpoint url in aws-exports.js but nothing I'm finding online is working. Anyone have any success with this issue using API key as the default auth setting?

Get rid of annoying logs by Firebase function "this may be a production service" & "External network resource requested"

When running a Firebase function, my logs are very noisy mostly because of those 2 messages
Be careful, this may be a production service.
⚠ External network resource requested!
I know I am running a production service, and yes I am requesting an external ressource 😅 can I disable them?
Normally using --quiet would silence this message, however because there are so many emulators, the Firebase team couldn't reach a consensus on whether to allow this to be silenced when used with firebase emulators:start (see firebase-tools Issue #2859).
The official stance on this is to set the logs filter to only show "user" logs using the Emulator Suite UI's Logs Viewer and let the regular log feed log everything.

Google Translate API authentication error

I am trying to call the Google Translate API and using the following to authenticate from my local - gcloud auth application-default login.
The command works successfully and I am authenticated but when I try to call the API i get the following error message which indicates that it is being read as an anonymous API call 403 Daily Limit Exceeded
I ran into this issue too this week,
I thought i was well authenticated but when i was running my code which is C# using the google translate API v2 package, it gave me the same 403 code daily limit exceeded,
I fiddled around with the CLI, made several accounts, service accounts API keys and all and it never worked.
this page, (the .NET guide part) says you should be using the google cloud platform plugin they release for visual studio, and login via that, i used it and it worked.
If you look on the bottom left part there are guides for any other language that you might be using. (consider adding that as info it helps me help you).
I would love it if it only worked via CLI but as long as it works i guess it's fine...

Do I need a paid plan for using recaptcha on firebase function?

I created a firebase function for making my website's recaptcha validation, but I'm getting the error that people get when they have the Spark (free) plan and try to send a request to an external api.
This is my error: Firebase functions ENOTFOUND on all http requests
And this is an error when someone else requested an external API: Firebase functions - getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
From Firebase's pricing page:
The Spark plan only allows outbound network requests to Google owned services
Google owned services they say, so this shouldn't be a problem when requesting a recaptcha validation, right?
It it no longer necessary to be on the paid plan to call the reCAPTCHA server API as it was recently whitelisted (as long as you're accessing it via You can read more about that here.
Something in your code is reaching out to, which is not a Google-owned service. So you will indeed need to be on a paid plan for that.
Without seeing the minimal code that reproduces the problem it has hard to say what precisely calls Paypal.
