Return field with matching ids to gallery - collections

Basically, I want to iterate through a column in a collection and if the current value equals an ID from another collection simply return it.
ForAll(availableCustomers, LookUp(customer, customerID = custID))
This code used to work fine with my old sources, however after making some necessary changes it seems to only return blank records. Weird thing is power apps is even returning the correct amount of records, the are just unfortunately blank.
collection I am iterating
collection I am filtering

You can try something like, replacing it with your own column and data names:
Filter(availableCustomers, customerID in theOtherCollection.CustomerID)
Let me know how it works for you.


modify field value in a crossfilter after insertion

I need to modify a field value for all records in a crossfilter before inserting new records.
The API doesn't say anything about it. Is there a way to do that ?
Even if it's a hack that would be really useful to me.
Looking at the code, the data array is held as a private local variable inside the crossfilter function so there's no way to get at it directly.
With that said, it looks like Crossfilter really tries to minimize the number of copies of the data it makes. So callback functions like the ones passed into crossfilter.dimension or dimension.filter are passed the actual records themselves from the data array (using the native so any changes to make to the records will be made to the main records.
With that said, you obviously need to be very careful that you're not changing anything that is relied on by the existing dimensions, filters or groups. Otherwise you'll end up with data that doesn't agree with the internal Crossfilter structures and chaos will ensue.
The cool thing about .remove is it only removes entries that match the currently applied filters. So if you create a 'unique dimension' that returns a unique value for every entry in your dataset (like an ID column), you can have a function like this:
function editEntry(id, changes) {
uniqueDimension.filter(id); // filter to the item you want to change
var selectedEntry =[0]; // get the item
_.extend(selectedEntry, changes); // apply changes to it
ndx.remove(); // remove all items that pass the current filter (which will just be the item we are changing
ndx.add([selectedEntry]); // re-add the item
uniqueDimension.filter(null); // clear the filter
dc.redrawAll(); // redraw the UI
At the least you could do a cf.remove() then readd the adjusted data with cf.add().

Access 2010 Query with Parameter and Sort

I have a problem that I've been going round and round with in Access 2010. Imagine a table with these columns:
Name Date Time
Now, I have a query that asks the user to input a begin date and an end date and returns all records that are between those two dates. This works fine. However, as soon as I add a sort to the Date column things go awry. Once you put a sort on a column with a parameter the user gets asked to enter the parameter twice. From what I've been able to find out this is normal (although annoying) behavior in Access.
If I add the Date column in a second time and show the column with the sort and don't show the column with the parameter it works fine. The query would look something like:
Name Date (shown & sorted) Date (not shown & parameters) Time
Now when I run the query it all works well and comes out the way I want it to. This would obviously be a great solution then. However, there's another problem. When I save the query, leave, and reopen the query the two columns are merged back into each other. Thus, the change is lost and the user again sees two inputs.
My question is this: what can I do differently to achieve the desired results?
Some possible things I've thought about but don't know the answer to are:
Is there a way to make it so the columns don't merge? Do I have to use a form with the input boxes and take the data from that (I'd prefer not to do that as it will require a lot of additional work to handle the various things I am doing in the database). Is there some obvious thing I'm missing?
Thanks for any suggestions.
FYI: Here is the SQL from the query
SELECT Intentions.Intention, Intentions.MassDate, Intentions.[Time Requested], Intentions.[Place Requested], Intentions.[Offered By], Intentions.Completed
FROM Intentions
WHERE (((Intentions.MassDate) Between [Enter start date] And [Enter end date]))
ORDER BY Intentions.MassDate, Intentions.[Time Requested];
It is true that sometimes the Query Designer in Access will "reorganize" a query when you save it. However, I don't recall an instance where such a reorganization actually broke anything.
For what it's worth, the following query seems to do what you desire. After saving and re-opening it looks and behaves just the same:
For reference, the SQL behind it is
PARAMETERS startDate DateTime, endDate DateTime;
SELECT NameDateTime.Name, NameDateTime.Date, NameDateTime.Time
FROM NameDateTime
WHERE (((NameDateTime.Date) Between [startDate] And [endDate]))
ORDER BY NameDateTime.Date DESC , NameDateTime.Time DESC;
I have had the same problem and I have discovered the reason:
If, after you have run your query, sort a collumn in the result grid and the say yes to save changes to the query the sort action will be stored with the query. This will actually cause the query to run twice. First to create the result and then one more time to sort. You'll therefore be asked twice for the parameters.
SOLUTION: Run the query (entering your parameters twice ;-) ). Then remove the Sorting by clicking on the AZ-eraser symbol in the task bar above (in the sorting compartment).
Then open your query in design-mode and add the sorting order to the appropriate collumn.
Your are then good to go.

