convert a docx file into pdf file using unoconv. It's taking too long and aborted - docx

convert a docx file into pdf file using unoconv. It's taking too long and aborted
DOCX to pdf conversion command:
unoconv -f pdf -o sample.pdf sample.docx
Download the sammple docx file


How to Save _cache & _files Folders to Specific Directory

I am using RStudio Version 1.2.5033 and R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12).
I creating RMarkdown (.rmd) files for my work then generating either PDF's or HTML files for display.
When I knitr the .rmd file to generate the pdf/html I get 2 additional folders/dir,
If I have 10 .rmd files I get 20 garbage '_cache' and '_files' directories generated. Too Much Junk.
Is there a way to save these folders into a directory of my choosing, i.e. /junk/...????

How to generate standalone exe file from python 3.6 scripts

How to convert .py file into standalone exe file for python3.6, please explain with examples
Please explain it with some examples to make file, so that I can execute any text file called in python script and save the output in csv file by calling the csv file.

Convert xlsx file to csv file in R when xlsx file is present in hdfs

I want to know how can we convert .xlsx file residing in hdfs to .csv file using R script.
I tried using XLConnect and xlsx packages, but its giving me error 'file not found'.I am providing HDFS location as input in the R script using the above packages.I am able to read .csv files from hdfs using R script (read.csv()).
Do I need to install any new packages for reading .xlsx present in hdfs .
sharing the code i used:
d1=readWorksheetFromFile(file='hadoop fs -cat hdfs://............../filename.xlsx', sheet=1)
"Error: FileNotFoundException (Java): File 'filename.xlsx' could not be found - you may specify to automatically create the file if not existing."
I am sure the file is present in the specified location.
Hope my question is clear. Please suggest a method to resolve it.
Thanks in Advance!
hadoop fs isn't a file, but a command that copies a file from HDFS to your local filesystem. Run this command from outside R (or from inside it using system), and then open the spreadsheet.

How to add .bib file to .Rnw file for sweaving in Rstudio

How do I add a .bib file to my .Rnw file that I'm trying to Sweave? I have my .bib file in my working directory which is also where .Rnw file is located. I try the following:
I got no error, the file compiles but theres no bibliography showing

Automatically update PDF as I write .Rnw file with knitr

I'm writing a .Rnw file in TextMate when using knitr to convert this file to a .tex file, then converting the .tex file a PDF. I'm wondering if there are any tools available that will automate this process, ie everytime anything updates in the .Rnw file, the PDF also updates? Using knitr to combine R and LaTeX code is great, but I think the conversion process to PDF takes up a lot of time, especially if changes to the .Rnw file are small but need to be cross-checked in the PDF file everytime they are made.
If you are on Linux use inotifywait for that. Most distributions have the package inotify-tools
Then do something like
while inotifywait -e close_write myfile.Rnw; do; done
while inotifywait -e delete_self myfile.Rnw; do; done
It depends on how your editor actually saves files. Just try and read the man page.
You have to write of course to compile the .Rnw to .pdf - but I guess you know the commands.
