MSTest - Integration tests - use value of another test - integration-testing

I know that unit tests should run isolated and should never depend on other unit tests.
However, I also write some integration tests with MSTest and sometimes they produce a result that I would like to reuse in another test.
For example:
Creating a user
Searching this user from the database
Deleting the user
Each of those points would be an integration test for me, so I would like to write methods that look like this:
User _myNewUser;
public void CreateAUserTest()
//User gets created here somehow....
_myNewUser = successfullyCreatedUser;
And this test should run after the preceeding test:
User _myNewUser;
public void SearchingUserTest()
var user = searchUser(_newUser.GetName());
//Assert that user is not null
You can see that I use the value of the first test in the second test.
With a playlist I could make sure that both tests run in the correct order.
However, in VS 2022 each test gets executed in isolation, so what I am trying to do does not work.
_newUser is always null if I run the second test, even if the first test was a success.
Is my idea bad in general?
If not: How can I use the produced data of a test in another test?

I usually extract the contents of a test like that into a separate staging function that does not contain the [TestMethod] attribute, so that I can reuse it to stage other tests.
private void Stage_CreateAUser()
//do work from CreateAUserTest()
public void CreateAUserTest()
private void Stage_SearchingUser()
//do work from CreateAUserTest()
public void SearchingUserTest()


How to Write a Mockito+Junit test case for a method which reads the properties from properties file

I have to write a Mockito+Junit test for a method and that method reads the data from a properties file. When I am trying to execute my test case the properties file is loading but it is returning null. Following is my code:
public class ReadProp {
private String name;
private String rollNo;
public void getDetails(){
The test case is as follows
public class ReadPropTest {
private ReadProp readProp;
private String name;
private String rollNo;
public void readValues() {
Let's start at the beginning... Your test has many problems, the first being that you don't actually have anything to test...
private ReadProp readProp;
This, together with #RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) makes your readProp object a mock object. A mock object contains no logic. It has nothing to do with your original ReadProp class except the method names, etc. But the method themselves don't actually DO anything (unless you tell them to).
So, first problem: You are not test YOUR RealProp class, but a mock object, which doesn't help. You are creating something that only looks like a RealProp object and then you test that, but of course, that doesn't tell you anything. Mocks are there to help you simplify dependencies, etc. in your test - but it makes no sense to actually test the mock.
So, don't. Instead, make a real RealProp.
Another problem is, that System.out is not very good to test, but I assume that's just temporary code, so let's ignore that for a moment...
The next question is, what do you want to test. There are two possibilities:
a) You want to test that, under the assumption that the fields name and rollNo were filled correctly by whatever dependency injection framework (spring, in this case) you are using, the method getDetails will use them correctly.
b) You want to test that the injection of the values works and also the method getDetails uses that values.
These are two different tests. a) would be a true unit test, since it's limited to this "unit". b) would be more complex, since it doesn't just look at this unit, but also at the Spring environment around it. I would not go so far to call it an integration test, but it's more than a simple unit test.
Personally, I try to avoid the Spring environment in my unit tests as far as possible and concentrate on my own code, testing the Spring integration later in real integration tests, but that's as much personal preference as anything else.
Let's start with a)...
public class ReadPropTest {
private ReadProp readProp = new ReadProp();
public void init() {
Whitebox.setInternalState(readProp, "name", "someName");
Whitebox.setInternalState(readProp, "rollNo", "someRollNo");
public void myTest() {
Of course, you can also use Spring's ReflectionTestUtils instead of Mockito's Whitebox, doesn't matter.
And for b), you could try something like this. Of course you migth have to play around with the Configuration a bit, as it depends on your setup.
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:applicationContext-spring.xml" })
public class ReadPropTest {
private ReadProp readProp;

phpunit custom teardown specific to my test

I have some setup specific to my test in a class. Since it is specific to my test, I have added to it to the top of my test function. The cleanup is added to the end of the test function. The problem when the test fails and the cleanup does not gets executed. Is there a PHPUnit way to specify a custom teardown specific to my test function. I looked at the PHPUnit manual which specifies teardownAfterClass and tearDown, but both does not solve my problem. The function teardownAfterClass will run only once at the end of the class. The function teardown runs after each test, but I do not want to do any cleanup if my specific test function was not executed.
What is the PHPUnit way of creating custom teardown function for my test?
Here is the code which I use to make sure that the cleanup specific to the test always happen, but it is ugly as it needs to put the actual test in a separate function and needs try/catch block. Is there is a PHPUnit specific way to handle it? Something like dataProvider specific to function will be great, which always gets executed after the test irrespective of failure or success.
class testClass {
public function test1() {
try {
// actual test without cleanup
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function test2() {
// some code which does not need any setup or cleanup
private function _test1() {
// some test code
Implement intelligent tearDown (it's closer to PHPUnit's approach to running tests)
You can check for the specific test name inside tearDown method to alternate its behaviour accordingly. Getting test name can be done via $this->getName() in the test class.
Try something like:
public function test1() { ... }
public function test2() { ... }
public function tearDown()
if ($this->getName() === 'test1')
// Do clean up specific to test1
I have tried this, it worked for me after my test.
public function tearDown()

