unable to edit css style for tweet button - css

I am working on styling a Tweet button by modifying the CSS class using font-awesome without success. here is the HTML code taken from Twitter:
Tweet<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>.
The issue originates from the widgets.js, whenever it loads, whatever I do it will change the style to the classic one, and in case removing or bypassing "twitter-share-button" class, the button won't work anymore.
any suggestion on how to use a specific style on tweet button?

to be honest, I did find a solution, although not the way I liked...
I did some modifications to the code to become as follows:
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
txt = "websitename"; $ttr = urlencode("$titleforarticle") . "\n"; $lk = urlencode("$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]") . "\n";
you may use JS instead of PHP.
better solutions are always welcome!


Owl Carousel not inline

I cannot seem to get owl carousel to work in drupal 7. I thought it might be a conflict with Chaos tools but now I'm not sure. I had zero issues with it functioning as expected in Drupal 8 but my client needs it in Drupal 7.
I've tried it as a Block and as a Page. Currently, it stacks the content vertically instead of 3 inline as I hoped.
Here is the working Drupal 8 link to show what I'd like to achieve:
Here is the Drupal 7 version not working:
How can I get these inline?
forgot to mention that in the parent div it appends a class="owl-carousel-page_12"
in dev tools if I remove -page_12, the carousel renders inline.
I can't seem to find how to prevent this class from being added. I also tried to write css for class="owl-carousel-page_12" to match css for "owl-carousel" without success.
<script src="https://bryanbowers.me/seven/sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery/1.10/jquery.min.js?v=1.10.2"></script>
<script src="https://bryanbowers.me/seven/misc/jquery-extend-3.4.0.js?v=1.10.2"></script>
<script src="https://bryanbowers.me/seven/misc/jquery.once.js?v=1.2"></script>
<script src="https://bryanbowers.me/seven/misc/drupal.js?pvwisq"></script>
<script src="https://bryanbowers.me/seven/sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/ui/ui/minified/jquery.ui.core.min.js?v=1.10.2"></script>
<script src="https://bryanbowers.me/seven/sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/misc/1.9/jquery.ba-bbq.min.js?v=1.2.1"></script>
<script src="https://bryanbowers.me/seven/sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/misc/1.9/overlay-parent.js?v=1.0"></script>
<script src="https://bryanbowers.me/seven/modules/contextual/contextual.js?v=1.0"></script>
<script src="https://bryanbowers.me/seven/sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/ui/external/jquery.cookie.js?v=67fb34f6a866c40d0570"></script>
I've tried a number of jquery and js scripts in footer to replace class but I'm getting things incorrect or it won't override. Wish I could prevent it from writing the custom class altogether.
/// tried and no
/// tried and no
//// tried and no
$(div.owl-carousel-block2).attr('owl-carousel-block2', 'owl-carousel');
/// tried and no
(function ($) {
$.fn.replaceClass = function (owl-carousel-block2, owl-carousel) {
return this.removeClass(owl-carousel-block2).addClass(owl-carousel);
//// tried and no
var el = $('.owl-carousel-block2');
//// tried and no
jQuery.fn.replaceClass = function(sSearch, sReplace) {
return this.each(function() {
var s = (' ' + this.owl-carousel-block2 + ' ').replace(
' ' + sSearch.trim() + ' ',
' ' + sReplace.trim() + ' '
this.owl-carousel = s.substr(1, s.length - 2);
Issue 1. (the JS)
You have linked to a page that loads via HTTPS, but you are loading your google fonts over HTTP resulting in an error which breaks the JS.
specifically "http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,300,700,500"
Either load your page via HTTP or load your fonts via HTTPS
Doing the above will get the owl carousel JS working (but it still wont look right).
Issue 2. (the CSS)
The owl carousel CSS is loaded but not applied.
As you said, this seems to be because the owl carousel block does not have the "owl-carousel" class.
You can check this by simply adding that class to the block in dev tools.
There seems to be an issue about this HERE which mentions a conflict with ctools page manager, though it seems to relate to version 7.x-2.0-alpha0, but you don't seem to be using that module (judging from the module README.txt which your site serves). Are you using ctools page manager?
If you are using version 7.x-1.6 I can only speculate why the "owl-carousel" class is not being output for you but seems to work for so many other people.
A work around would be to either run the JS you have already tried to alter the class (but do it with issue 1 fixed), make use us a preprocess function to add the class, or maybe even just adding the class via the views interface (as it seems to be output from a view).

2sxc: Adding more content templates in the same page does replicate link tags for css and js

I'm new to dnn and 2sxc.
Just wondering if I'm adding for example a card template (image,some text, a link), adding in the html template link tag to css/js, when adding that content more times in the page obviously the link tags are replicate in page source and it isn't so nice.
For example:
<script src="[App:Path]/script.js" type="text/javascript" data-enableoptimizations="100"></script>
it is going to be replicate in page.
Maybe I'm missing something, there is a better way to do it?
Thanks you :)
If you tried it, you should see that it will only be included once, IF you have the data-enableoptimizations included :)
So allready taken care of
Maybe i found the issue...
When I edit a template, selecting Html snippets in the combo to the right, then click on css, style-sheet it is writing a demo link tag, but it is not adding the type (type="text/css"), without it seems not work..
Maybe it could be fixed in a next release :)

Open a link in a new window in reStructuredText

I want to open a link in a new window using reStucturedText. Is this possible?
This opens link in the same window:
You can `check your location here. <http://geoiptool.com>`_
To open a page in a new window or tag you can add the attribute target="_blank" to your hyperlink although I'm not sure how you can add attributes to inline hyperlinks in reStructuredText. However, from the Docutils FAQ, is nested inline markup possible, you can use the raw directive to include raw HTML into your document, for example
You can |location_link|.
.. |location_link| raw:: html
check your location here
Update to address comments
I've had the question "why does reStructuredText not have [insert some awesome feature]".
In this case, "why does reStructuredText not have a way to specify how links are opened" — I think reStructuredText doesn't have an easy way of doing this since the behaviour of how clicking a link works isn't really it's responsibility. reStructuredText transforms markup — how that markup is ultimately displayed is not up to reStructuredText, but whatever browser or viewer the user chooses to use.
In the case of opening a link in a web browser, good useability practice dictates that you should not force a user to open a link in a new tab (which is what adding target="_blank" is doing). Rather, you should leave the choice of how to open the link up to the user. If a user wants to open a link in a new tab, then they can use their middle mouse button (or whatever their favourite shortcut key is).
So I think that it is perfectly acceptable that reStructureText does not have an easy target="_blank" feature. The fact that it is possible is nice for people who really want to do this is good, and the fact that it is a bit of pain to do so is good for discouraging this practice.
If you don't want to modify the theme, you can do what Ivonet did but with a custom.js file in the _static/js folder, then adding it to the conf.py like this:
html_js_files = [
Leave out the html tags in _static/js/custom.js if you do this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a[href^="http://"], a[href^="https://"]').not('a[class*=internal]').attr('target', '_blank');
This will also work if you'd like a shorter version.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a.external').attr('target', '_blank');
I agree completely with the accepted answer, especially with the part where reStructuredText is not responsible for how a link behaves.
I still want it though so it should be solved in the theme. As I want all my external links to open in a new tab it becomes very cumbersome to do it as described above.
In my case I use a third party theme (sphinx_rtd_theme) and I put the following script near the end of the layout.html:
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Adds target=_blank to external links -->
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a[href^="http://"], a[href^="https://"]').not('a[class*=internal]').attr('target', '_blank');
It seems to do the job just fine.
Hope it helps.
I recommend that you should use JavaScript to set target="_blank" for each external links.
See https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/1634

How to add code area css style to HTML

I am trying to create a blog in wordpress. Since I might need to add some code blocks to my posts, I was wondering if there is any CSS style to represent code block.
A very simple example would be stackoverflow code tag (shown below)
<script type="text/javascript">
alert('this is example of what i need to do ') ;
Since you are using wordpress, there are plugins to do that. Just by looking at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tags/syntax-highlighting there seems to be quite a few to choose from.

ckeditor load html code in the editor asp.net

I am trying to load html file in CKEditor in asp.net but for some reason I don't know how to put the html code from the code behind file.
CKEditor1.FilebrowserBrowseUrl = url;
CKEditor1.BasePath = url;
CKEditor1.Text = content;
none of that helped
Any advice? Thanks in advance, Laziale
I'm not sure which version you are using, but let's suppose that it's 3.x. I was playing around with the control and didn't find any possible way of doing this from code behind. However, I managed to make it work like this:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "fckInitialization", #"
window.onload = function () {
var oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances['" + txtPost.ClientID + #"'];
oEditor.insertHtml('<strong>This is a bold text.</strong>');
", true);
I tried it in IE 8 and the last version of Mozilla (I think it was 9) and it worked. I also tried the same thing, but instead of window.onload I used the jQuery $(document).ready() and it worked only in IE. The reason is that you have to wait for everything to load in order to use the functions from the CKEditor API. I played with Firebug and the insertHTML worked.
If you are using 2.x, you can see somewhere in Google the same approach, but with a different API. I just can't find the link right now.
Another problem will be here, as you may figure out, that if you want to initialize a long text, you will have to write everything in a script, which is not really nice.
Maybe a possible solution for you will be to convert the HTML to BBCode first and then just set the Text property. This, of course, depends on the way you use the control, because BBCode does not contain all possible tags, but you can always modify the bbcode plugin of CKEditor to meet your needs. And I tested it and it works.
PS. Probably you can do it with the JavaScript method and an AJAX call.
Hope this helps!
Assuming ckeditor is being initialized from a textarea field, you can simply populate the body of the textarea.