Using 'Filter by Column Value' and multi column filtering using a java vector - xPages

I have an xPage which I have built with 3 combo boxes and 1 view control. I would like to use the 'Filter by column value' option within the view control to provide the options to filter the values, allowing the user to display any combination of the combo boxes. e.g. Only comboBox1, or comboBox1 and comboBox2, or comboBox3 only, or comboBox1 and comboBox2 and comboBox3.
I used the example in the 'xPages Demonstration Application' ( or to do the multi-column filtering using a vector of non-categorized columns.
So, I have come across what appears to be a fairly major issue whereby the data needs to be sorted by date. Date is not one of the filters, but it needs to be the first column in order for the data to be sorted correctly. So my first column is a string, YYYYMMDD, to ensure the data is sorted correctly. I tried to use the sort option within the view control and that does not appear to work with the column filtering implemented in this manner.
So, as Date one of the criteria I am filtering by, I have passed that as an empty string - using the thought process that an empty string will select all (as in the url examples above).
The code I have used to do the filtering is:
var vtr:java.util.Vector = new java.util.Vector();
var t1 = sessionScope.Email;
var t2 = sessionScope.Own;
var t3 = sessionScope.Module;
#If(sessionScope.Own=="My calls",vtr.addElement(t1),vtr.addElement(""));
#If(sessionScope.Own=="My calls",vtr.addElement(""),vtr.addElement(t2));
return vtr;
What I have found is that not all data is being returned. I thought this might be due to the date field. So I removed it (changing the view and removing the first add element), and yet I still find that not all data is being returned. I suspect that this might be due to the empty strings being passed, or, that this does not actually work the way I had hoped.
Does anyone know if I can get this working the way I want it to, and if not, do you have any suggestion on how I can go about this?
Date is not needed as the first sortable column in the view. The first column does need to be sorted for the lookup to work just like the Notes view needs to be sorted for #DbColumn and #DbLookup to work. XPages uses the same underlining architecture. This example - - works without the data being sorted by Date.
My guess as to why your example isn't working is down to how your Notes view sorted. Try creating a new view with column 1 (email) ascending sort, column 2 (own) ascending sort, and column 3 (module) again ascending sort. You should be able to get vector filtering working in this situation.
If all that doesn't work for you, you might consider multi-layer category filtering (new to 853). This filtering type in XPages is related to how categoryFilter works but allow you to filter a view by the sub-category (or sub-categories) too. This technique might suit your scenario better. Hope this helps.

After join, cannot filter by attribute qty - getting products from inventory that are in stock

You have been so helpful in the past that I keep coming back searching for help and learning.
This time I am trying to get all products that have a quantity greater than 1 and that are in stock (is_in_stock = 1)
$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
//SELECT `e`.*, `stock`.`qty` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` LEFT JOIN `cataloginventory_stock_item` AS `stock` ON stock.product_id = e.entity_id
'stock.product_id = e.entity_id',
array('stock.qty', 'stock.is_in_stock')
This returns qty and is_in_stock columns attached to the products table. You can test it as follows:
The issue begins when I try to filter by qty and is_in_stock.
This returns - Invalid attribute name never performing filtering. I am guessing it is trying search for e.qty but cannot find it.
So, I tried to filter differently:
$products->getSelect()->where("`qty` > 0");
$products->getSelect()->where("`is_in_stock` = 1");
This is not filtering as well even though, if you look at its sql query, (var_dump((string) $products->getSelect())), and run that query in phpMyAdmin, it works.
Alan Storm in his tutorial mentions that 'The database query will not be made until you attempt to access an item in the Collection'. So, I make the $products->getFirstItem() call but it still not executing the query or filtering in another words.
What am I doing wrong? Any ideas how to filter by attributes that are joined to the table?
Thank you again,
I would suggest that you try using $products->addAttributeToFilter... instead of $products->addFieldToFilter... - the addField method only works when the field is on the main table that you are querying (in this case catalog_product_entity). Because the inventory fields are in a joined table, you need to use addAttribute.
Hope this helps,
After looking under the hood I learned that _selectAttributes instance field was not assigned in Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract class and that is why get exception. A solution usually would be what Jonathan Day suggested above - add addAttributeToFilter() method, however. It will return error since it cannot find such attribute for catalog/product. (qty and in_invetory are in cataloginventory_stock_item). I found two solutions to my problem both required going different direction:
One involved pursuing a way to query the Select statement that I had set for product collection(see above) but somehow it was not resetting the collection with new product. WhenI copied that Sql statment in phpMyAdmin, it worked, so how to query that statement from product collection:
$stmt = $products->getConnection('core_write')->query($products->getSelect()->__toString());
while($rows = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
echo "<br>Product Id ".$rows['entity_id'];
Instead of using catalog/product entity table I used the flat table - cataloginventory_stock_item to accomplish the same thing
$stockItem = new Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock_Item();
Now there is a collection of all products with qty > 0 and that are in stock.

Handling SortOrder fields in SQL Server

In a specific table I have a SortOrder integer field that tells my page in which order to display the data. There are sets of data in the this field (based on a CategoryID field), and each set will have its own ordering. Users can add/remove/update records in this table.
My question is what is the best way to manage this SortOrder field? I would like to "reseed" it everytime a record is deleted or updated. Is this something I should be using a trigger for? Or should my code handle it and manage the reseeding?
What I used to do is use only odd numbers in the SortOrder field so upon changing the order, I would add or subtract 3 from the current value of the modified item and then do a reseed (order the items again using odd number indexes). Also I used to reseed after every insert or delete.
All you really have to worry about is swapping any two fields. All new entries go to the end and i'm sure you've got a mechanism by which the user can change the order. The order change, move up or down, really is a swap with a neighboring field. All you really care about is that all the fields are sorted properly. Don't let a mathematical sense of aesthetic drive you into creating something overly complex. (You'll end up with holes in your sequence after deletes are made but that's OK. It's an internal sequence marker used for ORDER BY. the numbers don't need to be made contiguous.)
