aws sam LambdaLayer deploying for every new build - aws-serverless

I have a Resource in my template.yml:
Type: AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion
ContentUri: layers/my-layer
- python3.8
BuildMethod: makefile
This is my Makefile:
mkdir -p "$(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/python"
cp *.py "$(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/python"
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t "$(ARTIFACTS_DIR)/python"
Every time while I doing sam build and then sam deploy the layer MyLayer deploys to the AWS and new version creating. Even if I do not change the code of the MyLayer module.
How can I disable a layer new version creating in every deploy?

I found a solution which responds to my requirements.
I am create a separated folder with template.yaml which describes a one resource (AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion) only. When I need release a new version I make a build that resource


Cannot connect to azure nuget feed when creating a container

I have been trying to get docker to pull from a private nuget feed which is hosted within Azure Devops, but I consistently get a 401 unauthorized error. I have looked a numerous other answers and resources, but all of which have not helped. My dockerfile script is the following
# escape=`
FROM AS build-env
# Install powershell via dotnet
RUN dotnet tool install --global PowerShell --version 7.0.0
SHELL ["pwsh", "-command"]
# Install credprovider which is required for accessing private artifact repository
RUN Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile installcredprovider.ps1; `
.\installcredprovider.ps1 -AddNetfx; `
del installcredprovider.ps1
# Copy csproj and sln files
COPY ["Abstractions/*.csproj", "./Abstractions/"]
COPY ["AdminServicesPortal/*.csproj", "./AdminServicesPortal/"]
COPY ["DataInterface/*.csproj", "./DataInterface/"]
COPY ["Resources/*.csproj", "./Resources/"]
# Need to copy over docker NuGet packages
COPY "AdminServicesPortal/nuget.config" "AdminServicesPortal/"
# Enable session token cache
"{`"endpointCredentials`": [{`"endpoint`":`"`", `"username`":`"USER`", `"password`":`"PAT`"}]}"
# Restore dependencies before copying everything else over
RUN dotnet restore "AdminServicesPortal/Portal.csproj"
# Copy the rest of the files required for a build
# Note that this is separate, because we should stop building
# the container if we do not have all required dependencies
COPY Abstractions/. ./Abstractions/
COPY AdminServicesPortal/. ./AdminServicesPortal/
COPY DataInterface/. ./DataInterface/
COPY Resources/. ./Resources/
WORKDIR "/src/AdminServicesPortal"
RUN dotnet build "Portal.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build
# Publish application
FROM build-env AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "Portal.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish
# Runtime environment for container
FROM build-env AS final
COPY --from=build /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MPX.AdminServices.Portal.dll"]
The error I get from Visual Studio is the following
2> Failed to restore C:\src\Resources\Resources.csproj (in 2.99 sec).
2>C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.1.404\NuGet.targets(128,5): error : Unable to load the service index for source{ORG}/{PROJECT}/_packaging/{FEED}/nuget/v3/index.json. [C:\src\AdminServicesPortal\Portal.csproj]
2>C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.1.404\NuGet.targets(128,5): error : Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized). [C:\src\AdminServicesPortal\Portal.csproj]
From what I can tell in the link below; my dockerfile script should work
To ensure it wasn't an issue with the PAT of the user not having access, I gave them access to everything across the whole entire organisation. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Note #1: My current suspicion is that there are some additional parameters I might need to pass, since the private nuget feed is for a project rather than the entire organisation?
Note #2: I ran the following PowerShell command ( which worked fine, so I am even more confused to why my dockerfile script does not work.
nuget sources Add -Name "PowershellModules" -Source "<org_name>/_packaging/<feed_name>/nuget/v3/index.json" -username "<user_name>" -password "<personal_access_token(PAT)>"
You can check out below workarounds without using NuGet credential plugin.
1, Use dotnet cli to add credentials to the nuget source in your docker file. And then pass the $PAT in the build arguments (ie. --build-arg PAT=$PAT ):
COPY . .
RUN dotnet nuget add source "your-source-url" --name "source-name" --username "useless" --password "$PAT" --store-password-in-clear-text
RUN dotnet restore
2, You can also try adding the credentials to the config file using the nuget command. And include the nuget.config which has the credentials in the build context. And copy the nuget.config in your docker file . See below:
sources Add -Name "MyPackages" -Source "" -username any -password $PAT -ConfigFile Source/Nuget.config -StorePasswordInClearText
Copy the nuget.config in the docker file, You can delete the nuget.config file when the restore is complete:
COPY *.csproj .
COPY ./nuget.config .
RUN dotnet restore
RUN rm nuget.config
You can refer to my answer to this similar thread that using azure nuget feed in the docker container in Azure pipelines.

I can't start a Symfony project in PhpStorm

After 3 years I start using PhpStorm again, my first think is using Symfony 4.x with PhpStorm. But I can't start any project from Terminal on MacOS Mojave.
I have installed all plugins: Symfony, PHP Annotation, PHP Toolbox
Also I have install Symfony from Terminal also Composer.
When I search with ls in the Terminal Symfony isn't shown there.
In Finder I can see it as hidden file .symfony
trying to go in the director like cd /.symfony also not found also does not work
I think you are speaking about the symfony cli which does not have anything to do with PHPstorm.
Go to and install the symfony cli
curl -sS | bash
The symfony cli should work without any problems after following these steps.
Don't forget to follow the steps written after installing the cli
Add this to your shell configuration file:
export PATH="$HOME/.symfony/bin:$PATH"
Start a new shell, and then run 'symfony'
you have to add that line at the end of your ~/.bashrc file

How to utilize .ebextension while using CodePipeline

I'm using CodePipeline to deploy whatever is on master branch of the git to Elastic Beanstalk.
I followed this tutorial to extend the default nginx configuration (specifically the max-body-size):
However, because I'm not using the standard eb deploy command, I dont think the CodePipeline flow is going into the .ebextension directory and doing the things its supposed to do.
Is there a way to use code pipeline (so i can have CI/CD from master) as well as utilize the benefits of .ebextension?
Does this work if you use the eb deploy command directly? If yes, then I would try using the pipeline execution history to find a recent artifact to download and test with the eb deploy command.
If CodePipeline's Elastic Beanstalk Job Worker does not play well with ebextensions, I would consider it completely useless to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk.
I believe there is some problem with the ebextensions themselves. You can investigate the execution in these log files to see if something is going wrong during deployment:
All the config files under .ebextension will be executed based on the order of precedence while deploying on the Elastic Beanstalk. So, it is doesn't matter whether you are using codepipeline or eb deploy, all the file in ebextension directory will be executed. So, you don't have to worry about that.
Be careful about the platform you're using, since “64bit Amazon Linux 2 v5.0.2" instead of .ebextension you have to use .platform.
Create .platform directory instead of .ebextension
Create the subfolders and the proxy.conf file like in this path .platform/nginx/conf.d/proxy.conf
In proxy.conf write what you need, in case of req body size just client_max_body_size 20M;
I resolved the problem. You need include .ebextension folder in your deploy.
I only copy the dist files, then I need include too:
- .ebextensions/**/*
## Required mapping. Represents the buildspec version. We recommend that you use 0.2.
version: 0.2
## install: install dependencies you may need for your build
nodejs: 12
- echo Installing Nest...
- npm install -g #nestjs/cli
## pre_build: final commands to execute before build
- echo Installing source NPM dependencies...
- npm install
## build: actual build commands
# Build your app
- echo Build started on `date`
- echo Compiling the Node.js code
- npm run build
## Clean up node_modules to keep only production dependencies
# - npm prune --production
## post_build: finishing touches
- echo Build completed on `date`
# Include only the files required for your application to run.
- dist/**/*
- package.json
- node_modules/**/*
- .ebextensions/**/*
Ande the config file /.ebextensions/.node-settings.config:
NodeCommand: "npm run start:prod"

The library '' required to execute the application was not found

During running a dotnet console application I encountered this error. I ran it from a directory that had the .dll and .pdb file copied into it.
What is the cause of this error?
Please check chmod of application folder. When I change folder access mode, problem was resolved. I know it is a little weird but sometimes it can be related to that :)
You have to determine them like that;
sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername /var/www/
sudo setfacl -R -d -m u:yourusername:rwx,g:yourusername:rwx,o::r /var/www/
If you don't have setfacl command please install ACL package via this command;
sudo apt install acl
If this doesn't work, please use this command when publishing your project(in Package Manager Console of Visual Studio);
dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained --runtime linux-x64 -o out
And it will create "out" folder in your solution directory, you can copy its contain to server.
the deps.json and runtimeconfig.json must also be copied into the directory that the .dll is invoked in. Without these files you will encounter this error.
If you're doing post-build copies, make sure to include these files.
I receive this error when I had compiled the dll using the incorrect runtime.
Running a linux-x64 binary on a linux-arm64 system will show this error and vice versa.
If you are running a solution that has multiple projects, check to make sure the correct startup project is set.

How to deploy a Java project using war file on CloudControl

I have my Java project in a Hg repository. How can I use this code or convert to Git repo to be able to deploy on Cloud Control?
Is there an Option for me to use a .war file to Deploy instead of the entire file structure upload and compile? If so, would it matter if the war file was built using Tomcat server or Glass-fish server?
Your help in answering these question will be a valuable information for me. Appreciate your help in advance.
Best Regards.
If you want to keep all mercurial branches, tags and history use fast-export. Otherwise just create git repository from scratch:
git init; git add . ; git commit -am "Initial commit"
Deploying prebuilt war file is not the recommended way. You should push to the repository (via git or cctrlapp) and let cloudControl platform take care of the build process. Anyway you can still use Maven to download the war file. You can find some examples here.
Apart from this you have to provide an embedded jetty or tomcat runner and specify start command in Procfile:
web: java -jar target/dependency/jetty-runner.jar --port $PORT target/YOU_WAR.war
web: java -jar target/dependency/webapp-runner.jar --port $PORT target/YOUR_WAR.war
Keep in mind that war file should be built independently of any application servers.