The next xUnit test starts to run before previous cleanup in IClassFixture

Using "xunit": "2.2.0-beta4-build3444" with ASP.NET Core I have two integration tests that interact with the same database table and seed some data using IClassFixture:
// FooTestData inserts two rows in TableA
// In FooTestData.Dispose() the rows are deleted
public class FooTest : IClassFixture<FooTestData>
public void Test()
var result = GetAllRowsFromTableA()
// Assert that result.Count == 2
// BarTestData inserts one row in TableA
// In BarTestData.Dispose() the row is deleted
public class BarTest: IClassFixture<BarTestData>
public void Test()
// Do something
FooTest.Test fails because it starts before BarTestData.Dispose() is called. The amount of rows in the database is 3 if I run all tests at once (not in parallell). How do I fix that ?
UPDATE It seems like the tests are run in parallell even if I tell them not to (Not selecting "Run in parallell" in Visual Studio)
By default xunit > 2.0 runs two tests in paralell regardless of what I tell Visual Studio to do.

Verify method calls on items in a collection with Moq

My problem is NOT trying to simply verify whether a method was called or not. Instead, I have a method that works on a collection of objects and I want to verify that a method on all of the collection items is being called.
Use the example of a plug-in model where I have a plug-in manager that contains a collection of plug-in objects. Each plug-in subclasses the PlugIn abstract base class which exposes an abstract Initialize method. In my test I want to make sure that Initialize is called on every plug-in regardless of whether one of them throws an exception (just part of a larger test suite).
My initial approach was to create a collection of mocked plug-ins, then configure the class under test (PlugInManager) to use the mocked objects. I then perform the test by calling PlugInManager.DoWork() which should iterate through the collection, calling DoWork() on each item.
The full test codes is as follows:
public void MyTest()
var testParameter = new Something();
var mockPlugIns = new Collection<Mock<PlugIn>>()
new Mock<PlugIn>(),
new Mock<PlugIn>(),
new Mock<PlugIn>()
var plugIns = new Collection<PlugIn>();
foreach (var plugIn in mockPlugIns)
var testManager = new PlugInManager()
PlugIns = plugIns
// ACT
foreach (var mockPlugIn in mockPlugIns)
mockPlugIn.Verify(plugin => plugin.DoWork(testParameter), Times.Once());
// Also tried using It.IsAny<Something>()
public abstract class PlugIn
abstract void DoWork(Something something);
public sealed class PlugInManager
public IEnumerable<PlugIn> PlugIns { get; set; }
public void DoWork(Something something)
foreach (var plugIn in PlugIns)
Unfortunately, Verify fails for every item.
I've stepped through the code and see that it actually is working correctly and the Initialize method is being called on every item. When, then, is Verify failing???
I've updated the post to show the entire test method in one block. I've also changed the method to require a parameter as is the case in my real code (now).
The error I receive when running the test is:
Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: plugin => plugin.DoWork(It.IsAny<Something>())
No setups configured.
No invocations performed.
As mentioned, when I step through the unit test I see that each of the plugins are actually being called. For some reason, however, Moq doesn't seem to be registering it or recognizing it.
After playing with the test code more, I discovered that I could make the test pass with a simple change. The test passes if I replace the foreach loop in the middle of the method with the following:
I don't see how this is making a difference and would ultimately like to make the number of items dynamic so the tests aren't always testing the case when there are three, so using the foreach is really what I need.
Any ideas?
This is actually not true and upon further testing this morning, I find that everything is working fine with the original foreach loop. I have no idea what changed but I tried many different variations late last night and while the code I have this morning looks just like what is posted, for whatever reason, the test is now passing!?!?!?!?
This worked for me in LINQPad with Moq 4. The only thing I changed was adding the parentheses on Times.Once().
void Main()
var MockPlugIns = new Collection<Mock<PlugIn>>()
new Mock<PlugIn>(),
new Mock<PlugIn>(),
new Mock<PlugIn>()
var plugIns = new Collection<PlugIn>();
foreach (var mockPlugIn in MockPlugIns)
var testManager = new PlugInManager()
PlugIns = plugIns
foreach (var mockPlugIn in MockPlugIns)
mockPlugIn.Verify(plugin => plugin.Initialize(), Times.Once());
public abstract class PlugIn
public abstract void Initialize();
public class PlugInManager
public void Initialize()
foreach (var plugIn in PlugIns)
public Collection<PlugIn> PlugIns { get; set; }
I ran your updated test code, and it passed given the following implementation:
public class PlugInManager
public void DoWork(Something s)
foreach (var plugIn in PlugIns)
public Collection<PlugIn> PlugIns { get; set; }
It passed with or without the It.IsAny change you mentioned. One initial thought was that you might not have been passing the same instance of Something to the plug-ins, but It.IsAny would have resolved that.
In short, it appears that you are doing everything right in the tests. Perhaps the issue is in the actual implementation.
Please post your implementation of PlugInManager.DoWork and the exact error message you get when the test fails. Also, what version of Moq are you using?
I cut-and-pasted your code and tried it. I had to make one change: abstract void DoWork on abstract class PlugIn needs to be public. After making that change it compiles and the test passes. If I comment out the "ACT" portion of your test, it fails with the error message you saw (as I would expect).
Something is different in your project or environment. I'm running .NET 4 (not Mono) under Windows 64 with Moq 4.0. Everything you have posted is correct. I would suggest confirming that you're running the latest binary of Moq, checking your project references, and trying some very simple verification tests to insure that Moq is working.

