Can QT and FreeRTOS work together on MCU? - qt

I may ask a stupid question. I want to use FreeRTOS as the OS on my NXP MCU MIMXRT1062XXXXB. The MCU connects to a display. I want to use QT to development user interface application. I want to know if it is possible to run QT application base on FreeRTOS on MCU?

Yes it is possible - lots of people do it. My first Google search for this hit this page on the QT website:


Running QT5 in an embedded device with 64 MB RAM

I have been working with QML for a couple of weeks now. But now a new requirement has risen where I have to check whether I can run QT5 in an embedded device for my project. I need this for my GUI related operations. The device has an ARM processor (Intel ARM920T-PXA27x processor to be exact) with 64 MB RAM. 32 MB will be taken up for the OS and the rest will be available for application and QT.
I have to check whether this is possible. I have googled for some references and unable to find a suitable answer to my requirement with QT5. I need the GUI libraries but my project does not have advanced graphical requirements like swiping or animations. It contains basic controls like texts, buttons and lists/grids. Since I am new to QT especially to this part, I would like to hear whether
1) Is this a viable option and should I keep digging more into this? Any feedback would be welcome to know if it's worthy to spend time to attempt this or if it's a lost cause.
2) If there are options, could you point me in the right direction to look more into this?
It depends on the OS you are running on your SOC.
It's definitely possible when running Linux. You can e.g. use Qt Lite for configuring a minimal static build of Qt. Then you deploy your statically linked application to the device. You can check this blog post for experiences with Qt Lite.
One possibility is to go with Qt for Device Creation for the whole embedded Linux based software stack which boots to a UI implemented with Qt technologies.

X11 Programming on Raspberry Pi

I'm wanting to develop a GUI application for the Raspberry Pi. I want this application to run without the overhead of a Desktop GUI environment, directly on X11. My google searching has led me nowhere trying to find examples of people doing this. My preferred platform is Qt, although if an option were available in another language/environment I would be open to it. My question is: does anyone know of examples of applications that do this? I'm just looking for anything to get me started.

Arduino Uno debugging

I'm absolutely new to microcontroller development and currently want to:
Understand a typical process of the development
Set I/O and tune all tools for the development.
Currently I'm using Arduino Uno (ATmega328 based)
I found PlatformIO. It looks useful for me to work with microcontrollers on different platforms
Qt Creator is a favorite IDE, and I'd prefer to continue using this for AVR programming (PlatformIO can also generate Qt Creator's project template)
I've tried to build and run first sketch there, it works. So the only question is still there is a debugging.
Correct me if I'm wrong, two primary ways to do this is a JTAG and debugWire, and both ones are "hardware" debug, correct? And, of course, require additional devices.
In other hand, Qt Creator has a "bare metal" plugin which can work (debug) with a devices who can "behaves" as gdbserver.
I also found this article where the author suggests own implementation for a library for an Arduino project, which emulates gdbserver for a PC GDB client via the usual serial connection. Of course, I'll try this way as a preferable in my case.
So the question is - please confirm that all assumptions are correct.
And probably someone uses this way (maybe without this IDE).

What development options are there for proprietary BTLE profiles?

I'm working on a bluetooth le project that will bind to android and iOS. I looked at the TI CC2540 dev kit, but I am not sure what I need to do to prototype with it. Are there alternatives to the IAR compiler? If not, how easy/friendly is it to push firmware/profiles? Can I change the CC2540 module roles (have one as a peripheral and one as a broadcaster)?
Essentially, can I use the CC2540 dev kit (with IAR if need be) and program write a really simple application that with use the GATT protocol and stack?
The kit that you have quoted is simply a demo that helps you to evaluate the TI solution. The two devices are programmed with two different firmwares: the first one works as a Peripheral while the other one works as a Central.
TI provides you also a large number of demos with related source code, hence using IAR you can develop your application.

SQLite+ Embedded linux + Pygtk or QT/c++

I'm trying to build an application in my ARM9 (Freindly ARM) board that will get data via serial port and update the database.
Now I need to port SQLite in my embedded linux and write an application to store my values.
How to port SQLite to Embedded linux
Pygtk or Qt? Which is easy for a newbie ?
P.S: I know I'm asking a lot of questions in a single post, but I just thought giving the complete picture will help to give a better suggestion. If not personalized opinions, I'll be grateful if you guys can give me pointers to good links/tutorials. :) Thanks.
You don't need to port sqlite to the your Freindly ARM ARMv9 board.(as Mat has already mentioned)
I am going to assume that you have a mini2440 or
a micro2440.
Either way it is a Samsung S3C2440 chip.
sqlite works on this board as per the following thread.
Sumeet's post has cross compliation instructions.
Qt cross compliation works as per the following thread
So does Python and Gtk.
You have 2 options when it comes to cross-compliation,
Cross compile yourself
Use a tool like buildroot or openembedded's bitbake
For further resources on cross-compliation and building packages for this board
see the following resources.
mini2440 Google Code Project, specifically see the wiki and download sections
FriendlyArm Forum
FriendlyArm Downloads
linuxmce mini2440 wiki page
HOWTO-Getting-Started-With-OpenEmbedded for mini2440
Further HOWTOs
PyGTK and PyQt are both relatively easy to learn in comparison to learning and debugging cross compilation on embedded architectures. If by Qt you didn't mean PyQt but instead meant C++ and Qt, then it not only becomes a choice of GUI toolkit, but also of language. I don't know your familiarity with Python or with C++, so I don't know which would be easier for you.
Which one you want to use is up to you.
Resources for both are linked to below
PyQt4 Tutorial
PyGTK Tutorial
