Drupal 9: dd(), ddm() or drupal_dump() missing - drupal

I've installed D9 plus devel and created a custom theme (with all the necessary files, works nicely) and enabled all the necessary dev-centric settings, but it seems that the necessary functions like dd() or drupal_dump() are not found. I've already checked that everything related to the devel module (devel, devel generate, devel web profiler) is enabled in my Drupal.
Any help appreciated!

drupal_dump(), alias dd(), is not provided by devel, but by another module named twig_tweak. It requires Symfony's VarDumper component to work. You can install them using composer :
composer require --dev symfony/var-dumper
composer require drupal/twig_tweak
drush en twig_tweak
ddm() doesn't print anything to the screen but outputs a variable to a file named drupal_debug.txt in the site's temp directory.
More on devel functions here.
Long story
In drupal 7.x and up to version 8.6.0, dd() was indeed provided by the devel module, but it was an alias for drupal_debug() (d7) and DevelDumperManager::debug() (d8), but it has been deprecated and replaced by ddm() since 8.6.0, because Symfony's VarDumper component already has a function named dd().
Now to add further confusion, twig_tweak is using the alias dd() for drupal_dump() (source).
Even if both functions end up calling Symfony's VarDumper::dump(), Symfony's dd means "dump and die" and is meant to immediately ends the execution of the script after dumping the variables, whereas twig_tweak's drupal_dump/dd does not.
The exact same thing happens in Laravel : it uses Symfony's VarDumper and overrides its dd function with a function that doesn't behave the same, instead of using a different name.


Symfony ICU Issue, routes using locale different than EN will fail

After installing Yosemite and a new version of MAMP
and when I'm trying to execute
This route is rendering a form containing a language type field, so it's requiring ICU.
being 'es' the locale i get errors. If I changed it to 'en' there's no problem.
The errors are:
[1/2] ResourceBundleNotFoundException: The resource bundle
does not exist.
[2/2] Couldn't read the indices [Languages] from
The indices also couldn't be found in the fallback locale(s)
My symfony version is 2.5, I'm running the MAMP PHP 5.5.10.
I updated dependencies via composer, including "symfony/intl": "*",
I have followed several webs in order to install icu and intl via pecl. But still get the error. I don't know how to check if the installations or the configs are ok. Maybe you can let me know how to test both via terminal and let you know what is the result...
This is because you are trying to get resources only for language es. But now (from the moment of importing to Symfony icu data) you need to get language resources via language and country codes es_ES.
You may not be able to just simply activate intl.so after the Yosemite update. I solved the issue installing intl.so following an excellent article by Danilo Braband http://dab.io/posts/getting-started-with-symfony-on-yosemite.html
Solved updgrading to Symfony 2.5.6

Iron router: Error: Couldn't find a template named "/" or "". Are you sure you defined it?

I have trouble setting up a simple iron:router example: (docs, sample app)
meteor create testapp
cd testapp
<template name="Home">
Router.route('/', function () {
this.render('Home'); // Also tried 'home'
Starting the server:
Then I get (client side):
Exception from Tracker recompute function: Error: Couldn't find a template named "/" or "". Are you sure you defined it?
at null._render (http://localhost:3000/packages/iron_dynamic-template.js?32038885cb1dad7957291ffebfffcb7f8cd57d20:239:17)
at doRender (http://localhost:3000/packages/blaze.js?88aac5d3c26b7576ac55bb3afc5324f465757709:1853:25)
What am I doing wrong ?
Note: I get the exact same error if I clone the example application (basic.html and basic.js).
meteor list
autopublish 1.0.1 Publish the entire database to all clients
insecure 1.0.1 Allow all database writes by default
iron:router 0.9.4 Routing specifically designed for Meteor
meteor-platform 1.1.2 Include a standard set of Meteor packages in your app
meteor --version
Meteor 0.9.4 <- Why all standard packages and meteor platform are > 1.0 and this is 0.9.4 ?
Currently, there are two versions of iron:router.
iron:router#0.9.4 is the one added by default when you type meteor add iron:router, this version is the latest in the "legacy" branch of iron:router that came up more than one year ago, it's the one that everyone is probably still using, although they should definitely update to...
iron:router#1.0.0-preX with X = 4 as of 20/10/2014, which is a complete rewrite of the package intended to be backward compatible, but introducing a new, nicer and polished API. This version will likely be set as default when meteor hits 1.0.0 later this year. The problem is that github page of iron:router shows this particular branch (1.0.0-pre4) along with examples that people believe are usable with 0.9.4.
This means that you are most likely using the wrong version of iron router, remove it with meteor remove iron:router and meteor add iron:router#1.0.0-pre4 instead.
Recommended reading to learn about the latest iron:router syntax :
Sometimes the guide is not completely up-to-date with the pre-release version, if you want to keep up with the latest stuff take a look at github issues.

