Alfresco share repository section not working - alfresco

I installed fresh Alfresco 7.1.1. Everything is working fine except the repository section is not working properly in the share. I am able to create the sites and user but when I go to repository or site document library it shows the following.
I sent a document to the repository and it got created successfully. Even I can access the document using the Admin Console Node browser and see all the folders like company_home.
There are no documents or icons to create a new content. I tried to drag and drop the document but that also did not work.
My tomcat is running on 8081 and I have replaced all the localhost:8080 ports in the share-config-custom.xml with localhost:8081.

It turned out that I did not installed the Alfresco-Share-Services.amp. However it was not showing any warnings in the logs about not having Alfresco-Share-Services.amp installed.
Than you everyone for their time.

This will also occur if you accidentally install the Alfresco-share-services.amp to the share.war. It needs to be installed to the alfresco.war file. The module will show as installed but it will not allow you see the repositories in the screen shot on this question. It took a little while for me to debug my miss-step in installation so trying to save others some time if they make the same mistake.


Unable to copy to Amazon S3 using Full Administrator access and Full S3 access

I had a perfectly working instance of a WP-CLI wordpress plugin to upload files to S3 using the AmazonS3FullAccess policy. I migrated servers, and the copy started failing. "Failed to copy or write".
I even included the Full Administrator access to the IAM policy just to see what's going on when there are no restrictions, and the copy is still failing. Any idea what might be wrong?
Things I have tried: ensure time (via NTPD synchronization) on the new server is correct. Cross check the environment: php version, etc. The application files are exactly the same. I also used the host files method to check the previous server and it is working well.
Solved the problem by creating new access keys. For some reason, it seems that migrating a server will make the old access keys stop working? Ah, well.
P.S. I also downgraded the policies right back, to only what the application needs.

Alfresco Community v.5.1 does not start and loading the index.html forever

For some unexplained reason I can't use alfresco from yesterday.
Let me tell you how happens.
First of all, I didn't change any conf file or something like that.
I started tomcat and postgre services and after that, I tried to load "localhost:8080/share" but it was loading forever.
I tried to check the logs files, but no use, too. There is no error messages, nothing unusual.
After that, I deleted alfresco and share folder inside the "webapps", just in case, but it failed, too.
Finally, I can't stop these services from service manager, cause I am at work and I have no access privilege.
My main concern is that I don't even know the cause of this issue, so I don't even know how to ask for help.
When you don't have permission to delete the folder(share + alfresco) and stopping the services also. Without stopping the services, you can't delete the complete files from alfresco and share folders.
You need to find the problem is in Alfresco share, Alfresco Repo or database or tomcat.
Check Tomcat
Type http://localhost:8080 and make sure Tomcat is running or not.
Check Database
Connect your database service from Service manager, via PgAdmin tool to check the database service is running or not.
Check Repo
http://localhost:8080/alfresco - It should display some basic information about Alfresco Repo otherwise, it is clearly decided the Alfresco Repo itself is failed.
Check Share
http://localhost:8080/share - It should display the login page, if everything works fine.
Check and share, alfresco.log, share.log, solr.log, catalina, tomcatstdout and tomcatstderror logs files. Definitely, some of the error information would have recorded any of these logs files.

Where do I place my own code whilst using Vagrant+Chef+Wordpress (VCCW) repository cloned from GitHub?

I ran across the VCCW project and despite my unfamiliarity with Vagrant and Chef, decided to give a try. I followed their instructions and obtained the VCCW project itself by installing the GitHub Windows program and cloning the VCCW GitHub master repository. I should also mention that I have very little experience with Git.
Anyway, now I have VCCW Wordpress running on my machine, but I've no clue what to do from here. I wanted to set up a better and more formal Wordpress development environment so I could write my plugin and modify a theme, but I don't know where I should do that. I know where the actual Wordpress installation resides on my file system, so I suppose it would be easy to work from there, but I don't know how (if at all) that interplays with the Vagrant workflow - ie, when it comes time to use Vagrant to deploy my site, will my changes to the "www" folder (which was created by vagrant up) be captured? Somehow I doubt this. Just looking for any help as to how all these fancy new tools work with each other and what a humble PHP developer like myself should do to get started.
Edit: One more question: which IDE, if any, can I use in conjunction with this arrangement? Create a new project from existing sources, and let it pollute my deployment folder with project files?
From the Vagrantfile, it looks like you should look in ./www/wordpress after provisioning.
VCCW includes deployment tool WordMove.
You can deploy WordPress into your server from vccw if you set Movefile.
Movefile will be created automatically after provisioning, so you should add your server configuration in Movefile.

Changing Git protocol for RStudio project already under version control in Windows

I love using RStudio for it's built-in integration with version control systems. However with RStudio on Windows is there a way to change the Git protocol from http to ssh or vice versa for a project already under version control without first having to delete and recreate the project?
I might be missing something, but I originally cloned my repo using http which I subsequently found to be a massive pain because every time I want to push project changes to GitHub I have to re-enter my username and password. So I removed the project from version control(Project -> Project Option -> Git/SVN -> Version Control System: none) and then tried to re-add version control hoping to use ssh but it will only allow you to go back to the original protocol you selected when creating the project in the first place.
The only way I have found to change protocol it is to delete the project and then create a new project from GitHub using the correct ssh parameters. I'd really like to be able to change projects version control protocol from http to ssh without deleting and re-cloning first.
Is this possible?
Check out git config and the whole configuration stuff. You can configure several remotes to make the "distributed" aspect of git work.
You can try just copying the whole repository (or just .git/config, keep a copy!) and check what happens with your specific case when you change the configuration. It depends on lots of things that aren't under git's control, like firewall configurations en route, and the configuration on the other end.

How do I download my Appfog app's live file system?

Hello I am a Appfog beginner and I want to ask if I upload picture/plugins/themes via the wordpress admin. Because appfog does not currently support a persistent file system, all the plugins/pictes/themes not in the source code will be lost. Is there anyway to backup the current live system and include these files in the source code that I upload? The download source code button or the "af pull" command will only download the last source code I uploaded not changes that where made for example when I install a plugin.
You can add a helper php script to your app like this:
You can manually download single files using af files <appname> /app/<filename> but this would be painfull for your purposes.
You would be much better served by setting up your Wordpress installation to run locally using Mamp or Xampp. Pull your app as it is from AppFog, host it locally using Mamp, making your file system changes, then pushing those changes to AppFog.
Here are a few reasons why making changes locally then updating AppFog apps is better:
If your running multiple instances of your wordpress app, only one of them will get the installed plugin. Installing the plugin locally and pushing insures all instances get the plugin.
Its much faster to develop and test locally and you can see the results of your changes before impacting your live site.
Your live production site will not go down if your plugin install fails or somehow makes an unintended change. This is also true for Wordpress updates, do them local then push to production.
If your have the changes on your local box you can use version control to track and tag releases before updating production.
blue-green deployments become trivial. Have two production apps, a primary and a slave app. Update your code locally then update the slave and test it then promote it to primary by mapping the domain to it. Then you demote the previous primary to slave by unmapping the domain. The slave is always one update older and you can switch back two it if you discover issue with your primary.
Curating your Wordpress apps this way will allow you to take advantage of power the AppFog platform provides.
I found this script "zipit" even better than the "ls" script Sea Comet provided. This will zip up the entire live app directory and then you download it. This way, you can make changes via the wordpress admin, get it all working the way you want it, then use zipit, unzip the file and push it to your app on appfog and the state is totally saved across restarts.
You can find more info in this blog post over on the old PhpFog blog:
