Woocommerce Order Export CSV Amendment to code - wordpress

and a huge thank you to everyone who looks at this in advance from me..
I had some custom code made many moons ago which allowed us to create a new field in a CSV export file, generated by the Woocommerce CSV order export plugin. The field was based on a few rules to export a column called "tax".
It had much more complicated code setup surrounding procedures with Brexit and how we import tax data into Sage 50.
HOWEVER, I have amended the code but I don't really know PHP well. Essentially, I can see the code is trying to set a variable called "tax_code".
WHAT I NEED, is that if field 'shipping_country' equals "GB", then variable "tax_code" should be set in the export to "T1" OTHERWISE, "tax_code" should be "T0".
A snippet of the code is below and I'm pretty sure, if not hopeful, I don't need loads of code rewritten for me, I just need this amended correctly as and IF ELSE statement.
Is there anyone out there to help - much appreciated.
Regards Craig
$tax_code = "";
if (!in_array($order->shipping_country = "GB")) {
$tax_code = "T1";
else {
$tax_code = "T0";
$order_data['tax'] = $tax_code;

From what I can see the statement is doing the opposite to what you want it to do.
The clause !in_array($order->shipping_country = "GB")) means "not in_array" i.e. evaluates to FALSE. So for GB the else will set the tax_code.
You want to set the parameter $tax_code to T1 if that clause evaluates to TRUE.
If you have been getting the wrong outcome, try removing the exclamation mark so that the clause says in_array($order->shipping_country = "GB")) i.e shipping_country is GB, and you should then see the $tax_code parameter set to T1 as you expect.


Sage TypeError positive characteristics not allowed in symbolic computations

I am new to sage and have got a code (link to code) which should run.
I am still getting an error message in the decoding part. The error trace looks like this:
in decode(y)
--> sigma[i+1+1] = sigma[i+1]*(z)\
in sage.structure.element.Element.__mul__
--> return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mul)
in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel_cache_maps.bin_op
--> action = self.get_action(xp,yp,op,x,y)
...... some more traces (don't actually know if they are important)
TypeError: positive characteristics not allowed in symbolic computations
Does anybody know if there is something wrong in this code snipped? Due to previous errors, I changed the following to get to where I am at the moment:
.coeffs() changed to .coefficients(sparse=False) due to a warning message.
in the code line sigma[i+1+1] = sigma[i+1](z)\
-(delta[i+1]/delta[mu+1])*z^(i-mu)*sigma[mu+1](z); where the error occurs, i needed to insert * eg. sigma[i+1]*(z)
I would be grateful for any guess what could be wrong!
Your issue is that you are multiplying things not of characteristic zero (like elements related to Phi.<x> = GF(2^m)) with elements of symbolic computation like z which you have explicitly defined as a symbolic variable
Phi.<x> = GF(2^m)
PR = PolynomialRing(Phi,'z')
z = var('z')
Basically, the z you get from PR is not the same one as from var('z'). I recommend naming it something else. You should be able to access this with PR.gen() or maybe PR(z).
I'd be able to be more detailed, but I encourage you next time to paste a fully (non-)working example; trying to slog through a big worksheet is not the easiest thing to track all this down. Finally, good luck, hope Sage ends up being useful for you!

Use input variable in assert or specify the data to assert

I have a unit test for a function that adds data (untransformed) to the database. The data to insert is given to the create function.
Do I use the input data in my asserts or is it better to specify the data that I’m asserting?
For eample:
$personRequest = [
$id = savePerson($personRequest);
$personFromDb = getPersonById($id);
$this->assertEquals($personRequest['name'], $personFromDb['name']);
$this->assertEquals($personRequest['age'], $personFromDb['age']);
$id = savePerson([
$personFromDb = getPersonById($id);
$this->assertEquals('John', $personFromDb['name']);
$this->assertEquals(21, $personFromDb['age']);
I think 1st option is better. Your input data may change in future and if you go by 2nd option, you will have to change assertion data everytime.
2nd option is useful, when your output is going to be same irrespective of your input data.
I got an answer from Adam Wathan by e-mail. (i took his test driven laravel course and noticed he uses the 'specify' option)
I think it's just personal preference, I like to be able to visually
skim and see "ok this specific string appears here in the output and
here in the input", vs. trying to avoid duplication by storing things
in variables." Nothing wrong with either approach in my opinion!
So i can't choose a correct answer.

Meteor - Passing a jade helper into a helper function

I'm trying to populate a list with a dataset and set the selected option with a helper function that compares the current data with another object's data (the 2 objects are linked)
I made the same type of list population with static variables:
option(value='Newly Acquired' selected='{{isCurrentState "Newly Acquired"}}') Newly Acquired
option(value='Currently In Use' selected='{{isCurrentState "Currently In Use"}}') Currently In Use
option(value='Not In Use' selected='{{isCurrentState "Not In Use"}}') Not In Use
option(value='In Storage' selected='{{isCurrentState "In Storage"}}') In Storage
"isCurrentState" : (state) ->
return #status == state
This uses a helper isCurrentState to match a given parameter to the same object that my other code is linked to so I know that part works
The code I'm trying to get to work is :
each locations
option(value='#{siteName}' selected='{{isCurrentLocation {{siteName}} }}') #{siteName}
"isCurrentLocation": (location) ->
return #locate == location
All the other parts are functioning 100%, but the selected part is not
I've also tried changing the way I entered the selected='' part in a manner of ways such as:
selected='{{isCurrentLocation "#{siteName}" }}'
selected='{{isCurrentLocation "#{siteName} }}'
selected='{{isCurrentLocation {{siteName}} }}'
selected='#{isCurrentLocation "{{siteName}}" }'
selected='#{isCurrentLocation {{siteName}} }'
selected='#{isCurrentLocation #{siteName} }'
Is what I'm trying to do even possible?
Is there a better way of achieving this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks #david-weldon for the quick reply, i've tried this out a bit and realised that I wasn't exactly clear in what I was trying to accomplish in my question.
I have a template "update_building" created with a parameter( a buidling object) with a number of attributes, one of which is "locate".
Locations is another object with a number of attributes as well, one of which is "siteName". One of the siteName == locate and thus i need to pass in the siteName from locations to match it to the current building's locate attribute
Though it doesn't work in the context I want to use it definitely pointed me in a direction I didn't think of. I am looking into moving the parent template(The building) date context as a parameter into the locations template and using it from within the locations template. This is easily fixable in normal HTML spacebars with:
{{>locations parentDataContext/variable}}
Something like that in jade would easily solve this
Short answer
selected='{{isCurrentLocation siteName}}'
Long answer
You don't really need to pass the current location because the helper should know it's own context. Here's a simple (tested) example:
each locations
option(value=this selected=isCurrentLocation) #{this}
'Newly Acquired'
'Currently In Use'
'Not In Use'
'In Storage'
locations: LOCATIONS
isCurrentLocation: ->
#toString() is Template.instance().location.get()
Template.myTemplate.onCreated ->
#location = new ReactiveVar LOCATIONS[1]
I looked into the datacontexts some more and ended up making the options that populate the select into a different template and giving that template a helper, accessing the template's parent's data context and using that to determine which location the building had saved in it so that I could set that option to selected
option(value='#{siteName}' selected='{{isSelected}}') #{siteName}
Coffeescript -
'isSelected': ->
parent = Template.parentData(1)
buildSite = parent.locate
return #siteName == buildSite
Thanks #david-weldon, Your answer helped me immensely to head in the right direction

PHPExcel - Value from a Cell referencing to another Cell Did Not Obtained Properly

I'm having this problem when I tried to extract information from excel files. Here's my situation, I have 34 Excel files which I received from my various users.
I'm using PHP version 5 to extract from the Excel files. My script will loop for every files, and looping again according to sheet name, and lastly looping again according to cell addresses.
The problem arised when the users had entered into a cell for e.g. =+A1 which means the users referencing the cell value to another cell due to it has the same value with cell A1.
When I checked in mysql (as I saved those for future use) I found from the record for a particular cell is identical with another record obtained from the same cell but in different excel file. What I meant is that, as my php script will loop from one file to another file, the first time PHPExcel read for e.g cell C3 which has some value USD3,000.00 the next files the PHPExcel may go to the same cell C3 but this time the C3 cell contain a formula that referencing to cell A1 ("=+A1" formula)which has value USD5,000.00.
PHP script suppose to record in mysql for USD5,000.00 but it didn't. I suspect that the PHPExcel script did not clear the variable at first round. I've tried unset($objPHPExcel) and destroy the variable but it still happening.
My coding is simple as follows:
$inputFileType = PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($inputFileName);
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType);
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($inputFileName);
//to obtain date from FILE and store in DB for future comparison
$validating_date_reporting = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0)->getCell('C10')->getValue();
$validating_date_reporting = PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString($validating_date_reporting,"YYYY-MMM-DD");
$validating_date_reporting = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($validating_date_reporting));
//first entry
$entry = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `'.$table.'`(`broker_code`, `date`, `date_from_submission`) VALUES("'.$broker_code.'","'.$reporting_date.'","'.$reporting_date.'")') or die(mysql_error());
foreach($cells_array as $caRef=>$sName)
foreach($sName as $sNameRef=>$cells)
$wksht_page = array_search($caRef, $sheetNameArray);
$cell_column = $wksht_page.'_'.$cells;
echo $inputFileName.' '.$caRef.' '.$cell_column.'<br>';
$value = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndexByName($caRef)->getCell($cells)->getCalculatedValue();
echo $value.'<br>';
$record = mysql_query('UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET `'.$cell_column.'` = "'.$value.'" WHERE broker_code = "'.$broker_code.'" AND date_from_submission = "'.$validating_date_reporting.'"') or die(mysql_error());
I really hope that you can help me out here..
thank you in advance.
PHPExcel holds a calculation cache as well, and this is not cleared when you unset a workbook: it has to be cleared manually using:
You can also disable calculation caching completely (although this may slow things down if you have a lot of formulae that reference cells containing other formulae) using:
before you start processing your files
This is because currently PHPExcel uses a singleton for the calculation engine. It is in the roadmap to switch to using a multiton pattern later this year, which will effectively maintain a separate cache for each workbook, alleviating this problem.
Note that simply unsetting $objPHPExcel does not work. You need to detach the worksheets before unsetting $objPHPExcel.
as described in section 4.3 of the Developer Documentation. And this is the point where you should also add the PHPExcel_Calculation::flushInstance();

Lua: Doing arithmetic in for k,v in pairs(tbl) loops

I have a table such as the following:
There are more nested tables, but I'm just trying to keep it simple for now.
I run the following code to extract certain values (I'm making an ordered list based on those values):
for k,v in pairs(mafiadb) do
That's one of the codes I run. The problem I'm running into is that it doesn't appear you can do arithmetic in a table loop. I tried:
for k,v in pairs(mafiadb) do
It returns that I'm attempting to do arithmetic on field "alive." What am I missing here? As usual, I appreciate any consideration in answering this question!
Instead of commenting on the comment, I'm going to add additional information here.
The mafiadb database I've posted IS the real database. It's just stripped down to two players instead of the current 150+ players I have listed in it. It's simply structured as such:
mafiadb = {
Playername = {
alive = 0
mafia = 0
vigilante = 0
doctor = 0
police = 0
citizen = 0
Add a few hundred more playernames, and there you have it.
As for the error message, the exact message is:
attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'alive' (nil value)
So... I'm not sure what the problem is. In my first code, the one with sortmaf, it works perfectly, but suddenly, it can't find v["alive"] as a value when I'm trying to do arithmetic? If I just put v["alive"] by itself, it's suddenly found and isn't nil any longer. I hope this clarifies a bit more.
This looks like a simple typo to me.
Some of your 150 characters is not well written - probably they don't have an "alive" property, or it's written incorrectly, or it's not a number. Try this:
for k,v in pairs(mafiadb) do
if type(v.alive) ~= 'number' then
print(k, "doesn't have a correct alive property")
This should print the names of the "bad" characters.