Meteor wants MONGO_URL on startup

After then I downgrade to version on startup I have error:
Error: MONGO_URL must be set in environment
So I try set this variable
root#xxx:/home/xxx/Documents/exchange# echo $MONGO_URL
But it doesn't help.
I try to start developer server not bundle.
It appears you double-posted this in the Meteor google group as well:
In any case, for your reference and others, you are probably not actually on unless you run meteor --release From your other post, you are still on 0.6.5 and you need to add standard-app-packages for it to work properly if you were previously on See the following:

How to install mmoreramerino/GearmanBundle with Symfony 2.1.x?

I am pretty new to Symfony 2 and brand new to Gearman.
I am looking for a bundle to integrate Symfony 2 with Gearman.
mmoreramerino's bundle seems to be the most popular bundle according to packagist. Unfortunately something seems to be broken, the autoloader does not find the bundle.
Fatal error: Class 'Mmoreramerino\GearmanBundle\MmoreramerinoGearmanBundle' not found in ...
I tried switching to "dev-development" as I got from the issues that it was fixed in this branch, but it did not work for me as well.
Question: How can I install this bundle using Symfony 2.1.x?
Question 2: Are there any working & documented alternatives?
Edit In case someone else comes across this question: Here is how I got it up and running!
Install gearman, libgearman, the PECL extension for PHP (use recent versions!)
check that gearman shows up in phpinfo() (both cli and webserver version)
start gearmand in terminal 1 using "gearmand --verbose INFO" (you will see workers & clients connect to gearman - or not ;-))
start in terminal 2 reverse_worker.php from the gearman php extension example directory
start in terminal 3 reverse_client.php from the gearman php extension example directory
If this is working, you are ready for Symfony: install mmoreramerino/GearmanBundle using "dev-development"
copy dev.base.yml from the bundle to app/config/gearman/dev.yml
Now add TestWorker.php to your bundle as outlined in the documentation
enable the testWorker by using the console script "php app/console gearman:job:execute MmoreramerinoGearmanBundleWorkerstestWorker~test"
now you are able to send jobs to the listening testWorker in a Symfony controller (or somewhere else in Symfony). I had to specify the server though I am using the default host/port.
$gearman = $this->get('gearman');
To install the bundle, you need to add the following line to composer.json
"Mmoreramerino/GearmanBundle": "dev-development"
and run composer update;
Then register it in app/AppKernel.php (it seems you have already done this)
new Mmoreramerino\GearmanBundle\MmoreramerinoGearmanBundle(),

Version information on Xserver modules

I am trying to find a tool that will extract the module version information (a part of the module record) fron an Xserver module. For example, in the Xorg logs I can see the following information for the librecord module in my Xorg.0.log file...
[ 39.892] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/librecord.so
[ 39.905] (II) Module record: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 39.905] compiled for 1.9.0, module version = 1.13.0
[ 39.905] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
[ 39.905] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 4.0
Is there a tools that would allow me to easily extract the aforementioned information. Sometimes you can use modinfo on the module and that will have version information, but that does not always work. The only consistent way I know of now is to parse the xorg log file. Thanks.
Yes, there is and you can also try to write a small one.
The problem is that xdriverprobe won't compile on newer servers since I didn't update it to the newest ABIs. Also, xdriverprobe is only used for video drivers, but it can be adapted to be used on other modules. The main source code file (xdriverprobe.c) has less than 500 lines, so you can easily learn by reading it.
It works in Ubuntu 11.10... ./xdriverprobe -o moduledata gives the information you want.
Look at its source code. It does:
dlopen() the module
find a symbol called modulenameModuleData (if your module is called modulename)
that symbol is a XF86ModuleData* See /usr/include/xorg/xf86Module.h
check its member named vers
Spend a few hours and you'll be able to write a very tiny code that does what you want.
More information: http://www.xfree86.org/current/DESIGN17.html#65 (very old document, but most of what's written there is still true today). If you're not happy with that document, you have to read the Xorg source code.
Happy hacking!