Nunit and web applications

I begin studying Unit testing with "(NUnit)". I know that this type of testing is used to test "classes" , "functions" and the "interaction between those functions".
In my case I develop " web applications".
How can i use this testing to test my
pages(as it is considered as a class
and the methods used in)and in which sequence?, i have three layers:
Interface layer(the .cs of each page).
Data access layer(class for each entity)(DAL).
Database layer (which contains connection to the database,open connection,close connection,....etc).
Business layer(sometimes to make calculation or some separate logic).
How to test the methods that make connection to the database?
How to make sure that my testing not a waste of time?.
There are unit and integration tests. Unit testing is testing single components/classes/methods/functions and interaction between them but with only one real object (system under test-SUT) and test doubles. Test doubles can be divided to stubs and mocks. Stubs provide prepared test data to SUT. That way you isolate SUT from the environment. So You don't have to hit database, web or wcf services and so on and you have same input data every time. Mocks are used to verify that SUT works as expected. SUT calls methods on mock object not even knowing it is not real object. Then You verify that SUT works by asserting on mock object. You can write stubs and mocks by hand or use one of many mocking frameworks. One of which is
If You want to test interaction w/database that's integration testing and generally is a lot harder. For integration testing You have to setup external resources in well known state.
Let's take your layers:
You won't be able to unit test it. Page is to tightly coupled to ASP.NET runtime. You should try to not have much code in code behind. Just call some objects from your code behind and test those objects. You can look at MVC design patters. If You must test Your page You should look at It automates Your internet browser, clicks buttons on page and verifies that page displays expected result's.
This is integration testing. You put data in database, then read it back and compare results. After test or before test You have to bring test database to well known state so that tests are repeatable. My advice is to setup database before test runs rather then after test runs. That way You will be able to check what's in database after test fails.
I don't really know how that differs from that in point no. 2.
And this is unit testing. Create object in test, call it's methods and verify results.
How to test methods that make connections to the database is addresed in point 2.
How to not waste time? That will come with experience. I don't have general advice other then don't test properties that don't have any logic in it.
For great info about unit testing look here:
SUT, CUT - System or Class under test. That's what You test.
Test doubles - comes from stunt doubles. They do dangerous scenes in movies so that real actors don't have to. Same here. Test doubles replace real objects in tests so that You can isolate SUT/CUT in tests from environment.
Let's look at this class
public class NotTestableParty
public bool ShouldStartPreparing()
if (DateTime.Now.Date == new DateTime(2011, 12, 31))
Console.WriteLine("Prepare for party!");
return true;
Console.WriteLine("Party is not today");
return false;
How will You test that this class does what it should on New Years Eve? You have to do it on New Years Eve :)
Now look at modified Party class
Example of stub:
public class Party
private IClock clock;
public Party(IClock clock)
this.clock = clock;
public bool ShouldStartPreparing()
if (clock.IsNewYearsEve())
Console.WriteLine("Prepare for party!");
return true;
Console.WriteLine("Party is not today");
return false;
public interface IClock
bool IsNewYearsEve();
public class AlwaysNewYearsEveClock : IClock
public bool IsNewYearsEve()
return true;
Now in test You can pass the fake clock to Party class
var party = new Party(new AlwaysNewYearsEveClock());
Assert.That(party.ShouldStartPreparing(), Is.True);
And now You know if Your Party class works on New Years Eve. AlwaysNewYearsEveClock is a stub.
Now look at this class:
public class UntestableCalculator
private Logger log = new Logger();
public decimal Divide(decimal x, decimal y)
if (y == 0m)
log.Log("Don't divide by 0");
return x / y;
public class Logger
public void Log(string message)
// .. do some logging
How will You test that Your class logs message. Depending on where You log it You have to check the file or database or some other place. That wouldn't be unit test but integration test. In order to unit test You do this.
public class TestableCalculator
private ILogger log;
public TestableCalculator(ILogger logger)
log = logger;
public decimal Divide(decimal x, decimal y)
if (y == 0m)
log.Log("Don't divide by 0");
return x / y;
public interface ILogger
void Log(string message);
public class FakeLogger : ILogger
public string LastLoggedMessage;
public void Log(string message)
LastLoggedMessage = message;
And in test You can
var logger = new FakeLogger();
var calculator = new TestableCalculator(logger);
calculator.Divide(10, 0);
catch (DivideByZeroException ex)
Assert.That(logger.LastLoggedMessage, Is.EqualTo("Don't divide by 0"));
Here You assert on fake logger. Fake logger is mock object.
